The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 15, 1954, Image 6

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[Faster Drama To Be College Man 'Thirty-Nine Accepted THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday. April 15 6
Held By Church Youth | : Into Church Sunday
The annual Easter Drama by Receives Honors Thirty-nine new members
the Youth of the Church, will! J. Omar Brubaker, son of Mr. | were accepted ino the memb
|and Mrs. Harry E. Brubaker, | ship of the St. Mark's Evangel
{of Mount Joy, Pennsylvania ical United Brethren Church at
Are You Proud of
day and Sunday evenings at Suhda. Servic
ie i was awarded semester honors the i 3 tata,
7:30, in the Washington Street held | Those accepted were Bonnie 1 “| Your Letterhead?
at the honors convocation
Church of the Brethren, Eliza-| in the college chapel at Wheat- Bair, Janice Berrier, Caro
InCaseof Fire |
in Mount Joy

be presented this coming Satur
and Vicinity
on, Ill. on Tuesday, April 6. Buchenauer, Edwin Flory, Bar
bethtown. This vear's porira
Omar a sophomore student, was ry Geltmacher, Pamela Lyons,
of the Easter story is entitled
y . , +. | one of 350 students s © Randolph Maleer, John Musser,
God So Loved The World”, one of 35 uden o honored = is :
for maintaining a 2.2 grade-| Thomas Meckley, Helen Musser,

- 4 TE rR . 0S ino \ { i t
_ - and pictures the mounting ten point average per hour for the| Mary Ann Musser, Roger New terhead silent
J L rt sion in the life of Judus as the | frst semester of the school vear, | comer, Wilbur Nissly, Judith ur push Amy idor to new
| | dnd . Wer p lv Joek | y 1 : 3 xe Vick Marlen Qi . y \ Tout
Dr H.C Kill vetior | | events o Holy Week unfold. Wheaton college is a liberal | Schermick, Mariene Sinegar, OrOSY v amd | tomers alike. Make sure that
—~ i Out of the confusion of Good! aris snd sciences oc ‘or : Philip Sinegar, Jean Staley,
\ Optometri 4 Frid: eg arts anc Scie nee college and opty > : t is worthy f vou Let u 1 and print a
| | riday, there emerges the faih| only freshmen who | Joan Staley, Terry Stark, Sally
a |of Judas' little niece, Tirzah,| rank in the upper one-third of | Ulrich, James Webb, Richard letter! | you CAN be proud of |
i who is healed of her blindness, their high school graduating Webb, Carole West, Albert Wil
|, and the entire presentation and meet the Wheaton liams, Ruth Ann Williams
Nn. & Wednes 0 3 RT] INS v Me : ‘here nde ot » Factor . p \ : " tarv Vool |
Tues. Fri. Sat. 7-9 P. M MENS TO Aa — Ye Re ends on the Easter note of hope | Christian standards. More than | Gary Vogle |
y > <Q y mm { \ as | ar . } Q N evi Pym ‘11 . i
Yael er) im HE CHI RCHES IN MY. JOY lCiocy Fr, | and triumph : Mrs. Nevin H. | 1700 students from 46 s‘ates Herman Geib. Mrs. Christian
920-1 PM AND THE ENTIRE SUR- 1-3 p.m. Services in Church | Zuck is directing the Drama, | ang 34 foreign countries are en- | Flory, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton {
Spay . NT Dy 1 the cast ine gs: Ke \ : ‘ ‘ :
ELIZABETHTOWN ROUNDING COMMUNITY of God [and the cast in ludes: Kenneth | at the college this year. | Geib, Mrs. John C. Nissly, Mr |
15 E. High St Sun Sie Inn Sapics {| Byerly, Elaine Biough, Vernon OE... and Mrs. Donald S.aley, Mrs
Telephone 24.F ASTIN Worship service al) Belser, Frances Hoover, Shirley Np ow
EE St. Luke's Episcopal Church 9:00 a. m. (Please note) 2m Be yD Church Young Peopl and Mrs. David Frantz, Delores
- Che Rev. Paul D. Emenheiser, 10:00 a.m. Sunday School | Raffensperger, Tommy Espen - g ople Frantz, Dolores Sheaffer, Fman- i |
STM Viear Tuesday shade, Barbara Wenger, Nancy To Hold Service uel Hendrix and Clarence Heis 02
SUNDAY SCHEDULE 10:30 3. W.S.C.S. meeting | Greenawalt, David Goodling, | rv , . ey vat Page 16 8 = !
8:00 am. Holy Communion. !at Coatesville {and Willard Hackman. Leading| . The Mount soy Youth Coun.) be: sol lls ic - {
yee Service 0:30 a.m. Church School Wednesday Oe : _ | eil will sponsor a united church i
wie ASCE YiIWW 11:00 n. Morning Prayer - | S. C. S. Meeting the worship each evening are : ADT rervbody i i 2 :
11:00 a VIorning Pray W. S. ( Meeting | | service Sunday evening, April Everybody in this locality reads |
Linnea Hanson, Harold Daveler : oe oun oy u e in 1
1st. 3rd. and 5th Sundays Saturday or m.o xt 7 1 : y
Holv Communion ond and 25, 7:30 p.m. in the St. Mark's | The Bulletin—that's why its adver-

SAWING PRUNING 5-7 p.m. Ham Dinner at the | Phyllis Kulp, and Ralph Wil- EU B h The R
3:4 Hol Church { liams. Musical fealures include I Pid Church > y a dsing in the Bulletin
ANT CPRAVINGC yo Javs - 0 a m oly — y 1: mm } lace Fisher. )asior ce "1nN ————
AND SPRAYING : la Violin Trio composed of Ann | Ps ¥ ol th rin ————— EL A4 ard RTO Cea

Communion : ‘ Wy Y Cc . actor
( Salnnga Methodist Church | Risser. Esthér Hershman. and) ty Lutheran Church, Lancaster,
ON rid: | . : | wi > > f st speaker
B B IBACH Fs mn A . eis CO d Friday . : { Barbara Hoffman, with the will be he guest sp keer, :
. « AL i Crossroads Brethren tn Christ 12-3 p.m. Church open for | : i Miss Mae Zink will have ’
A EA Tr Church Driver [ reading of Joyce Hoover, and a .
\N PA Li ! charge of the program and will Q, io

139 S. Main St., M IEIM : : i
frvin W. Musser, Harry IL. Bru 2:00 p. m. Children meet at | several anthems by the Youth | : ®
Phone 54616 35-tfc baker. Paul Z fleas, Pastors. Baer's Farm Choir. This traditional produc- 3 by sven) of He NY &
Sundav, April 18t vil 18 i ‘oung people » churches ®
9:15 : Fe School MM i: Heh tion a'tempts to provide in a YOUN8 P oe o fhe Slur a > A 7” h
9:15 am inday Schoo EASTER i : : . | town. Special music will be pro
= gas Tan 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship | 9:30 a.m. School drameilc setting He events Inf id bv a vouth choir ordeal (4 :
Vednesdan 10:30 a.m Worship Service. |the life of Jesus which have | V'd€d DY a youth choir organiz ®
AD A M H GREER ton, Prayer Mesting Fhursday transformed the life of the ed especially for this service. 2 4 Zz
4a . 3 - Thursda 7:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship world | After the program, the youth y i
JEWELER —— iis
7 AL pm. Woe n's Mission | ee th — { council will hold an election of % Ws tch F
yer cu Mount Joy Mennonite Church { officers. Refreshments will then & ¢ or
ee Ji Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, Ergatan Class Plans | be served in the social rooms of
MOUNT JOY, PENNA The Cinch ot Od A RO a, An A J’
i ho a P { nry arber, Henry Fran 'Mother-Daughter Meal | Ge church. nnouncement Y:
Phone 3-4124

" Helwig, Pastor Pastors — —
Sunday. April 18th Sunday, April 18th | "me Broat: 3 av 3c =
(9:30 am Sunday School 9:00 am. Sunday School. ia hoa} LANCASTER CONFERENCE 9 |
elma, SUM. veal pam. Young Peoples | ee os mo | LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD
10 0 am Morning Worship Meoting i its monthly meeting Tuesday | |. : :
w 28 Pp. M. Evening Worship Wednesday : evening, April 13 at the home YO HOLD CONVENTION F 1 : i
on Sak 3 Missionary Meeting 'd 1 30 p.m. Bible Study of Mrs. Mark Mumma Mrs The Lancas'er Conference hin caturing This Week - i
i { n Mz ung Saturday . ape Yue, "Wh r a 3 > 3
Thursday 7 30 p.m. Preparatory Ser Hubert Rice was co-hostess with | Lutheran Brotherhood compris- i
nh. Pastor's Clas its I Sirs. Numima ing the Lutheran Churches of Poy 3 T
SR x rm | Following devotions. a busi- | Lancaster City and County will Luscious, ender ;
Electric hold its annual convention in
The Washington Street | oe . Tan i | .
: i St. Mark's Evangelical United | ness meeting was conducted
Cas } elding ( ke Dj he Brethren Brethren Church which was followed by an auc-| St. John’s Lutheran Church, at
a ——

Elizabethtown, Pa Fo >: tp y m
A Fzra H Ranek, Pastor bi aig mo . 221 E. Orance S 2; sdayv
aise Suecialize On vin H Pastor Sunday. April 18th | tion sale. The class decided to 221 Je. nt BABS St., Pa. Tuesday,
LIT | April 18th Faster Day hold a Mother and Daugher April 20, 6:30 p. m : ? 5
FARM MACHINE WELDING 9:30 am. Church School 9:00 a.m Sundav School banquet ia the social rooms of A feilowship dinner will open 3 EN °F Br
TN DID oh Cowen Slow, a.m’ Sunday School | bang soc ; orn: | 52 ALL SIZES
AND EQUIPMENT i 1 ! hem LC 1 10:15 a. m Marning Worchir | the Florin Glossbrenner EUB the Convention at 6:30 P. M Bb , wo i & i
Automobile and Truck Welding 10:20 Morning Worshin: | ; ration of The Lord's SUP: f church, Tuesday, May 1 A Male Chorus from Grae
I . ‘se © “hire - va "2 3:
LAWN MOWER SHARPENING | fermion, “The Dead Shall Live 7:30 pm. Evening Worship Refreshment were sérved tp) Lacheran Church. lancaster
£2 be 5 The Lord's Supver: musici-by | the following: Mrs. Samuel | Will sing. The Rev. F. A. Dach-
Li vor'e Welding Chan Ia wo Tye yor God the Children's & Senior Choirs. Dock, Mrs. George Broske. Mrs. ling, Pastor of Zions Lutheran ;
4d i 0 JIB Loved i I ort Wedne ny Midweek Pravey | 427 Barnhart. Mrs. John Zeller, Church, Lancaster will deliver
Tt {MM n.n Midweek faye : rs Si prvi {
elta and Marietta Streets also) service : Mrs. Robert Frey, Mrs. Nissley the address
WT JOY PA Phone 3-595 Thursday Erb, Mrs. Margaret Mackison,| The president will take) ——
retin it ois - - Wennesan - Ln 6:3C nm. of the Mrs. Robert Schroll, Mrs. Eu- | charge of the business meeting. | i
: A ' la : : a Goon Cheer Willing Workers gene Furk. Mrs. Russell Funk, The Rev. Warren C. Heinly, i
Hawa | ind Loval Sons Cla 3 at’ the esi hei Lancaster
i PhS C0 Landisvil’e Fire Hall \[rs. Robert Brandt, Mrs. Helen | president of the Lancaster n
Donegal Preshvtarlan Church | Stett'er. Mrs. Asher Beamen- ference wiil install the newly i
Mount Jov R. D. 1. Penna : ™ v . Poe i Youd . elected officers 5
; wy, oo 5 ie y Green Tree Church of the lerfer, Mrs. Harvey Hawthorne, | €eclec ¥
Ha § 2 B72 [= Har C. Durfee, Pastor Breothre: : I . G9 : i Wr a ee — @ —-— i
8 Ew Gl 20 8% bs © April 18th oe Mrs. Edward Pennell, Mrs. Ray :
7:00 n. Easter Dawn Ser Ay En pn, : ger mond Hilt, Mrs. Flory Newcom- | HOSPITALITY DAY LISTS
ammnel Sherer. Sun : nr “7 TNT NY TANT
o wirch. Reception of qq, pit 18 Fh i er Mrs. Theodore Weidler,| SPECIAL SUNDAY EVENT
er ecial music by 2:45 am. Sunday School Mrs. Mark Newcomer Mrs. Hospitality Day will be held
S ’ / ; 3 :
3 : 0-01 AN Yom tis Mitr ae . er | in Ephrata and Northern Lan
ADIDT VV 8 Faster Breakfas® ii 10:00 am. Morning Worship. {| Norman Fitzkee, Mrs Les er | 1 Lj
ROBERT i. BRO Win Church Hous Eshelman, Miss Helen Schroll, | caster County Sunday, ‘May
os a Church S 01 rin Church of the Brethren | nics Betty Jane Charles Mrs. | 1954 from 12 noon to 6:00 p. m . |
Bey. te. ad Ma 1g, Abram N Eshelman I” Sort Rf \] Var) ? Mum. | by the Woman's Club of Ephra In the low-price field, ONLY PLYMOUTH brings you NEW
r ruber: "Vrs ark Mun han gr ah ir NAF 5
4062 y tv. TL Chireh BY in charg: POWER for flashing new performance POWER for still
TO . Samuel T. Beeker, St ma : - W :
\ 1 Ko Pr, Pastor Sunday a i ee a — ee Nineteen homes, churches and more driving ease—NEW POWER for greater driving safely
AAR now Rung: 1A) i Iss Te are. includ
9:30 am. Sundav School » am. Sunday School other old buildings are includ
10:34 Wor hie Brel 10:00 am Mornine Worship | New Members Are oil tho st Tor that
dy 7:30 p.m. Easter Musical . m™ a1 rod Aus _ .
are | day. Tea will be served during ios 6 3 >
Received Tickats fob adults « new PowerFlite transmission
Rheems Church of Brethren Five members of ‘he Pastor's| lor an
Brotherhood meet Abram N. Eshelman Studv Class were rece ved into] 309 children will be on sale at YN Y. with new PowerFlow engine
Parish Hous Flder-in-charge i : ida any of the homes =
a's the Fol - the \1 , . - werFlite » newest thes Hiv io
Pirst Presbyterian Church Lerov Hawthorne, Supt 10 Fellowship of the Mt. Joy a 3% , PowerFlite, the newest, smoothest fully automatic
Mount Jov. Penna» Stund v. April 18th Methodist Church on Pam Sun EGG HUNT SCHEDULED 4 no-clutch transmission in the low-price field,
. D i y ; 8:45am. S ay Sec lay: isses Shirley Arn Nau ’ pe ri - 5 dw ire: ) )
Fruits & V eoetables Fev. Harlan C. Durfee. Pastor 1:45 n Sunday chool 1) Mi 5 hirle A n Nat Tre annual Easter ode Hunt combined with the great new PowerFlow engine,
D April 16th a Eve 1 man, Manheim: Gloria Shank, wi:l be held at the St. Luke's gives you flashing acceleration with no lurch or
I 3 Fvanoelics TRA . iain ln ang wi ) < i ot. +R DS Fre .
Community Good : Ire ey vanaelica Stauffertown: Caro'vn Walters, lag. The PowerFlow engine's new 110 horsepower

Episcopal Church grounds Sat
Karts the Chitral nf United Brethren Church ald L. ‘Rameev. and. Phil 2
vice In the Church ol R Rorald L. Ramsey, and Philip gives you ample reserve power for any driving need.
(pd | God. : tev Iohn H. Gable, Pastor © | urday morning, April 17, 9:30
KRALL S Moat Markel Thursday Roveno't, all of Mount Jot. Miss | Jnornng Pr
! nul Gi ) BLY Preparatory Ser i a. m. The rain date will be on
Holy st received the Sac-
30 pm Communion Nauman fir; :
Saturday, April 24

TEST AIN §' M " Siero A veil 10th Friday ame
WEST MAIN ST. OUNT JOY | Sunday 18 h Na Ghali Braver rame nt of Baptism : ~~ new Power Brakes
EE rar eal) acne A oreh : Schon, April 18th The following were bapt'zed| pois op SALE PLANNED
10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. | > ys phe, Hols in a special afternoon service | t,o ile DOL Chi HS You get quick, smooth, straight-line stops
Elmer G. Strickler Seen ume BY and 6am aim. Sondey Hehe) at the Salunga Methodist is Eadie: bi oi N\ with only half the usual pedal pressure!
) 1011'S, reception *W 0 20 rs Res bate Trinity Lutheran Church wi SN Re
Eliabethtown. Pa Phone 117 bors, the Sacrament of Ho i 39 am sie) Worship. ., | Church on Palm Sunday: Joha| _ Ti he AN New Power Braking works with Plymouth’s famous
( ast ithe Victory Thru Christ Hamilt Sl Jot P Sponsor a rummage sale in th NIN Safe-Guard hydraulic brakes which h t
nmma nm oy ‘ ¢ . =haro Ji S| A a- . s Qa O Ye ar a a 5 3 ave /
“yOu BUY O THE [INSURANCE a. 2:30 p.m. H1lv Communion Am on 1aron oon: on y Parish House, Friday, April 30 N . ive two
JY C THE INSURANC rr 7:15 pm Faster Cantata by | tricia Kauffman, Thomas Lu- and: Saturday: Mav: 1. The sale N brake cylinders in each front wheel, where
YOU NEED UNDER MY ; Salunga the Senior Choir and Linda Moats," dlliba.| 20% key 1 he N competing low-price cars have but one.
Charch of the Brethren Tuesdav . : will begin at 1:00 p. m. Friday NN —
COMPLETE arl Brubaker Elder In Charg pa oa. : bies. and the following older AL eros Wa
1 ’ ker udder In large 7.30 pm. Senior Choir Avi : ~ and 10:00 a. m. Saturday.
—~ | QC . John Herr Supt folk: Misses Jacqueline, Grace — \
iy a Or . y IT tne} Li 1 - voy - -
amily SecCin iy und Apri! SH 3:30 pm. Cherubetts Choir | and Jere Miller, Christian Stil-| \ PRESENTED i full-time Power Steering
am. Sunday Schoo! Rehearsal linger and daughters Jeane, ha iia Lo
: : 1 am. Morning Worshi +0 le rie : ? rm : 0 } / Faster Can'ata, ‘The Sav “ th's Staeri fea
Fire - - Auto - - Life : Jo 00 a.m. Morning Worship 6 20 pm Cherub Choir Brenda. and Marv. and Wiss 80 il 8 es iy Boer Shae gens full-time, not
5 Re 2 oanearsa Ra . sg x . JAVEes 1 Pesci “on agamn=on again. 2 SO0akKs up road shocks
9 3, 7:90 p.m. Pre-Easter Service TN + na PALSY Sweitzer. Q. oct ri 3rathren !
Accident & Health Rep Reh m re } 1 Sil vice, 2 3 ns m. Reception of new wm { the Salunga Church of Brethren eliminates “wheel fight,” gives you more precise
4 - . no rl aus, speak nen rs ive . i CO ‘he
Hospitalization Saturday | 2 : | CHURCH TO SELL mixed chorus In The church on control on rough, bumpy roads or in deep
rtm 7:30 Cantata “The Saviour Calvary Bible Church EASTER CANDY Saturday, April 17, at 7:30 p.m sand or mud. And Plymouth’s Power Steering
AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE Lives Rov w T Willa os IA hh | The program is being sponsored | : . : =
35-11 S i v A s FS Jr., Pastor Faster candies which include by the Youth Fellowship lets you park with one-fifth the normal effort!
etl ln bn a Mn on - . : . ne |>unday, April 1 safe 4 v iopos. Be a . > :
a Lar sville ( hurch of God 9:15 am. Svndav Bible School | MN sts, indi idual Pieces, of and ——
a] To Classes for all ages. oy 1c pieces will be on display for! op gran FILM TO BE SHOWN
i homas astor 9:15 a.m. Teachers Training | sale at the Evangelical Church taster 1 “I Bohald His
| an Poul & Basen Gon. Sup Class Annex each Saturday from 9:00] Ah Easter Alm, ree is
aron a. Bil ened er Sunday. April 18th 10:30 am Morning Worship | | oe ROB er 1 Glory” will be shown on Good Just as Plymouth has always brought
@ 9:15 am. Sunday School Sermon by the Pastor: “Raised | & m. to 5:00 p. m. Week days, Friday evening, 7:45 p. m. at | Si vy
10:30 a.m Morning Worship | From The Dead" : the candies may be purchased =" 4 Church vou the newest developments in riding
3.9 Ip x 3 . y > i Ns
on 6:30 p m Youth Group : | 7:00 opm. Pre-Service Prayer | at the home of Mrs. Warren A NA Mee comfort and driving safety, Plymouth
BUILDING 0 pm. Evening Worship Bates 110 West Strcet | northwest of Mount Joy. The
“antata by combined choirs of 7:30 p.m. Evening Service ’ od 5 ; neg oureel | public is invited. now brings you the newest power
¢ : Mount Joy. { ET Eve VE J =
CONTR ACTOR jhe Church o God and Zion Sermon by the pastor: ‘God's atm advances in the low-price field!
4 Lutheran Churches in the | 1 ast Message.” BAKED HAM SUPPER ho ee ee i er et
Come in and try Plymouth’s sensational

hurch of God. Cantata entitled | Wednesday | or
“The Triump of the Cross. | Teacher's Training |Surdav. April 18th i The Hi-Gem Class of the
MOUNT JOY R. D. 2 | Wednesday | Class “| 9:15 am. Sunday School Methodist Church will hold a new performance, experience its
7:30 p.m. Midweek Service. | 8:00 pm. Midweek Prayer 10:20 a.m. Worship - Sermon | baked ham supper Sa.urday ii " np
1 2 Ei aye «\} a.m, Bigs 5 OH, Ys great new driving ease—Ilet us arrange
PHONE 3-6100 | Service by the pastor. [ April 24. 5 to 7 p. m. The sup- : g
y Newtown EU. B. Church | Thursday Dedication of Altar gifts and | 7ill be held in the church your demonstration drive today!
ev. O. K. Buch i 6:30 pm. Youth Night. Junior Choir Robes. pet wl een ot : ed
MILLWORK - FILL - GRADING |Sunday, April 18th |. 6:30 pm. Worship - Brief | ; ; rakes and Power Stee
. 2 | 9:00 am. Sunday School | Trinity Evangelical | Worship Services of Thanksgiv- | FOOD SALE SCHEDULED Poesy ine Foe: © i il Power Siseriny
TOPSOIL - EXCAVATING Ls 7:00 p.m. Worship Service Congregational Church ing. A The W.S.C.S. of the Mt. Joy | each available at low extra cost.
“ I ATEN | Holy Communien. Rev. Q. A. Deck. Pastor Vednesday ; : ox |
LUMBER - KITCHEN CABINETS | Thursday Good Friday €:45 p. m. Junior Choir. Me Chauren iL Sones
7:00 pm. Christian Endeavor 1:00 p.m. to 3 p.m. Union 7:30.p.m. Prayvermeetings a food sale May 8 in front of]
i Bn 1-tfe 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. service at the Church of God. 8:30 p.m. Senior Choir. the Titus Rutt Insurance office.
$ * ; -
Ei Ri ae el A A AISI, 5 HW DE A el Hwan 2 mc SL LR I > LA a Lud aa a ie lA OE 4 a wa