The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 11, 1954, Image 2

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mT —— p
I'HE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday, Februory 11, 1954 2 New Members To Be cis Pack, Landisville; William ( SWINE RAISERS GE also 1s declining, bud rem ine | 14 wows.
IT k Int Post Moore, Landisville; Harold Mar- | DISEASE WARNING the number one killer of swine, | i P. sh HOU
O \W/ L | A I F S THE BULLETIN aken Info Fos * |tin, Columbia; Bruce Robison,| pennsylvania swine raisers| Dr. Dunne says. With the devel- | MARY G. NISSLEY
/ y > AVOrv ay © i a ) 3 . ; . co rae :
Re . ne rsd gd | Elizabethtown; Charles Graham | gnould be on the alert against| opment of va FUNERAL DIRECTORS Satu
Lancaster Courty, Pa. | Nine low members (are ox | of Conestoga; Kenneth Spiece, | possible occurrence of atrophic] cines as an important part ot it DR Joy. Pa, on
Larmon D. Smith, Publisher pected to be accepted into the | Columbia; Harold Longenecker, | phinitis in their herds, says Dr. | control, hog cholera eradication | “BL ISINES SS Main
Ts 5 I | membership of the Walter S.|Salunga; John Boone, Lancaster | Howard Dunne, professor of {may be just around the corner. | =T YOU DCW —— Bed
| Jonn i cnro | hers / sre: > a Maen
| Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 Ebersole American Legion Post | and Charles Graver, Lancaster | veterinary science at the Penna One of the first experiments 4 boi i, oe
— 185 at the regular meeting, | A —— ony 3 cy am Jule
89 5 «om gl ’ Sm QI | state University. to be started at the new Animal 3 ADV - lb Rive |
Srliseription Se M 0 50. per, Thursday, Feb. 1th. Members) PONY JUST SIT The disease is increasing in Di I h Lal ql =] TW 105 Hea
vear by Mai | ; TR snap. aboratorv a BE — h
| are urged to attend the meeting ov c g RAVE. . oF iscase Research Laboratory a Er = |=]: idol
\ Adve rtising rates upon request Arg . See of Even if you are on the rig ht | | 14 states, he says, and Pennsyl : nee in oi Pym A Te = =i} “AMERICA'S e o )
|" Entered at the postoffice at at 8:00 p.m. | track, vou will get run over if | vania may be the next to bel the University, occupied at the WON [r=] . Sinke.
| Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class, The new members are Fran- { you just sit there, | seriously affected. Atrophic rhi-|gpeginning of January, concerns | — i fg FINEST WASHER Mochi
I me A » AC f Marc 3 ee } re 3 : : y Ate
[Nal under the Act of March 3, —— ET — “eee | Mtis is characterized by its slow | diseases of swine, states D1 Beni. F. Garber Friar:
| Member, Pennsylvania News oe | spread and disfiguration of the; Dunne.” If swine raisers lend ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. | KEE NEE 2S
paper Publishers’ Association. || Ge snout, and results in loss of] their support to their research, | Phohe 702-J Farniture Floor Coverings Rae x
: : . . veh , to} Cab" 11 ( oor ys reak
: FOR THE LATEST IN LOVELINESS weight, poor gains, and poor | much can be accomplished te FARM BUREAU | VIOUNT JOY. PENNA. Sween
| BIR HS VISIT US AND SEE... sales value. Solve the disease problems now Zan Mutval Automobile Innis ©, {1 31 Mar otf 1 Ave - Ph. 3.5601 ete
or 1 . : Ig 110-0 ari of eC - vec
| Mr. and Mrs. Mark Layman i, | With vesicular exanthema on | affecting the swine industry in| Rood Fis muita ae —_ Sale
{ of Denbigh, Va., announce the © | the decrease, Pennsylvania is| Pennsylvania Jala eli CIMT | Stimulate your business by adver
{ birth of twin sons February 1, | one of only seven states having Yt» { ro “ising in the Bulletin C. 8S)
BY A WISE ( WI 1954 in the Riverside Hospital { infected herds at this time. Hog! Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. Patronize Bulletin Advertisers | tising 7 Claude
} Newport News. Mrs. Layman is
| the former Ruth Mumma, Flor
| In, Pa
morning on important business | .
' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F

alled an uptown lady this|



y 5 Si 3 a A ot Gruber, Mt. Joy R2, announced
Sa : : . i the birth of a son Monday at the $-02
Pe Cs Come oround before | Lancaster General Hospital IN INTERNATIONAL STERLING | Old South Frozen :
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stauffer ee | cans NW
Bay vy { Mount Joy R1 annoance the ADAM H. GREER Hn
Somebody called up of a daughter Wednesday 87 E. Main St. " MOUNT JOY, PA.
Fuller last week and asked him | the Columbia Hospital Phone 3-4124 : { C}
if Harry Darrenkamp has Prince cme ea A
Albert in a can. John immed- is : : 6-oz. $1 29 Sons $5.15 :
., | blaze, he realized the red re- ; cans ior
lately answered. ‘'He sure does fee ction was the setting sun. ! Mall wom ET as | J
And the fellow yelled: “Well, The fire was actually | ¢ de
tell him to leave him out right | near: Hosslers Ciirch northeast rE 2 or
away, before he smothers.” “7 of
“I believe Geo. Reigle |
had something to do with that.
f town. Western Delicious Eating
0) Anples 2-29
A noisy card game was going
on in a hotel. A guest in an ad-|
joining room couldn't sleep be-|
One of the fellows told me at} cauge of the racket. He pounded |
the barber shop that on Satur-j with his shoe on the wall. The
day morning his neighbor slip-| card players paid no attention.
SS fs rem So Yu vues pel se NE Ban anas Coe ce J Pe P
downstairs to answer the door-| gone poker hound cried. “This is d th - es ! { one Price igher
Bh as nd theroadicetill Be
Ek At pened the door the} yz heck of a time of night to be! a Florida Juicy 216-Size (One, Price = None Priced Hight)


ice man kissed him. After giv-| hanging up pictures!” | Live
ine due thought to this strange > me n i Chicken-of-the-Sea Oranges | i ¢
occurrance, he come to the con ae hi she : | dozen Na:
& : A M-=1 Overheard as I entered the y ope w 0 i |
clusion that the ice man’s wife | home of a New Haven St. fam- | Tuna Fish 7 L
must have a similar robe. — —| jv i | x ib, a {
Whatta man: ™ Melvin . . A” | Sita, te AQ Grapefruit 5 28¢ (Canadian Rutabagas 1b Gc Ror
1 UE . ioral ; ‘ :
a ryan “What, Ma? | New Potatoes "2.5 ws. 29¢ Cole Slaw 2 25g BRC
Bill Shaeffer said "One reas “Are you spitting in the fish | Chunk Style 35° Lett Californig large 5 tg
on why romance lasted longer | fF | Light Meat can uce Iceberg heads 2 ¢ Pascal Celery 2 x 29¢ 4.9
in e old days was that the “No, Ma, but I'm coming very Chunks Styl SV sion c Del Cathow or
bride look: i ath the same af oho ] | Ye 510 35 Seedless Raisin... 6 > Fhe: 19¢ Mut Meats ns celio a, 49¢ Om
ter Washing her face i Save Sc with the purchase of a package of Seabrook Farms Frozen Baby
—_— Philosopher Enck says: Al 1C Vv
A Florin youth took his first| wise woman is one who makes |
check to the bank. The cashier | her husband feel as though he’s

: 8-01. c Reguisy ) Special Price! e
Saltines =: 18 Lima Beans « wu

asked him te endorse it, so he{ head af the house when actual. | h ‘ I
! . | i i - RSI powe
took up a pen and wrote on the| ly he's only chairman of the en-| Chessisie Col Cookies 49° Pon
back “I heartily endorse this] tertainment committee. ! Snow G 1% in
check.” . i Fop a Hes at | &P 14 in
rr { Did you know that the three RB d ’ | natio
5 tess You & ves oraen s cultiy
One of our reporters called| balls in front of pawnshops| Coker
| tobac
it a downtown home yesterday. | mean that two to one you won't | Starlac renc ries sprea
When the small boy opened the| get it back Makes S ais tor, 1
door sh asked, “Is your moth- | rice i iy a 41° Snow C 9. ge platfc
: od Ha { 1C ro 7 youl
r engaged?” The boy thought aj I saw this sign on a Harris | Milk phy: Froz P J ios ay
: ih de He a : . . : : . . | - — en KGS a H i
minute id then answered: 1} burg coffee bar; | I'he very fact that America s telephone industry has X P¥g nuime
think she’s married.” i tH u are one of se who | Wied SO ( B 0k 5
; { you. ate one.o those. w i just recently installed the 50,000,000 telephone only | 08CO - :
{ douse cigarets in coffee cups, let! ’ : Snow reg Frozen 1 (Thighs, Breasts or Le mS Pal \ be 1m
They say if you don’t drink, | the waitress know. She’ i serve | provides a spur for.continued improvement and ex- Chocolate Syrup gt, Sreasis Or 199s Wn separate Packages)
moke, or run around with wo- f an ¢ ay.” | We 1011 he 53 ye ‘ye i 3
( : or | = a Sun wi: we you coffee in an ash tray. | pansion. We join with the 5300 other Independent | i2-o1 24¢ 24-02. 52° 12.02 fe
men, oull hive Je 1 ies or . : 2
: ie den bn, [elephone companies and the Bell Telephone Sys- jar jar pkg Aucti
ly, it only seems longer | { { 5 that! I 1 / 2 4
Don’t forget to send me

: ch : Clerk
| ugly Valentine. Someone's been tem in observing this communication milestone. It i
| ugly Valentine. Someone's been | 8 jem Snow 60: QE 9 I.
Tl evening around 5] slipping up the past few years] gives America one telephone for every 3 people— Karo Syrup he cor © com or Green Beans: h Style Qa 452
o'clo the siren blew | and I don't get as many. Makes £1 i u Gorn i ig 2 Ber 3G i 10 3 |
> a : a compared to one for every 68 in the rest of the world. Blues or Red Blue Frozen ws. IIC BF =” 1001. Fa A
ili Fackler ran outside, and| me feel as though I'm slipping. | ompared : y Worle { Label Label A ve i ig Cauliflower 2 fa phos. Je
1 spears 0-012, = a J wo —
S ing a red reflection in the | — ne i vo ion c 5.1b. c sparagus Snow Crop pkg 45¢ Succoiash og 2 ros. 395
western sky, decided to beat May I remind you that the bottle can om . :
i | |
the engines and head right for | best way to keep up with the : “i wil et fee
. | . ; | TT . ;
th ir mtn. of swing the] donteon 1s 10 ube ior tors] COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. | : Del Monte Sliced Pineapple ne 992
fp hone ficor } Ir | hi 1 i { v E LY 3 La
fire house After he drove] while and in a few years you'll azo a i - . 3 an Wg
awhile, unable to locate the meet them coming back Del Monte Tomato Juice 2 13-02 &ic oz. SHE
cons Cad Car ry]

HI . - tah - ie - 2 — : - in uar c Vo dtd i |
| oy wh Granulated Sugar te 89° ne Ge i
| gallon can $2.15 Sunnyfield Pastry Flour gs 5, 35° 10 8g F
Del Rich Sunnyfield Family Flour 41° 10: nT |
: Nutley Oleomargarine 9 is ilar
For Your Valentine || | Y= | « 2:58
fae Kingan's K-P Luncheon Meat ne

Phillip’s Ranger Joe Wheat Honnies soos or
Combination Offer
pkgs. 29¢c
9.0,, INC 1
pkgs Ge Il with
W J T | Tomato So Royal Puddings ~~ rover
HI MAN | 30 4h 95% Pilisbury Pie Crust Mix . ori ie
| i Ann Page Ground Black fr = 35 wag gu
Good Luck Eight O'clock Coffee vor gae ero
on the 3-Pound Pb at “52 61
C AND [a be ; AR 3 Say | Margarine Jane Parker Apricot Pie Sr age I
| Jane Parker Valentine Layer Cake wa el
2 "i All Prices in This Advertisement Layer Cake Sotuidey, Fale 6, Ju herds
eoruary [3th tivo
Vel Florient Three Little Kittens Gaines few
eroso eodoran C il
Detergent Astor] Gat Food 37 Meal ie
30° wt | = 8 6: 45°: 719 = dl uw 13° oy
5 2 5

Children %-ilb Hearts . . . . . . 55¢

25. bag $2.65 i Tt
Other Heart Boxes $1.15- $2.25 - $3.00 - $4.50 Pulinliv Red Heart =
I Laundry Soap aa 0ap Dog Fsod jis)
PEPECH ETE | 3 lyrae 23° 3 rope 23° 2 i 23° 6 ins g5° ih!
| CN tress
| A I . Tl ie]
9 | rge - Kingsford Educator hom
SLOAN’S PHARMACY || | cof | choot, | foo | ei
SLI | 218 | mi 2 | sy nu

the T

I Joy Theatre Bldg. Mount Joy, Pa. |