The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 06, 1954, Image 1

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The Mount Joy www Tennis Team Acquires
TO |
one BULLETIN “we |LeagueChampionship
FiFTY-THIRD YEAR, NO. 44 MOUNT JOY, PA. THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1951 $250 A YEAR IN ADVANCE | Lions Elect | - | Local S Won
‘Heads, Honor § Every Award
Weltare Group Takes Over Building sport Figures [RSE but 1952's
Ye NG pie aq Vecte 3 } i
| Paul Gingrich was elected | Si. RRR t ophy since the start of tennis
president of the Mt. Joy Lions X competition in Lancaster and
Union Bank gL | 8 4 § Lad ; | ie] EE } ‘Mount Joy | at the regular meeting of the | I hv! ue Dauphin Counties, the Mount

To Be o Q ig Fi a 15 J : | | group Tuesday night at Hostet 3 ; Joy High tennis team won the
C me | ph iV ; { A { ter’s. Edward Richter was chos- | Sle i i hi ne: county league for 1954 af-
| | : : { | 0 ary u y . es | (or defeating Lititz on the home
rustees i oh hy 2 . 5 8) : A 4 3 3 3 { a oe vice IOS Chas oP of : Hn courts 4 to 3. After the “Lititz
| 1 a Su on ' i of i | ershey, seconc vice; John 3 i Pretzels tied the score at 3-3,
B : ¥ ) TR | onors Ladies | We idman, third vice; Alvin B. DURA Se | Loster Snavely and Jay Metzler
vy a vote of the members of og — ) | FCA SR i .
A Nl iF : x i recorded a straight sets victory
to win the doubles match and
make the score 4-3.
the Social * Welfare Association | ral LABS p Mount Joy Rotarians on Tues- Bigler, secretary; Ralph Alle
at the: public mecting held Wed : ’ be ne Py “AD Gay evening entertained their | Man, treasurer: Joseph Taylor,
nesday night in the local fire-
house, the Greider property will
. : , o| Lion Tamer; Lloyd Derr, tail AR J
| ladies at dinner followed by a : 3 The match originally started
“The Magic of Light | twister; Curvin Martin, Howard | JAMES GERBER Monday night but each single's
bo turned over to: the assbcin-| tid | : 5 i | and Music” presented by Hans Sutter, Samuel Harnish and Ed A Ponnivivants soldier te match except the Pete Nissley-
tion for us hy the . Mount 5 { Va : | ward Richter, directors, ah ennsylvanio Soldier 1s Ron Runk one was rained out.
¢ 3 V | : | Sports Night was the theme | 4Mining his weapon at Fort| jock Beaston, Pete Nissley and
Boy Scouts. LL Mr. Helms opened the pro- | of the Tuesday meeting. Honor- Bragg, North Carolina where Jay Metzler chalked up singles
National Bank | Left to right in the boats and lighthouse - Randy Mateer, Thomas Chunko, James Bennett, Ralph | gram with a number of vocal eq guests of the club were the Exercise Flash Burn is under- triumphs for Mount Joy but
will become trustees for the | Rice, David Emenheiser and James Ruhl. The saf ely patrol float was given an excellent rating in | jmitations of trumpet, trom- Mount Joy High School basket- | WaY. The maneuver includes Lititz’s Howie Good and Dick
building and the Boy Scout | the AAA parade Saturday. | bone and violin. The second | ball team and coaches George | the faction) vse 0 duke weap Delp defeated Mount Joy's Les-
committee Will work toward. its | part of the program was a skit, Houck and John Lichty; Ken one, or x tines Gerber, ae of ter Snavely and Harold Milli-
| “The Chink. and the Moider neth Depoe, basketball coach | Florin, is a supply specialist| gan Then the Pretzels Runk
renovation from a tobacco Circus Is Group Says No To { Ten Students | Trial.” in which took the from East Donegal; the three Win the hand Qual and Frederick gave Beaston
| . . othing an renera Supply fH : a
warehouse to a Scout house. trial be- | principals, Homer Schoener, ; + | and Nissley their first doubles
Depot Company defeat of the season
| . . part of a Chinese on
Since the grdup decided to Wednesda Two Proposed Win Prizes fore “Judge” Ted Weidler. As Mount Joy; John Hart, East Gerber. who the Ar season.
‘3 +s al ‘ ; x , - re 2 AAl'~ .
accept the responsibility of the Y x the “judge asked questions, Donegal; and Ralph Coleman. | * The final league = standings
di . : : te Approximately 400 attended Helms cleverly answered with| Marietta; and Benjamin Groff,| MY In 1951, is a veteran of the how i 3 wi
new building, Joseph T, M. Twenty-five circus and train- ne- ay treets al school safety eins ceverly .answereg =: eas A . "| fighting in Korea show Mount Joy with 6 wing
Breneman, treasurer of the So-| eq animal acts will appear in the second annual school safety | 3,hropriate songs, again using president and founder of the] 2 Se and no defeats. Charles Heaps
cial Welfare group, was instruc- | the Von Brothers Three Ring (After a long discussion a mo- | patrol party held last Thursday | his voice to represent a trumpet. Old Timers Association. is the local coach for the honor-
ted to sell the welfare building | Circus will appear in the field tion was made an seconded that 410 high school auditorium| With piano and solovox, Richard (Max) Bishop, coach Road-e-o ed five.
on North Market Street. | between Salunga and Landis-| Weary Alley be made one way | Ten students were given awards | Helms concluded the first part| from Millersville State Teach | Tennis was started in Mount
me | ville, Wednesday, May 12. Two running south from Main Street | for drawing the best safety pos- | of the program with several ers College, was the guest Is M 15 Joy =n 1930, Unill 193¢ the Po
shows will be held: a matinee at | t© Henry Street and that Lum- | ters, One student's drawing | numbers, showing the versatili-| speaker. He addressed a portion ay - cals were Lancaster County
Band, Patrol 3 p. m. and an evening show at ber Street be made one ways from each classroom was a win- | ty of solovox. | of his talk to the _ championship May 15 is the date set for the | champs, In 1934 the inter-coun-
8 p. m [from Main Street to Marietta ner. The honored students were ~~ After a brief intermission, | team. David Weidman, a local Mount Joy Teen-age Road-e-o|ty league was set up. Mount Joy
Gi a The Von Brothers are now on Avenue at the regular meeting Sylvia Shields, Carolyn Packer, | Mr. Helms took the platform a-| high school junior, sang four {4 phe held at the SICO garages. | High School won every year
iven onors | their fiteenth: annual tour A- | of the borough council Monday | Knorr, Connie Joe gain to perform as “The Worlds tenor solos. He was accompan- | The project is being sponsored | that there was a league except-
Of tl i 1 mong the act 7 wained do 5g | evening in the fire house. The | Germer. Mimi O'Connor, Kay | Smallest Orchestra,” He used a ied by Karleen Raffensberger. | py the local JayCees ing 1952. In that year, although
» sixteen bands or pa-| mo » acts are tre S, “all” : : . : 3 i ; . : ; ied el :
trols me aon ands or ba ars Cs high el vote was put on a “call” basis| watts. Jon Max, Jean Watts, | music box, solovox and piano; Seven new members were ad-| AJ] teen-agers, boys and girls | the local scores were 42 wins
Fo ee RON Mere =n OU hor Bry Ss, mr icles and was defeated 3-2. With the parry Laughman and Nancy | to present this rendition. mitted to the group. They are| who hold a driving permit or a|and 14 losses, Hershey took the
af oO TI 5 Qf wv Te orses > > Y : : 3 3 1 >} os : jin :
Sanding rating in the a : tl hi San pial absence of James Spangler from | penpnell. The evening was climaxed Robert Shank, Robert McGin-| jjcence are eligible to enter this trophy
3 ars ) aturds Z oC anzee, aerial- . Sine : : - ® |
trol . parade Saturday, Mount Bonzo, the chim ee, ag the meeting, William Dommell, a were siven | With “Dancing Under Black | ley, David Myers, Henry Zerph- | qriving contes A BR DENS _
Jov High School band was in- | ists featuring Frederick Von- | | These students were given 2 riving contest. All teen-agers SINGLES
JO; 5 2 er { LD > | Lloyd Myers and Lester Hostet- tase . . al Light” Mr. Helms did an old-| ey, Raymond Hilt, Raymond! who are interested may register Wo N/ :
cluded | derhgld, jugglers, wire walkers, i . prizes through the courtesy of 3 who are interested may register Beaston (MJ) def. Frederick
: ter voled ‘no and Maurice | mp. 1.110 aR" i. | fashioned waltz with Miss Dor-| Knorr and Earl Shelly, at the Bulle Office ao x A !
The Mount Joy safety patrol | trick bicycle riders and trained : | Tyndall's Store and Sloan's at the Bu tin ice. 6-3. 4-8 6-1.
y safety ps CP te. thom time the Bailey and George Groff ‘yes’. Pharmacy. | is Good, and Argentina tango | Plans were made for the next A §25 00 United States Saving Nisslev. (MJ) def. Runk. 6-4
on 5 - vernal i" { sals. S > ¢ © . “ uk rs IN1SSsley, Vie af. -
was given an excellent rating in | seals. Prior tc Following the discussion, Mr. The program induled a show | with Miss Dorothy Baker. As, meeting to be “Offspring Night” | pond will be awarded as the 6
> ade : i : he finale, he offered a double! Arthur Sprecher, president, was | (,¢ rjze , | ‘ .
Dommell made a motion that by the Penna, State Police train- | 4 : fram pre pres! first prize by “Robert Kunkle, Good (L) def. Snavely, 6-1
| Weary Alley be made one way x Spanish pasadoble, in which he| in charge of the meeting. Mount Joy. The second and! o.g 6.3
from: Main t | ed dogs, Sieve the Tramp and) first danced with each girl and! TL. thi "Wi i 8, 6:3
from Main to Henry and that... {iho Camp Magic from | first da g é third prize winners will receive Metzler (MJ) def. Davidson,
| then with both of them. award certificates 7-9. 6-4. 6-3
| program
The Union
the second grouping. The group | circus band will play band mu- |
featured a lighthouse and boats | sic for one half hour.
theme. | Proceeds from the show will
Approximately 3,500 students | go toward the Salunga Fire Co. Lumber be made one way from 5 :
arched i so; a arade | : » Landisville Fire fe oy : Lancaster, reading by Mrs. Jos- R 1 1 .
marched in the annual parade | and the Landisville . Fire Com | West Donegal to David, The : Rotary club presented attrac- egis ra ion The winner of this contest Delp (L) def. Milligan, 6-3
4 sdil, “a,
and 25 school bands played. | pany and the Landisville Fire " ce ho arid eph Detwiler, marimba solo by
. | OO 00 ( tv
Noon Tecelver X Jerry Buchenauer, and Chief
TT Company. School children in : 3 nap iin
ras declared v . and potted plants to the ladie s AVG. wens
the surrounding schools will be was declared void. . Great Owl of the Susquehanna 3¢ 5 x I $ ics Is Low the state finals road-e-o July 10 DOUBLES
il : : Bids for new pipe for surface adhe ; re | as gifts. in Coraopolis, Penna. Transpor : .
arble ontest excused to attend the matinee od Indian Tribe in the person of ne : Frederick and Runk (L def
perforngance water to be placed on Pinkerton | pp, pincer, Lancaster relating Forty-two children were reg- | tation to the finals will be and Nissley, 7-5, 6-1
| Road and South Delta Street | istered Wednesday for the 1954- vided by the JayCees. Snavelv and Metzler ; (M.D)
— i : authentic Indian Lore, customs 1 1 ah :
Is Saturday ause it was Weidman Sings | 55 school year of kindergarten, The project will begin at 1:00! gef, Davidson and Delp, 6-2, 6-3
. were rejected because and language. Jacob R. Corll
: - Thirteen Names Are | discovered that the size was in vad ter ol : | session. According to Charles| p. m, Saturday afternoon, May
Approximately 95 boys and | correct. A motion was then mgs eo In Forensics Heaps, elementary principal,| 15. It is advised that teenagers
girls from grades 1-8 will com- Added To Roll made to advertise for bids on 16 Si 5 EN the number is uch lower than register at their earliest conven M Y i
pete in the sixth annual marble Thirteen names have been | inch pipe ‘ne : Singing “Be the Best of What- a ri a tel tence 'T v. voor ay Queen oO e
: i 2 io 8 pipe to be opened at the Art Club Elects over You Are” by Wells and Was expected, Kindergarten is ience This is the first year for
tournament Saturday which is | added to the “Mount Joy Ele-| next meeting. : he Night” i rR | ards. | free to any child who will be the project to be carried on the Crowned Frid
heing sponsored by ihe Veier. | mentary School Dental Roll”.| Ordinance To Be Drawn Up Jai ne . jit > od i 5 five years of age on or before Mount Joy area ay
ans of Foreign Wars, Mt. Joy. | These students have completed] The group decided to have New Officers Davis 4 pr y Boot fougth January 31, 1955. The sessions -_ = Final plans have been com-
The competition will begin a visit to the dentist and are en-| the solicitor draw up an ordin-| yrs Mary Reber, former in-| wg Be gg Bi will be held in the study hall STUDENTS SEE HYPNOTIST Pleted for the annual May Hop
at 9:00 a.m. with play-offs be-| titled to have their names plac-| ance to annex the portion of the structor at ‘Elizabethtown Col- _— on Volk a Soe ..| of what is now the high school Complimen‘s of the Mt. Joy | iN the local high school Friday
tween the various classes. Win- ed on the roll of honor. They porough park into the borough jaye es the guest speaker at Syn al sawar- when it will become an elemen-| JavCees. a v| night, May 17, 8:00 p.m. The
ners from each of the eight are Judy Shermick, Sylvia | which is now in Rapho Town- the TI meeting of the Mt. rid. a junior. is the first ary school next year. program was presented to the crowning of the last May Queen
classes will compete in the fin- | Shields, Bobby Hopple, Ken- ship. That portion is the north- | jo. AT Club Mondav night at DX 3 ig If there are any children of | students of the local high ©f Mount Joy will take place at
als which are expected to take | neth Watkins, James Bennett, orn most corner which includes {pe home of Mrs, Anna Eber- DO Se i evap oa state the proper age who reside in| school last Friday afternoon. In 9:00 p. m. She will either be
place around noon. Three win. Cheryln Brown, Carol Buchen-| the two-family dwelling. The (1. She spoke on color combi- a satition He competed ith the borough of Mount Joy who honor of the winning party in Patricia Frantz or Patricia
ners will be named and the first quer, Lois Flory, Sheryl Haines, group announced that if there nations landscaping and pros- ge Tsao pe .chools, were not registered Wednesday | the recent Youth Day elections, | Schroll. These two girls were
place winner will compete in | Helen Rutt, Barbara Becker, are any o'her property holders pective. nh saris Dale. at the school, parents are asked the JavCees presented a 2-hour nominated by the senior class
the county contest. Each class Becker, Jere Geib and Kathleen | in that immediate vicinity who The wiv olected officers) a 1 a ny Stone. to please contact Mr. Heaps at hypnotist show featuring John #0d the queen was chosen by
winner will also be honored, Leitner. | desire to be included in the an-| ki he hi > soli Al ri | the elementary school office at| Shank of Millersville State the entire school, Their escorts
In the vears of marble con- er ——— Te oa a were in charge of the meeting. boro, Smethport and Ridgeway, Cul > 2 : vill be :
nexation, they will be consider Mrs. Ebersole was chosen presi- There was one judge for the the earliest time possible. Teachers College. Wii Xt rvin Nauman and
tests, there is one three-year WA is [ Charles Zeller
BAND TO PARADE ed at this time. dent: Mrs. Eva Hostetter, secre-| contest. George Houck, music ar es Zeller. ;
I'he sophomores are in charge
winner. Carl Rahn, who is now ime ~
’ Arrangements have been made Stop Signs To Be Changed Tvs. Kathr a 3a yy ‘
i ; i > ary s. Kathryn Heaps, | director who accompanied Dav- . : :
in the ninth grade and not eli- : upon request from tary and Mrs. Kathr) Ps, Whoa I i I ren ‘s Pictu res Oo 5 Be of the affair. Charles Groff is in
for the Mount Joy High School| The group, treasurer id to Williamsport, expressed
as ’ charge of tickets and posters;
tive leatherette photo albums will be eligible to compete in| gq
special assembly

gible to compete, won the cov- |, Anadart Me Dav. cavops itizens ecidec to : wu .
band to parade in the Flag Day several citizens, decided Members who were present his criticism for the fact that
eted award for three years. He | : ; sone? i Marlene M a
3 parade in Lancaster Saturday | change the stop signs at the in- . a ihe . The Marlene Mumper, procession,
i ‘he » was in eig rore ors and Mrs. Vera | there was only one judge. The H bi 5
won it when he was in eighth, afternoon, June 12 at 2:30 p.m. (Turn to page 8) were the officers . stant Meadesville ny IS n o u e In Sue Fellenbaum, decorations,
seventh and fifth grades. Jay Newcomer. Mrs. Phoebe Krall, contestan from eadesville Asher Halbleib, orchestra: Lynn
Mrs. Susan Frimd, ‘Mrs. Susan was considered the winner not is an undisputed fact that boy. Each child or children pho i ho.

Fackler, refreshments and Jack
Young won during the centen- . :
nial year of 1951 and went on Mount Joy Will Play Host Phillips, Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman, | on voice but on breath control. the a of tomor- | tographed in this community Beaston, clean-up
Yeo J © * ’ . 20as , ciean- .
st Aventis ‘here x Mrs. Marian Mariner, Mrs, Jen- | Dalesboro’s representative was | oo wor Inti a Wil automatically be entered in . Ui
to the state finals where he Mrs. Marian Ma ) S. « row's world, our Nation, and Nis N Lord Charles orchestra from
Habecker Irs , - | second. i . this Nation-wide Contest. Beau : : :
| ny Habecker, Mrs. Sally Rob Community will rest upon the Nn Red Lion will play and decora-
. ©
placed third. . | . . .
ye To District Meeting | erts and Mrs. Mary Olson. eh ise. aise hig shoulders of the children of to- 3 Jax Tesh suey > their tions will follow a spring theme
SERVICEPINS AWARDED Mrs. J. Alfred Hamme, of urged to send their officers and the experience. He placed in day. Since this is true, the pub- selections upon the personally Representativ 5 from Marietta
Two Mount Joy men were | gnringettsbury, York County, other interested members to Dates Of Outdoor the district competition in the lishers of this newspaper would and charm portrayed in the pic and East Donegal High Schools
presented special service pins| wil] be one of the speakers at this meeting. Reservations for baritone division. Karleen Raf-'like to give you a good look at tures. Every child and family wil} also be present to honor
by the Lancaster County Gas the biennial meeting of the Cen- lunch are being received by Classes Named fensberger accompanied David these future “World Builders”. | gioup is eligible the new queen. East Donegal
Company last week. George {r3] Pennsylvania District of Mrs. Frank Young, 53 Marietta on the piano, The only way we can do this No Charge to Parents will be represented by Phyllis
Groff, North Market Street, was | {he Needlework Guild of Amer- | Avenue, Mount Joy, Mrs. Sim| Dap Camp plans were com- re is by publishing pictures of There is no charge to the par Wolgemuth and Jay Greider.
given a gold pin for his 25 years | jean, Inc. to be held in the St. eon Horton, president of the pleted at the regular bi-month- nr JOy MAN HITS TRUCK them in a feature series. To as- | ents. Parents do not have to be ip >>
of service and Peter Zerphey, | E.U.B. church, Mt. Joy Mount Joy branch of the guild, | ly meeting of the Mount Joy-| Ajfred McGuigan, Mount Joy, sure the latest and best repro-| subscribers, nor even readers of MUSICAL HAD GOOD
Manheim Street, was awarded a Wednesday, May 12, 10:00 a. m.| is acting as general chairman Florin Girl Scout neighborhood jit the rear of a truck driven by | duction pictures . . . they must this rewspapsr-ia take. advan ATTENDANCE
20-year pin. | Mrs. Hamme is the state exten-| for this event. | meeting Monday night. An an-| nrijes E. Gassert, Elizabethtiwn, all be of uniform size and quali- | tage of this feature. Neither are Attendance at the two spring
TY | tion chairman for South-Central| Also included in the morning
nouncement was also made that it was reported by Leroy R. ty... we have invited the Woltz| they obligated to purchase pic- musical programs last week
Mount Joy Sailor | Pennsylvania and has nineteen | session will be a talk on junior | outdoor training classes for the Strickler, prosecutor of the Studios of Des Moines, Iowa, a tures after they are taken. Those Was considered excellent by the
. | branches under her jurisdiction, | work by Mrs. Earl Kaag, Ham- | leaders or interested persons| pe nnsylvania State Police. [nationally known portrait stu-' who want some additional school authorities Tuesday
Arrives Home [ In the morning session of the burg and the Needlework Dol- will be held Thursday, May 6, Mr, Gassert was found guilty | dio, to take these pictures for prints may oblain them by ar- nighi’s elementary and junior
Arriving home from San| conference she will discuss the lar by Mrs. J. L. Metzger, Pros-| 13 and 20 at the Elizabethtown | illegal parking and was fined us. rangement with the Studio rep- high school program was held
Diego, California this week | “Forming of New Branches of| pectville. Following the lunch- | borough park from 1:30 to 3:30 $5.00 and costs in another sum- An expert children’s photog- | resentative when they select the on a rainy night. One of the
with the Composite Squadron |the Guild”, “Needs of Commun-| eon at 12:30, a panel discussion | p.m. each day. | mary hearing held before Judge rapher for the Studios, with all pose they want printed in the rhythm bands had 19 missing
Four aboard the atlack aircraft ity Agencies and Institutions” | will be held with Mrs. Paul] Miss Marilyn Houser, of the Scheaffer. the necessary equipment for paper and entered in the con- due to mumps. The attendance
carrier USS Wasp, is Lee Ranck | and “What Constitutes Collec- | Eshleman, Lancaster and Mrs. | Lancaster office, spoke about this specialized work, will be test. It is entirely up to them each night was approximately
| ibuti Kaag as moderators. Panel | Girl Scouting and the impor-| NURSES NEEDED { here, Saturday, May 15, 1954 The Bulletin simply wants 400 persons.
He is an aviation machinest's| tion and Distribution of Gar-
mate airman, USN and is the ments’. Mrs. Mark McGill, of members will include Mrs, C.| tance ‘of neighborhood group. A All nurses in Mount Joy | Pictures will be taken at Mount pictures of all the youngsters @— rrr ri
son of Dr. and Mrs. Ezra H.| Fort Washington, Pa., national Devin, Coatesville; Mrs. Arthur | film of Scouting was shown and, who are interested in accept- | Joy Fire Hall and will be open and the more, the better. So the ‘i
Ranck, East Main Street, | chairman of the speaker com- Wertz, Monterey; Ms. George refreshments were served to| ing ambulance calls on an |from 10 am. to 6 p.m. Mothers ard Fathers of the com- Physician on Call Sunday
The squadron, whose home| mittee and vice extension chair-| Wenger, Chambersburg; and | {he group by the Florin women| emergency set-up are asked | Contest an Added Feature munity in which this paper cir- For emergency If you Cannot
base is the U. S. Naval Air Sta- | man for Montgomery County, Mrs. Arthur Mayer, Mount Joy. in the Glossbrenner Evangel-| to get in contact with Mrs. To add to the interest and fun | culates shou'd remember the Reach Yeur Own Physician
tion, Atlantic City, New Jersey, will give a report on the nation | This is the first time that a ical United Brethren Church.| Joseph Germer, Delta Street, |the Studios will award $500. 00 date May 19th at the Fire Hall, i
served an eight month cruise in| meeting held in Charlotta, N. C.| district meeting will be held in| The next meeting of the group, Mount Joy. in CASH prizes . . . $250 to the | and not fail to bring their chil- Dr. William Workman
Korean waters. All branches of this area are| a small town. | will be held in September. ° e | cutest girl; $250.00 to the cutest] dren to the photographer. o_ . °