The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 22, 1954, Image 1

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The Mount Joy
TO |

Twenty Three
Awards To Be
Given Sports
Twenty-three awards will be |
presented at the Old Timers 5th
Anniversary banquet next Fri-|
day evening at the local Ameri- |
can Legion home. Awards will
be given to Dr. Harold Fellen- |
baum, singles tennis champion
of Lancaster County for 1953;
Miss Mary Anne Schofield, sin- |
gles woman's
fo Lancaster County; the out-
standing athlete of Mount Joy
High School for the year 1953; |
Ben Clinger and Jack Beaston,|
doubles tennis champions of the |
state in the P.ILALA. tourna-
ment; the championship basket-
ball team; the 1953 section win-
ners baseball team; the inter-
county tehnis champions of 1953 |
and the girls tennis téam of
1953 which was undefeated.
To date 210 reservations have
been received for the affair.
Group singing will be led by
David Brandt, Sr., Marietta and
Richard Divet, chairman of the
banquet committee, will intro-
duce the toastmaster, Benjamin
F. Groff, Burgess Titus Rutt will
offer the address of
and Dr. J. K. Miller of Lans-
downe, will give the address of
the evening.
The regular yearly meeting
will be held Thursday, April 29
at 6:30 p. m. in the Legion
Home. Election of officers will
be held and the reports from all
the committees will be given.
Changes in several by-laws will
be proposed.
— — ee
Knothole Club
Is Organized
A "“Knothole Club” has been
formed in the local elementary
school. Ninety-nine members
have signed up for membership
into the club. Any student up to
the age of fourteen is eligible for
Set up by the Lancaster Ros-
es baseball team, the club mem- |
ber with his membership card
is entitled to see the baseball
games in Lancaster free of
charge if accompanied by his |

The egg hunt orginally sched-
uled to be held at the St. Luke's
Episcopal Church last Saturday
will be held this Saturday, Ap- |
ril 24, 9:30 a.m. The hunt was
postponed because of rain.
Dog Ordinance
To Be Enforced
The citizens of Mount Joy
should be reminded that the
borough has a dog ordinance.
The ordinance provides that
dogs be kept in enclosures or
secured by a leash. Dogs are
permitted on the pavement
when controlled by a leash.
Penalties are provided for
violation of this ordinance.
Numerous, complaints have
been received by the Burgess
about loose dogs running a-
round town. In some incidents
these dogs were not known to
be residents in the neighbor-
hood where they were found
running loose. The Burgess
is contacting a dog pound
where it is probable these
dogs will be taken. Should
your dog happen to be one ta-
ken to the dog pound, you
would be required to pay for
its release. We believe all dog
owners will agree that some
control is necessary. The Bur-
gess expressed his hope that
the condition will be arighted
so that no arrests under the
ordinance need be made.
Please keep your dog out of
the neighbor's garden. When
it is desirable to let your dog
outside, please see that it is
not running loose but secured
on a leash or guarded by a
proper pen.

tennis champion |
Riedel To Drive
Blindfolded In
Local Streets
The Riedel Magical Revue is
coming to Mount Joy and is be-
ing sponsored by the Rotary
Club. The show will be held at |
the Mount Joy High School on |
Friday evening, April 30, 8:00
Pp. m.
Riedel will drive a car blind
| folded through the streets of
Mount Joy April 27. The drive
3:30 P. M. Riedel is the only
person in the Eastern part of
U. S. A. doing this trick today.
Cancer Drive
Tops Goal

went “over the top”! Setting
the members of the drive re-
| ceived $803.60. Joseph Taylor,
chairman of the drive; and the
Lions Club, sponsoring unit. ex-
press their appreciation to the
workers and also to the citizens
| who contributed to the drive.
| — —

welcome |
Public Tea
To Be Held
| Mount Joy Auxiliary of
| have a Silver Tea
April 28, 2 to 4 p. m,, in
affair is open to the public with
proceeds to go to the hospital
| linen fund.
Mrs. Frank F. Walter, Jr. is
serving as general chairman of
the tea with the entire member-
ship working toward its success.
Aiding Mrs. Walter with tea
plans are Mrs. Frances Frank,
dining room host-
Samuel Balsbaugh,
Mrs. Lester
Eric Olson,
esses; Mrs.
supply chairman;
| Hostetter, cookies;
Phillips, sandwiches.
Receiving the guests will be
Mrs. Clarence Newcomer, Mrs.
James Hostetter, secretary, and
{ Mrs. J. Bruce Greiner, president
| of the group.
Members who will pour in-
clude Mrs. William Gassman,
| Mrs. Robert Germer, Mrs. Clyde
Eshelman and Mrs. Ellis Fellen-
| baum.
en = ll CI ere +
George R. Attick, Mount Joy,
was clocked at 70 miles per
hour by state police on Route
230 in East Lampeter Township. |
| He lost his license in speeder’s
| court for 90 days.
————— ns
Family night, originally sch-
eduled for next Wednesday nite |
at. the St. Mark's E. U, B.|
Church, has been postponed
until a later date because of
conflicting activities at the high
School & Home Association
To Sponsor Demonstration
An electrical appliance dem- pliances are purchased from the| shelly, Mr.
onstration will be given in the time of the sale until the end of | Copenhaver and Mr. and
| Mount Joy High School auditor- | 1954, a percentage of the

out to reach a quota of $800.00, |
will start at the high school at |
The Mount Joy Cancer Drive |
| alumni records can
| one would know
Alumni Plans
For Banquet
Preliminary plans have all
been completed for the annual
Mount Joy High School banquet
Saturday night, June 5. Robert
Brown, chairman of the presi-
dents’ committee, will make a
report on what the majority of
the members wish to do about
the association after 1954.
Decorations for the affair will
be along the ‘years ago” theme.
Miss Christine Weidman, chair-
man of that committee, is seek-
the |
ing items for display for
Saturday affair. If anyone has
any pictures, old pennants, old
| programs, or any other symbol-
ic material, she weuld appreci-
ate a call.
At the present time, a history
of the high school is nearing
completion. One minute book of
importance is still missing. The
be traced
back to 1909. The association
had been in existance 12 years
before that time but the minute
book can not be located. If any-
the where-
abouts of this book, a call to the
| Bulletin would be appreciated.
|'school’s activities
tomime. All school uniforms are
the |
Lancaster General Hospital will | outfits at the completion
Wednesday, |
the | Outfits are still located in
home of Mrs. Jay C. Musser, | trunks, the committee
214 Marietta Ave. This annual |
Mrs. James | of the newly-formed
| “Rotarians
Another feature of the ban-
quet will be the history of the
done in pan-
being sought for this feature.
According to high school offici-
als, the boys and girls in the
1920's were able to keep sports
of the
like to borrow them for the ev-
ening. Mrs. George Albert and
Miss Betsy Bigler are in charge
sport. If any of these
| of this feature.
Invitations will be issued
next week to all the past prin-
cipals of the Mount Joy High
School to be guests of the asso-
ciation for the affair.
food chairman, assisted by Mrs. New Club President
Addresses Rotarians
Ralph W. Coho Jr., president
Northeast Club, addressed the
Mount Joy Rotarians at their
luncheon meeting Tuesday
The speaker declared that
have a task to per-
form in an economy that is bas-
ed on hysteria.” He said that
instead of so much talk about
the 3,000,000 unémployed there
| should be emphasis on the 64,-
| 000,000 who are employed.
The American people ‘never
had it so good,” Mr. Coho
pointed out with a standard of
living unequalled any place
“Our job as Rotarians to
think in terms of progress and
| to assist in making people real-
| ize that they as individuals have
the destiny of the country in
their hands.”
Mr. Coho closed by urging
his audience to foster the prin-
ciples of Rotary service,
friendship, world brotherhood,
business integrity and commun-
ity leadership.
[ium Tuesday evening, May 4 by will be given to the association.
[the School and Home Associa- |The purchase must
be accom-
tion. The affair is scheduled to panied by one of the cards.
| : :
| begin at 7:00 p. m. and will be|
The program will include a
‘Two Men Sponso

| Robert Kunkle, Mount Joy, |
has again made plans to sponsor |
Midget-Midget baseball
players in the borough this seas- |
on. After calling the first prac-
tice of the season, he discovered
that he had approximately 125
boys between the ages of 7 and
| the
this large
13 reporting.
number of boys,
tentatively, to set up a
The first team of the group
will join a city-county league,
probably the Amvets League.
In this league, games are play-
ed twice a week. With the rest
of the boys, four teams could be
set up to play on a town league |
basis with double-header games
one night per week.
Assisting Mr. Kunkle
this year will be Charles Pen-
nell, George Houck and John
tees Wine smn
Benjamin F. Felker, Mount
Joy, who honked his horn at a
car driven by Chester M. Styer,
Lancaster, to attract his atten-
tion not to enter a one way
street the wrong way, got hit
when Styler backed out of the
street. Styler backed into Felk-
er's car causing slight damage.

Lions Celebrate
Ninth Birthday
The ninth anniversary of the
Mount Joy Lions Club was cele-
brated Tuesday night at the
Charter and Ladies Night meet- |
ing of the group. A large birth-
day cake with nine candles was
cut by Arthur Sprecher, presi-
dent and his wife, and was ser-
ved to the 65 members and
| guests at the affair.
F. F. Bailey, Ephrata, was the
guest speaker and spoke on
“Remembrances”. Mr. and Mrs.
Kennel Summers were also
guests. Mr. Summers, district
| governor, gave greetings. Char-
les Eshleman was in charge of
the program. All the ladies
were presented with red and
| white carnation corsages and
| Election of officers will be
held at the May 4 meeting
which is also Sports Night. At
| that meeting, the group will en-
| tertain the high school basket-
ball team.
Other guests Tuesday evening
| nylon pocketbooks during
| Gerald
besides wives and girl friends
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
| Shank, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McGinley, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
and Mrs. George |
David Myers.

Auxiliary Hears
[put on by John Way of Way's cooking school which will feat-| District President
| Appliances.
|ger of General Electric
master of ceremonies.
ing, the School and Home Asso-|
ciation will receive 10c. Every |
be given a free
es will also be awarded.

Com- a
pany, Philadelphia, will be the imeal; a full ;
large appliances and a half hour gular meeting of the Veterans oh is sponsored by the Joy-
from 6:30 to of Foreign Wars Auxiliary last | aes. Gifts consisting of tooth |
The affair is open to the pub-|of organ music
brushes, tooth paste and combs |
lic and for each person attend- | 7:00 p. m. by Mrs. John Hart.
woman attending the affair will | used toward
from [the present high school into an
Hawaii. Several free door priz- | elementary school.
| project of the group will be the | done in the veterans hospitals | ner, Mrs. John Getz, Mrs. Har-
A packet of ten cards will be |purchase of equipment
given to each person. If any ap- | playground.
. | .
The district mana- | ure the making of an oven meal,
and a cooker
The money which will be
made by the association will be |
the conversion of
The first
for a
Mrs. Jay Ginder was appoint-
ed as poppy chairman at the re-|
Thursday. She will be in charge
of the annual sale to be held in |
Mrs. Winifred Brendle, dis- |
| trict president, was a guest. She |
| gave an account on the work |
land the parties given for the |
| children at the Scotland School. | Bigler and Mrs. George Albert. |

| were played. An
| made by
r Midget-Midgets
v X
For the first time, baseball
will be available to midget-mid-
get aged youth in Florin this
summer. Christ Zeiters,
Street, is making the team pos-
sible and will sponsor the entire
Mr. Zeiters will have his
practices and home games at
the Florin Fire Hall baseball
diamond. At the present time,!
he has approximately 25 boys
out for practice between the ag-
es of 7 and 13.
Assistants for the team will
be Donald Zerphey, Mount Joy
and William Vogle, Florin.
Mr. Zeiters said that he deci-
ded to do this because he want-,
for Florin
love for
ed to do something
and because of his
= A Yi vt
Group Adopt
Big Sister
A “big sister” project was
adopted by the JoyCees at their
regular meeting Tuesday even-
ing in the firehouse. The girls
decided to each take the name
of one of the residents at the
Messiah Orphanage. Mrs. Ger-
ald Hostetter is chairman of the |
The girls also decided to sell
next month. They will sell two
women’s and children’s
sizes. These purses are hand-
made in Kentucky.
Reports were given by Mrs.
Gene Eicherly on the progress
of the Dawn Party; Mrs. War-
ren Hayman, welcome to Mt.
Joy chairman, announced that
two new families will be visited
next week; and Mrs. Hostetter
reported on the results of the
Easter Party.
If anyone has
puzzles that are no. longer in
use, the group ‘is collecting
them to give to one of the resi-
At the next meeting, election
of officers will be held for
coming year. The meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs.
Hostetter, W. Donegal
any picture
Easter Party
Given Children
Residents of the Messiah Or-
Mount Joy R1, were
Easter Party
entertained to an
Saturday afternoon by the Joy-|
girls were
Cees. The boys and
transported by automobile
the borough park where games
egg hunt and
egg roll were also held.
Following the recreation per-
iod, the children were served
lunch in the firehouse. In addi-
tion to the food, each child was
given a basket favor filled with
candy. The basket favors were
the Brownie troop
were given to each of the chil-
JoyCees who entertained
were Mrs. Gerald Hostetter,
chairman; Mrs. Nicholas Leit-
old: Zimmerman, Betsy
[7:30 p. m.
Wood |
the |
| comment was,
WR te RT
Two Spring Musicals
Planned For School
To Star In
Grade Affair
The Mount Joy Grade and
Junior High Schools will pre-
sent their Spring Musical Tues-
day evening, April 27, in the
local high school auditorium at
No admission will be
| charged.
Asher Halbleib will play
“Poeme’ by Fibich for the or-
| gan prelude.
The two divisions of the kin-
| dergarten will show their tal
|ents in the form of two rhythm
| bands. The A. M. group will
| play “Baa! Baa! Black Sheep”
while the P. M. group will fol-
{low with “Midsummer Eve.”
| A third grade tonette group
# | will be next with the following
First Duet,”
selections: “My
“Hot Cross
“Ding Dong Bell,”
| Buns” and ‘‘Upidee.”
| David Weidman, who is com-
peting for state honors at Wil-
liamsport in the tenor contest,
will sing the following numbers
Jamesway Dealers
Meet In Town
For Conference
{ The
“Into The Night” by Edwards
and “Be The Best of Whatever
You Are” by Wells.
Following these numbers, |
Patsy Mumper will play “Sum-|
mer Pastorale’” by Leone for
the offertory.
The junior high chorus will
sing “Oh, Would My God”,
“Our Father Has Light”, and
“My Faith Looks Up To Thee.”
Ken Good, baritone
will render the following num-
bers: “Chloee’” by Moret and
“The Blind Plowman’ by
A 60-piece junior band will
close the evening program with
the following selections in the
order listed: “The Commander”
“Drifting Shadow’ and ‘‘Lively
Feet”. Terry Stark will play
| “Darktown Strutters Ball” as a
{trumpet solo. After this number
the junior band will finish with
“Wheels of Steel.” “Junior
Prom” “Prep Parade” and “The
Star Spangled Banner.”
Karleen Raffensperger will
accompany David Weidman and
Llnne Fackler will accompany
Ken Good.
Both evening
under the direction of
Houck, music supervisor
— —
Mrs. Arndt Is
New Treasurer
Mrs. Josephine Arndt was ap-
pointed to fill the office of treas-
urer at the regular meeting of
the Mount Joy Friendship Fire
Company Auxiliary last Thurs-
of Mrs.
programs are
day. The resignation
John Charles was accepted
A food sale will be held May
29, 11:00 a.m. at the fire hall.
At that time chicken corn soup
will be on sale. A Dutch Maid
demonstration will be held at
the next regular meeting May
The fire company and auxil-
iary Memorial services will be
held at the Trinity Lutheran
Church, Sunday evening, May
2, 7:00 p. m. Members of both
| groups are asked to meet at the
fire hall.
Approximately fifty distribu-
tors and dealers of the James-
way poultry company had a
special dinner Tuesday evening
at the Stevens House, Lancaster
distributors, representing
states from Maine to South Car-
olina, met earlier in the day at
the office of the company, in
Mount Joy to discuss a new line
of power choring equipment re-
cently added by the company.
Wednesday they toured poultry
farms in the local area
their ventilation and feeding
B. F. Zaflke, vice president of |
the poultry division at the main
office, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
was the principal speaker at the
dinner. Remarks were made by
Russell Granton, branch mana-
ger and M. A. Reynolds, sales
manager of the dealer division,
both of the Mount Joy plant.
rr —
VFW to Hold
For the sixth year, the Veter-
ans of Foreign Wars Post 5752,
Mount Joy, will sponsor a mar-
ble tournament in the local el-
ementary school. The tourna-
ment will be open to all boys
and girls in grades 1-8
The VFW will award medals
to the first, second and third
place winners and will also give
small prizes to the winners of
each grade. The contest is run
by having the children play off
in each class. The grade win-
ners compete in the finals. The
winner from Mount Joy will
then compeie in the county
playoff, then district No. 9 and
finally state
Last year's winner was Lee
Newcomer. In 1951, Mt. Joy's
Jay Young won the local title
the county title, the district tille
and came in third in the state
finals. Warren Foley is chair
man of the project
Old Timers
To Sponsor
All players on the 1953 Mid
get baseball team are requested
to take all
baseball equipment to
Halbleib as possible.
There will be a of the
midget baseball team committee
uniforms and other
soon as
in the near future
The team is sponsored by the
Old Timers Association and the
chairman of the committee is
George Brown, II. Other
bers of the committee are John
Lichty, Christ Walters, Bernard
Kear, Russell Halbleib, Richard
Divet, and Charles Fish.
The committee
manager and representatives to
the Lanco Midget League.
will elect a

Students Honor Bus Driver
In Afternoon
The school busses parked out-
side the local high school Tues-
day afternoon as usual but no
H. B. John-
son was summoned into the au-
students appeared.
ditorium and there he noticed
the entire student body was as-
Called to the stage by Charles
Mayer, Student Council presi-
dent, Mr. Johnson was present-
ed with a watch as a token of
appreciation for what he did for
the students during the recent
basketball season. His only
“I wish I could
make a speech”.
Following the presentation,
the entire student body joined
[in singing, “For He's A Jolly
Good Fellow”.
Mr. Johnson
transported ap-

proximately 60 students to each
basketball game free of charge Dr. Thomas O'Connor
during the recent season.
‘High School
Will Present
Last Program
The Mount Joy Junior and
Senior High School will present
its Spring Musical next Wednes-
day evening, April 28 in the lo-
cal high school at 7:30 p. m.
| There will be no admission
Asher Halbleib will play
“Garden of Faith” by Nolte for
the organ prelude.
The junior high chorus will
open the evening's program
with the following seleclions:
“Oh, Would My God.” "Our
Father Has Light” and “My
Faith Looks Up To Thee.” Pat-
sy Mumper will accompany the
Two selections, ‘“Chloee, and
“The Blind Plowman,” will be
sung by Ken Good, baritone
The senior high chorus will
render a group of selections:
"“Give Me This Day” by Peery
and “May Now Thy Spirit” by
Following these numbers,
senior class members of the sen-
ior chorus will receive chenile
letters for participating in the
chorus for two years or more.
Students to receive these letters
will be Marilyn Bernhard, An-
na Fletcher, Janet Walton, Mir-
| iam Tyndall, JoAnn Brown, Ju-
dy Kopp, Betty Hosletter, Mae
Zink, Ruth Weidman, Darlene
Schneider, Owen Phillips, Lois
Rutt, Dorothy Brooks, Shirley
Wade. After the awards are
completed, the senior chorus
will conclude with the selection
“My Own America.”
Lynne Fackler
“Melody In F” by
for the offertory.
The junior band, with Terry
Stark as trumpet soloist, will
open the second part of the pro-
with the following selec-
“The Commander,”
Shadow,” “Lively
“Darktown Strutters
Wheel of Steel,” “Junior
Prom’, ‘Prep Parade,”
Following this David Weid-
man will sing, two tenor solos,
Into The Night”, and “Be The
Best of Whatever You Are.”
The band will then
play the following selections:
America March,”
Lady of Spain.” and “A Trum-
Lullaby.” The latter
number will feature Carol
Smith as soloist.
these three num-
class members
of the band will receive pins
and the numbers of years of
vears of service plus a Chenile
letter to receive these
awards are: Carol Ann Smith,
Connie Lane, Shirley Smilh,
Charles Mayer, Robert Fish, Ir-
vin Nauman, Ralph Berrier and
Charles Zeller
After these awards the band
will play “Wings of Victory,”
“St. George Overture” and
“Semper Paratus.”
The combined bands and the
choruses will bring the program
to a close with the singing and
high school Al-
will play
and of
bers the senior
playing of the
Mrs. Olson Speaks
At Art Club Meet
Mrs. Arthur Olson, Florin,
spoke at the regular meeting of
the Mount Joy Art Club Mon-
day evening. She reported on
Edgar-Hilaire-Germain - Degas,
famous artist. She also
reproductions of his
Included in the art club are
members from other parts of
the state, Long Island, New
York, Massachusetts and Calif-
ornia. These members bring in
their ideas of interest from the
other states.
D. S. T. 1S HERE
A reminder is issued to the
public to turn the clocks ahead
one hour Saturday night, April
Physician on Call Sunday
For emergency If you Cannot
Reach Your Own Physician