HE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday, January 28, 1954 2 OWL LAFES ln BY A WISE OWL Considering we just started), 1954 we sure got to the end of the first thirty-one days mighty there's not left of fast. I'H bet nany resolutions New too those | Year's vows. You know except for the cold wind I think that | winter's snow and ice, awful nice. The English language is a| funny and confusing thing. Tell | a woman that time stands still | when vou look into her eyes| and she'll adore you, but then | just change your wording and | tell her that her face would | stop a clock—then look out ! !| Met an old friend today who | was wearing a mourning band | on his left leg. When 1 asked | reason he told me his had passed away. But I how odd it was for wearing it on his leg | instcad of his sleeve, he ex- ‘Oh, she was my mo- | ther-in-law.” him to be plained EE A Lancaster woman has been | married so many - times that | they give her a- new li | more. They just] old one. don’t cense any punch the There's a Columbia woman complains that have no objection to her band talking in his sleep, what's so darn irritating fact he just chuckles. Avenue | she'd | hus- | but | is the! Forty years an E-town couple | had been hitched, and 40 years she had made the living: then] he died. The thrifty widow in- structed that his body be mated and the ashes delivered to her. Carefully placing them in an hourglass she set it on the | Mantle, sat down to rock and said: “Now, vou worthless bum, at last you're going to work.” cre- businessman was his worthless col- A re aching to tired ge grandson: don’t you get and | your out When 1 was working for three | dollars a week in 4d store, ahd at | the end of five years I owned it. | Grandson replied: “You can't do that now. They ‘have cash | registers find a job? age I was 4 At the a motorist and asked: me to the Newsboy: end of town yesterday | stopped a paper boy “Son, can you direct | nearest bank?” “Yes, sir for a quar- ter.” Motorist: “Isn’t that high pay, my boy?” Newsboy: “No, sir, not for a bank director.” Talk is cheap except vou hire a lawyer. At a recent fire in a | of a nearby city, the fire depart- | ment found a blazing bed. The | firemen found in the bed a sleep- | | when | ing man very much inebriated. | Taking him to the police sta- tion after putting out the fire, | they started to have him book- | ed for arson, but at this point | the man reared back and an-| nounced that arsofi was the one thing that he couldn't be charg] ed with. “Why not?” ! i he was asked. “Because,” the tipsy bent re-| plied, ‘that bed was on fire | when I got in to it. | 4 An eastern court acquitted a| service station operator on a! charge of assult against a cus-| tomer who didn’t buy any gas. All the motorist wanted was | windows and windshields cleah- | ed, tires checked, battery tested, water, motel and highway in- formation, and the restrooms cleaned up for his wife and five kids. Bud and Ronny were discus- sing automobile troubles. “What model is your cat?’ ask- ed Bud. “It isn’t a model,” repli- ed Ronny, “lt's a horrible ex- ample.” | Advertising ratés upon request. | 1879. | Member, Pennsylvania News- | paper Publishers’ Association. On Move In County | has taken another long step for- | ward in { have been added to the growing | servation | damages. Mr. { trol while | listed from purchasing either air- | headed into the east-bound lane | planes or bombs. | toward the truck. He was taken The Rheems Fire Company | to the Lancaster | Berks County THE BULLETIN Published every Thursday at 11 East Main Street, Mount § Lancaster County, Pa. Larion D. Smith, Publisher Se hroll, | Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 Subscriptipn Rate, $2.50 Yea by Midil John E. | per | Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class mail under the Act of March 3, Soil Conservation Soil and water conservation the Northwest Section of Lapcaster County. A review of the work accomplished by the Northwest Lancaster Work Unit of the Soil Conservation Service tells a story many farm- | ers in this section can be very! proud of. WINNING PHOTO- fied as the farm of Ira Heistand. Mr. cated near Milton Grove beside the Risser’s Church. He 120-acre farm for approximately six years. | Forty-five new cooperators| meeing in Jacob Street. was in Legion held a new quarters on | Mrs. Frank Germer | charge of the meeting. list of progressive farmers who | svwewwvve were cooperating with the Lan- | HAPPENINGS caster County Soil Conservation District. These new cooperators Sf | | requested the important first | George Groff was elected step of working out complete LONG AGO | president of the MJ Friendship farm plans for soil and Water) | Fire Company and was installed conservation on their farms | a Adair wa | by the past president, Walter with S.C.S. technicians. ! 1 raw These fz Bins are. drawn) THIRTY YEARS AGO jor RW. A an plans os Span I Yanuary 16. 1924 Deaths for the week included up after a thor study of a I vrs 1 . itzke P mh lorongh of The Foresters of Mount Joy Mrs. Margaret Fitzkee, Mus. the type of soil, the degree of Slob: the a t of past ero. held a twenty-fourth anniver-| Lloyd Shank, Mrs. Warren Geil, 5 pe, ou oO og ero. Jov No. 298. Mrs. Charles W. Miller, Mrs. An- sion, and the system of farmin x ® E sary. They were Court Mount nie Saylor, John Shank. followed on an individual farm. Then. A teachers institute was held considering the needs and A railroad near here burned wishes of the farmer and the for the : teachers in Elizabeth-|91 carloads of Christmas trees type of land available to work town, Mount Joy, Mount JOY | {hat couldnt get to the markets : mehi Jog \ with. the Best use township and West Donegal | in time. of each field | | Township. { Iron Neck Mott and his com- vin de feated the Rothville High | pany of Strong Acts together | gj team 38 to 20 with Jack with two lady strong acts will be | | Brenetnan and Dick Brown as the attraction at the Mount Joy nigh scorers. | Hall this evening. Mr. Mott will a | give a free demonstration at sev- | en o'clock of pulling a five-ton | Some of the outstanding con- | {yiick with his teeth. practices installed| Three hundred Mount Joy during the past year on farms | | firemen and families AL of district cooperators in the | pe annual banquet in the town | is planned. The . high school basketball In many cases, the conserva- tion practices included in these | plans were installed this past year, while in other cases, they | will be installed in the near fu- ture. The Bennett in first place in the league. ert Schneider is high single with triple, K. Stuckey, 258: high Five new directors were elect planting, 2 and one-fourth acres; | restaurant, pool room, bowling Grassed waterways, 3 acres;| alley and band hall. CT TY ju Open drainage ditches, 10,100] Deaths for this week were Ja DEXTER Ft.; Tile installed, 5,890 Ft. cob Ruhl, Paris Myers, Cath TWIN TUB This prpgram of better land|erine Givler, Eli Barr, John "AMERICA’S use and management is under | Kaylor and Abram Heisey. FINEST WASHER® the leadership of the District] Two native citizens “made ERP HA RARITY Directors of the Lancaster | good.” Arthur P. Schock was re- | 9 County Soil Conservation Dis-| cently promoted from the ranks | KEENER S Furniture Floor Coverings the —The winning photogs ph in “the FARM PHOTO C ON TEST was identi- Heistand 's address is Elizabethtown R3. and his family His farm is lo- rave lived on the Greider, Lancaster RD. The War Department was so out tests that it was decided to hold tests only every days only. County for the week included Samuel Way, Vietor Brooks, Frank Shotzberger, Charles Peifer and Sylvester Troutwine. . : Elmer G. Strickler Elizabethtown, Pa. bowling team is | Rob- | YOU NEED UNDER MY COMPLETE Family Security Fire - - Auto - - Life Bccident & Health - - Hospitalization AND MORTGAGE IINSURANCE 35-1 “Aaron Longenecker BUILDING CONTRACTOR Northwest Work Unit included; | hall. Pres. Loraw made a brief | ed into the Chamber of Com- Conservation surveys, 1727|gspeech and the winner of the I merce Clarence Newcomer, Acres; Contour strips, 973] player piano was announced. | Paul'Sioner, Harry Nissley, He | acres; Cover cropping, 145 ac-| The Bachman Chocolate Com- | man “and John Booth. | res; Stubble mulching, "818 ac-| pany has decided to erect a new Jour new direciors were elect- | res; Strip cropping, 948 acres; | addition to its plant. Thepur to the Farmers’ Co-op: | Pasture seeding, 56 acres; Pas-| pose is to increase the cooding 105 ‘Newromer, John Roland, | a 3 TY an ara | | i { Pre 3% acres; capacity. | Mount Joy; Ralph Bender, rmanent hay, 51 acres; Tree| Jacob Brown will erect a sore | Wa hington Boro; and Alvin | ® MOUNT JOY R. D. 2 PHONE 3-6100 Ln { MILLWORK - FILL - GRADING | “TOPSOIL 3 EXCAVATING CABINETS ILL MBER - KITCHEN trict. The District directors are|to Lieutenant Colonel. Clarence Amos Funk, Henry Hackman, Stoll, of Western Electric, is MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Wayne B. Rentschler, Henry R.! works manager of the Haw- | 19-31 Marietta Ave - Ph. 3-5601 Metzler, Lemon Weist, and El-|thorne Works a — mer Good Vv - The results of this program— The Athletic As- | sociation basketball team defeat- Mount Joy more profitable farming and the | ad the Steel Products 25-22. The gaving of our valuable resources | Mount To High School basket- for the future—are a benefit not | pall team was defeated by the { only to the cooperating farmers Manor High School team 25.16. | but also to the county and to The Mount Joy High School | | the country. sirls’ team defeated the Memor- | ves Wri ir 29 S. 5th Street ial Presbyterian Girls 28-2. En- | | Car And Sico Truck | as Collide East Of Town [© .. : FIFTEEN YEARS AGO An accident involving a car high score with 14 INCOME TAX FORMS FILLED OUT R. E. SHECKARD & SON All Kinds of Insurance OPEN EVENINGS COLUMBH, PA. : January 12, 1939 driven by Robert T. Menaker, . z Arthur Sprecher and his new 58, Harrisburg and a Sico truck | bride were honored at a recep- driven by Charles Bailey: Mt. | held in their honor at Hos- Joy, resulted in $5000 worth of | {atier's. Menaker lost con- | ; The United States has black- heading west and General Hos- | ? : purchased grounds for future | pital in the Mount Joy { munity Ambulance and under- | il] celebrate their twenty-dg | went emergency surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gorrecht | & 1 vhie'e ras ‘ : : The third vehicle was that of | | wil celebrate their twenty- Charles Herkert, Story Creek, | Bailey's truck |, ran off the road and overturned | {in a field. Mr. Bailey was treat- | | Benjamin C. Portner, Abram | ed by Dr. David E. Schlosser for | | Waltz and Wilhelm Walters | lacerations of the left leg. | Abe a | president of the Mount Joy | Group | Sportsmen's Association with | Leroy Sheaffer as vice president; | (krom page 1} 'R. E. Hassinger, Lunda | Joy Baking Today” Zurin, assistant; Moore, | Gene Eicherly, salesman, The pur- > ase ) i approximately two-thirds of the "5 d and releas sed 302 rabbits. | cakes in the building. Mrs. Ger- East Donegal graduates Jere urday Deaths for the week included @ reltmacher was elected | secretary: John Mrs. sold | treasurer. are aszocilation 3 dld Hostetler and Mrs. Jokin| | given permission to attend the] Gelz were ‘“measurers”: Mys. |New York World's fair instead | Frank Young, Jr. and Mrs. Geo. | °f Visiting Washington. ® ALUMINUM AWNINGS Mrs. Mary Hurst, Florin, sold | | Albert, “mixers”; Mrs. Robert Tyndall and Mrs, William Eck- | | her gas station and restaurant to | | Mr. and Mrs, J. Earl Ressler of | enrode, * ‘icners’” and Mrs. James | E | Roberts, ‘oven watchers The | Erie. : . remainder of the cakes were; Borough Council went on rec- { sold ii Monit Joy. {ord as approving the opening of | pen {a hew street from Market Street | Philosopher Enck said “If to Manheim Street which was at first you don’t succeed, try,|named Ice Avenue. | 32 HENRY STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. try again, then quit. There's no | TEN YEARS AGO Mo use in being pigheaded.” January 13, 1944 PHONE UNT Joy. 36884 : | A WISE OWL’ The auxiliary of the American §' ce ald — 4-2¢_ | OPENING | FEBRUARY 1st | See Our Complete Line of ant wean amir || HOME IMPROVEMENTS ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS ALUMINUM STORM DOORS ALL TYPES OF SIDING | | ALL TYPES OF ROOFING CUSTOM-MADE VENETIAN BLINDS ® ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS ® ROOM ARSONDITIONERS | displeased with Monday's black | three | = monhs in the future and on Sun- | Draft Board No. 1-Al Phone 117 | “YOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE TT Og | Quality Meats ALSO A FULL LINE OF BIRDS ak? ar Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Meat Marke WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY | iy SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Jov, Pa. iy Ivy TIL INSURANCE COS. mii PTR TE ECR LEER » Farm Bureau Life Farm Buréauw MutualiFire Insurance. Co. UTD FT ER LUE 1] Warren H. Stehman PLORIN JOY - -5547 SQUARE ST, PHONE MT. Give the little fellow a big hand and his parents, too— with a Halimark welcome-baby card. Choose from our large assortment of famous Hallmark Cards today. Sloan's —— s Pharmacy l 87 E. Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. sl 3 TNE EET (RAY TE JANUARY 2 10 31 Don’t Delay Send Yours In Today The Lancaster County Chap- ter For Infantile Paralysis C. C. Rudy, Chairman John C, Truxal, Treasurer Phone: ' Room 401, Breneman Bldg. | 53 N. Duke $t., Lancaster, Pa. Lancaster 3-3511 Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends. Patronize Bulletin Advertisers Pears Mectar Meo: Green Beans oo" Jitice Stratford Farms Prune Pea Beaits ons i Faust Red Salmon Pure Prese | Palmolive Soap 3 oe QF Palmolive Soap 2 bath size 2 3 Cc Kraft Salad Oil Get a FREE 3.0z, package of Jolly Time Popcorn with each bottle quart Octagon Laundry Seap = 2% | Swanee Tissue 2. 25 87 EAST MAIN ST. large cakes Colo-Soft All Colors Banquet Chicken", Hershey Bars"... rb; Fiorida Juicy Large 176-Size Oranges Northwestern Anjou or Bosc Pears Fresh Cauliflower White Potatoes Sunsweei Large Prunes Orange Juic Snow Crop Lima Beans Fordhook Sow Crop Green Beats Snow Crop Peaches Frozen Hunt's Peaches Pineapple Juice ov 2. Kraft Cheese Links <= 2% 33¢ 8 336 5.49 23¢c of 24 39 25¢ on 876 Frozen Sweetened quart bottle 3c 2 8-0z rve Eight 0°Clock Coffee Jane Parker Apple Pie All Prices in This Advertisement Are Effective Through Saturday 2-01 a» Old South Allsweet Margarine In Vs-lb. 1-1b. prints pkgs. Burnett's Vanilla Extract ; 1% bottle Ideal Dog Food Florida Juicy (NONE PRICED HIGHER) | Bag Oranges or Grapefruit Fresh Tomatoes..." Iceberg Lettuce. e Priced Higher Solid Slicing Your Choice! snowhite — Nona Priced Higher S. No. 1 Sizq Local None Priced Higher 6-01, tans 10-02, pkgs. French 10-012. Style pkas. 10-02. pkos. Slices or Halves Special Price! 18-02. cans ippy or Sh Best Pure A&P Cor Nutley ow. Woman’s Ann Page—Peach, Pineapple, I-Ib. or Apricot over coffee of like off 4-01. bottle 65° vB, 8 a 173] Bonito Flakes Syrup iC i 26g 24 Orange Juice, >, = 27¢ Save up to 16¢ a pound None ) a Priced dozen Higher cor, Bes 28 19. Cella Higher carton large heads 25° 25° 2 Ibs. 29-02 to 289° 46-01. te 28 2 bes 49 ve 20¢ a te 04g 47¢ 21° Lard Boon 3°50 208 margarine 2 ig Bay Tc 2 C 2b. 45 jar jar 31h. bag 1.|h. 89° $2. 61 bag Special a1 c 8-inch Pie January 30th February ch Issue eo quality Cashmere-Bouguet Seap Cashmere-Bouquet Seap 2 nie 93 Vel Detergent aw 30° = 71° Fah Detergent w dl we 71° Ajax 2 un 95 MT. JOY, PA. ————— A A A A As ew ahha JE (A (EE (GO GI OS OER EE SE 41