The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 01, 1954, Image 6

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ves eat by \ ry re in NT A gp ATR . ar Se ol We Th TR TR The Ty RG TN ae
[ : (THE BULLETIN, } , Pa. Thursday, April 1, (
Farm Women No.8 [Open House Planned {TOE BULLEN, Mount Joys re ,
' . . .
Religious Film
‘Hold Meeting |ByEaster Seal Sale
The Society of Farm Women | Dr. John B. Noss, chairman
‘To Be Shown
. No. 8 met Saturday in the Flor-| ©! the local Easter Seal Sale,
In High School lin EB. U. B cc Mis Paul | announces that Thursday, April

In Caseof Fire
Mount Joy

Los Bali) 2, if, anim
Lo 7 wr. wt CA Gt gL EH
Naas Ix “> CH, |

p— = 2 w ETT / |
" ‘ va the blic ig i 4 y visi
| Erb, president, was in charge of | 4: he publi nvited to visit
Colleen Townsend Evans, | 110 meeting. Mrs. John Warfel | the Treatment Center of the
Lancaster County Society for
former Hollywood actor and
and Vicinity
| | was in charge of the decora
LIFE magazine cover girl, will | ions I Crippled Children and Adults “4
{ ® 1 3- { appear in the film GREAT DIS 3 : | Inc.. 129 E. Orange Stree: \ 1
{ ® 6} { I : . | Samuel Horst, State Repre-| :
ial 9 COVERY to be shown Saturday | | nex. between 2 to 4 P. M.,, and |
= 0A | A “on. AR sentative, was the speaker. He]
evening, April 3, 7:45 p. m., at 1710 9 P.M
I the Mount Joy High School Au | also showed films to prove the

PRC — J | | safe use trole n »
To use of petroleum o the
— : i arm.
frien ——— | Colleen Townsend was born ! |
I | Mrs. Henry Musser introduc- |
Hy £ lin the foothills of the Sierra : |
Dr. H. C Kill i Lef! er { Madre Mountains in Glendale, | €d four Girl Scout leaders who |
O Optome trist | Calif. After graduating from | are in charge of the Scouts at
MANMEIM | Hollywood High she went to! the Elizabethtown State Crip
163 §& Charlotta St | college in Utah. She received | Pled Childrens’ Hospital.
Tel | her contract with Twentieth! Those present were Mrs. Le | /
. 1
A 5.2 “oy p n Rr ohriiars Id ris Bixler Mrs. Jav 31: |
- & W gine 9 Se “WS PERTAINING TO ALL vices Century-I ox in February, 1947. > 8 1 Is 1 i Jay Bir indt, |
es. Fr 9 P. A ) : 5 N nas 1e she ; Mrs doy err, Mrs. Harold |
HE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY be ginning Sunday Apri 4 ol inn CH hu had IE 0 3 Hi gr Reel
‘ rrr Sat sim ry Sunday night services 7 | co-starred with Dan Dailey i “ndslow, Mrs. Paul Erb, Mrs
ap. oe. Pri sat SND TRE ENTIRE SUR. MER. St tees 7:30. | iy Tree Ne wil Hind reise Fate Bee Revert Pore)
aay RIN = HL» : bg | “When Willie C s Mare o | Charles Felty, Mrs. Robert For- |
ELIZABETHTOWN ROUNDING COMMUNITY Daniel Geltmacher, song lead- | Je! le Come irehing 4 Me or
A By 3" WN | Home" and had major roles in| ney, Mrs. Clarence Greider, |
E St el y 3 |
Telephone. 24. F Sunday, April 4—Soldiers of | several other films, among them | Mrs. Roy Greider, Mrs. John] Newest Colors
re ert Green Tree Church of the the King ‘Male Quartet of In- | Chicken Every Sunday” and| Groff, Mrs. Henry Heisev. Mrs
ii hs ini Bret (a Hiantow!l Tan 10SD¢ ’ y "iy | Voie 1 Fives ~
- brethren : tiantown Gap Gosp I Ce nie I'he Walls of Jericho.” The ac-| Warren Heisey, Mrs. William and Styles
ALAFIA PANN AAAS Abram Elder \Vlonda April 5-—E. Peters : ’ {
1. S Supt burg Acapella Chorus me of pictuhe fame came when | Heisey, Mrs. John Keener, Mrs. |
: ® Sunday, April 4th : Tuesday April 6—Chiques | her photo appeared on the cov- | Benjamin Keener, Miss Ada :
ree ervice 8:45 a.m. Sunday School Church of the Brethren Male | er of LIFE. Innumerable maga-| Kraybill, Mrs. Curvin Martin, NEW EASTER
= AJ % A ; i og
“@ 4 ww fo God a% 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Quarl tte. 11. | | zines rushed to feature her and | Mrs. Aram Musser, Mrs. Martin ‘ :
dnesd: Apri Specia : i . | rea : . 2 oN
y os RS Ae billboards followed suit to cash! Musser, Mrs Henry Musser, | Here is an opportunity to sec 1 £ €
SAWINC RITNINC .~ 0 a; i | OC } ox " y 4 101 , \
RW PRUNING orin Church of the Brethren | pj rsday, April 8—The Don- | in on her wholesome beauty Mrs. Edwin Myers, Mrs. Amos, What the dollars which are con- 3 4 A a
AND SPRAYING Al Ee n N Sri man, ecal Gospel Four Male Quartet- | and sparkling personality. Newcomer. Mrs. Levi Nisslev. | tributed to the Easter Seal Sale . NJ 6
Ider in charge te | iT ine Jers end Mic nrence Reis Mrs. | Go. Patients, parents members
: Samuel T. Becker, Supt Fridoy. April 8 — Calvary] Cofiecn moant whit she soll] Mis, Jay Clarence Bois ain ' BPA Pree er Taffeta, All The New Colors
B B IB ACH Sunda April 4th Church. F-town Male Quartetie. | when she quit a promising car- | Abner Risser, Mrs. Mary Shaef-| of th Joard of directors,
. « k | hE : tn nurch, k-town Ma.e ‘Juart : : Ve 8 ev iz : i : an
o 8:45 a.m. Sundav School Satur. April 10 Quartette eer in Hollywood to devote her | fer, Mrs. John Warfel, Mrs friends, and the Stall of the So
an Fain Cf A 0:00 5 mw y's Wors<hin . i ir : . : . 9 . | ati ' i 4
139 S. Main St., MANHEIM, PA { Morn Worship School of the Bible. | life to Christian service. Col-|Paul Wilman, Mrs. David Wit-| ciety, will welcome visi{ors CHILDREN S Eve
Phone 5.4616 35-11 : Sundry, 11 " Soldiers | joan followed that decision in| man, and Mrs. Clyde Wivell. | There will be demonstrations >
Bhacry 0 irethre the ing ale Quartette, - : Hie rey : ; Voit ey
Rh Chureh Brethren in : in 1 4 1950 by taking Bible courses in| The April meeting will be| of some of the services render
Abr N. Eshelman You are cordially invited to ; ip a) a ; iy
——— Elder ih-chars attend these services two schools in California, then |held at the home of Mrs. David ed to the h indicapped in Lan 2 1 S
} [.erov Hawthorne, Supt | married Louis Evans, Jr. Today | Witmer. | caster County
' ADAM x GREER Sunday April 4th ’ Salunga | they are in Edinburg, Scotland, 45 a | “This is your. Society,” says
i A 8:45 a. m. Sunday School Church of the Brethren | where Lou is working for his| FROZEN MEAT PATTY | Dr. John B. Noss, and ‘1 urge CHILDREN'S
i ; = ar] Brubaker Elder In Charge REN | “ i .
War 1h x a es doctor's degree in theology and | COOKS WELL ANYWAY you io see it In action
S \iark Evaneelical United John Herr, Supt. : Vi Willian Johnston Ir
Brothren Church Sunday. April 4th Coileen keeps the home fires To thaw or not to thaw-— that | ATS Yildiam. <r. G5
% Hl Ranck, Pastor 9:00 am. Sunday Schoo burning as well as caring for is the problem homemak TS | Will serve 2s hoses, oad Mu 3 -
3 Sunday. April 4th ; 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship. | their infant son Danny, born a| face when cooking frozen meat, John H. Hartman, Jr. Co-Host i
6:00 am Sundav School Missionary Day | ; sz : : ess
dd Intermediate Instruction A : { few months ago. patties. [2
1 : The leading religious film in Marjorie J. Wormeck, exten- |
Class ; ; Trinity T.utheran Church 3 Bo | ft . vv sy Ly 3
10:15 a. m. Morning Worshin rev W. I. Koder, Pastor | which Colleen Townsend takes sion nutritionist at Pennsylvan-| FARM WOMEN TO HEAR FULL FASHION
and x cept 2 ' po Sunday, April 4th | the major part is GREAT DIS-! i, State University, says it de- | COUNTY PRESIDENT \
: il h Yuh ! whit Server nS Supday i 00] hip. ! COVERY. Many who have seen | pends on whether the homema- | Mrs. Milton Eberly, county N O N H O S E iN
ie a . Vi( ine Ss . 1 ir
hoirs : 2 a.m. Morning WOTSWPp.| his film once have wshed to see | ker wants to take the patties] president of Farm Women, will :
6:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship Bay } b. De, Jor viens for the | it again. This film showing is| from the freezer an hour before | be guest speaker at the meeting
Executive Committee meeting re y 1 They . ahi p : mn locie 3; orks
1 7 30 p.m: Ex wih i iy | 7:00 pm Evening Vespers under the of the | cooking. That goes for pork, | of Society 4 to be held Saturday
Electric V I I: Mond Lae Ar Monday Religious Film Library of Cen- heef, and lamb patties | April 24, in the home of Mrs SPECIAL eC
and Gas 3:45 pm. Children’s Instruc- |. 7300 Pn, Caton tical class | tury Gospel Ministries, Hatfield,| Cooking time is not shorten Willis Reapsome, Landisville
J 1 ne « IS! OLS | a mT} "nt of i
> Class : Woadnosdas Penna {ed much by thawing. There's| The society entertained mem
ron ecialize : 7:00 p.m Yastor s instruction = Due ee en ' i m | her 10 "oN
Ain Special Or Clas Bd 0 ely 7:30 p.m. Mid-Lenton Ser Te | little difference in taste. Thaw- | bers of Socicty 19 recently in
FARM MACHINE w ELDING 5 15 5 p.m. Bible Study Class \ Jen : : : : inl Statewide Rally ed patties do have greater | the Farmdale Elementary
AND EQUIPMENT Wednesday tl I eh Lou i after | weight loss than unthawed School. Columbia R. D.
2 3 ie : 7:30 p.m Midweelc Prayer jhe Servic Planned For Groups | ones The bacterial count of Mrs. Jane yd grouj
Automobile and Truck Welding | corvice { : : > thi inoing. with ra. SWOBAS
LAWN MOWER SHARPENING | 8:30 pm. Church Council St. Luke's Episcopal Church | A statewide rally to organize the cooked meat shows little singing as
: neeting The Rev Paul D. Emenheiser, | a movement to obtain minimum | difference. | as accompanist program aa
sday S$. T.-Mi. Vicar child welfare service in every | ill A A - included acappella selections by 53 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY

¥ield i {10 0 “200 nm Children's Choir SUNDAY SCHEDULE aro} : ;
: 1 ildren SUND/ [Ee E [ county in Pennsylvania will be . . Carol Aston, June Rupp, Gunda
ver’ 3 LL i: o Sho rehearsal 8:00 am. Holy Communion un : : ne | Testimonial Program Shields. Shirley Hie nd and



Delta and Mariella NMreets 7:45 p.m. Children’s Instruc 9:30 a.m. Church School held in Harrisburg Friday, Ap-| Fam vera 73 oie (rp or on ee a
MT JOY. PA Phone 3-593 on Class 11:00 am. Morning Prayer ril 2, 1:30 P. M. at the Capitol ian i ' | Joannie Pickel, all of Cojumbia 3
Ye "2:00 p.m. Senior Choir re 154, 3rd, and 5'h Sundays, | Building, Mrs. Walter F. Kauf-| April 3 in Titus Rutt’s office. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Brown Everybody In This Locality Reads The Bulletin
I i hearsai Holy Communion 2nd and man of Lancaster County an Titus Rutt started the project| an illusirated lecture on ee eee eee eee mim : =
Fire - Auto - Casi atly ron oF Bol i Sihdays 00 Hole | nOUNCEd today and was in charge of the first] Bridges of Lancaster |} HON ADIT
ALN + - ata dh Fhe Church of Goc oly ays - ¢ a.m oly $e voting held Tuesday night 1! 3 i
Rev. C. F Helwig, Pastor Communion Mrs. Kaufman stated that] 'Meeuns he ld Tues Ray hight In | County 3 - : 8
Sunday, April 4th concerned groups from all over the Lincoln. Othe members of} Mrs. Henry Lehman and Mrs 2 i :
re € Ul Fo g i & a-20 n Sunday School The Washington Street the state are sending delegates. | the committee are Leste Mum { Mark Herr. president and past 3 3 be
BE Led Gl wf [ester Eshelman, Supt Church Of The Brethren Church groups Far Socie ma, Robert Schroll, Samuel J.| president, respectively, of the | 3 4 4
’ nine. Wore} 2 Church g Ips, arm Society : I i :
G 7:30 ny Ww oh he N gl Mi Women, Welfare agencies thru { Dock, Jr, Clyde Gerberich, society, spoke briefly 2
) p vorship evin Zuck astor i W. 1. Beahm, Ralph W. Rice MV R I 1)
\Tonday 0-30 am. Church School out the county and other per-| I [x ea me was in charge « ; rv g N WwW k
» vr 3 T 7:30 Counc Mee ing It study theme, “Jesus' In sons interested in child welfare | James Heilig, : Paul Diffend r-| devotions. Mrs. Paul Kauffman 3 Bret Stan fiz ext ee
ROBERT Rh BRO ed | escory Prayer wre urged to attend | fer, Bruce Greiner, James Kip presided at a business ‘meeting 2 - 714 .
. - 7:30 ible ( ar 10:20 am Morning Worshi » : ia ames Phillios A < WA 303
rT te Toe Pra [ecting > ; Ca ay . The’ Pi h Pp We have a new adoption law! P!¢ and Janes lip when contributions were Vou We YY ill Be Open
gall £4, oi ., oo DUR 0 Coming.” by Pastor Trick “lin Pennsyvivania, Mrs. Kaufman to the Cancer Drive and Ameri- 3
me 3-4062 I ) Cl 6:30 p.m. Youth Meeting stated. and now we must consid- | FOOD SALE SCHEDULED can Bible Society 5 XIE
bo | ‘FV Uh
- " _ 7:30 p.m. Evenine Worship er ways to ob'ain essential pro The W.S.C.S. of the Mt. Joy — = i LE R i i 4 \
4! I i pe ant ] Eki The Coot Like OY | tective counselling services, | Methodist Church will sponsor | SPREADS EASILY 2
/ [5 l irist Chuareh ast ‘ : | 3 “7 os Ne a v a3 . 2
cua ity Me als Past Grovbi'l Wolgemuth, | Wednesd: foster home care for the state’s|a food sale May 8 in front of cooked frosting speads § gum
hr C. H. Moyet 9: Midweek: Service 60.000 dependent and neglected | the Titus Rutt Insurance office. | more easily if cake 1s sti 1 warm | 2
ALSO A FULL LINE OF Sunday. April 4th children. Steps will be taken to| wat oes ram rn il wm A rr rem - 3 ME T SPECI
3 0 am 2 tay S hon) Crossroads Soh re n In Christ | develop a program which will : 8 —~ i : . 2 | §
10:30 a.m. Worship Servic rch : ; ii ( : ( \ : &
Ion , i w » acceptable : ‘hi are 1 { A
Ve nesQaa : frvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bru } icceptable 30 1 child re ont urn i ; y
7:30 ! Evening Praver baker, Paul Z. Hess, Pastors. | interests and faiths, she said. | ee x or ext €e nes ay n Y
. Sundav, April 4th dh | presents
i i 9:15 ¢ 3 ay Sc I INIT BAGH 3 i |
Fruits i; Vogtle: am, 5 am. Sunday School | \iGUNT JOY PASTOR 8 Corton Tounsnd Evans 38
OD Cal v Bible Church 10:30 a.m. Morning Worshij ry FT NTE XT TPE 40 ig Loin n ib oe
ey v W 1. Wilcon Jr.. Pastor | We inesday AT LENTEN SERVICE | ; res rou ee
Sunday, April 4th 7:20 p.m. Missiorary prayer | The Rev. Paul D. Emenheiser, | 3 BL: whe

fa nt Mart kei 1:15 am. Bible School meeting | rector of St. Luke’ Episc
i 3 I l ) ) : : recto YS Alke's piscopa 6c : i
KRALL § Maz al De fot 9: aul me A native Ind an lady student | Mount Joy. will preach Great Discovery
ge, Grant


WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY | Class (In Pastor's S:uds ham, Pa. will speak the sermon at the Lenten ser- Truly An Amazing & $ >
= === 10:30 a.m_Worship Service | vice Thursday at 7:45 p. m. in| Picture!
rT ling tarmon bv the Pastor Sealed Church of The Brethren St. John's Episcopal Church, at | i . hi
» With The Holv Suir Pastor ‘hectnut and Mulberry Streets | ynamic - Heart-Searching
Elmer G. Strickler Vi I I } Ww 4 Chestnut and Mulberry Streets, | Thrilling
. 4 * 7-00 pm. Pre.Service Pravel ey Vim. W. Longenecker, orn { Ee FE
Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 117 | F ‘on ; in ya Faimouth Pike Lancaste PL ii The Christian Answer to A RE Bag i
- "HT J "Servi Sunday, April 4th | Si Bison lr ol out]
“yOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE \[ccsnge oe BV ON J 9:00 a.m. Bible School ‘GUILD TO HOLD | the Questioning of Youll — of —
FOU NEED URDEIR Mv L sms Kae 1 oh > PLD Save, | RUMMAGE SALE } He fo See This Film! ; 5 in Gold Medal Certificates
MPLE Dc dent Four (Wodnesday ii The St. Mary's Guild of the : G LD MED L
COMPLETE ta! Churches of America. sda . i i FOR CHURCHES, CLUBS, CHARITIES
F i il S Hn Re Benin “| 7:30 p.'m. Semimonthly :) St. Luke's Episcopal Church. | Mt. Joy H.S Auditorium-APRIL -7:45p. m : ely maken seeks ot
amiwy ecu 7:00 p.m. Teach r Training aver meeting at the home of | Mount Joy, will hold ‘a rum-| 5 Fi, OUR
: - = Cl Iss In P tor’s Study ind Mrs. Morris Grimm | mage sale in the Bernhart | rag od ¢ GOLD MEDAL
Fire - - Auto - - Life Midween Ih RCH TO SFEILI | building, East Main Street, on i 4 ¢ Closest estimate to. corract FLOUR 5 lbs C
Accident & Bedalth : 00 p.m. Chorus Practice EASTER CANDY E Hi ind Saturday, April : 2] PHONES: 3-9041 - 3-5337 MOUNT JOY weight of Sack. wing. some: FULL DEALS AT OUR
- - 1 rsaal TRE LI $3 . ana o | S III 9
Hospitalization 6:30 p.m. Youth Night at the Easter cardies which include | - i OPEN EVENINGS il 5
P home of Robert Hoffman nests, individual pieces, 5¢ and bli
AND MORTGAGE [INSURANCE hii le pieces will be on display for | BAKED HAM SUPPER | M U E I i E R’ by 8 ry ’
od Mt Jov Methodist Ch:reh le at the Evangelical C | The Hi-Gem Class of the] 1 Ais ee S eat ay

rner, Pastor | Annex each Saturday from 9:00 | Methodist Church will hold a}
Gem Meeting at | 2M to 5:00 p. m. Week days, | baked ham supper Saturday, | who Hg 1 wt * TEITY ;
rr Chass “+ the candies may be purchased] April 24. 5 to 7 p. m. The sup-| Yo 3 Ae kL \ BE 3
home of Mr. Chas. Rovenolt
Aaron Longenecker Ch April 4th ; ; : at the home of Mrs. Warren | per WIL be iG in the chen.
Rev. Wm. E
turday, Apt
From Prime and Choice Steers
Round Steaks and Round Roasts
7:30 p.m. H

9:20 a.m. Sundav School Bates. 119 West Donegal Street, | T Ii Lili
30 p.m. Worship Service Sates, wd wes gal ulips — Hyacinths — Lilies
In ain | Mount Joy. | WORKERS CONFERENCE P ya
a ) 1 outh | - San 1 on a \
BUILDING Monday te We | TO BE HELD APRIL 3 : Azaleas — Hydrangeas
MYF Sub-District meeting TO SING APRIL 4 | A Children Workers Institute ound ;
: ae] : p Cc ;
will be held Saturday, April 3, | Gardenias
CONTR ACTOR | The Acapella Male Chorus of 1 Ys
£ Salunga Methodist Church | East Petersburg will sing at the |in the State Street Evangelical |
Sunday, April 4th Nose i 13. B. Chare iss
9:50. am. Sunday Sechiool Evang. Congregational Church|U. B. Church, Harrisburg. Miss

Rose Plants — Geraniums

MOUNT JOY R. D. 2 wll: a.m Morning Worship Sunday evening, April 1. 7:30 | Susan Sensenig, principal of | th Gard
: Vednesday ; : | p.m. The Beacon Sunday School | the Nathan Sheaffer School, in | Dis Gardens
PHONE 3-6100 Class meeting. | class will sponsor the group. A | Neflsville, will be in charge of | 00 ore P
{ Thursday V silver fering Wi take \ ing service 'S 5
| 7:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship | silver off ring will be take n. pi Bo Tvs, My 3 | Also Choice Variety of C Cut Flowers i
L - GRADING | and recreation. Alexander, Manheim, ve : : , 4
TOPSOIL - EXCAVATING | Newtown IT. U. Church More than 40,000 aliens a i pe
Rev, O K. ‘Buch month are turned back trying | MORE WOMEN ORDER YOUR CORSAGES EARL Y!
| Sunday. April 4th to. enter this country illegally | Jomen voters outnumber



| 9:00 am. Sunday School ¢ : J
1-tfe 7:00 p.m. Evangelis.ic Ser- from Mexico. men in 30 states. 2» | d
i . \ -
iid & 8 i J 4