The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 21, 1954, Image 5

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Un o er Th e (HE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. |
| T Thursday, 21, 1954 5]
7 and 9:00 P.M | Editor, American Peoples Encyclopedia p G
SATURDAYS THEATRE Ly The local Rams defeated | 4 enna. ame
6.8.10 P. M. 2:00 P. M Manheim Boro in their initial | AT : . >
Mount Joy, Pa. a start of the second round. The (Ze) C |
FRI score was 60 to 41. Metzler, Wh 2 § 2 ’ j omission |
! DAY — SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 - 23 Klugh and Ashenfelter proved ul : WwW kl L
GARY COOPER — BARBARA STANWYCK -in- the es in PR vicar by | ee y etter
scoring 23, 19 and 13 points re- I
66 2 Wi 99 ; °
Ww spectively. ;
Blo ng ild i oi : said Though the fall and winter Wi 1 4 Bacon
- . Is was a ragged first half for game seasons are past not all |
the Rams as their offense Hailed) Pennsylvania hunters are put- |
MONDAY — TUESDAY, JANUARY 25 - 26 lo Ose oe I ting their guns away. Many of | Ib
LE 3%; Tea’ anc good passing, lhe 0 5 them realize that plenty of
GLENN FORD — JULIA ADAMS | cals began to move during the BE TY NED Can A collapsible one-man midget helicopter was tb awaits: the . P tt ate] €
second half. They outscored the| IN THAT ORDER ~ BUT CANNOT developed vecently for the Avy. Thefiny ‘aq-beter: sport awaits them, even in win- |
6 ah pL i BE PASSED FROM SPECIES TO SPECIES canbe assembled in Ominutes and weighs only 300 Jb, ter months. i
ALAMO Barons by 14 points during this| (™ REVERSE ORDER. |
period 2 i < © NL Many sportsmen declare ey)
: i get a greater thrill from success-
WEDNESDAY i This game saw the entire var-| : g Se Ds wits with crows | n h G . i f
— THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 - 28 sity in action for the first in p = ih (“= or foxes than from bagging | res roun ee
JANE WYMAN — STERLING HAYDEN -in- since the third game of the Sean) pd EN | Wao TE game species. Others enjoy the |
Son, LA = | v= w= wi any sport of great horned owl hunt- |
“So Big®’ The Junior Varsity lost a F ES ED — § f ing. Removing predators from Ib
{ thriller in an over-time game.] Nat Armee oF yr TILT eR the wildlife scene causes a cer- |
With the score 20-20 at the end| - PIR ain feeling satisfac |
| | the regular beriod. Manheim | REFUGEES FROM CONTINENTAL CHINA ESTIMATE 20 MILES PER HOUR ASTHE MAWiMuM| | 2in feeling of satisfaction fo
FRIDAY — SATURDAY, JANUARY 29 - 30 | of the regular period, Manheim| | Spgep FOR TRAINS ON THE NEWLY-COMPLETED CHUNGKING-CHENGTU RAILROAD. outdoorsmen. While predator |
3 : : | scored five quick points while hunts provide no meat for the |
VINCENT PRICE — FRANK LOVEJOY -in- blanking the locals. | In a high-scoring game that A di A Mad table they do provide excite- |
oH Of WwW 9% | Manheim JV GF Tlsaw the two second place teams| AWards Are ade ment and wholesome recreation. | by unt S Catsu Pp
ouse ax 9 v 25 jn Section I and II meet, Man-| |p High School In many areas these hardy |
| Mt. Joy JV G F TL heim Twp. defeated the Rams| Major and minor awards were | off-season hunters carry out ear |
2 | Brey ....... vires 0 6169-60. given in the Mount Joy High | corn on their winter trips to
Becker ......... 0 0 0/ Manheim Twp's Warfel, who School Friday, January 15 to| leave feed for wild turkeys and | bots C
DEPENDABLE | Gilbert . eons 0 0 0|is the leading scorer in Section outstanding players in hockey | Other game. |
| Zimmerman . . 1 1 3/11, scored 21 points against the | and soccer. The awards were| Iron Horse Used as Hunting |
Mayer ....:... 0 0 0llocals. Jay Metzler, who had 24| given by John Day and Barbara Vehicle
Pennell ......... 3 1 7 points, led the Rams in scoring. | Airstock, coaches. They are as | : |
USED CARS Grove. ........... 0 0 0, With Ashenfelter sick. Coach follows: * In Shou Be y > .
I 2 0 4|Houck brought Klugl tside iy, : | years ago, a railroad engineman 4 t t i
| ali ie = bues rol } ye ou Sige Varsity letters in Hockey: | killed a deer illegally along the | un S ruil OC al
to help set up the offense. In Dorothy Brooks Virginia | rig wav ans- |
1950 Chevrolet Y%-ton Stake | Total ......... 9 2 20/doing this, Klugh’s value under Brooks, Naney’ Jo Detwiler line's HELO! way aes rans.
LIKE NEW, ONE OWNER Rr, [the basket was sorely missed. | garah Garber. Lois Kavipk ported the animal on his Iron |
. | Maho Ars (3 wy : : Fi oy Sara xarber, 4018 aylor, | horse.” He was apprehended | 1
| Manheim Varsity G F Until the Rams get another | ~ J 33 Si o , cans
| Longenecker 2 1 5/good ball handler {o go with Connie Lane Winona Markley, | and successfully prosecuted by | : 2
. f Uv Ee . 4 y { Karleen- Raffensperger, Lois | 3 game protector |
1950 International 3%4-ton Platform Body | Gibble ......... 4 4 12) Ashenfelter, they will find each | Rutt, Darlene Schneider, Patsy | 2 i or nt i or |
{ Shank aes 8B 0 Ol game tough. Via : . : HR ast fall, another railroader
mei ties | Schroll, Suz: >» Schr Yar J : a |
ry { E. Martin 0 0 0] The surprise of the evening | Susanne Carel | in the Quaker State tried a sim-
1952 Ch | 4 d S | li | Stauffer 1 2 4|was the play of Joe Weber Smith, Faye Stephens, Mae | ilar stunt and a like fate befell | ! °
evio et -aoor ty eine ie. vn arr Me "| Zink, Mary Schneider Mgr. and | hi The illewal act is described |
DELUXE, RADIO & HEATER. EXCELLENT CONDITION | Funk . ‘ih 4 0 8/ Young Weber, who just became | Gil Shelley. Mar | im. The illegal act is escribeg un S INg eacC £4
? | Edmonds 1 5 7 eligible, scored 12 points and | Minor WR by a wondering game protector,
oN or 1 3 S| played a fine game defensively. | BR prs In a olay | William A. Moyer, of Allentown |
1951 Olds. 88 Super 4-door | we —| The JV team ‘“hooked-up” in] B or Barpinger, | who says: “There have been | $ 00
FULLY EQUIPPED, ONE OWNER | Totals . Lm 15 41| a thriller but went down to de SSP a Baughman, Barbera numerous cases of game shoot- | No 2% cans
ree chins | Mount Joy G F Tl| feat 28-24 Braught, Nancy Diller, Loretta] ing from autos and other vehic- | fg *
: : , Nas ; : Garlin, Kay Kear, Peggy Kline, | les, but last. November I had
Klug! iy 8 3 19) Frey led the scoring with 8 iy ’ 58. | les, it las :
1951 Ford V-8 Custom | lush EE 1 0 2] pointe. This was the first even Priscilla Lane, Ruth Loewen, something new— shooting from |
RADIO, HEATER & OVERDRIVE ea fi of that saw: Judy Naugle, Ronnie Jean| ga train. Of course, that requires
| Nissley Sn 0 1 1/ing of basketball that saw all of |
| Weber 1 0 2/the players in action. It has] Reese, Kay Zimmerman, Dar- | cooperation. In this case, the Norris Fane
1951 Chevrolet 4-door Deluxe Metzler .. 9 5 23{been either sickness, injuries | Ihe Ma. Varies] engineer stopped the train | y .
LIKE NEW, FULLY EQUIPPED Eby LLL 0 0 or poor scholastic standings that | wk gr. anc wyllis Wo -| while his fireman shot and Kkil- |
| Ashenfelter ..... 4 5 13|has kept some of the players | 8 oy ds i iE | led a rabbit. The train proceed- | rus © ineéea PP eo
‘ | oe. Si : ving arsity letters In Soccer: | ed on its way after the fireman |
1950 Chevrolet 4-door Deluxe | Zimmerman oo 0 0 from play ing or a Henry Klugh, Captain; Robert| picked up his bunny.
ONE OWNER | Zeller . viva 0 0 Manheim Twp JV G I I'l. | Fish. Charle M H tl I I . 3
2 NE NER * Fish, arles ayer arold |
3 Tn a 10 § 2gflish yer, He ~ Turn Deer Drivers] $ OO
| . . 7 3 | Milligan, Irvin Nauman, Rich- | Coal Mine rs Turn Deer Drive TS
| |
n '" Totals . 23 14 60/Mt. Joy JV G E Wl. . 7 | Are Pennsylvania deer becom- | .
1949 Olds. 76 2-door | é Fron 4 g | ard Nissley, Charles Zeller, Don | fie Nats
“NT CON IN | ior oy | Zerphey, Charles Ashenfelter,; IPE fair-minded . SO =
FULLY EQUIPPED, EXCELLENT CONDITION Grove 0; 0 of Zorn) Siti As | ago, one miraculously escaped]
. | Becker 1 0 2] Peter I ostor Snavelv. | autos and trucks in running]
rilber ) 0 0 ids 3 11 Yr! they : le-long 'Turneikel
1948 Buick Special 4-door | Sie ot : I o | Bernard Thome, Jer Thome, | i mle ag Gigs nt Norris Fanc
RADIO - HEATER je han 1 1 , "Ronald Schofield, Joe Weber | fans L : ren — ee FE Y
| ps . Ls i Charles Groff | @ time in a Philadelphia sub-|
® JAMES B. HEILIG Fish : 0 0 0 1C Be ton, 1arie C roft, | way. Now the Indiana County or
o | and James Pennell
i Funeral Director Pennell I 0 2! Minor Awards in ‘Soccer: | Story by Game Protector Bruce
N om Ir Motors I | PENNA 0% William Eby, Owen Phillips, | who tells: “At Kent :
EWC e i MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Harple : 0 0 0 é Y, e % "Mine No. 8 of the Rochester andi PP P
: | PPA arnle Ars roi 3 | £ i vO <
’ nc. Beaston i o 5) Jone Hari, David bi Sian, Pittsburgh Coal Co.. late in No- | inea e Frese ves
T 2. PP Mayer 0 1 ames tian), 4 25h, ar { vember, something. verv
MOUN 1 JOY ’ I A. ! {Mayer Le | old Krall James Mumma, Rich- | hi mbar, a thine on a a)
PHONE 3-4821 OPEN EVENINGS | | potas 10 924 | ard Newcomer, James Nissley, | al hanp: nec 7 As a oat od oe . $ 00
{ oth 's : Tt | Thomas Schroll, Robert Zeller, | star bi mo if mi hu es th 1] jars
Manheim Twp. © | Fred Bernhard, Jeffrey Brian, | Be wil EO ca Li
Howry . . 0 of Benjamin Groff, Richard Sch-| oa ine we 5 to I i tr
Stouffer . id | neider, Mgr., and Asher Hal. | they disinguished a deer. The
Weaver . Ta 0 01 blotb. Mur | trip was stopped and the fore- y
9 my Woartel Cig 5 21 at 2 [ man worked his way around | boy unt S Tomato Paste
Kleiwer ........ 9 1 19 | the animal and attempted to
SNYDER fo GARAGE Kennard .... ol 0 ol E-Town JR. High Beats | chase it toward the opening. As|
Griener ..... atria. 9 7 25 M the deer ran it struck its head |
ount Joy 50-18 je. $ 00
—— : ; 3 against the low crossbars and |
GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Totals . 28 13 69 | 2 nero Sear TIEN was knocked down. Driving it 6 04 cans
: od eat ount Joy 50-18 riday, | . wr . inally succeed- |
Mount Joy EF EF I'l LR { | slowly, the men finally succeec
9 4 9 0 January 15. Mount Joy put Ub a! od in shooing the deer from the |
Klugh . “ 1 good fight. Ben Groff was high | i
3 BbYy ....... 0.01 0 yj 8000 Light. ben iro Was USD mine back into its natural en-
Auto Body & Paint Shop il 3 aa scorer with ten points, only. fof (LCE Norris Fancy
: re: : . e topped by awtnorne o Y= |
Metzler ..... ve 10 4 24 towit who had 12. | Increase in Snowshoe Rabbit | 1 °
Nauman : ciel This loss brings the games to| Hunting omato uice
W RECKS REPA IRED trea a standing of two wins and | Game protectors’ reports on |
Nissley .. reer 1 “| three losses. | the recent eight-day snowshoe | .
——— a -. S | rabbit season tell that hunting | $ G0
P INTING Totals . 23 u 60 OLD TIMERS REQUESTED | pressure on Pennsylvania's va- | cans
HOT SPRA Y A ———— 0 TO ATTEND MEETING | rying hare has increased. There |
<n’ ~ Lil Old Timers are requested to | were more hunters afield and |
$0, M0 attend the meeting of the asso-| they spent more man days in|
inti av : arv 25 | pursuit of this game animal C
OUR JOB ciation Monday, January 25th,|P A i G |
4 PRINTING 7:30 p. m. in the local fire hall. | than usual in the northern coun- | ome Frown e ery
3 — Wig Sy Beniami troft reside an- | ties, home territory of most of |
1 Mile West of Florin on Route 230 Phone: Mt. Joy 3-9867 En Cr IS RIGHT IN Banja Grom, president an ae? Re BE iil
oN 7 nounce ¢ -1 DS Ss. (
4 THE GROQVE . ffi np t lieve tl at trackin y |
y terest to all members will oe officers believe 1a acking NBC TV SNACKS
-_ "> discussed at the meeting. Busi- | Snow over much of the range in- Je
a i SE EE — —— wr | ness will include a report from |duced more hunting. Despite -
INC OME TAX the awards committee, a midget | the fact, snowshoe rabbits are | Oreo Creme Sandwich 12V4-0z 39¢
| baseball team, the annual ban-; not to be found in their onetime | ¥ . I Thi o5
vi ‘hether g ance |i » Keystone | riangie ns 10-0z Cc
| quet, and whether or not to | Hin the CYS! | g 1
ASSISTANCE continue the award after Mount | State, the field reports indicate |
8 | EVENINGS WEEKENDS Joy High School is dissolved. | had good luck.
MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA. The regular monthly meeting | Varsity & J. V. 00 S .
| ROBERT K. BROWN of the Witness Oak Chapters of | rE cog © M. al
| : net al Townshi igh!" —Eli thtown {
| Insurance - Justice of the Peace | ihe East Donegal Township high Jan. i208 i !
| 320 E. Main St., Mount Joy | school Future Farmers of Ame | Jan. 6 - : COMING SOON!
v | ' y TE sll 1 av evening. |! * Jan. 29—Hempfie
| Phone 3-4062 erica was held Monday evening. I
A i r c Oo m P re S S Oo r WwW Oo r k Rocks 52-1f | Committee heads were appoint. | Tob hg : rd > 5 OUR ANNUAL
ili 1 ed for the parts of the work | * eb. S5—East Donegal ....... :
Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. d . program for 1954. There were 8 Feb. 3--Manheim Twp. . ~ A NORRIS CANNED FOODS SALE
an Dr.H.C. Killheffer parts as follows: supervision, |* Feb. 12—Marietta - H
[ . jo wrative activities |* League Games
| fri practice cooperative activites, |
i : : Trees | Optome st community service, leadership | ; premiers
Excavating and Grading A a 3 activities, earnings and savings, | Junior High J
i Si arlotte St. 3 sotings Cc ar- | : . M. :
Removed Il Telephone 5.2888 conduct of meetings, scholar 4:00 P
Cellars, Trenches, Etc. Rm Wed 9.5:30 ship and recreation. After the|* Jan. 22—Hempfield .......... H|
| Tues. Fri. sat, 7.9 P. M. meeting, a social time was 4 Jan. 29—East Donegal ......... H|
|! : Toes. Fri. Sat. In Devine and servi. Poh. Ce soins ing A — THE HOME OF GOOD FOODS “
\ i 9:30-1:00. 2-5 P. ing refreshments. eG creer. AA |B
re Pp H ONE MOUNT JOY 3-47 53 ELIZABETHTOWN erat MB |* Feb. 12—Manheim Central i PHONE 3-9004 MOUNT JOY, PA.
J / | 1B E. High St. When in need of Printing. (any. | * Feb. 19—Elizabethtown ........ Al
h “ Telephone 24-F | kindly remember the Bulletin|* League Games A i i SNS
1 N [ ; J \ \ | ;
«’ i \ i J gh \ gota haps - 5 .
4 | x { ll nh a EL TR 1 i pL aon na >A ag ds Amy es ie y bch CH 4 a Amd BR 5a] Gabo Na is NET Bud i
A . - oo QR aN eh SR ~~ Sn? pa ~ a :