The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 11, 1954, Image 3

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To achieve a happy * total”
on your party line:
Use the line sharingly
Replace the receiver carefully
Keep calls brief
Space calls fairly
Release the line for emergencies
one BR


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Joy's high scorer was Bennett
with 8 points. The locals were
also defeated by the E. T. Fraim
Lock Company team 48-20.
High scorer for Mount Joy was
Hendrix with 8 points.
The Keeley Stove Company
defeated Mount Joy on the Col-
, | umbia Armory floor 30-18. Ma-
THIRTY YEARS AGO teer was high scorer for Mount
March 5, 1924 Joy with ten points.
At a meeting of the borough FIFTEEN YEARS AGO
council, S. R. Snyder asked to | March 9. 1939 ,
do the borough's hauling with | At a card party held by the
two horses and a man at 65¢ per | Legion Auxiliary,
Mrs. Harry Brown won first
The John Rogers Company |prize in bridge; Mrs. Burle
put on “Springtime”, a musical | Schofield, pinochle and Wm.
with Mount Joy High School | Hendrix, 500.
students and alumni taking the |
The “American”
was opened by D. R. Stenberg-
( :
er. He serves ice cream, sodas,
candies, tobacco and cigars.
A debate was held at the reg-
| ular meeting of the Literary So-
| ciety. The subject was

40th Anniversary


Fort Worth, Texas

Dodge Royal V-8 Four-Door Sedan
What a Car!
The crowning touch to any vacation
—an elegant new '54 Dodge! Wher-
ever you go in your Dodge, you go
in luxury and style . . thrill to
flashing performance, enjoy gas-saving
economy! Dodge set 196 official AAA
records topped all ‘“‘eights”
in the Mobilgas Economy Run!

What a Vacation!
This is your chance to vacation at the
places you’ve always dreamed about.
New York, Hollywood,
anywhere in the U.S.A. Dodge pays
for all meals, transportation, hotels.
In addition, you get double your pay
for two weeks, plus $500 fun money
. and the use of a new ’54 Dodge!
the Soldiers’ bonus bill be pas-
The school principal of the
school reported receipts of $149
from the art exhibit held re-
cently by the school. The school
also granted permission to the
Five students represénted the
| Mt. Joy High School at the dis-
restaurant | trict band festival. They were
Betty Newcomer, Dorothy Det-
wiler, Miriam Shenk, Russell
Sumpman and Miss Isabel Cox,
The Mount Joy bowling team
lost by one pin to the Lancaster
Big Five. The locals also lost to
a' Sunbury team 3045-2669.
Groff's Restaurant became
Van's Diner which is under the
direction of Robert Vanderslice,
of Marietta.
Among the eleven Boy Scouts

fire company for the use of the | Who received the rank of Eagle
firemen’s con-
east playground for
ing the county
Three local men, H. H. Engle,
C. H. Herr and I. D. Stehman
made application to
for a charter for a new cream-
ery to be known as the Mount
Joy Creamery Company, Inc.
The American Machine and
Foundry Company of New York
offered 100,000 sickle
100,000 farmers to
The bars were given free to ap
proximately 300 farmers in this | in the
the state
bars to
spread the
story of Interchangeable blades.
Scout at the County rally Satur.
day night at the State Armory
at Lancaster were two from Mt.
Joy, Clarence Newcomer and
Lester Rettew.
The Florin United Brethren
Church will commemorate its
one hundredth anniversary of
the organization of the congre-
School chapel.
March 9, 1944
- The Red Cross drive started
The Hershey Olivets defeated | the two.
the Mount Joy Athletic
tion basketball team 28-19.
Borough Council
record stating that

gation and the first anniversary kill of 31,530 bucks with 3 or
of the dedication of the Sunday | more antler points and 5,854
Mount Joy-Florin area
and set up a goal of $7,000 for | S€asons.
went on
if persons
Penna. Game
Commission |
Weekly Letter
Deer Kill Above Predictions
As a rule, game protectors’
estimates of season game kills
are quite conservative. Howev-
er, the completed count of deer
tags received {rom successful
hunters in the 1953 seasons in- |
dicate calculations submitted |
by the officers immediately fol- |
lowing those seasons were un-
usually low.
The tabulation, completed at!
the, Harrisburg office of the
Game Commission, shows re-
ceipt of 37,384 kill tags for ant-
lered deer and 16,252 for an-
| tlerless deer slain in the Key-
{ stone State last season.
In all, 53,636 legal male and
female deer were reported tak-
en by hunters in Pennsylvania
during the 1953 seasons. The 84
bucks killed by bow and arrow
hunters in the special two-week
archers’ season, last October,
are included in the antlered
deer total.
The break-down of deer slain
during the two-day antlerless
season last December is: 13,050
females and 3,202 males. This
indicates: of every 5.1 antler-
less deer slain one was a “but-
ton” buck or older male deer
that had shed its antlers.
A further separation shows a

with spike horns 3 or more in-
ches long. The comparison in
this case proves to be: one spike
buck out of every 6.4 legal ant-
lered deer bagged in the 1953
Bear Kill
The tabulation of bear kill
tags mailed to the Game Com-
mission since the 1953 season


Major David Parker
Topeka, Kansas
ith Double Pay!
PLUS all expenses for
elegant new '54
prize every day!
Florida —
an official entry
Plus $10,000 in Cash Prizes . . . 25 Prizes a Day!
It’s Fun! It’s Easy! Enter Now at Your Dodge Dealer's!
we Your Friendly Ddtge-Plymouth Dealer Brings You~ Danny Thomas in “Make Room For Daddy,” ABC-TV « Bert Parks in “Break The Bank," ABC-TV « Medallion Theatre, CBS-TVY » Roy Rogers, NBC- Radia, see
== Salunga,

Rev. Stephen B. Dabkowski
Franklin, New Jersey
meals, transportation, hotel
PLUS #500 "fun money”
(to spend or save as you please)
PLUS two weeks’ use of an
What a Contest!
There’s a contest every day! A grand
The Dodge 40th Anniversary All-
America Contest celebrates 40 great
years of Dodge dependability. There's
still time to enter! See your friendly
Dodge dealer for contest rules and
en et se st sm se stn se ms se er me ral or een mre pe ee ee nee
Mrs. Arthur Jones
Richmond Heights, Missouri |
St Si i Sn Si i St Smit St. io Sn ss pt, ign oe Sell SOM Sl song th, ss
two ::s
A winner every day!
blank. Enter today!
has been completed. The final
count shows that but 303 legal
bruins were taken by hunters
during the last season in Penn-
The bag of bears over one
year old in 1952 was 261 in this
state. This also was low com-
pared to other recent years,
when the average was about
400 legal bears a season.
Nab After Season Deer Slayers
Game Protector Charles M.
' Laird, of Milesburg, recounts:
“On Sunday, December 27,
1953, Deputy Wheeland and I
were on patrol in Snow Shoe
| Twp., Center County. Signs in
| the snow, coupled with gun-
| | shots, indicated men were hunt-
| ing deer. We apprehended four
hunters for killing a button
buck and a yearling. doe in
| close season.
“In their hunting operations
two of the men acted as drivers,
two as watchers—just as if the
deer season were in full swing.
The two deer were shot:on the
fourth drive.
“Three of the lawbreakers
were from the town of Snow |
Shoe, the fourth was from Phil-
adelphia. All but one Snow
Shoe’ man paid their fines. He
was committed to the Centre
{ County Jail.”
Northampton Co. Rabbits
Are Tough
Game Protector Harold W.
Wiggins, Nazareth, Pa., swears
a cottontail rabbit in his baili-
wick proved even more visious
than one that reportedly spat in
a hound’s eye. In proof of his
claim he says, “One morning
one of my trappers opened a

he noticed something inside it.
Investigating, he found it to be
a dead weasel.”
Beaver ‘County Sportsmen
Had Busy Season
Game Protector J. B. McGre-
gor, of Beaver, Pa., says '‘Look-
ing over some of the accom-
of the Beaver Coun-
‘ty sportsmtn during the year

owing “water rents “do not pay,
the water service to the home
will be discontinued.
The Marietta High School
considered ‘closing the school
and transporting its seventy
students to East Donegal High
The loeal liquor store was
robbed of thirty cases of whisk-
ey valued at over $800.
First prize winners at the re-
cent American Legion card par-
ty were Wm. B. Mumma, bridge
George B. Zeller, 500; and
Franklin Spickler, pinochle.
Martin’s team is in first place
in the bowling league with 23
wins and 13 losses. High Single
was rolled by Bob Schneider,
258: high single team, Good’s
1036; high total, Ken Stucky,
665: and high team total, Goods,
‘Lions Sell
bunny. While resetting the trap|-*
700 Brooms
Approximately seven hund.
red brooms were sold in Mount
Joy, Florin and vicinity during
the county-wide Lion sponsored
broom sale held Saturday. The
Mount Joy Lions Club, which
was canvassing the town for the |
second straight year with |
brooms, sold approximately 350
brooms and 140 whisk brooms. |
In Florin, the new Lions Club |
sold approximately 336 brooms |
in Florin and surrounding ar
cas. They also sold
whisk brooms.
Officers and members of both
clubs wish to express thtir gra-
titude to all the
purchased brooms. Proceeds
from the sale go to the blind
association. If any person were
paople who
wish to purchase either a large
broom or a whisk broom, a pur
chase may still be made. In Mt.
Joy, call Arthur Sprecher,
3-4193 and in Florin, call John
Hess, 3-6045.

Entertains Lions
Aircraft-Marine Product, as a
part of their program of devel-
oping community interest, en-
tertained the Florin Lions Club.
Irvin Gerber, who is a member
of the Florin Lions and plant
manager of the local plant, was
in charge of the educational
part of the program for the ev-
ening. He explained the growth
of the local manufacturing
plant after which Lion Gerber
introduced Chuck Shelley,
training director for the com-
pany, who gave a brief presen-
tation of the history and devel-
opment of Aircraft-Marine
Two films were shown, depict-
ing the use of the product which
the company manufactures. The
members and guests then made
a tour of the local plant where
they eould see the product he-
ing processed. The meeting was
held Monday evening, March 8
Gable Qualifies
For Record Club
Norman H. Gable, of New-
comers Motors, Inc., Mount Joy,
has qualified as a member of |
the Chevrolet Parts Managers’
Record Club in recognition of
the efficient operation of his|
department in the loca] dealer-

cate and lapel pin from the
Chevrolet Motor Division for
his meritorious accomplish-
ments. This presentation was
made at the club’s annual ban- |
quet, held in Bloomsburg on
Friday, February 26.
Membership in the exclusive
Record Club was granted only
to parts managers who met
Chevrolet's required standards
in the performance of their du-
ties during the past year, accor-
ding to John A. Hough, parts
and accessories manager of the
Harrisburg Zone.
The Salunga Mothers Club
will hold a Spelling Bee in the
Salunga School Friday evening,
March 12, 8:00 p. m. There will |
be two spelling classes and one |
information class.
The Hamboners will -furnish
the entertainment for the affair.

of 1953 I find they planted 5000 |
Scotch pines, 1200 red pines, |
250 chestnut seedlings, 50 wal- |
nut seedlings and 400 multiflora
rose bushes for game cover. |
“They also planted 29 game |
food plots on farmers’ land and |
eliminated 277 foxes, 884 crows |
and 355 water snakes. Nearly |
100 farms were posted with |
club-provided safety zone signs,
In addition there were projects
carried out to better hunter-
farmer relations, and improve-
ments were made to food and
cover conditions for wildlife.”
Predacious Domestic Cat
In January, Game Protector
John H. Doebling, of East)
Stroudsburg, answered the call
of a Monroe County farmer who
complained a wild house cat
was killing rabbits.
Said Doebling, ‘‘When the
farmer looked for his fox traps
with which to catch the game
killer he found the cat's nest in
an old barn. The traps hung,
prophetically, above it: In the
nest were the carcasses of sev-
en partially-eaten cottontails,
bringing the cat's known Kill-
ings to ten in a period of one
week. The feline, when caught,


was found to be a large tom.”
missed during the sale and still |

Mr. Gable received a certifi- |
| LOCAL WOMAN IS #7 4-1 1
v -
LE ER tr ie
i THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa, Thursday, March 11 J

celehrated |
Mrs. Katie Drace
her eighty-seventh birthday on] A roller skating party will be
Monday, March 8. She receive ext Wednesday evening,
Viarch 17 at the Rocky. Springs
cards, gifts and flower She hv ' oN i
ier Skating Rink by tha
'g with Mi Mr ‘harle i {3
es with Mr. and Mn Chat ( ed 4-H county council
Derr, Marietta Ave | O we and girls

If Your Clothes
Aren't Becoming
To You
They Should Be
Coming To Us
76-78 E. Main St.,
Phone 3-4071
Mount Joy

Vhere Quality and Reasonable Prices Meet
Sales. , Lc. WB 25c
SNOWCROP FROZEN 10-0z pkg 29c
Strawberries . .
» 5c
Bologna... . . 2B 29c
Kidney Beans 2:2
Beef Liver . . . .

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