ress She rder ugh- r, of nuel, Also dren, one held fter son es at urch. ry. To most of us, the telephone we use so often is a complete mystery. “How it works" seldom occurs to us—we just want it to “work” when we pick ic up! Though the mechanics of the telephone remain a puzzle to you—its availability,’ convenience and case make it one of the great instruments for freedom of speech. COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. J HAPPENINGS LONG AGO Bl TEN YEARS AGO A shower was held for Mrs. Charles Pennell, the former Mary Barnhart. John Hart returned to East] Donegal School after a five- week absence due to an opera- fion. Mrs. Walter Woodward (for- mer Elizabeth Heilig) left Mt. Joy to live in California where her husband is stationed. Weddings for the week inclu- ded: Frances Shank and Rob- ert S. Heisey; Mary R. Barnhart and Cpl. Pennell; Emma Sie grist and Clarence Ebersole; and Margaret G. Miller and Shelley R. Shellenberger. Deaths for the week included Mrs. Winfield Nelson; Mrs. Lou- | 60-33, ise M. Gingrich; Daniel Hoff- man and Mrs. Abram Long. Tuesday evening, 114 Rotari. ans from Lititz, ‘Elizabethtown and Mount Joy were guests at the Hostetter Banquet Hall, in honor of the three clubs birth- days when they received char- ters from the Lancaster Club in 1926. Martin's bowling team is leading the league with 22 wins and 10 losses. High single was by Robert Schneider with 258; high triple, Kenneth Stucky, with 665; high single team, M. Good's, 1036; and high team total, Good's, 2850. Mount Joy High School de- feated Manheim High School in basketball league com- petition. The engagement of Miss Mar- celean Palmer, Lancaster, to James Hostetter, * Mt. Joy, was announced. A total of $69,900 bonds were sold at the movie premiere last week. The ser- vicemen's unit from Indiantown in war Blb Ss THIS WINTER 3 3