NVeek be <2 a 9¢ ™E Joy, [ Thursday, February 18th 5 § pisces | Penna. Come | BULLETIN, Mount | - "1 \ , “ y - . . | BEAUTY SHOPPE | Commission | || Weeldy L il| Weekly Letter | . 1) 7 | | | AY a QI» 1 i Game Protector Robert Spahr | W ! NW 1 ON] ( i reports the following: ‘Satur i day, January 2, 1954, Deputy . { Simcox and I spent about six FEBRL A R ) )( ’D IN 3 | hours on State Game Lands 60, i in southwestern Centre County i We wiched to determine what Sr : | extent the game was utilizing = the game feeders and food plots. — The area covered is about ten miles long, and there are food strips and feeders the entire dis $ | tance “The corn left standing on the e 00 S plantings. We have ten food food plots is completely gone tt No game was observed in these WHOSE FARM IS THIS? This is the photo that was included fo % » strips planted in winter wheat last week's paper Can anyone recognize it! The owner We counted only what game we frame and ce rtificates of merchandise. actually saw in the wheat. This | {heir gear for beaver trapping j OBAC is what we” observed: 58 deer, The 1954 beaver season + Mortuary Record 4 turkeys, and one grouse. Ev-| at 7 a. m.. Feb. 15 and closes at ery one of the wheat plots show- | hoon, March 6. Broadtails may | ed evidence turkeys had fed on | he taken by the trapping meth- Two brothers, both residing | them some time prior to our ar- | od only. Nonresidents may not {in this area, expired 20 minutes | rival. This was born out by the | {rap beavers in the Keystone apart Tuesday evening. One| tracks in the snow of the prev. | gate | died at his home after a long! ious day. In three of the plant The number. of these furbear- | illness ‘while the other succumb = ed areas it was evident that the | vs that may be taken this sea- | ed in St. Joseph Hospital, Lan- | birds had heard us'coming- and | hos been raised from 3 to 4] caster. | 2 and 3 YARDS WIDE had dopnrle d seconds elore ou because of their present number The Arst to expire Yas Mislin arrival. All of the feeders show: | 4 A trapper | Ressler. 68. of West Main St. ed signs of turkeys using them.” will be allowed 4 beavers in one! Mount Joy, who died at the St. Beaver Season Opens Feb. 15 day or the entire season through | Joseph's Hospital at 8:30 p. m. First Come—First Served Jl... mt iti [out the Commonwealth AE ais =. 8 Yama ™ ve 5 . On publicly.-owned land no Ressler, 78 Mount Joy R2, Rap- vestisating Hitely lonuing Sans trapping is permitted on dams] ho Twp., died at 8:50 p. m. at] and marshes and prepaving posted by the Game Commis-{ his home after a long illness. | : sion. Neither is it permitted on: He had been bedfast for the | water areas on private property | past week. where the placarding has been Harry, a native of Strasburg, | done at the request of, or by the | and his brother were the sons consent of, the landowners con-) of the late Harry and Elizabeth | cerned. Well before season, the, Snyder Ressler. Of their imme- | warning notices were posted a-| diate family, only a brother, | gainst trapping at water im-| Rufus Ressler. of Manheim, | pounds in which beaver num-{ survives bers are low, to ensure sufficient The older brother. husband brood stock for later years. of the former Rose Kaylor, was a L d J Il E 29 Traps may not be set on the|; resident of this area for the Be u €ns € y ggs c structure of any beaver dam orj past 50 years. He was a molder ha pric house, or within 25 feet of the| for 30 years and was employed | water line on the structure for| in foundries in Mount Joy, Lan. | either. One person may set, tend | caster and Florin. Prior to be- | Jello Desserts 3 pkas 2 5c or operate 10 traps only. Traps| coming a molder, he was a| f must be tagged with metal name| grayman in Mount Joy. i / tags, and these identifications| He was a member. of the | > must show above the ice or wa- Church: of. Cod and the Friend- | LOCAL for line to Jervis an easy check i ship Fire Co. 1, both of Mt. Joy, | Parka Oleo 2 Ibs 59. without traps. } and he and his wife observed y Seals must be attached to their 53rd wedding anniversary | beaver pelts by State Game | last October | NORRIS FANCY Protectors, to whom the skins) pagiqes his wife, he is sur * Oo must be taken within 10 days vived by two sons and a davgh Cherries 8-02 29. after the season closes. eave | ter: Isaac K., Stauffertown, Mt. | hides may not be sold or other-} jy, R2: Harry K U.S. Air ! wise disposed of until properly | Force, Okinawa: a d Mrs. An | PILLSBURY 50 Ib b e sealed. The skins should be pre } na: M. Maurer, Akron, Ohio | ° . - ag sented to the game protector in | Six grandchildrex and four | Pie Crust Mix 2 pkes «3 $c the district or county in which! °C also sur-| the animals were trapped. 3ea | vive ver kill statistics, by districts, Sn Fines? spay are very important to the Game | vOU BET YOUR L'FE ( T Commission in planning future If vou had £21 “90.000 would! MEA S| vou bet the entire amount a Clock Watching Confused Deer [gainst just $1, especially of] NORRIS FANCY Game Protector Edward {here were a good chance of los | R d ° Campbell was slyly amused at| ing your fortune” Of course youl 8 Cleined Pig Stomachs BH a hunter he met in the Proj | wouldn't. Yet each day there! 1 | lin County woods during the | thousands of people who, in| Sow Cherries WHILE THEY LAST | antlerless deer season. “This| affect. make the same kind of | man,” Campbell says, complain- | wae | 3 ed about the scarcity of deer.| Safety engineers for Lumber. | ver® $1.59 § i. et a a] Fresh Veal Liver e Asked how he accounted for the i mens Mutual Casualty Com-| unusually high kill of bucks on pany a member of the Kemper | | a nearby ridge in the 1953 sea [ insur: ince group, report that a son the man replied, "That's! man 30 years of age—the medi- Pet Nonfat Dry Milk easy. The bucks were just used | ium age of our population—can {o the season coming in at nine | ook forward to approximately | o'clock. When the Game Com | 40 years, or 21,000,000 minutes, o SIM. | mission opened it at 7 this year | of life. Every timo ' Te) 1 Ige. 35c m i Ac | they were fooled and so got | chance with his life just fo save : f g | caught on that ridge. ” | a minute, whether it be on {foot | Liberty Coffee Deer Don’t Like Cats | or driving a car, he is risking 4 | Donald G. Day, a Susquehan- | {hat minute against the other ip & PET MILK | na County game protector, tells | 21,000,000. | Drip & Reg a : | this: In the last buck season a | Only a fool would gamble a tall 4/55¢ hunter in his area was watching | gainst such odds. | 1-1b bag LO. : four deer, when a black cat | Sa SR. | walked into view. Two of the| the ground. He gave the grape small 2/ 1 Sc deer seemed to resent the fel- | vines a pull and 2 grays jumped | ine's presence. It may be that { out. of the nest. As they ran out | instinet made the deer suspic | over the vines the hunter shot | . ious of any member of the cat| and killed both foxes. N. B. C. Fig Bars | family. Anyway, they ran after | TEE en a | the cat, chasing it up an apple | HO HUMMM! pkg 39¢ | tree. After circling the tree Sf - : | few times and apparently foc What This Place i 4 ing satisfied the deer lost inter- | Bo TN . an | est and wandered away. Needs, Folks, Is | SURF: 29, LUX 2 02. 39¢ ith B C S H | High Sleeping Foxes Laid low A Few Good eon. 70¢» LIQUID 20.69c N. .L. dugar rioney 2] A ame protec or Ce Ads In This Ww Held County name ande B he LUX = 3-18¢ ,., JRUX , 20. ™ Craboms are aries « NEWSPAPER | toupon coupon nal week of last December | | erst un 2ry7 FLAKES + 2 0 three DuBois sportsmen dog- 2 ‘ pkg ood’ foxes north east of their | | home town. On tracking SNOW | 9 the men followed two gray fox- { | : os into a hemlock and grape-| | } vine thicket, where they lost | | the tracks COMPLETE ONE STOP FOOD SER VICE | Looking around and through | | | the tangle one man finally ob- | j PHONE 3-9094 MOUNT JO¥, Pa. ff ret soo on bl ics ted approximately 30 feet above | = Say | in the far will receive AND LIFE Skids at md most life and limb, ance needs to keep against them Patronize an SICO PROFITS Public Scho ols m photo contest in nlarged photo in a TIME wd falls are the oldest wd frequent dangers to and daily vigil i = — —— — Bulletin Event ogy, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin Advertisers (TST Many of Your Faverite REXALL PRODUCTS at 37¢ ~. Cara Nome CREAMS * cold cream REG. 75¢ Rexall’s value-packed AMOS 'n’ ANDY SALE! Loads of items to choose from in every department... loads of sav- ings for you — your favorite Rexall products at half price, deep-cut bonus buys, special corhination Rexall Multi-Purpose ANTISEPTIC 6 ozs. REG. 39¢ RUBBING = ALCOHOL (= ® cleansing cream Pitt} ® special dry skin cream A ey ime Reg. $1. 4s ’ §5¢ FX Rexillana jars ange) =) COUGH SYRUP Sars ¢ es Bors offers—all fine quality products, all REG. 30¢ REG. 98 C great buys. Now's the time to . - stock up on health and home necds. Now's the time to SAVE! Cara Nome HYGIENIC LIPSTICKS Regular & Permacreme || uu Reg. $1.10 55¢ E POWDER 74¢ 16 ozs. REG. $1.49 » MAXIXE Chocolate / Covered CHERRIES 59¢ 1 1b. box ickage 3 Pa Reg. $1.04 88 Vat by ed Bay bi Si-gauge RETRACTABLE BALL POINT PEN. = Rez.$1.20 79¢ *| Spunfex HOSIERY 15-dener AIR MAIL ENVELOPES Reg. 10¢ pack 3/27¢ First Quality: Dunont Nvions inn irst Quality Dupont Nylons in newest AIR MAIL TABLETS TIE IIS he fia Lp 79° LORD BALTIMORE PORTFOLIO Reg. 53¢ 49¢ Ee CARA NOME MINIATURES, perfume b and ow ues, pariume Reg. $1.00 29¢ STORK BOTTLE WARMER . Reg. $2.49 1.98 LUNCH KIT with pt. vacuum bottle, Reg. $2.59 2.33 COTTON BALLS, 65's . Reg. 35¢ 28¢ VIDE MOUTH VACUUM BOTTLE, pint, Reg. $2.49 2.28 ADHESIVE TAPE, Pro-Cap, ¥2"x5 yd, Reg. 23¢ 16¢ B® FORMULA & FOOD BAG $2.98 Value 1.89 SNUGFOLD SYRINGE carrying case, Reg. $2.89 2.59 HAIR DRYER, hot and cold switch Reg. $6.50 5.89 FEVER THERMOMETERS Quik Focus Reg. $2.00 1.79 py Koh har in A LB TR ER a YOU: CAN DEPEND, ON: ANY. DRUG. PRODUCT THAT BEARS THE NAME RE Joy Theatre Building SPECIAL ASPIRIN 2 Chocolate Honeycomb (3 tablets for 3 less than 1¢) | = High potency Ships 1 8 ozs. 50 Tablets 1 6¢ j= 47 én. 1s Reg. 32¢ BES. 95¢ Ry seein 39¢ Combination Offer! Rexall MILK OF MAGNESIA Reg. 98¢ CHERROSOTE Cough Syrup with medicinal teaspoon, BOTH FOR 89¢ $1.12 Value MONACET APC COMPOUND, 100 tablet bottle and Pocket Vial of 25 tablets. ..BOTH FOR 79¢ Giant Size Reg. 39¢ KLENZO ANTISEPTIC Vn treed ain 6 ounces 19¢ TOOTH PASTE S3¢ YALYE Reg. 79¢ BISMA-REX MATES, , 75 tablets 39¢ Klenzo Nylon TOOTH BRUSH REX-RAY VAPORIZER .......... ..REG. $6.95 5.89 c Sta... . REG. $3.98 3.19 ReG 39 For 63 THERAMINS multi-vitamins, 50'S. REG. $4.75 2.37 Stag Special CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN, 50's ..REG. 35¢ 29¢ TAG AFTER. VITAMIN B12 tablets, 100's. . . .REG. $3.60 1.80 STAG AFTERSHAVE _ Right reserved to limit guar] ties Prices subject ‘to Fed Excise Tax where applicable. Prices subject to change without notice DEEP CUT BONUS ITEMS BOXED WRITING PAPERS Choice of smart styles. $1.00 Values 49¢ REG. 75¢ and YOUR CHOICE STAG SHAVE CREAMS| Z7'5¢ Colorful PLASTIC I LTTE 7 with purchase of any one of these 13 popular Rexall products . . Klenzo gp TISSUES ~~ 1 LOZOTHRICIN THROAT LOZENGES. .... 17 gg White or asstd. BOXES a i» REA... ounces ha colors. 300's FOR 83 0) ROPHYLL MOUTH wasn... pint 79 AEROSOL REX SALVINE. ........... 5 ounces 1 - Kienzo Nylon HAIR BRUSHES it | BIOKETS THROAT Roches... 15s 69g SWEET'N-ETS SPRINKLE oun BISMA-REX POWDER ; — Choice of styles & 89¢ Colors. $2.00 Values MENG od HA on iL LL 43 NASOTHRICIN NOSE DROPS : 1% vee. . Ya ounce Genuine LEATHER BILLFOLDS CT big LAXATIVE TABLETS 130's - Men's and Ladies’ in smart EROSOL FUNGI- REX 4 ounce 5 99¢ FORMUL + ounces 1.59 new styles. Reg. $2.00 A V-10 MULTIVITAMIN Tone pint 198 ANAPAC SALYEE-FLAVOR SHAKER 36 tablets 98¢ 19¢ Dura Press 5 FLASH BULBS = 2Y2 ounces SLOAN’S PHARMACY Phone 3-3001 MOUNT JOY, PA.