The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 10, 1954, Image 1

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Lettered T-shirts were presented to the eight
special program last week.
Sheaffer and Lee Newcomer,
Peifer, Gray Greiner, William
left to right, James Tierney, Karl Haines, Lee N ewcomer,
Ralph Rice.
Judy Frey Wins First
talent Show Playground ‘Day Camp To
Earns Funds
For Playlot
A baton twirler, trumpet play-
er, pantomime, vocal duet and
piano solo won prizes in the fi-
the Mount Joy
ground Talent Show Wednesday
nals of
evening. Judy Frey, the twirler,
walked off with top honors as
she gained 82 points out of a
possible 90 to win a trophy and
first place.
Terry Stark, trumpet player,
gained second place and a tro-|
Sally Ann
76 points.
phy on
Wisegarver and
ters came in as third place fin-
alists on 65 points with each re-
ceiving a trophy. John Harnish
and Barry Barnhart won fourth |
and each received a trophy as
they presented a vocal duet with
61 points, Darla Kulp showed
her talent as a pianist she
gained 60 points and fifth place
honors. She, too, was awarded
a trophy.
The program 73
boys and girls competing in the
nights. Approximately
700 people attended all the
shows. A total of $202 86 was
received with expenses amount-
ing to approximately $60.00.
Harry Kuhn donated his service
to the playground boys and
girls. He expressed his desire to
have that money used at the
playground. Mr, Houck, the
playground director, had hop-
ed to clear $200. If anyone
wishes to give any donations,
they will be accepted at any
The following boys and girls
were contestant winners on the
Monday evening program: Dar-
la Kulp, Dennis Skartz, Carol
West, Kitty Buckwalter, Sally
Ann Hollinger, Cheryll Brown,
Judy Funk, Harriet Hawthorne, |
Jean Wolgemuth, Sally Ann
Wisegarver, Carolyn Walters,
Lewis Hart, Mary Salerno.
These boys and girls were
winners Tuesday evening: John
Harnish, Barry Barnhart, Linda
Shields, Karl Haines, Roger
Packer, Jeffrey Mariner, Carol
Kaylor, Roberta Marshall, Bon- |
nie Brown, Judy Barrick, Terry
Stark, Ronald Pennell, Michael
Mumma, John Funk, Gerald
Grove, Gary Stark,
Becker, Roger Bates, James
Reisch, and Phillip Rovenolt.
The burgess, Titus Rutt,
has given instructions to the
borough policemen to enforce
the firearms ordinance. The
ordinance at the present time
will be particularly aimed at
the BB guns which are being
used within the borough lim-
its. The ordinance states that
a fine of not less than $5.00
nor more than $25.00 will be
issued or up to 30 days in jail.
The arrested must also sur-
render the firearms to the of-

Play- |
Richard |
winners of the
Sheaffer, David
Opens Mon.
The Mount Joy Borough Play-
ground will open Monday, June
14 at 9:00 a.m, with director
George Houck in charge. Assis-
tant directors will be John
Lichty and Miss Bonnie Bigler.
Children of all ages are invited
to attend the morning and af-
| ternoon sessions of the play-
ground. The supervised instruc-
tion will be given for ten weeks
this summer instead of eight
weeks in all the previous sum-
| mers of the playground.
June 14—Organization Day.
June 15—Mixed softball leag-
ue organized - a. m.
Baseball league organized &
crafts - p. m.
June 16—-Boys hike; girls
softball - a, m.
Baseball school; crafts - p. m.
June 17—G@Girls hike; boys soft
ball - a. m.
First baseball league game;
crafts - p. m.
June 18—Mixed softball lea-
gue first game - a, m.
Baseball School; doll show
- Pp. M.
er tll Cee i
Florin Lions Ladies
Night Is At Timbers
The Florin Lions Club will
entertain their escorts to a spec-
ial Ladies Night affair next
Wednesday, June 16 at the Tim-
bers, Mount Gretna. Special en-
| tertainment is being planned
which will include vocal and
instrumental music selections.
Elmer Hoover, professor at the
| Elizabethtown College, will be
| the guest speaker, There will
be no Monday night meeting
next week.

The Union National, First Na-
tional, and Florin Branch banks
will be closed Monday, June 14,
in observance of Flag Day.
we 0) i ——
Local Firemen
Win Prize
The Mount Joy Friendship
Fire Company No. 1 was a-
warded a third prize of $100 in
the unit of best appearing com-
panies with not less than forty
| uniformed men with music.
| First and second prize winners
| were the Hanover Fire Com-
pany and the Alpha Fire Com-
pany, Littlestown. Adams, Co.
| The locals were escorted. by the |
| Hershey Drum Corp.
This marked the first
the company paraded as a uni-|
| formed unit for approximately |
time |
| the last eight years.
| A total of 28 fire companies
took part in the parade and an|
| estimated 15,000 spectators
| lined the streets of Columbia
| Saturday to view the parade
| held in conjunction with the
| 34th annual convention of the |
Lancaster County Firemen’s |

The Mount Joy


Banquet Is
Attended By
6 30 Pe rsons Clarence W. Herr of Mount| drove the Gishes to Washington
Approximately 620 1 Joy last week was responsible | to keep the appointment.
HDI Iter PEOPLE| ph) President Dwight D. Eisen- Promptly at 12:45 they were
attended the annual banquet of
the Mount Joy High School Al-
escoried to the President's office
where Mr. Eisenhower and Mr.
hower renewing a boyhood ac-
V. F. guaintanceship. It all happened
3 W. marble tournament in a
Medals were given the three top winners, Ronald Pennell, William
The winners are 1 eft to right, front row—James Schatz,
umni Association Saturday ; “i lind
. : : Y | this way; Gish reminisced over boyhood
Kenneth night in the high school audi- . exporienne
Darrenkamp (helper for three years); back row, | torium. Nine of the twelve liv-| Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Gish of ph ding 4 Mr. Herr. 41
Earl Shearer, Ronald Pennell and | ing past and present principals’ Upland, Cal, are visiting with Pre re ny 3s gh i
: : siden ade em a e
and their escorts were honored Mr. and Mrs, Herr at their home I Pa ? ee
a ery much at ease ¢ xXpres-
guests of the association and! On Donegal Springs road. Mr, Very ai suse sind expres
sed appreciation for their visit.
Gish and President Eisenhower
were friends in their boyhood
days in Abilene, Kansas.
each gave greetings. The first
was Dr. George Mark, who was
principal from 1904-1908. He
and his wife arrived {rom Me-|
dia, Pa.
Others to speak were Dr. A.
P. Mylin, 1915-1918; Miss Edna |
When Mr. Gish congratulated
Mr. Eisenhower on his religious
stand, the President answered;
“I'm just an old fashioned fel
low and old fashioned enough
to believe there is a God.”
Mr. Herr took a box of choc-
Knowing this, Mr. Herr sug-
| gested to Mr. Gish that they pay
the President a visit. Mr. Gish
expressed doubts that Mr. Eis-
Martin, who was a teacher in!enhower would be able to take| plates as a gift from Mr. Harry
. the local schools for 40 years the time to see them. However, Stark president of Richman
{ Have Eight and served» ore half year as Mr, Herr took the view that at! chocolate Co. When Mr. Herr
. ! . Drag in I a Dr: D: Leite least it was worth a try. presented the box, Mr. Eisen
Girls Units C. Bair 1924. 1997: Fo. Thus, he called Washington, hower thanked him and said;
? oe a) and much to their delight the “I'll give that to Mamie.”
Nitrauver, 1927-1942; Mervin y m
The Little Chiques Girl Scout | Brandt. 1944-1945: Wilbur I President's secretary arranged The visit ended when the
Day Camp will open at the Mt.| Beahm. 1945-53: and Homer K an appointment — 12:45 p. m. President apologized for not
! ) ‘| last Friday, And the Herrs| being able to spend more time
Joy Cove next Tuesday, June
15 and will run for four days.
Eight units will be set up at the
Mrs. Warren Foley and Miss
Marlene Zimmerman will be in
charge of the primitive unit and
Miss Eunice Herr, Miss Thelma
Taylor, Mrs. Earl Koser, Mrs.
Clyde Brill, Mrs. Martin Ney,
Prizes Awarded
Between the main course and
the course of the ham]
dinner, gifts were awarded out-
members. To
man and woman
graduates, Ray Engle, Mt. Joy,
1906; and Mrs. Annie Gabel, of
Quarryville, 1881, fiowers were
| Locals Set Pace
For Towns
According to a news release
sent out by the committee in
| charge of the Pennsylvania In-
dustrial and Construction Expo-
Chamber of
Council To
Open Street;
Two Alleys
A bid for 500 feet of corregat-
standing alumni
the oldest
Miss Janet Nentwig and Miss presented. Mrs, Gabel: is: the ed pipe was awarded to sition, six other
Maude Buller will be in charge oldest living graduate of the Lancaster Valite Company. The Commerce have secured infor-
of the Intermediate Girl Scouts. school. Mis. Erika Pothke Har. Lancaster firm bid was $1.79 mation concerning a booth
Brownie leaders and assist- din. Mt and per foot for pipe and $1.79 for since Mount Joy's application
ants will be Mrs. John Hart, William : Barto ad Bone N. v connecting bands. The pipe will | was accepted.
Miss Dorothy Kaylor, Mrs. Dor- Were awataed prizes io he. be used on Pinkerton Road. The The Mount Joy Chamber of
othy Hanna, Mrs. Harold Bul- members coming the council also went on record as Commerce leads the way by re-
ler, Mrs. Wilbur Beahm and and nine Wonon were fonored agreeing to widen Pinkerton space and preparing ex
Mrs. Robert Johnson. Mrs Peg- for being fifty year graduates Road from School Lane to the hibits for the Industrial Show
gy Mowrer will be in charge of or older. Nye Bertha NM. Beiber borough limits to be held in Harrisburg Sept
the senior scouts. : Maurice Bailey, chairman of | ember 20-25. Inquirics from the
Mount Joy; Mrs. Lulu Clark, of
Miss Eleanor Brown, Mrs. Lancaster: Mrs. E. W. Garber, | the street committee, presented | chambers of commerce of At
Raymond Knorr, Mrs. William =. Tou Mrs E w Now. an agreement on which the topona, Williamspore, Scranton,
Gassman and Mrs. Sadie Brooks comer, Mount Joy: Mrs Pouline owners of the property on South | Hazelton, York and Indiana, Pa
will be the nurses for the four Heilis tuftolo. 'N Vv Mrs, | Delta agreed to pay for of the [have been received
days and Miss Joanne Donnick etic Long Liovicastar Nis. new street to be laid and S. Nis- As to the Mouni Joy reserva-
and Miss Dorothy Grubb will Thomas Arlington Va sley also agreed to deed the tion, one of the trains i
be waterfront directors. Mrs. and Miss Caroline Manning. Mt. land over to the borough. As Tes i’ the initial Dress confers
Robert Hawthorne will be in soon as the deed is received, the oo Juncheon of the exposition
Joy, were the honored women.
id = Yi dhe Five family groups were Sonne a bids was the announcement by Char-
of girls, they will visit the Hei honored for having a total of 5 A fyps © he! t : last los Fish, president oz the Mount
i yy two. dave: the represented at the affair. Mrs. Olowing o% on Joy group, that the exposition
Brownics and Seniors, ORG day, J. H. Lindemuth and her four on i ff il : or South will give small industries a
and the Intermediates, another daughters, Mrs. S. C. Kraybill, I oe x vi 4 be ck of chance to show their Wares lo
day. H. B. Johnson and son will Mrs. A. C. Mayer, Mrs. Miriam sh ara ror elit Mer other industries and that it will
take the girls on their bus to McCarly and Miss Ruth Linde- xe oh ; prop of the and interest firms in locating in the
the Yanch. muth; Charles J. Bennett, Sr. yi ° x be i Te ’ go : Mount Joy area.
and his children, Mrs. Miriam | 28reed that an alley could D® wpe Miss Evelyn
Mrs. Hart will be in
of the music each morning
camp; Mrs. Lester Hostelter is
placed there. He also agreed in
the future, he will be willing to
the entire
This is the
Ay, will be present
Esterline, Charles Bennett, Jr. |
Mrs. Dorothy Hannan and Mrs. week of the

business manager and Miss El- Charlotte Chubb; the five chil-| IVE any Jand for streat ah first of a number of attractions
Ee A 2p dren of Mr. and WNrs. Harold) CS beyond the present streets as "ranged for the
sie Lefever 1s Sanpete Ser EC Se Mrs. Jean far as the old trolley bed. niin
man. The Boy Scouts wi set| ~ aN, DR ay : Tien ss the | EXPOS :
up tents for the girls to sleep Leaman, Harold Zimmerman, Following a ey of —— ll eee
: Ee i : 7i A ar » figures were| aq
Mics Anna Mae Eby is dr Bemard Zimmerman, Mar- Jorough Bas, we tor in| SERVICEMAN PHONES
ir Fon ory, 7 ‘ne jer he solicitor > >
of the camp. lene Zimmerman and Gene- Hanes over 0 - eR wong AMILY FROM JAPAN
A comehis ate being made vieve Zimmerman; the five ii ve pal it ro Pfc. Kenne.h Nissley, son of
‘range -J Ss are 3 $ « < *X 1€ i ‘ ‘ .
Trang ait 4 vost a: ; ¢ daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Roy or IWR up to annex De ot Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Nis-
that ¥ i He firs Sy : Breneman, Mrs. Betty Hess, of the, property bo or sley, Florin. is serving with the
the girls are asked to : : > prese , the in, i Vin
comp 0 BE : pr Mrs. Arlene Nissley, Mrs. Mar-| At the present tame + Second Division in Korea.
meet in the high school. From (To to. bage 4) east corner of the park is not I swine
re ey will be assigned to ay ten ough limits. y 1 a ¢
hors, tin! 2 a within the borough day leave in Tokyo, Japan, he
Charles Eshleman and Lester
the various churches in town % T :
oa phoned his wife, Peggy, and his
for the day. Funk were present at the meet I : : : FR iv
| ing to discuss an alley between Yo on ne
SIX NEW MEMBERS s Bf | (heir two properties which was i Phy Ve x
Lg 277
h Korea the past seven months.
ad .
od ”
recently destroyed. To have it
there is a descrepency
Six new members were taken
| restored
into the Mount Joy Friendship $e as to its width. According to
Corns bi
regular deeds held by Mr. Funk and
Fire Company at their
Thursday evening Ray Myers, the alley should be
meeting last
at the firehouse. They are C. 14 feet wide but according
Richard Nissly, Raymond Earl | Mr. Eshleman, the alley should
Myers, Frank F. Walters, Jr, | pe 22 feet wide. A survey was| The Mount Joy JayCees will |
deeds are| enter two tennis players in the
United States National JayCees
Tennis Tournament. Local el-
iminations will be held Monday
evening, June 14, 6:00 p.m. at
the borough park tennis courts
voted to see which
The group voted to purchase
200 feet of corregated pipe to be
placed on South Market Street.
Clinton H. Eby said that he
Frank G. Zimmerman, Jr., Wil-
liam C. Dommel and Donald E.
Zerphey. The fire chief reported
9 calls during the month. Miller
Wolgemuth, president, was in
charge of the meeting.

| ® ——® | SERVING AS CHAPLAIN | would deed enough land for the The winners of the local com-
The Mount Joy Police radio Pfc. Richard C. Kline is now | continuance of the alley from petition will receive all-expense
will be ready for operation | serving as assistant Chaplain | North Market Street to North paid trips to Philadelphia to the
Friday, June 11, it was an- of the 322nd Signal Battalion in| Barbara Street. Another situa- | state playoffs June 21-26,
nounced by the Chief of Po- | Darmstadt, Germany. Pfc. | tion has occurred on the alley . :
lice, Park E. Neiss, The calls | Kline, whose wife, Betty Lou, | at the south edge of the park. The contest in Mount Joy will
for police will be received at | resides at the home of his par-| Persons parking cars are park- be for boys in two groups. Only
the Frank Young residence, | ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M.|ing too near the shrubbery on single entries will be accepted
and one boy between the ages
of 15 to 18 and one between the
ages of 10 to 15 will be the local
entries in the state finals.
Mount Joy R2, entered | the south side. The problem was
Marietta Avenue. The num- | Kline,
ber is Mount Joy 3-3431. The [the Army fh January, 1953, and | turned over to the street
number will be the one re- | was sent overseas in November, | mittee with one suggestion be-
ceiving police, fire and ambul- | 1953. He has been serving as|ing made, that only parking on
ance calls. assistant Chaplain since March, | one side be allowed.
+o 9 | 1954. i (Turn to page 7)
National playoffs will be held
| in Springfield, Ohio, August 3-
| competition
| the state finals which
with them as the prime minister
of Turkey was waiting to have
luncheon with him. First, how-
ever, he arranged with
retary for a special tour through
the White House for the Herrs
and Gishes the next morning, a |
much ap- |
his sec
courtesy which they
preciated, |
On Monday Mr. Herr receiv- |
ed the following personal letter |
from the President:
“Dear Mr. Herr: |
“This note will bring to you |
my renewal of thanks for your |
thoughtfulness in bringing to
me a special box of
from Mount Joy.
chocolates | Mrs.
| Schock is president of the Sico
i . . |
I enjoyed meeting you when | Company,
[ :
School Board Given Governor Dick
Mountain Is
Brings Together President, Friend Gift By Local
Governor Dick mountain, fa- 5
miliar Lebanon County land-
mark near Mount Gretna is now
the property of the Mount Joy
Borough School District.
Governor Dick park lies be-
tween the west end of Cornwall
Borough and the east end of
Mount Gretna Borough. It has
been a hiker's goal because of
the vista it offers on many
points of Lebanon County.
The park of 1,105 acres was a
gift to the distriét by Mr. and
Clarence J. Schock. Mr.
Mount Joy. It was
you visited the White House on | placed in the name of the Mt.
Friday morning.
Dwight D
Sometime this week the Herrs
are expecting a visit from Ray |
Witter, cousin of Mr. Eisenhow- |
er. |
Cub Scouts |
To Organize |
In Borough
An organizational meeting of |
Cub Scouting in Mount Joy will
be held
ary School, 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday evening, June
in the Mount Joy Element- |
Robert |
Hamilton, Lancaster,
Scouting executive, will be
to at-
guest speaker and
The public is invited
tend this meeting to discuss the
formation of the packs Joys
between the ages of 9 and 11
are eligible to become Cub
Scouts. Den mothers will be
sought for the boys.
The School and
the new
rm ——
ciation is sponsoring
ization for movement.
Essay Winner Speaks
To Rotarians
Mount Joy Rotary club Tues
day noon heard a talk by Peter
Nissley. one of the in
the United Nations
test sponsored by the club. Miss
Connie Lane, the other winner,
was unable to be present as she
of town,
essay con-
was out
Nissley gave on interesting
account of their visit to the
United Nations, telling about
their trip through the buildings
and the witnessing of the nar
co'ics commission in session.
As a prelude to his talk he
explained briefly the set-up of
the United Nations and how the
organization functions.
He thanked the Rotary Club
for sponsoring the United Na-
tions contest and expressed the
hope that would be
continued next year.
the contest
Two Tennis Players To Be
Chosen For Jaycee Contest
7. The first prize in the national
is a $3.500 scholar
session, names
of birth) may be submitted
the Bulletin office. The medium
of the newspaper will be the
only announcement of the tour
nament so the committee
reader to tell all
players about the contest.
will be eligible if
received by 6:00 pm
evening, June 14
longer in
school is no
and ages
each tennis
entries are
In Lancaster County, JayCees
units from Lancaster and Mt
Joy will be sending players to
will be
played on the Woodford Courts, |
Fairmont, Philadelphia.
Eisenhower” |
| Joy School District in the form
school dis-
of a trust and the
trict is to maintain the area as
a playground and public park.
Forests and woodlands on the
tract are to be kept intact.
The trust deed specifies that
the area is to be used for the
enjoyment of persons traveling
on foot. No automobiles, vehie-
les or moving machinery are to
be allowed in the park area
covered by the deed and the
area is to be closed to all hunt-
| .
ing and fishing.
The present towerhouse is to
remain and be used as a care-
taker's quarters without rent.
Smoking is not to be allowed on
the premises.

Committee Is
Arthur Sprecher was named
and Clark Berrier,
co-chairman of the 1954 Com-
munity Christmas Decoration
committee at a re-organization-
al meeting of the group Wed-
nesday in the office of the Mt.
Farmers’ Co-Operative.
George Weber was re-elected
secretary and Alvin Bigler, the
Mr. Berrier, Robert Hurst and
Simeon Horton were appointed
to a committee to study per-
manent wiring for the borough
decorations. When
reached a decis-
ion, a special meeting of the
committee will called. Geo.
Albert was named chairman in
charge of decorating the com-
munity Christmas tree.
Last year ten candles were
added thus making a total of 46
units. Some additions will again
the group has
be made this year. Donalions
be received by the treasurer at
— _— -
Boy Scout Picnic
Is Next Thursday
All Boy Scouts, their families
and friends are cordially invit-
ed to the council annual recog-
nition program to be held in
the form of a family picnic at
the Safe Harbor Athletic Field
Thursday, June 17. The grounds
are available from 4:00 p. m.
and the picnicing will be done
5 to 7 p.m. Tours of the
Harbor Hydro-Electric
have been arranged be-
5 and 6:30 p.m.
The program will begin at 7
feature, Paul A.
p.m. and will
Mueller, well known Lancaster
attorney, as the guest speaker.
Awards will be made to veter-
an Scouters and two Silver Bea-
vers will be presented. Robert
U. Borneman, the new Scout
Executive, will also be welcom-
This affair will be held rain
or shine
Physician on Call Sunday
For emergency If you Cannot
Reach Your Own Physician
Dr. David E. Schlosser
. —e