The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 22, 1954, Image 6

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Be p= Re 4 = \ on ' ) 0
BT Na N74 Ly
bids Xx = . W ah, Ha it b FN 9 |
: cs ere THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday, April 22 6
n age of Fir ire || BY FBANRLW 4 MEE . A wedding was solemnized in usT A LIL ACT T 2
Editor, American Peoples Encyclopedia the Church of the Bre hren at Fini ps
. Curryville, Easter Sunday, Ap- TO GET YOUR e
in Mount Joy | ril 18, 1954. Miss Alice Pauline ATTENTION WHILE
d Vieini Kanode, daughter of Mrs. Av- CAN SERIOUSLY
| an icimty ery O. Kanode and the late Av VE PUT IN
| 2 . 4 ery O. Kanode of Martinsburg, A PLUG” DAMAGE
{ 2 LN ; A (TC “Gui ( R. D. became the bride of David
| SE DCE per ols dnd Ze Spe ie “Cp Glendon Heisey, son of Mr. and FOR YOUR
| : kui u .
The bride, given in marriage hi \ You Can Prevent This Now By
by her brother, Arihur S. Ka- SUPERS) Pg Calling Or Writing: —
node, wore a slipper satin FIC
hy Wm. J. Powers

Dr H. C Killhefer
gown and a finger tip veil. She
carried a white Bible covered JOR
with carnations i CO
1 S, pink skeat re


MANNHEIM WA J ai “1 so Stree
S 81 heart roses and flowing stream- 1 PRINT ING 5% + Iv w. Bainbridge Street,
T ers, tied with baby’s breath. — we A ELIZABETHTOWN BW
1 1 + ¢
Van sunes 9 20 “EWS PERTAINING TO ALL Green Tree Church of the Miss Enice Feather was the! patronize Bulletin Advertisers
THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOV| olen Elder maid of honor. She Wore an Ort | sue
Tues iS v . ANI" > a { Abram IN. .sne an, uy Dy ‘hig : ta © ov .
oh Fri. 9 AND THE ENTIRF SUR- | J. Samuel Sherer, Supt. dent chid taflfeta gown with a shoul Id E i i h ds Th 3 il i
nro 1 coving comity. ent ae) Sho | Pop She ee 7000 ng meh vel, She ii ouy, tveryw ore, ine bulietn
E. High St : 8:45 a.m. Sunday School THE EXACT GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER OF hemi | Gf a bouquet of mixec
Telephone 24-F Rid ty lical Uniteq | 7:30 pm Worship Service THE UNITED STATES 1S DESIGNATED 8Y A \ed flowers. 25 >
RL VER ; St sl 5 range RE nitec Sa STONE MARKER NEAR LEBANON, KANSAS J:D.G | Miss Miriam Oldham and
g yrethren Chure NT; ; 0 : | i ; i
Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor Florin Church of the Brethren | — —— = —====== | Miss Lois Miller were brides- Sim le Io a and
dav. April 2511 | Abram N. Eshelman, naids. Thev wore ideniies vol 4 4 :
9:00 hy yon School | Elder in charge Church Young People (PSEA Plans Meeting 4h he Yo Si > hs particularly those seasonal “all-
f sSuhaay i , TM Tach an | ow taffeta gowns and matching "
EWEL 10:15 a. m Morning kin al 1. Supt. To Hold Service |For Millersville veils. Botnet: ors care out efforts—protect your tele-
7:30 pm. Service conducted * ay, / L 2. . NT Corin Res Tr AR : Ye
Phone 3-4124 w The Mount Joy Youth Coun- | 8:45 a.m. Sunday Sehonl, ow The Mount Joy Youth Coun-| L@ncasiel Co ourth An-| mixed flowers. phone! Never place it in an
§ x ENNA i l. Rev : Wallace E. Fisher, 10:00 a nm. Morning Worship | jy win sponsor a united church aa) van Dine Bduos. Miss Beth Kanode, niece of meas window even for a mo d
St Dbreachel : service Sunday evening, April on bi = ation mee fing Will | vie Bride. wore a whith. satin open wi ven for -
i ah hs Lancaster County Rhec ms ( hurch of Bret ren 25, 7:30 p.m. in the St. Mark's | P¢ held wrsday, £ pril 29th at gown and carried a basket of better ment, Or on an unsteady rest
1:30 p.m .ancas - 4 Abram N. Eshelman YIP . i! { 6:45 in Lyle* Hall Dining Room . :
E.U.B. Youth Fellowship meet- E. U. B. Church. The Rev. Wal- a ' | spring flowers. . +
( Elder-in-charge Millorsville State Tenchors Col) ing place. Be sure it is covered
ng at Otterbein ( hurch. Lan- Leroy Hawthorne, Supt. | lace Fisher, pas'or of the Trini- i : : : oe Master Nelson Heisev. bro I ele hone 3
caster 1 or 8 ght 3 il 25 ‘ | lege eo : sats inti {
| or > 3 2d inior High nigh Sunray, 4p 2a ( ty Lutheran Church, Lancaster, | i Elizabeth T LC ther of the groom, carried a sa- when painting, papering or
Hest ay : is Sunday, Apri 8th | will be > | Miss Elizabeth Troxell, Coun 3 : > 3 Te Be . J
i 30 bm Youth Fellowship" 5 m. Sunday School will be the Sues Spe aker. ty President, will preside | in pillow to the altar. Service plastering. Remove any kinks
§ Roller Skating Parl | 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Miss Mae Zink will havi Mrs Dorothy Waldo Phillips Walter Heisey, brother of the :
i Wednesday rn charge of the program and will ul was best man. Glenn E or knots in the cord. Simple
7:45 p.m. Family Night pro . be assisted by several of the 2uthor and lecturer of Lans-| 300M. wa an. wenn b.
gram, recognition of members The Church of God [0c Py ¢ > 1 downe, Pa. will address the | Smith, - Roy E. Stern, Eugene care for your telephone helps
Electric Wel eceived into the church during Rav, F Helwig, Pastor young people of the churches in | group on the subject “The Ram- | Heisey and Warren Heisey were Kk i f dil
Pr 16 vear Sunday, April 25th town. Specia sic wi DT Dw SH : a It In perfect ¢ mon.
and Gas eid ling Ae ar 9:30 a 3 Sunday School own bocial music wil) be pro parts We Watch”. Special mus- the usher eep Pp ¢t con on
Thursday : , | vided by a vouth choir organiz- et # ev. Isaac S. Kan br . |
i 7:00 nm Children’s Choir , Lester Eshelman, Supt. : for this is will be provided by the Mil- ev. Isaac S. Kanode, brother
e On rehearsal 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. | © eshe cially for this service { lersville Sinte Teachers College of the bride, performed the cere-
1 MM WELDING 7:45 p.m. Children's Instruc Bb 7 30 pm Comming Young After the program, the youth Pi te ee mony, and was assisted by Rev
x AT cup tion Class eoples Service in the E. U. B. | council wi ld: leet of 15 nL, 7
ANDY QUIPME? i i 0p Senior Choir re Chose ads : | nal iy oe os pi wy Price of the tickets is $2.00 Henry Ginder of Manheim, Pa.
10 m. Senior Cho | officers. Refreshments will then! rr Miss Grace S a)
hearsai Wednesday | . wnt av : Miss Grace Stone rant
A and Truck Welding hearsal ne: lay : Spore be served in the social rooms of | reservations may be made : : ner of Gr nt
— Bible Study and Prayer 3 mn 0 ony. rere ham, soloist, was accompanied
LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Meeting | the church from your district representa b iss Mari
Solna 8. ian | a —— | tive or Mr. Gilbert Young, 27 Bi Marjorie Carper, sang
L Church of the Brethren : ; | W. Ferdinand Street, Manheim. | ihe Pledge,” “Because”, and
Love: S Shon ‘arl Brubaker. Elder In Charge | Mount Joy Mennonite Church | SALUNGA METHODIST re roan * 1 Tne Lord's Praver™ Mis Car.
Yu ¥ iy John Herr. Supt. Biship Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, | ppepivES MEMBERS : ST the Lordi. |
hy and Marietta Sunday, April 2511 Henry Garber, Henry Frank Dota of | REV. ROBERT A. BYERLY per plaved the traditional wed-
delta and Mariett ire 1ay, Ap? «atid . : | bra Jean Schreiber augh TVR ToT re IN ding selections
MT JOY. Pa Phone 3-593 1:00 am. Sunday Schoo wn Pastors Dehra Jean Schreier, daugh-| 70 PREACH AT E-TOWN | ding selections. |
en — ern 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship. Sunday, April 25th ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sch ! The Rev. Robert A. Byerly. Following the wedding, a re-
Xe a : | 2:0 a > Sunny Sean on reiber and Virginia Dissinger, | professor of Bible at Elizabeth ception for 130 relatives and
Fire - to 7]. Bile Study anc le Ses a.m. SEI Bonnie Jacobs, | town College, will preach in friends was held in the church |
= | Wednesday [ Albert Rodgers and Betsy Way | the Washington Street Church | dining room. i
# sod 3 7:30 pm. Bible Study were baptised in the Salunga f the Brathre Elizabet] The bride has been employed
FB ETE BBS a St. Luke’s Episcopal Church | aa Woe Viet Cra qn | of the Brethren, Elizabethtown, oo 3
3 hi ed A C Sap | The Rev. Panul D. Emenhaiser, : 3 Methodist Chanel Easter Sun- | at the 10:30 morning worship | at the Elizabethtown Hospital
2 4 ws’ ll ST.M. Vicar Nt Jow Methodist Church day by the Fev. William Har | hour this coming Sunday. prof. | for Children. The groom is em-
SUNDAY SCHEDULE s 2 Wm. E. Harner, Pastor | hor The following were also re Bocrls Lill co ct ther annual | Ploved on the farm of Les'er
© 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion. | Saturday ceived into the church member will annual | ©
RT 5 cho 57 pn Tan dinner bv the € nto cn member ox: nation service before 5 Hes |
1:30 am. Church School rn Ham I ner oy hei { ship: Bobby Ann Bishop. Jerry 5 or Serva before Lye The couple left after the re- |
11:60 a.m. Morning Prayer WS3CS Church. Public Invite ait > ' | Love Feast and Communion in ne couple left after the re-
1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays Sunda Apel 25th Sr) Harple, Bonnie Jacobs, Kenneth he absence of the Pastor. the | €eption on a wedding trip to
Holy ‘Communion - 2nd and 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. Jacobs, Grace Miller = = a . ee: «| Californi: Te mln
Holy 1 Co nm mion wd anc 10335 on. Denes Wahi a ( 2 10¢€ Bier Sao ! Ie Rev Nevin H. Zuck. who is Califo nia where they plan to
m. Holy 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting at { "Sl: anne SH Inger, Mr. conducting a preaching mission | VISIt Mr and Mrs. Paul Charles |
EYE Church and Mrs. Albert Rodgers, Geo in the Church of the Brethren | and children. Mrs. Charles is a
Wednesday Rosenfeld, Patsy Sweitzer, Bot- | in Everett. Pa sister of the bride.
- u.m. Methodist Men - ; nH t | : .
¢ God : 7 20 om Methodist Men sy Way and Mrs. David Weid- | i | After the trip, the couple will
Penna i man - | NEWTOWN WOMEN reside in their newly furnished
ran Methodist Church | | TO HOLD FOOD SALE apartment at Elizabethtown R1
: S nel v, April 25th Setonl EV ELYN WALTZ S [ The Ladies Aid Society of the SEE
School | 3:20 am, Sunaey Sclion) sie) CONDITION CHECKED | Newtown E.UB. Church will, FOOD SALE SCHEDULED
eS : 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship. According Intes! aa | The W.S.C.S hel
ing Worship Accoraing to latest reports, | hold a food sale Saturday, May je Ws >. of the Mt. Joy
) 1. Youth Grou Jaltz’s oc itior ig TT in | Mol ist Cl 3] il1 spons
p.m. Youtn Group Trinity Lutheran Church Evelyn Walt: condition is! starting at 9:30 a.m. D.S.T. in | Methodist Church will sponsor
30 p.m. Evening Worship {don val . af Nov rind .
x by ( I lev. W. LL. Koder. Pastor considered satisfactory. Evelyn front of the Titus: Rutt Insur-|2 food sale May 8 in front of i 1K! JMBI A | ELEPH( INE ( ( )
7:30 p Mid k Service. | Sunday, April 25th | who was hospitalized last week | ance Agency the Titus Rutt Insurance office. .
30 p.m. Midweek Service an : a | ance Ag y. i
p.n idweek 9:30 am Sunday School as the result of a truck accident. ea
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship

—_— A

Evangelical 7:20 pm. Community Ser. | = Sill in the hospital but. is ex- | MEMBERS ARE RECEIVED
1 rr ‘ a ’ ey . pr 1 “rye
tod Pret hren Church vice bv the Mount Jov. Youth pected to return to her home in| [nN MT JOY METHODIST
J An] 3 i Council at St. Mark's E. U. B. | the near future ! Charles Metzler, Charles
pril 25th a m or r nea Ct a : : yy
Cx Stn] Church. The Rev iii i Watts and Richard Mark were
am. Sunday Schoo or tor of Trinity Lut 37 : ) I .
{ TEL ailing F:she r. bastor of Trinity = ] FOOD SALE SCHEDULED received into the membership
30 a.m. Worship. | ep Church,, is the ? : ;
Youth Fellowship. [speaker The Sunday School of the' of the Mount Joy Me hodist
n. Evening Service Firs Presbyterian Church will Church Easter morning
Calvary Bible Church hold a food sale Saturday morn-

i Se . | held in front of the Titus
9:15 a.m. Sunday Bible School | ne e an
Brotherhood Meet R W. LL. Wilson Jr., Pastor ‘ T 1 = -
ney Rd Jr., bas ing, April 24. The sale will be Za a -
Sunday, April 25th : . ha TS Rutt lb $2 3: WOVEN

pm. Senior Choir. | Classes for all ages Insurance Agency, East Main OUR JOB
sday i a SS Neer y ; ep : ; 2s .9
: 10:30 am Morning Worship | Street and will start at 9:30 a. 1
a Y Phase . $e | « -
30 p.m Cherubetts Choir | Sermon bv the Pastor: “Made | jy. PRINTING
ya 1. Cherub Choi i Nigh By The Blood of Christ.” > IS RIGHT IN
21) yn ery 2:30 p.m. Baptismal Service | a a | ] THE GROOVE
a1 Te Midweek Praver | Calvary Independent Church Patronize Bulletin Advertisers f dma
30 p.m Midweek raye | -
in Lancaster

ce 7:00 nm. Pre-Service Prayer
a ah : 7:30 p.m. Ladies Aid Meeting 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. | . tl }
i0spiiaizailon a ric | by the pastor: “Serip- | U eo aur own ian
Crossroads Brethren tn Christ | {ural Foot-washing
= irel { A TS AP ;
30-1 rvi W. Musser, Harry L. Bru- i av ST R n 2 d
rvin 8:00 p.m. Midweek Prayer
Ee ay i hi Pastors | Service hs i : Have a Newspaper { | GUARANTEED VANILLA AND
FT 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Newtown E. U. B. Church SINGING CHOCOLATE
3 a.m. Foreign Mission- ev. O. EK Buel 0 Sk
- Vices, Sundav oil 25th ii ee, = { range ICES

bald = C 2n aries Sandwich
Cig xt | R 1d Mrs. George Paules "LIGHT SAVING 3
i i Mrs. Geory aules, 1G NG TIME ‘ §
pe roo | r'’ouched missionaries to In- D hi : n
“wit TC rr Ii: nis x 9:00 : S ay Sc ”
ONE TELLS ANOTHER, dia will speak 00 am. Sunday School pay 2 pou ds 26.
7:30 p.m. Worship 1 15¢ pound $3.99 Cookies
= I + ER Sve { . |
SO IT GOES, Hora Di Corl | 5:30 nm. Council of Admin. | suppose you had
Prog I » Talent Night
MEN'S 26: pound
SKIP DENT 18 x 36


THATS HOW OUR FUEL OIL Wednesday # horsday |
BUSINESS GROWS { 1:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. Christian Endeavor | to depend on
| i
{ 8:00 p.m. Prayermeeting.
| The Washington Street TY smoke signals ceo

Church Of The Brethren HOSPITALITY DAY LISTS id
Elizabethtown, Pa Sathorn Snort Shirts LADIES
Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor SPECIAL SUNDAY EVENT | pO 5 g
day. April 25th | Hospitality Day will be held Whi - Blue « Tan ag u S COTTON
a.m. Church Sc *hool | in Ephrata and Northern Lan- | Viz Green - Grey Half Sh S
study theme "Ahijah aclor av. Mav 2 P
s a Divided Kingdom.’ | caster County Sunday, May 2, $ 1 A IT ; 2 for 49. :
10:30 a.m. Morning Ron. hip 1954 from 12 noon to 6:00 p. m
amination sermon by Rev. | by the Woman's Club of Ephra-
Robert A. Bverly of the Eliza- | ta. |
cthtow X oo Facult rs
htown College Faculty. Nineteen homes, churches and
2 . 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship : |
us.omers will tell 8:00 pm. Evening Worship: other old buildings are includ-
o burn | The Oratorio, “The Elijah”, by i ed on the list for visitation that

98h ane
25¢ each 88.
MEN'S ————
Under Shirts os SEW AND SEW


Nae, 3 = : the Elizabethtown College- | day. Tea will be served during , : P G d
ality fuel Oil in their >
Om ih : Community Chorus, in the Col- | {he af ernoon. Tickets for adults It’s the ‘newspaper that makes the and Shorts Panties 1ece 00ds
Bomes Shem fine you need eg 1 mn | and children will be on sale at | town. It S news that makes a news- KE! Percales, Broadcloth, ele.
oil . . . just phone 3-3483. Mt. Pleasant | any of the homes. { : paper!
Brethren In Christ Church | f for C C yd.
> ‘ 4 | or
Pastors: Sravill Wolgemuth, Li HAM SUPPER The more news . . . the better...
>. H. Moyer The Hi-Gem Class of the! : >
Bungay. Aor 25th School. | Methodist Church will hold a FOR LOCAL NEWS ih ron g " “EE 5 3
10:30 am. Worship Service. | baked ham supper Saturday, ! 14 - 16 MOUNT JOY
2:00 p.m. an Ordination Ser- | April 24, 5 to 7 p. m. The sup- | y ATN QF
i i 3 | W. MAIN ST. PENNA.
vice at Mastersonville Church. ha Id 3 !
lice, at Mas | per will be held ig the church. READ YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER
| 7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
| Meeting. Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.
pon on Ba ab hs rs SNL i 2 ST, Pn ro” om a A poe, Sit gow on Re om on » ; . cin i A Mie an. 8 I WN 5 i gS rn bing