THE BULLETIN, Mount Pa. Thursday, November 19, 1952 LOOKS DIFFERENT «++ IT,IS DIFFERENT Naturally it's the same in size and weight, but for comfort and economy, thousands agree ‘blue coal’ is the BIGGEST TON OF COAL IN TOWN. Sold only by authorized, qualified dealers. INSIST ON Joy, 8! #0 Sif finted BLUE Ordinary might be good... You knowYblue coal’ is good... trademark®d for your protection CALL US TODAY! WOLGEMUTH BROS., Inc. PHONE MT. JOY 313-9551 Everybody, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin Wherever you go- you can BANK BY MAIL ‘blue coal’ Florin, Pa. JP COSEA\ LESS IN THE LONG RUN It’s so convenient to bank \ by mail with us — try it! UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK OF MOUNT JOY Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Irs. Trvin Witmer and CARD PARTY PLANNED | Ir I" [7 | Rey ind Mi R Arndt oN It F { t AY NEW | OWN Dey, and I F In ews ems Irom "or FRIDAY NIGHT SHOP ND S VE - y wr an Ws A A card parey will be held at A A daughter Ir. and alvin " E. D. T S h l¢ C ‘ oe 3: ye ‘ir ooper's Garag Salungd, Fir THE | \ : Campbell and family of Lan wp. C 00 20, at 8 pm AT THE Mr and Mrs, John Miller vis- | caster on Wednesday hi | | | ‘ ’ irty is 8 1S0re \ \ ited Mr, and Mrs Raymond Vi Martha Fogie and son The Problems of Democracy ie pay Po! og he MOUNT JOY FROZEN FooDs | yt hes . : ¢ | Class traveled to Lancaster Salunga Fire Police, Prizes will Geist of Blue Ball on Sunday Richard visited Mr. and Mr : k Wednesd vening Tov t | Pout Siti detent Col. | 4aY, November 13, 1953 and be dressed turkeys. Pinochle, Ry. bh | ednesday evening Re and smith and daughter, 4) . . . ‘ol bridge and 500 will be p'aved y v IT the Co { ridge and 5 vill paved » Mrs. R. H. Amdt attended the |umbia RD. and Mrs. Alfred At. | Visited the Court House, County bu Watch Our Bargain Table | Each Week § Son, and ossmere Sanitori MM Band Concert presented by the land, of Col hii | an presented | h Ad WI pif um. The trip was under the di-|{ . FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING FILLING ( U.S. Army field band in the I'he Ladies Aid Society of the [ C har 'S. Holl | # £0. HAOVEEN |" McCaskey High School, Lanecas- | Newtown E. U. B. Church held | or ih Fk ULE 8 0 i 0) A BUY STROEHMAN'S CROUTONS NOW | el nrougn ne cooperation ol Vv ter their monthly meeting at the various tenchers this trip was | § OUR JOB K. V. P. KITCHEN WAXED PAPER | Miss Martha Risser, Hershey Hote Of Aes Hares fully utilized in classroom work | PRINTING SEALTEST FUDGE TARTS 4 op oa oO 1h SO ove 2 | visited Me Matilda Derr Visitor { Mr { Mrs. J 3 The Problems of Democracy IS RIGHT IN ICE CREAM 2 ts. 95¢ | Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Halde- rs o and Vrs. John Class are writing essavs The |= | THE GROOVE 43-tfe 4 Grossman and family were Mrs. | A | man Mount Joy RD. visited Mr Wri. Runies Robert Rut enior class, under the supervi - — — {1 Mrs Toward Ge wr vil he BOL ( ) 's., Vera Gingri HEIL TL IL IL TET . gi Be How rg i vont ter, Miss Mabel Hamilton, Mis ; 0} n iin in hy Wrote 4 PR Oe A Rl TT PA a" | S oe 8 Spe ters o wank y al rsons [11 reek i w ce 1 es Helen and Kathleen Rynier, | 15. hu bitrson 9 0 i the weekend with Mrs, Bernice Il of Gap responsible for the successful ¥ »n { Ginder of Rheems, : i, a : oh trip. The best letter to individ WN |v - Mee a in { Mrs. Howard Witmer and isitors of Mr. and Mrs. Har- | ; : : A 2 ual was typed by members of y w { ry Weaver were Mr. and Mrs children visited Mr. and Mrs Virs. Betty Lutze's senior typing wy n Albert Myers and daughte r Jo Far] Eshelman, Columbia RD I e TS « aug rT JO- yi " Class A . inn, of Kinderhook } Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mau , ~ ‘ 4 WN Vi tors of Mr. and Mrs 3 [rice Frysinger, Mrs Katie The Junio Red Cross ( lub Ww | isitors of Mr. and Mrs. Aris Ws n | SPONsored the Junior Red tice Wittle were Mr. Charles Moore and Mi [da Eisenberg . 0 Wittle, Columbia R. D Mr. Jés. er, were Mr. and Mrs. Paul id eph Wittle and daughter hud, Fitzkee and grandson Davie, of al chools Results Were i fo! 3 Columbia, Mr and Mrs Donald Mount Joy, Mrs. John Mellinger Wa A ngten Grae Bef, 4 Tones. Mount Jou RD of Mt. Joy RD,. Mrs. Vera Fike | 389 Vaytown: Jones, 1 J a school, $9.4¢ lich Schoo 17d john, son of Mr. and Mrs | and Mrs. Tona Arndt of town School 89. High School, $17. § Earl Geltrnacher his | Friday afternoon Rev. and The re gular monthly meeting 4 Sth birthday on Nov. 16 | Mrs. R. H. Arndt visited with Of the East Donegal Township Mrs.Earl Geltmacher ce Jo. | Maria Hoffman and household School Board was held Novem- yn T > ber 13, 1953 at 8 n he t a brated her birthday on Nov. 18 je Mount Joy RD pu b 1 ol “4 : Ab- tion for the elementary schools ti Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. { Mr. and Mrs. John hea Si. | | Sr of Ironville, visited Mr. {ngs ha i I hd ta Sa ———— ta s. Ray Gamber and son, Man = mmm crn | "heim, Mr. and Mrs. Salem Gam THE NEW } er I MARKWELL iP Mrs. Pearl Brenneman, Mt | PACEMAKER and daughter, Columbia R || Joy RD Mrs. Edith (1 { Erb who was on the sick list. visited Mrs. John Wittel, Florin was i ja Sunday dinner guest of Mr. [and Mrs. Edw. Isler and family | {and Mrs. Irene Snyder | $1.60 - $2.00 & $3.00 Models || Visitors at the “Arndt Home’ | were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lefev- Blaine Fike, Ida Ei- |} er, Lancaster, Mr | Elizabethtown, and Mrs Newtown '| Handy Pocket Stapler BUILT ON A NEW | [Senha ges of ! PRINCIPLE Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dan i; . !iiel Geltmacher, were Mr. and {| FOR [{ Mrs. Lewis Farlow and son, ! OFFICE - SCHOOL - HOME ||| Timmy, of Hope land, Mrs. ( I Ralph Keith and grandson Ter- [Hi fl ry, Lititz RD. | STAPLES AND TACKS I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koser, Lil (| | Klinesville, and Mr. and Mrs [Ii EASY TO OPERATE | Hathaway Brenneman, Mt. Joy | SMART LOOKING Il RD. visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert { { AR a | Frank and family | Built To Last 1 Robert Witmer spent Satur- | {Come In And See It Perform I day with his mother, Mrs. Paul | FOR SALE BY [| | Witmer, of Marietta | 4 4 b I : : |i The BULLETIN || || WePrintEverything | | MOUNT JOY, PA But Dollar Bills i= ——— eral) = - — oad iy WooD you can’t afford to have : Is your barn foggy on cold days .=7.-and \ inside walls wet and frosty? Is rot de- ‘veloping? Must you open windows to let Jn fresh air? Do barn odors get in the milk and in your clothing? Cure these troubles quickly automatically controlled electric fan ventilation is your answer! Electric fan -ventilation is for dairymen who know the importance of having a dry, clean-smelling barn...... a barn with fresh, sweet air in -constant circulation ‘without [for drafts. Drive out excess moisture! Save your barn timbers . . . keep cows healthier ..« « and keep milk and clothing free of odors. Ask your farm representa- tive . . . or electrical farm equipment dealer . . . to show you how easy you can install an electric barn vent- ilating fan. (® REDDY KILOWATT { practice { by Ross Eshleman. | under | Monday evening | son | isto §! | Captains will pick their teams|} {to play PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY oii [the freshmen in the near (ture. Yas mmm moms moms mms ms meme oe am me BASE 80 0 EE ESA RS RE 95 0S ME TE $7.44 per month high 1s was was set at the tuition in the individua month for private at $14.00 per dates were set for the Senior Class trip and the Junior Class ¥ trip. It is possible the seniors i may go in April before Easter i vacation and the juniors in|y March. 1t may be possible that both will go at the same time, but to different places. I'he advanced shorthand class a WN Betty 4 National 4 INE & 3 t sponsored bys Pen x on and penman-M under supervision of Mrs Lutze, has entered a Shorthand Contes the Company Esterbrook Fountain Theory ship will be the basis of the judging Rs 2 The Shorthand and Typewrit ing classes of East Doneg al} work each month in their ¢ i es to pass shorthand and 'v ne ig writing tests sent to the teach-@ National Magazine cal- Today's Secretary.” If the i er by a led a students pass the tests with the'} 3 required errors, etc. they cany secure certificates and pins from 3 the Gregg Company ¢ The Office Practice Class uselg many of their class periods to i do practical work of office na- ture. Each teacher in the school. secretary + Class assigned a Office Practice } has been from the 1, dup letter work is done All kinds of mimeograp lication, and by the student for th arious 0) 3 1 a a 4 teachers 4 The Parents Club of the May town Elementary School w ill} hold a meeting in the high school at Maytown on Monday, November 23, 1953 at 7:30 p.m.|j The program will feature Dr. a Davis of the State Health De- 3 partment and Mrs. Parker, the/# school nurse. Special music will be furnished by the 6th grade. Refreshments will be in charge|j of the 5th grade mothers 4 The Magazine Campaign Re- @ port was released by Mr. Eu i gene C. Savlor as follow re- 8 ceipts $3,452.48; expenditures dg . $2 561.90 with a net profit of i $890.58 Preparing for the coming sea on, candidates were called to November 5, ¥ 1953. seven starting ball ¥ players have lost through : it will be a task toj.y and play starting Since been graduation, fill in these a tough schedule Armistice Day was observed g by the entire school’s pausing . about three minutes of *com- silence at 11 a. m. During i taps were sounded |v i positions plete this period, i The Assembly Program for this week will feature the band in an exhibition marching drill/{ the direction of Mr. Mor- rell Shields 3 Club will The Cheerleading rehearse the student body in new cheers in preparation the Comin basketball season. |¥ F.F.A. Holds Meeting | The regular monthly meeting of the Witness Oak F. F. Aly Chapter was held at the East| Donegal Township High School with Jay Mum-|#¢ presiding. A dis-|¥ plans for LIL, ma, president, cussion was held on program work for the 1953-54 vear. Goals were set and plans y on how to reach them followed. | Captains for the sports were elected. They are as|¥ John Hershey, volley- |i basketball. | REEL ball; Richard Hess, Ra against other county i were made to purchase F. F. A. jackets 9 and 1 school 9 set +g Tentative 4 Here are a few of the more than 5,000 toys Everything Youngster’s Heart Christmas in our Enlarged Toy Center . . . . imagineable to delight your Mor . . . Ln — For Your Convenience - OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 - EASY LAY-A-WAY TERMS Shop At Your Year-Around Gift Headquarters WAY’S 48 W. MAIN STREET APPLIANCES MOUNT JOY, PENNA. SANTA’S COMING! WATCH FOR DATE! 7 > TR TT ST SN ST NR SS SiS ma she Sot he: du Or pos for pec wa pol tin Fal we to tai nui be dio ern tal mu ® Mo qua hap the up syst pra it bor: mer €Xp ® pea in mer Tha com heh vide job. men ° Bave addi com wou the Lo Mi Se Uni Ron heir day. mis: and Fatl chu Si mas of New at 1 Man of tl the brac plac weel will time Tt ing unit: orate and of M Dc ceive erect units Alvi