The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 31, 1953, Image 1

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The Bulletin
DR. NW SCHLOSSER Circulation
LAW Now Has Reached


T ‘EAR, NO. 31


— — — BE -
| Lions Club Plans C. B. Frank | Di Meeting Js |
se ons ran Mount Joy Boy I. eets Miss America | lvieeung 1s Cedar Lane Area
— | For Broom Sal Nps
1 oun nae Promoted To | = Scheduled For All | Will Get Service
Locally In March i GirlScout Workers
h | ocally In Marc Lieut. Colonel GirlScout Worke [Starting Saturday
Brooms will again be sold in Among the promotions of 8 | The annual dinner meeting of | :
i Mount Joy in March by the lo- officers of Camp Carson, Colo- | the Mount Joy-Florin xirl | : City mail delivery will begin
cal Lions Club. The broom sale rado, is Lt. Col. Charles B. Scout Neighborhood will be | n the area of Cedar Lah, 54.
will be conducted by club mem Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs held in the . Trinity Lutheran | {40Y, Saturday, January g, 18
- rs ’ § \ . | S. 3 Peng
. Church Monday evening, Janu- lit was announced by acting
3 bers with Lloyd Derr as chair- Charles S. Frank, Mount Joy. ary 11, 6:30 p. m | postmaster, Elmer Zerphey.
man of the committee assisted { Frank is the post veterinarian John Kendig, Manheim, will | At the present time, the resi-
by Clayton Aument and Victor | and has more than twelve years be the guest speaker at the spe- | dents in that area on the
Koser. of service. cial dinner meeting. Mr. Kendig Mount Joy R2 route ang wave
i : 2 {is a nurservman and will show their mailboxes ocat on
biles This is the second year that! He served in the Philippines | slides and discuss: “trees”. | Birchland Avenue. On. the one
the local club took on the three- during World War II and was New officers of the neighbor- day holiday, New Year's Day,
OOR fold project and the first year captured at Batdan. He spent hood will be installed at this | the home owners will move
for a county-wide effort. LT. COL. C. B. FRANK nearly three and a half years as | meeting and reports of the hap- DR. DAVID DUNN | their mailboxes from Birchland
YOOR . 5. Bris v | | penings of the various Girl | fc : | Avenue to their own homes.
The entire county ‘expects and | ———— | & prisoner. He arrived at Carson, | Scout and Brownie Troops wily 3 fT f
hopes to sell 9,000 brooms. The E. WwW d B in August, 1952, from the Mili- | 6¢ given. The Selivery Wii| four
brooms will arrive by trailer ast ar eats tary District of Washington D. Reservations for the dinner | Week Of Prayer residents 10 ion city “delivery
from blind workers of Pennsyl- C { are to be made to the in-comin
> WwW. Wo . x . g| are Leroy Kaylor, Irvin Martin
ranis 1e begi ing arc d Ta . ay Ld ?
Yaria ‘the heginnidg ‘of Mintel est ar eam Colonel Frank resides with Secretary of the group, Mrs. | Services To Have | | Thomas Warne, John Kreider,
The purpose of this three- > his wife, Jane, (the former Jane George Brown III, North Mar- | Michael Pricio, Stanley Von
ESS fold project is first, the Lancas- Tuesday Night Gilbert, Mount Joy) and sons, | ket Street, phone 3-5934, All| Guest S eaker | Neida, Richard Swartz, Richard
. ter County Branch of the Blind > i Gilbert and Jon at 1206 E. La-| committee women, -leaders, as- { 4 | Donbar, Allen Porath, Wilmer
Association will receive severs] The “East Ward defeated salle St., Colorado Springs, Col- sistant leaders and interested | The Rev. David Dunn, D.D., | Obegholtzer and Gordon Clarke.
ai vo are p oF yr the “West Ward” in the Old pr ti hi Ea hy adults are invited to attend the . a
OH hundred dollars to further their a Wi orado. ie Pictured above is Cory Funk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren dinner meeting sud hear’ the | of church history and [The one home of Springville
J work; second, more employ-| Timers basketball game played in Funk, 325 East Main Street, Mount Joy and Miss Evelyn Ay, on trees | dean of the seminary of the Ev- { Road will be Guy Myers’ resi-
ment will be given blind work-| in the Mount Joy High School Safe Drivin Ur ed i Ephrata, better known as Miss America 1954. Miss America i trees. aia | relical and Ref d Churct | de nce and two homes on West
Jers at the Pittsburgh Blind Fac- gym Tuesday evening, 40-31 9 9 | & her Soller snd her ire in jhe SToSt Toe | PO a, | Main Street will be Paul Strick.
. Saa ol. i n $3 i y vo i sagt!
tory, and third, the local clubs 4 ] : For Long Weekend Soin FF Jn her ‘neighborhood grocery store. The Units ToRemain Lighted | Lancaster, will be the guest {ler and Allen Alleman.
will benefit through funds from| James Beamenderfer, 2 points March of Dimes officially runs for one month, the month of speaker at the annual Universal | by h b
y & : : Toran ing ahes Januar) Saker & 3. 8 Sal| Door numbers have been is-
ssel Halbleib. 8: ani: Looking ahead to the long Rly 4 .
1 Russel Hal gio Benjamin New Year's holiday reeke L | Through New Year 3 Day Week of Prayer for the church- | sued to the homes in relation to
‘ o wigs) BYOWD, 10; Charles Pennell, 4; V¢ ear's holiday weekend, ——— — Community Christmas lights .
Other clubs to go along with i uit J State ‘Secretary of Commerce + Ha : hte is | es of January 5, 6, 7,| the numbers of the present
the idea. in the county. are Lions] Swarr, 4; William Beas- | 3 Lomn Nine Hundred Cl bH sR will remain lighted through | streets inthe Porous
oh 3 Doin " ton. 8: Jack Bennett, O: and|Andrew J. Sordoni, of Wilkes- u ears eport New Year's Day. The units are | 8 and 10. Sireeis In ihe g =
. de ary rocide p 1
la-Leacock, Salisbury Township John Myers (Palmyra), 4 points Barre, president Of. the T expected to be disconnected on | Dr. Dunn is a native of Hunt- 3 Brues Sremer wir carry
-9701 N : v H Ua 1 Warwick Town. | Were the players on the win- Pennsylvania Motor Federation Attend own 0 J : tS h | Saturday, January 2 and will |, the mail to the new section at
Be and, args own- ning team which represents 57 member n Gin C 00 be vemeved and «stored Satur. | ington, Penna. In this country, | approximately 10 a. m. each
ship, Adamstown, Baron Stieg- ¥ : AAA clubs in the State tod C . ¥ I hoe basa fo : : ing 1 t ti
BOOED ; ; : A/ s » State, day Rots: > So av Yarn | he persued his studies in Hunt- | morning. At the presen ime,
el. Denver, Christiana, Paradise Lee Ellis. Sr.. 3: Richard Div- tL iol } hristmas Party | otary club members at their day, January 9. ; ; Ris 81 on West Main Street is
fast Cocalic rate t. 2: Victor Zerphey. 6: Char urged both motorists and pedes- Tuesday luncheon heard encou- The committee announced |ington High School, and Juniata | Nis Slop or 8
East Cocalico, Ephrata, Eliza-|et, 2; Victor Zerphey, 6; har-1 to practice safety Over nine hundred children | paging reports from Fred Kurtz | that the lighting by individu ls | C llege. He al studied at | the Mount Joy Diner.
bethtown, Florin, Lititz, Man-|les Fish, 7; Jerry Shupp, 5; Lo-| , , . . . nwa torte a Pim | : ollege. Ye. 850 studied 4 : ro
heim Landisville Marietta, | well Sumpman, 4, and James Arrival of the new year is af of the community were treated regarding progress on the new | has been fairly successful. Al- | Franklin and Marshall College, City delivety was
» Mountville, Lafayette ; Laficas Heilig, 4 were the players on | happy, joyous occasion,” Mr.|to a Christmas party held at the | joint high school being con-|though Christmas night, there | vale University. “the Universit into the borough in 1917. From
tor Millersville. and Willow the losing team oe Sordoni said. “It can be kept| Joy Theatre Thursday after. |Structed on the Marietta pike. | were ten units not lighted at | 1 ersity, the University | yj,¢ time until the present, indi-
7 Street that way only if the motorist] December 24; The Walter] Field supervisor for the Bu-|7:30 p. m. [of Chicago and the Chicago |yidual homes were added to the
ree { President Offers Thanks drives carefully and the pedes- > eu = {chard Engineering Corp., Mr. | i we Theological Seminary. Abroad [present delivery routes. This is
Arthur Sprecher is president Benjamin Groff, president of trian gives his attention to safe S. Ebersole Post 185 American | gyrtz was introduced by Dan | Extension Truck To | he studied at the University of, the first area to be added to the
fo the local club . : on, ; ing i Legion Post of Mount Joy spon- | W : re 3 hat
the Old Timers Association Walking habits. is Os Mount Joy spon- | Wolgemuth. | Edinburg] sd | city delivery routes since tha
——— 1, Séotland and at Ox-
/ ya wishes to publically thank all, “The long week-end will pro-| sored the entire party Mr. Kurtz informed Rotarians| Stop In Mount Joy | ford University, England | time. Permission way granted
3 . ne ice fri : i -
Rotary- Sponsored those who rhade the game pos- vide an opportunity for many The children and escorts were [that with the right breaks in| The Lancaster County Exten- the local office from Washing
sible and attended it. He wishes motorists to enjoy a trip or a shown two cartoons in color | the weather, the scheduled June | gion will sponsor a truck again Dr. Dunn is also a member of ton,’ D.C.
C t t A d to thank Phillip Lowell for ref- chance for some pleasure driv- and a full length cowboy mo- | 1 completion should be realized. | | this year to take small exhibits, the Board of International Mis- i
ontes nnounce erring the Old Timers game ing,” the official continued. tion picture. Santa Claus greet- | He gave assurances that all {o the 1954 P ennsylvania Farm | sions and of the Historical Com- 1 i T
United Nations contest win- | free of charge; Charles Hershey “Make such jaunts safe by ed the children upon arrival at | be in readiness for the opening | show at Harrisburg mission of his church. He repre- | ‘Scouting Meeting 0
ners will be announced in the | for referring the Alumni-High obeying traffic regulations and the theatre. | of the school year in the f all. The truck will leave from |gsented his denomination at the
Mount Joy High School Friday | se hool game free of charge; to observing good driving practic Following the pictures, over| 1M new Sohal, fast Ol dion phe new Farm Bureau building | Faith and Order conference in Be Held In Florin
afternoon, January 8. The Uni- | Samuel Harnish for leading the es. : 900 boxes of candy and oranges ange between {at 8:30 a. m., Saturday, January | Lund, Sweden in 1952. ti 5
ed Nations contest is sponsored | singing; to Mrs. George Broske, | “Perhaps the holiday will in- were presented to the children. and $1 500.000, 3s being fg jt will stop at Newcomer's | : : . . Invitations have been a,
each year in the local high accompanying the singing: clude plans to celebrate at par- Lee Ellis, Jr. was chairman of ned for 300 pupils It will have | Hardware Store, Mount Joy at] The five services will begin |to all the families in the lorin
school by the Rotary Club. to Frank Tyndall for the posters ties or with relatives and the local project [2 Symnasium with a capacity of 19 a. m. to pick up exhibits from 8 7:30 each evening. Tuesday jarea io attend a, meeting next
In past years, the students] which were placed in business friends,” he said. “In case such — — | Lode spectators and an auditor- | {his area. [and Wednesday, services will be | Tuesday evening. If anyone has
were given the opportunity to | Places and to collectors, Christ plans include the drinking of in- Pp li c ' T B yam that will hold 800 people This year's farm show opens held in the Trinity Lutheran | een Ee 5 Te Sse
write essays on the United Na- | Walters, Herbert Frank, Arthur toxicating beverages a little O10 Lampaign lo be Special rooms arc being plan- Monday, January 11 and will | Church with the Rev. W. L. Ko- | the olowing letter us, Inyifs
tions but for the first time this| Schneider and Bernerd Kear. common sense should be ob- Held In January ned tor music, library, home| continue for five days and four | der and the Rev. Q. A. Deck as tion:
aE a test wi fen te ug} 3 5 : served.” i 1) | making, art, shop, agriculture | nights. liturgists; and the theme will be | Dear Friend: Have you ever
rs oa or = i I I Collection Taken Ww - : | Cory Funk was chosen state! There will be a cafeteria ——— ———— a | “He Is; We Praise” Tuesday ev- (wished your boy could be a
seniors ¢ se rs who | : arning agains » dange ster- p i see % : os | : . .
Sefiors Sh 8 hose I ors w President Groff announced | : a ning ag st the dang r poster boy and will be seen on : with a capacity of 300. A feat-| SENIOR CLASS TO TOUR ening. Wednesday evening, the [scout? He can have that chance
= ws 9 R Se that the collection amounted to ©' Criving alte: drinking, Mr. March of Dimes posters thru-'yre also will be'a shooting gal- LANCASTER COURT HOUSE |[lieurgists will be Rev. Koder now because we are organizing
According to the chairman, | 58 23. This money will be Sordoni suggested that those out the state in January. tlery in the basement, with ev- The senior class of Mount Joy | and the Rev. C. F. Helwig and |a Boy Scout troop in Florin. But
Ray Wiley and his assistant, [placed in the fund to further | who plan to attend get-togeth Miss America inaugurated ery safety precaution being High School will go to the Lan- [ the theme will be “We Confess; | before the boys can join, the ad-
. Michael Pricio, the winner and to give awards to ers where intoxicants will be the 1954 March of Dimes and planned. caster County Court House on | He Forgives". {ults need to know what scout-
concn the test and the second highest | high school athletes. Approxi- | Served should make arrange Dollars Campaign in Lancaster| The concrete, fireproof build-| Nonday, January 4. Accompan- The Ti av ' Ving is all about and how to use
in score, will be escorted to a| mately 500 attended the two ™ nts other than use of the and asked everyone to support’ ing also will have an emergency | ied by George Broske, the thir- | F 5 | service: in. the ij, 'y, peg advantage.
day's happenings at the United | games Tuesday evening. family car. | the polio drive this year just as’ lighting system for use in the |{y.six seniors ) irst Prespyterian Church will | Je are g Ja
oe : : [ty-six seniors will tour the | gq the, the Jo oh We are going to meet at the
Nation's General Assembly, | “In such instances,” he said, | generously as they possibly can event of power failure l vorsitai | ow the theme “He Blesses; | : .
y 3 Meeting Is Ph i ; , said, | | y a 8) 3 i F ailure. | building and attend a session of | we Thank” wr} | Washington School Tuesday,
New York. g 1s Flannel | it would be far less costly and [so that the 1954 goal in Lancas-l Mr. Kurtz described the new | court. Members of the Bar As-| Oy an hy Je Rev. H. | January 5. 1954, 7:30 p. m. It
1 S , iven i »| A meeting wi > called in less dangerous i a wr C r. whic ; $75 SC 9% bal Soir ro Ts 1 uriee and the Rev. 'W. EB Hap- | 5 HX He tog. aie
The tests were given in the( A will be calls 1 less dangerous in the end to ter County, which is . $75,000, school as being one of the finest | sociation will be on hand to ex- | ner will be liturgists. Friday's; Will be a “Get Acquainted With
school Friday, December 18 by January of the Old Timers As- | plan to take a bus or taxi home, | may be realized. in this section of Pennsylvania.| plain the different sections of | Scouting” meeting for all inter-
George Broske, history teacher. sociation in the local fire house. | or even to plan on spending the Christian C. Rudy, chairman rrr | the courthouse. | Se in Ye same oi will ested parents and all others
\ \ : re on the et ¥7 => A .
Clair Wagner and Joan Braught | {On the agenda to be discussed | night with relatives or friends. of the Lancaster County Chap-|4-H CLUB CHORUS i orp Wie o hu Ssh; Hs who would like to see a scout
hi : ao bi i . Gives”. Liturgists wil be Rev. .
said that volunteers have|IS ORGANIZED LOCAL MAN INSTALLED AB Durfee and the Rev. P. D. Em- troop formed in Florin. For a
were the winners in last year’s |are a midget baseball team, the | Since the holiday is supposed to ter,
project. annual banquet in April, a fu- | be a joyous occasion, it can be heen placing the coin collectors| The newly-organized 4-H | TREASURER OF CO. GROUP | 3 very interesting evening and to
It was decided to give the | ture _Bymnastic club for “old-| kept that way only if care is in stores. business places, clubs | Club chorus of Lancaster Coun- J. Eugene Eicherly was in- | | rake it possible for your boy
—a— test this year instead of offering | Sters’ and whether or not the taken to see that an accident|and civic and fraternal organi-|ty held its initial rehearsal on | stalled as treasurer of the Lan-| The final service will be held | to have Scouting, be sure to
the essay contest in order that Old Timers will continue the doesn’t happen to mar it. zations. The campaign will run | Monday evening, December 28] caster City and County Dry!in the St. Mark’s Evangelical | come.
the students may learn more. | Award at the new high schogl. “Start the new year right by [the month of January and will|in the New Farm Bureau build- | Clearners’ Guild at the annual | United Brethren Church Sun- Yours for the boys
In writing the essay, the stu- | Movies will also be shown at | starting it off safely,” Mr. Sor-|be highlighted by the annual|ing, Lancaster with apprbxi-| party of the group Monday eve- | day evening with The Rev: E. iy
the meeting. [ doni concluded. “Don’t begin | Mother's March on Polio and| mately 24 attending. | pine at the Stone Barn Millers- | H. Ranck, D. D. as liturgist. The Warren Stephan, chairman of
J | 5 ’ | the troop organizing com-
Frank Filling was install- | theme of the last service will
be “We Listen;
el eer : : : re
the new year by bringing trag-|terminated with the traditional The next rehearsal will be | ville. itt
" mittee.
He Speaks”. :
dent concentrated on one phase
In pre- |

of the United Nations.
paring for the test, the student|SENIOR TO TRY-OUT FOR edy to your own family or to Infantile Paralysis Jirthday | held at the same place next|ed as president; Vernon Hoover i - a
studie ase of > | another family; drive safely and Ball, January 29 in the Moose ! rosi
studied each phase of the Un-|DISTRICT BAND FESTI j another family; drive safely and Ba in the oose | Monday evening. All 4-H mem- | as vice president; and William | po wig int Joy Ministerial
a senior in| walk safely.” {Hall ballroom, Lancaster. bers in the county are invited. “a Filling, secretary je. Pleo ton) Stee WITNESS OAK CHAPTER
i ! oh “| MET DECEMBER 21
ited Nations since the test pre- Miss Carol Smith,
Jie the blic to atte
0 the public to attend the Oak F. FLA.

pared by Mr. Broske covered the Mount® Joy High School, -
each part. will try-out for district band at i ‘ ae The Witness
SE Harrisburg, ~ Saturday, January | i ere or Hist eve Tyo Chapter of the East Donegal
Visitor ls Admitted > This Year, i order lo al u re es OO & ra er” unite hearts and Cl High School held : hg regular
: cipate in the state festivals, a with one. accord: before: th monthly meeting in the high
To Lancaster Hospital student must try-out at Harris- throne of Him who. came is school Monday evening, Dec-
On Monday a week ago as burg for the district contests. Watchnight Service will here/ In the local Calvary Church, {in the Evangelical Congrega-]vice. From 11:00 to 1200 mid-| seek and to save” | ember 21. The program of work
Anna J. Gaftin was preparing in | George Houck, music SUPervis-| ... ow vear in Mount Joy |an inspirational service will be | tional church at 10:30 p. m.|night, a candlelight communion : se { was discussed. :
her home in Philadelphia to [°F 18 her in prepara. and vicinity. Six churches re- | held at 10:00 p. m. After the|with the Rev. Q. A. Deck ; in| service will be held in charge rf aki + It was announced that Rich-
come to Mount Joy to spend |tion for the trumpet solo try : opening prayer, the Bob Pierce | charge. The doors of the First of the Rev. John Gable. Prior WATER MAIN IS INSTALLED’ 5rd Hess, Jay Mumma and John
the holidays with her son and | out: ported planning special Watch- missionary film on Korea called | Presbyterian Church will rte. {o the service, the Ladies Aid 'N NORTHEAST SECTION | Hershey are scheduled to ap-
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. RL night services for Thursday | “The Flame” will be shown. main open for those who wish will hold its regular monthly A new six-inch water mai | pear on a television program in
Henry G. Carpenter, she fell in|SONG SERVICE TO BE HELD | night. | Following the film, Josio Reh- to worship New Year's Eve. meeting at 8:45 p. m. in the Boing placed in the allev an Lancaster, January 12.
the bedroom of her home. An inspirational song service In Mount Joy, The Church of kugler will give the year’s his- The Glossbrenner E. U. B. church. the rear of North Barbara St
Not seeming to be serious in- will be held Sunday evening, | God and St. Mark's Evangelical tory of the churght Testimonies Church, Fiorin, will feature a In Salunga. the service will behind the Hallgren apartment MARRIAGE, AND DIVORCE
jured she did come to Mount|January 3 at Hernley Church, United Brethren churches will and prayers will be next and watchnight service at 9:30 p. begin at 9:30 p.m. with a film house. At the Sresent time, the The marriage rate declined
Joy and on the day before one mile north of Manheim a- ‘hold a joint serviee in the atigr the now yea dawns, meni- m. A hymn sing will be held and fellowship. At 11 p. m., the home located on that alley has| and the divorce rate increased
Christmas was taken to the Gen- | long route 72. { Church of God. Special music- | be rs will be received into the prior to the showing of the film Watchnight service will begin| no water. S. H. Miller report- | ; OED itd a
eral Hospital for X-Rays. These | The song leader for the ser al numbers will be furnished fellowship. The service will “Bringing Christ to the Home.” | with the youth of the church|ed that when the need arises in 1952, it is revealed in the sec-
revealed a fracture and she has | vice will be Martin Ressler and | by the two choirs. The service | close with the members joining pictures of the church activities taking part. A special service | when buildings are placed on tion on "Marriage and Diverge:
been admitted to the Lancaster | Lester Miller will give an illus- | will begin at 10:30 p. m. and hands and singing around the of 1953 will be shown on color-, will be held in the Mt. Pleasant High Street, more mains will | Prepared for the American Peo-
General Hospital as a patient. trated song. The public is in- | will close about the turn of the | Lord's Table. + ‘ed slides by Albert Kleiner. A | Brethren in Christ Church at | be installed, thus giving circul-| ples Encyclopedia 1953 Year-
\ ier condition is not too ferious J vited to attend this service | New Year J A special Batviee will be held | social period will follow the ser- | 8:00 p. m. New Year's Eve. ar water protection. book
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