The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 07, 1954, Image 2

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THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa.


Looks like “Buss’ Kramer,
local Iceman, will be going out |
of business when “Bill” Waltz
fire company.
takes over the
committee for the
‘Bill”" says the iee consumed
at the fire house will be cut in
The entertainment at Shreve's
Bill Enck, who sang several
numbers, and announced that
he was impersonating Frank
Sinatra - - - Shreve had to
halt the entertainor because the
customers were leaving to fast.
He the singing sounded
to him like Bill Not-so-hot-ra.
“So What”
a used car lot:
This is a type of
for itself.
deliver it
Overheard on
er: just as soon
to me.

sent my wife a no-
had overdrawn her
wccount 5( rs. She sat right
down and wrote out a che¢k —
e — for 50 dol-
and mailed it to them.
at she

i In same bank
from a weekend in
York a local man com-
lt prices are so high


there, that when you spend only
five dollars they ng up No
Several weeks ago, Jud”
Farmer, while working for the
P. P. & L. asked his assistant
Jonas Leinard, a ground man.
to hand him something to saw
off a tree limb. — - — Jonas, |
being right on the job, hollored
up to Bud, Yes, Sir, right away,
what shall I send up . - 517%
“Nothing ruins friendship
quicker than one woman in-
fringing on another's symp-|
A Columbia Avenue girl says
every time she drops a hint
her boy friend about walking
aisle together he takes
the movies.
own the
her to
» Garlin said his car has
nr push and
it is the kind of a car
that takes you where you want
Of course, you may be a
years older when you get
) 80

Sen. Derr says:
fellers are just
should be pedalin’.
Don’'t* worry if the tempera-
ture goes down to zero, remem-
ber, that’s nothing!
Cappy Mumma says: ‘Money
by any other name would be
just as hard to save.” :
[ won't use his correct name,
and you can believe him or net,
but a local man waiting in a bus
tation, during the holidays, no-
ticed a machine nearby that
was supposed to tell fortunes.
Having a full thirty minutes to
wait, he dropped in a penny,
pulled the lever and out came 3a
slip of paper. Instead of the us-
“Success will be yours if
vou are thrifty,” the slip read:
“Your name is John Smith; you
weigh 168 pounds, have brown
hair and hazel eyes, and you
are waiting for a bus to Mt. Joy.
Since the facts were true, he
marvelled at the machine for a
few minutes, then decided to
put in another penny. When the
second slip contained the same
information, he decided to see
if he could trick the machine.
Stepping into the men’s lava-
tory, he burnt a cork from an
empty bottle, blacked his face,
donned spectacles, pulled his
hat to one side of his head and
then emerged.

last week was provided by |
Thursday, January 7, 1954 2 ENG AGEMENTS
Published every Thursday at 11 | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kauffman,
East Main Street, Mount Joy. | Reinholds, announce the en-
Lancaster County, Pa. gagement of their daughter,
Larmon D. Smith, Publisher Irene, to Earl M. Myers, Mount
John BE. Sehroll, | Joy Rl. No date has been set
1901-1952 for the wedding.
‘ditor and Publisher,
Subscription Rate
Yea by Mail |
{Advertising rates upon request. |
| Entered at the postoffice a
| Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class
{mail under the Act of March 3,
1 1879.
| Member, Pennsylvania News-
paper Publishers’ Association.
Latters To The Editor
| Dear Sir:
| Through the kindness of the
| people of Lancaster County the |
Salvation Army has been enab-
led to assist approximately 2
We wish to express our sin-| pps Mildred Myers. 205 W.
cere appreciation to the peo- Main Street, Mount Joy, an-
| ple of Mount Joy for their gen- | nounces the engagement of her
| erous support of our Christmas | qaughter, Nancy Arlene to
work im connection with the re-| Lloyd B. Shenenberger, of Man-

and Mrs. Andrew E.
219 East Willow Street,
Elizabethtown, announce the
[engagement of their daughter,
Jo-Anne to John W. Melhorn,
son ofr Mr. and Mrs. John Mel-
horn, Donegal Springs Road,
Mount Joy |

0 per

Miss Trostle is employed at
the State Hospital for Crippled
Children, Elizabethtown and
Mr. Melhorn is in business with
his father.
No date has been set for the
25 | wedding.

cent distribution of our Christ-| heim R2, son of the late Mr.
mas magazine, the “War Cry”. | and Mrs. Elmer Shenenberger,
We of the Salvation Army| piss Myers is a graduate of Mt.
| extend to the citizens of your| joy High School and is employ-
{ community our sincere thanks. led in the office of the U. S. As-
| Sincerely yours, | bestos Company, Manheim. Her
George Gibb, Captain | fiance is employed at the U. S.
Te | Asbestos Company.
No date has been set for the
Miss Eva L. Rohrer, daughter |
of Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrer, |
Manheim and Ira R. Shoop, son |
of Mr. and Mrs. Zartman of
East Main Street, Mount Joy,
were married Christmas morn- |
ing at the Ruhl's prasonage at |
10.00 a. m. The Rev. H. M. To- |
bias officiated at a double ring |
Mr. and Mrs. Shoop were un- |
attended at the ceremony. Fol-|
lowing their marriage, they arel
residing at 56 North Main St. !
Manheim. |

The marriage of Miss Mary
Buchenauer, sister of Charles]
Buchenauer, New Haven Street, |
Mount Joy and Robert Shomper |
of Harrisburg, son of Mrs. Es-| i. as
ther Shomper, Lykins, will take | kamp, 119 East Main Street,
place Sunday afternoon at {he | JOY, announce the engagement
x X | ir « ¥ yr 1 »
Lancaster Methodist Church. | of their daughter, Lorraife
| Tre Hoy New Year's Eve, to
3 ... lon
Kenneth Kolva will| Lutz, son of Mr. and Mus.

Mr. and Mrs.

| 3 Bie i “3 Na i Ly Dh | . T
: officiate at the double-ring cere | ry Schneider, Henry Street, it. |"
mony. The 2:30 p. m. ceremony
will be attended by the imme-| Mi anh NE
diate families of both Miss| "SS arispsamp: an r.
| Lutz are both graduat es of Mt.
Buchenauer and Mr.
{ Jovy High School. Darren-
No date has been set for the |
| wedding.
25th Anniversary
“Mir. and Mrs. Norman Linton,

Sr., were the guests of honor at Mr. and Mrs. George Kimm,
a party given by their children | 330 S. Charlotte St., Manheim, |
honoring their twenty- fifth | have announced the engage-
wedding anniversary Thursday, | ment of their daughter, Nancy, |
December 31 [ to Kenneth R. Engle, son of]
Those present were Mr. and! Mrs. Mary R. Engle. Miss Kimm |
Mrs. Linton, Mr. and Mrs. Lin-| 1S employed by H. M. Witmyer |
neaus Longenecker, Mr. and and Mr. Engle, by the
Mrs. Asher Beamenderfer, Mr. ter Leaf Tobacco Co., Inc. |
and Mrs. Howard Barnhart, Mr. Ea
and Mrs. William Fackler, Mt. James Flowers, son of Mr.
Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jack-| and Mrs. John A. K. Flowers,
son, Port Deposit, Md.; Mrs. Maytown, has enlisted in the U.
Maude Beal, Mr. and Mrs. |S. Air Force. Prior to his enlist-
Ralph Alleman, Mr. and Mrs. | ment, he was employed at the
Norman Linton, Jr., Ralph Kreider Shoe Factory.
Myers and Doris Linton. I James would like to hear
TTY | from his friends. His address is
BIRY HS A/B James C. Flowers, A. F.
1348153, PF. L. T. 3013, 3659
Mr. and Mrs. Kennet E. Mil-!| BM.T.S., Sampson AF.B., New
ler, Mount Joy R2 announce the| York.
birth of a daughter, last Wed- |
nesday at the Lancaster Gen-|
eral Hospital. The baby was!
named Joan Louise.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin, |
Florin announce the birth of a!
daughter Thursday, Becentber| « Farm Boreay er] ET
. ® Farm BureaWile Tusuravce £4
31. The six-pound baby was | EERSTE THE RHETT
born at Home Office: COLUMBUS, OHIO

home and was named |
Barbara Ann. |
Mr. and Murs. Towood Weaver, |
Florin, announce the birth of a
son Saturday in the Lancaster |
Osteopathic Hospital. The baby
was named Charles Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heisey, |
Mount Joy, R2, announce ive Aarog B. Lonaeiecker
birth of a son Wednesday in the
Lancaster General Hospital
| Warren H. Stehman
PHONE MT. JOY 3-5547


We PritEvarstiing
But Dollar Bills

room, he put in'a penny, ofl
PHONE 3-6100
ed the lever and grabbed for |
the slip which read: “Your |
name is John Smith; you weigh | MILLWORK - FILL - GRADING
168 pounds, have brown hair |
and hazel eyes, and while you| TORSONL - EXCAVATING

Sneaking up on the machine
from the opposite side of the

were in the men's room, your LUMBER - KITCHEN CABINETS
bus left without you!” Phone 3-3622
a A WISE OWL’ 1-tfc 48 W. Main Street, Mount a
John M. Darren- |
Mt. |

Following the wedding, the i 3 . |
couple will reside in Harris- | kamp is employed at the Way's | automobile tags will be good |
burg. Appliances, Mount Joy, and Mr. | until January 15. |
re ey essen Lutz at the Brockway Motor} Weddings for the week inclu- |
Company, Lancaster. ded Mildred Doersom, Lancast-
Couple Celebrates | |S and Joseph Brown, Mt. Joy:
| Letta King,
Ruth Dourte,
| Mrs.

January 9, 1924
Mount Joy borough council |
organized for the new year un-
der the direction of John Bach-
man as burgess and councilman
Edgar Eshleman, Ross Eshle-
man and S. H. Miller were el-
ected to a new term. The secre-
tary's salary was set at $120 per
year, supervisor's, $100 per
month and pumping engineer,
$75.00 per month.
The Mount Joy Athletic As-
sociation held its annual ban-
quet at the Landisville Hotel.
Garber’s orchestra played and
Solon Barr sang several solos.
Speeches were made by Dr. A.
F. Snyder, Charles Bennett, H.
0. O'neil and Solon Barr. After
the banquet, a short business
meeting was held and Wimer
Eberle was elected sports man-
ager. The association will again
put a football team on the field |
next year and all the players |
present said that they will again
be in uniform in 1924.
At the regular monthly
school board meeting, Mr. Bie-
mesderfer reported 500 pupils
in the school with 54 in the first

The Grey Iron Casting Com-
pany changed its working hours |
from 57 to 55 hours per week.
The Klu Klux Klan will meet |
for the first time in Mount Joy |
in the Mount Joy Hall. The
meeting is open te the public.
Deaths for the week included |
Mrs. Anna Mary Gerber, H. F.
Wolgemuth, Mrs. Frank Hogen- |
dobler, Miss Leah Hershey, Jac-
ob Berkheimer and Levi Henry.
The U. S. Asbestos basket-
ball team of Manheim defeated
the Mount doy Athletic Assoc-
iation basketball team 27 to 5.
January 5th, 1939
Forrest Rarich, Jacob Street,
put on display a Christmas yard |
that him four weeks to
| nine years to collect |

I make and
the items.
rry Miller was elected |
it of the Mount Joy Hall |
Association. |
The fire loss in the borough |
lor 1938 was $104,695.20 which |
included thirteen fires. |
Mrs. Robert Hostetter enter- |
ained the Junior choir of the |
| U. B. Church to a party Friday. |
It was announced that the old

Mount Joy and Ira |
Jr., Chambersburg; |
Manheim and Eli- |
Mount Joy; and |
Ethel M. Meyers, Mount Joy |
and Wiliiam Fughman, Steelton. |
Deaths for the week included
Ada Buch Hoffer, John J. |
Johnstin, Miss Elizabeth Rhote
and Mrs. Marion E. Johnstin.
A goose dinner was given for
thirty-five guests by Mr. and |
Mrs. Norman Stauffer, Mt. Joy
on New Year's Day.
The Hassinger and Risser |
Garage, Mount Joy, decided to |
go on 24-hour service.
as Z. Musser,

Get Those
Models Ready
Big Model Contest
‘Flying and Solid Airplanes,
Jet Power Race Cars and Fighting
Ships, Kits of all kinds, Win a
beautiful award with your handi-
work. ENTRY BLANK Free with
each kit.

Juniors up to 13 vears old. Seniors
13 years and older.
It's easy to win with these easy-
to-build models. Models will be
Judged for appearance only. Your
madel does not have to fly or op-
erate. Come in and get details and
see the sensational trophy and
medal awards.
Come In Today!
January 30th Deadline for
Entry Blanks |

Gi. Frank Grissinger.

will take a course in Physi


January 6, 1944 year, 1943, was $711. and Mrs. :
Copy of Star snd News, a Weddings for the weck were County Draft Board No. 1 therapy.
newspaper - printed in Mount | Mary Garber, Maytown and |cluded Qliver Funk in 1-A Charles Latchford, Pine St I
Joy in 1891, was presented to| Roy Garber, Rheems; Kathryn] sification. accepted a position as janitor
the Bulletin by Benjamin F.|Forry, Florin and Henry Kreid- The school board decided to| The First National Bank an
Grissinger. er, Lebanon RI. hold the end of the year activi-| the St. Mark s U. B. Church af
The borough council reorgan- | Deaths for the week were|ties earlier this year with Com-| ter resigning from H, S. Nev
ized for the coming year with Calvin Wagner, W. Oscar | mencement being held May 26. comer and Son. :
W. G. Loraw elected president;| Wright, William Fackler, Mrs. | Miss Irene Butzer was granted | The Mobile Blood Donor S
{ M. N. Bailey, secretary and H.| Winifield Gallagher, Miss Re-|a leave of absence. After taking | Unit was In Mount Joy for th a
| N. Nissley, treasurer. The fire [becca Haldeman, Milton D.| the necessary examinations, she | second time and a total of 9
| loss within the borough for last |Hershey, Mrs. Sarah Jackson, [ will go to Missouri where she! persons gave blood. (
— — ree - —— “ Chur
iad . L
J 05 » ATX XANES IEA ORS 2X there
Prices hy th
A&P’s Lower Prices hy the Score wir
. » heater
Will Save You More in ’54!
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A&P's event features item after item priced lower than last year . iia 2 of
after value . . . to help you save mare in '54. 4 ii
5 RRL RS my made
D. L
eer Bachman
Swift's Meats Spam Pretzels
for Babies A Tasty Canned Meat
12-02 c c
Chopped 3-02. 22: 45 Extra 6-or. 21° 12-02, = 31
. or Shane ee Sr Thin se oa
Heinz Ketchup Se -
i Florida Wr go 200-216 Size. [Price a Year Ago....29¢ | Ago. ...29¢ | +3
14-02 23° A
bot! {
ie Today's dozen C A
- 2 Price i
Heinz ln
a . California Crisp Iceberg (ONE PRICE—NONE PRICED HIGHER) [Price a Year ac [Price a Year ago, 2/35¢| [Price a Year ago, 2/35¢|
Indian Relish
Today's large
10: 23° Price heads
Boy's Golden Bananas -10°
Chee Wees Price A Price
Year Ago Now
Che b- 1H T ni
ar 4% 33° | Stayman Apples 3% s9c| 48g
Basco Fresh Spinach ‘cose 10a, cll 25¢| 18
Chocolate Syrup Anjou Pears rem 5 2/35¢| 2/280 J.
White Potatoes “ui” tose Slc| 95
12-02 29° 1%2-1b 52° - » sei ag LAN
or or DeiMonte Raisins ix oo 23c| :
Birds Eye
20 Mule Team Barax Fr Price a 10-02. 39 Today's 10-0z, 0
eas Year Ago Pkgs. c Price Pkgs.
1-lb, 1 C 2-1. 3 C s.ib. 12° Birds Eye Frozen Sliced A
Pka, Pkg. Pkg.
: a 1 | Price a 10 Today’ 738
Boraxo Hand Cleaner So: 18¢ trawoerries Year Ala Sox. “35 ay 10.05 2h
Price A Tod f hss oy
Green | Giant P & GC Birds E Year Ago ay /
ir ve wo 3
Peas eas & Carrols “2. va | 21c |2/288 For
Birds E 10-02. f
9 uu 3g: Mixed Vegetables Cm Wr 249 | 2/386
. in Chicken Paris “ur he | $105 | 99e
Rjax Grand | Duchess Duchess Steaks "| coc | 9c el oe | 580
Cleanser Gls
2 1402. 25
cans a N
Fab a Don't
y repail
Detergent your
en pa
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Ly pkg. ( efiicie
\ ed E
Vel Snow Crop (Price A Year Ago......2 2/39 3. 1
Delergent Frozen Peas 3 ox 43
large 29 giant 10 ( Snow Crop Frozen (Price A Year Fi nn oan 27¢) Lan
pkg. pkg.
Succotash 2 = 39°
Gorton’s Snow Crop Frozen (Price A Year Ago_...._ 2/37¢)
n C i Cor 2 8- -0Z, 35: ——
Codfish i or 2:
Fra dP A NP a rae a or NP APE INP oP ater Pair
Cakes Quaker Maid Fig Juice z=» 2. 99: be!
ago . .. 170 bottles "
Kon-Tiki Bonito Flakes =: 24-33 |
10-01. 2 1 Cc G f ® Horde 'S % sid eens
orida Sweet P d
% raperruit Juice “i. yu, ons ere 910
. K Price a 1b,
Chicken-of-the-Sea ershey Chocolate Syrup year ago ... 2 for 35¢ 2 cans 33
Kraft" or. {
Tuna Figh | Sree Whir..2se 6 Beams ci 3%: 3%
Apple Butter Whitehouse eas, 21¢ Corn Sulldng Galden 2 18-01, 23¢
- a Whole Unpeeled 17-01. ole Kerne ans 8
Solid Pack Ja 39: tis cn i9¢ A & P Whole Beets 2 es 29¢ i
White Meat can y Wa ca 336 Pickles ‘hii “ee 19e 1]
-0z. -
Chunk Style ose G0 ly, or Frem cn’ 3c Cheese Links «.. 2 7 49¢
Light Meat ao rg. 99C Ritz Crackers ...... Lh
Warwick = . 4 :
White me 35° Thin Mints > 35¢ Pumpkin Pie ‘wre = 30g
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Nabisco Premium Palmolive Palmolive el
babi. ) Th
ea Saitines Soap Soap THR
A 7 3 - 5 ol
| b. he J regular size 23 | bath, size 23 i cau
Dog Food — le
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6 85° VRIES Soap Laundry Soap 1
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