The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 03, 1953, Image 12

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BEFORE CHRISTMAS Heads Sports Drive Thursday, December 3, 1953 12 4
Where Your ¥ Dollars Stretch I ll Christian lands, Christma In Case of Fire | fm —————————— { S— F A R M E R S | |
1s a time for leasting but don’t i y - i i li
sok . vou before Christma 2 You Can't Now is the time to supply yourselves with good quality. .
Every 4 tide hundreds of live In Mount Joy Tb Ras Line | OATS CHOP $60.00 Per Ton
ne nufled out or ruined by care : J | 1
less accidents. Some of and Vicinity Want Ad || BARLEY CHOP $56.00 Per Ton : Jian
cur In preparaliog the joyous | - Surprise those steers and order several tons today .
' falls wi | j
Dial 3-3431 | .
decorations n burns incurred | = > |
lle, coating. Bot the tor 1a | > | RED TOP GRAIN AND FEED CO.
takes place on the nation's high- —T PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-9791 on]
wil while the victims ore bound | “Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. | 2 - 43-tfe
Some Real Values in Nice Clean Automobile to or from the get-togethers that iE i = > - - a
Rare so much a part of Christmas MIELE HILAR IE ALERT a
1952 FORD 4 DOOR | Fhe National Safety Council has ¥ smn. ORR RY —
8 cyl., radio, heater 1946 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR | found that traffic accident deaths | i a $1
j | Radio, heater on both Christmas eve and Christ- | | & Geran 1
1952 FORD 4-DOOR as day are about twice g wR
ie 1951 FORD STATION WAG. ; Ye bout Wice ss Tl | | SW
6 cyl., radio, heater Heater is the annual daily average. Fam- Vd J |
Ford-o-Matic Sra td il i herings and other festivities Ed .. Nn
1952 FORD 2-DOOR 1946 FORD 2-DOOR bring the peak travel of the winter IY BR cx} 9 8 4
8 cyl. radio, heater Radio, heater fing When more cars are on the 5 wl % we 8 Cc
Ford-o-Matic | ——————— jj movethere is more chance of an| GRANTLAND RICE, dean of Amer. Ny Here's h h h wn Fo
TRUCKS ceident | ican sports columnists, is chairman 4 i hn ere’s how to have the mer-
1950 FORD 4-DOOR . Early darkness plus bad weather | of the National Sports Drive for | J jest Chrsit in 1954 n 1
8 cyl., heater 1946 DODGE | add up to poor visibility Fogged | MARCH OF DIMES, January 2.31, av. > 3 1" ries rsiimas ever in K § ect
3 y : windshiel Is ke | He urges all sports promoters, i BR i N
1950 MER One-ton piatform mdshields also make it difficult | directors and everyone con- : . . completely free from Joy
CURY 2-DOOR to see and avoid accident situations. | : -) wis ‘ § :
Radio. heater. overdrive ; nected with sports to help beat in- | Ni > tual : 3 No
de, healer, overarive 1951 FORD PANEL Rain, snow and ice mean slippery funille Daralisic bt voutacting their 3 5 money worries! Join our NO,
ree ind highways ) ou- x 1S + AN me:
1949 MERCURY 2-DOOR trees and. Jighways, bur thou. | local Mash of Jimes sampugn i Christmos Club today. Put Jy
sonds of holiday drive I : director and join in the fight ° i Yau
Radio, heater, overdrive 1939 DODGE PANEL is holiday drivers fail to ad- is dread di 8% HR x day
ust th { to: hazardou against this dread disease. 2 away a litlle every week A t
st fyieir speed to hazardous con- | ——— “oe ph ect
liticns | fe
toa. 48) |
CLAREN CE W HERR The good fellowship of the sea- Clair Wagner Reelected 4 - youll never miss 1! Then §0 0 The
’ ° ( stimulates ore dr " 3 ‘ pre
i" too on n 0 Re eo hie k ‘Head Of Fellowship 3 Ky "m weeks cash hemd der
~ FORD MOTOR SALES ~~ Tastes “will. death daly cn Clair Wagner, son of Mr. and | EK : some Christmas Club check Nn rec
I NOTIN y 5 an Seve I oy | Mrs. Clair Wagner, East M: rin | { >
WEST MAIN STREFE] MOUNT JOY PHONE 3-970] S( dt naz 4 so £2 ty Dr Street, was reelected pre sident | 3 that will take you through Sch
during the Christm . heli {a of the Youth District Fellow: hs your gift list like a breeze y sing
oe ia and the i ship during the eighth annual | nN tren
RL IE 9 2 TT 2 TE Ph TE SET PAE PR PE TRAE TR Re | | eo THe OIL OF 99h KEG youth Fellowship Convention | i$ . making dreams come gf ;
traffic accidents was e ches | . ‘ ass
2 8 Ae Seidents the highest of the E..UB. churches held Sat- 5 igh d left. Y . n ASH
ie . 0 For : Retry Chelsie this urday at the local E.U.B. church By true right and leit. You won't R
OF 4 In aristmas S year, T y , Soo 1 Thin
Give Flowers for a wary : In addition to Mr. Wagner's “3 wonder “where ths mo:zey's Ia chie
Don't cook vin of election, Richard Yoder, Read Ry “ You'll HAVE Chr
oe Cr Bo0se belore | hg was chosen vice president coming from.” You
i M * Ch . t % Christmas! BN iy : 58 eng
errier ris mas oh and Ruth Sheetz, Reading, sec-| it! nN hos
isi he PRS | rotary. Mr. Wagner is a student A he AOS
no? 2 ans Nivel: Ys BY 0 cher
: We Will Have A Fine Selection S FUNNY Franklin and Marsal Col sina
x 3g 3, : ¢ -. 1 2
of 8 How Folks Four hundred and twenty-five Me 2 vis 2 A man
# Store Stuff persons attended the sessions. vy AY ol
POTTED PLANTS R In An Attic They were under the direction is us
/ of the Rev. Daniel Shearer, of | 3¥ Pl
hn When They Ephrata. The guest speaker was | g¢ Zink
¥ 4 CanCashln / the Rev. Dr. Allen Ranck, for-| yg othe
x mer director of Youth Work, AN ente
ALL KINDS AND SIZES OF | With AWANT AD | now associated with the Nation- | i sists
. 0 » |al Council of Churches of New | BY IN y
¥ Christmas Trees i ly n Wer
| York. Dr. Ranck is a brother to Ns AM i :
Fire - Auto - Casualty Dr. Ezra H. Ranck, Mt. Joy. 8.3 FIRST 3 liam
Also the following items i] A recreational period was | Xk snge
0 held during the afternoon by > of \ Tt
| ® LAUREL POXES ® XMAS POTTERY in| the Rev. Robert Miller, Ilona, | 3% A oF
| MT. JO RYT 1 \ for |
3 ® MISTLETOE ® CENTER PIECES i and Bertram Miller; followed | 3 i | type
® XMAS CORSAGE ® ORCHIDS 8 * by a fellowship dinner in the % vy) #$10,000 with F.D.\.C. pA) #0 oo
- ® CEMETERY WREATHS ® ROSES i" | ehuren basement with the Rev. BW : x It w
ee ii B Thomas 5 way. assist 0 the | NERA SEER SEE MM NMA NATE EMM MMMM | a
m | presiaen O LDbanon ralley 1- ree — +3
We are opening an additional Store at ROBERT K. BROWN | ae toastmaeter The | 08 mm 6 ad a ad a6 i 2 mm md 2 8 2 0 5 5 a8 5 75 575 M6 75 25 15 95 95 50 06 WE 7 5 5 9 RE PE PN TEER SE SE PERL moti
‘ 222 South Morket Street, Elizabethtown RY : i Ea he Shirok 8 polic
i 7 320 EE. Main St, Mount Joy | Ladies Aid Society of the church IM on fire 1
Open 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. Daily A Phone 3-4062 | prepared a ham dinner for the 5 { io
: pen 1 A 0 BR vn 48-tfc | 425 in attendance i ance
— cmt Alani |
5 | ¥ 3» bells
4 Quality Meats 3 : | =
. “a i i )
Fl Sh o d G h ; i ALSO A FULL LINE OF 9 A polic
¥ Flower Shop and Greenhouses A ol
3 55 N. Market - 222 S. Market N. Penn St. i AN aS i | E
Aa, WP 2 PP PN A PERERA REFETET 1 F . & Vv bl 3 2 .
wn i 38 of tl
% by Science Features, | 0 | i
i ‘s Friday & Saturday a KRALL'S M t M k | { [8 @ in Joy.
3» ed ar Pi One of the major problems fae- Bn Chris
i 8 | ing scientists who search for new ud 8 at 1]
FA A !
w | WEST MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY | chemical weapons against disease | ¥ Line:
a ~ is to find drugs which will be harm- | >
3 ful to disease organisms — but . 8 | chalk
: n harmless to the human body ¥ Skirts Blouses 8 | hem’
3 MISSES AND WOMEN'S WASHABLE COTTON Ni To maintain these high stand- |} ing
hi » ards, every drug is thoroughly | ¥ i | i e
ni {om tested in the |} ore
3 3 “| Ng laboratory be- | A Mi
’ | JAMES B. HEILIG ’ 9 J re Seine re- 2 i pian
| leased for use | ¥ i sistin
: Fine Quality Percale - Fall Cut Funeral Director & \ a 3 it on
Regular and Half Sizes MOUNT JOY. PENNA. | Sy ), i any ha rm ful RB Mr.
n rs ‘side-effects,’ | A Host
N| NY even when given 0 os :
BN for a prolenged | » of M
Oo r 3 { | pe Hod, of fe { 3 » : totter
XW | | and in doses | 8 Sn as
Rn WAT =. sufficient to |M i 4 Sp sh
$2.17 each i | S—=— gg combat the | Mn dent,
| germs. Nor
3 0 = = Jone indication of how successful Eb 8 ir 3
Ww such efforts have been was shewn | ¥
A THE NEW Behan by : 3 Ca
3 RAYON TAILORED | Il| Ih shod Ree Loe Aly Beautiful Nylon or Rayon . . . . . ALL COLORS AND STYLES 3 oa
| x e uber- | a { se
¥ Rn MARKWELL [|| culosis patients with ms assive i EF Tailored and Lace Trimmed. A " hi :
C U R A NS 8 | terramycin for four months. | : grap
N | 1e patients wer ven fi | i UNC
in PACEMAKER I 1 the antibiotic. aaa a ¥ * % % * A by 1
= {|| the usual one gram dose. 4 i :
Colors — Eggshell - Yellow - Green - Blue - Pink be Re i * * * * A | anno
x porting on the patients’ re- | 7 i
i | sponse to the treatment, re iy 3 FINE WOOL JERSEY, OR DRES- A i bonu
HE | sicians said that none of the pa- : SY BLOUSES IN NYLON. 3 the e
"| tients had to have the drug dis- | : ! :
ONLY $1 47 PAIR i ||| continued during the four FoI Children S Slacks er S ire a In
8 $1.60 - $2.00 & $3.00 Models || | and aed ser Rich he: avy doses | 3 A i we
4 | erramycin had scarcely ever | POR ’S AN 3 er,
: "| Hand Pocket Sta 1 I Defore been given for sa long a EF FOR BOYS AND Cus ! Stockings * * * * Nn | avd
| | ric TAQ i
J 100°, WOOL y pier I yo where mild stomach up 2 WOOL - WASHABLE 2 and 1
iN BUILT ON A NEW I sets were noted, these reactions Fi S A Mrs.
{| ore | :
os i E D H L N K S | PRINCIPLE {l vig his ih give. the drug ¥ > Se io He WwW eate rs » | Clare
¥ A | "| FOR ih cure Syrup, the doctors said. 7 b Rn Mrs,
i | { 3 ly 2 Mrs.
0 0 % || OFFICE - scHOOL - HOME || § ¥ COME IN AND LOOK AROUND . . . . L 8 Betsy
ON LY A | aie ¥ amp A | Shanl
re Sprec
Colors — Blue - Rose - Green - Flamingo - Gold "nl A an i 1
| i anc
g O ite till Christ beginni D 11 ; EASY TO OPERATE x yo > : and d
pen every nite ti ristmas beginning Dec. | [§ Kray]
Ve Open Wednesday afternoons. till Christmas ® SMART LOOKING [8 * xk A man,
ud 2 Built To Last | Flore
/ Mil
0 Come In And See It Perform te
» ‘ n merm
3 | FOR SALE BY Hink]
| | Heap:
§ 14-16 W. MAIN ST. mount jov, pa. || The BULLETIN EAST MAIN STREET MOUNI OY - . PHONE 36321 and ¢
¢ | MOUNT JOY, PA. | 3 Geral
4 3 Be a al +
| I