The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 19, 1953, Image 1

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The Physician On Cal!
Dr, William Workman
The Mount Joy Bullet
The Bulletin
Now Has Reached

J =m mm

Approval Gr anted By B oar TIT
For Building Of Hom
Lester Mumma Is Named
Chairman Of Board
Approval was granted for
the building and completion of
a house last week by the Mount
Joy Board of Adjustments which
was started two years and four
months ago.
called a special meeting of the
Mount Zoning Board of
Adjustment to
Mumma, chairman,
ascertain if the
requirements of the decree in
the Steven K. Estock case, ap-
proved by the Board of Adjust-
ments April 2, 1953, have been
complied with.
All members of the Board of
Adjustment were present.
Chairman Mumma reviewed the
Estock case and it was moved
by G. F. Naugle and seconded
by Paul D. Little that ‘all the
requirements of the substance
of the decree as previously ap-
proved by the Board of Adjust-
ment in their meeting April 2,
1953, have been complied with.
The Estock dwelling as now re-
located has the unanimous ap-
proval of the Board.
House Started July, 1951
The building was first started
in July, 1951 by Mr. Estock on
Columbia Ave., and has been a
courtbattle since October, 1951.
Mr. Estock moved the building
back {rom the street two times
comply with the zoning ordi-
nce of Mount Joy. In June of
52. he was again refused an-
other building permit after he
stressed ‘hardship clause of
the zoning laws.”
In July of 1952, the zoning
committee met with borough
council and with Lancaster Co.
Courts. In November, 1953, the
new hame is nearing comple-
Board Reorganizes At Meeting
A meeting of the Zoning
Board of Adjustment was held |
at which time Lester Mumma
was elected chairman and Paul
D. Little, secretary. The present
Board of Adjustments consists
of Mr. Mumma, Mr. Little and
G. F. Naugle who are all elect-
ed for three-year terms. The
membership has two members
which were not on the board
during the case.
The Zoning Commission is
nade up of five men who are all
elected for five years. These
men are Charles Eshleman, Guy
Myers, Lineaus Longenecker,
George Lehman and William
Four-Year-Old Boy
Hit By Automobile
Barry Telekey, four year old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Shando Tel-
ekey, West Donegal Street, Mt.
Joy, was struck by a car driven
by Mrs. Howard Garber yester-
Barry darted across West


fon North Market Street at a
meeting held by the group last
evening. Charles J. Bennett, Jr.'
president, appointed a sales
committee headed by Joseph
Breneman and assisted by Ed-

Dr. S. G. Ziegler, speaker at
the Glossbrenner Evang. U. B
Church, Florin, Sunday. !

Local Legion Plans
Children’s Party |
Worden Halter, commander
of the Walter S. Ebersole Post
Mount Joy, has announc-
ed his committee for the annual
Children’s Christmas Party.
for the children of Mount Joy.
Lee Ellis, Jr. was named chair-
man of the project. His commit-
tee includes Lee Rice, John
Germer, Gerald Sheetz, Harry
Hoffman, Arthur Schneider,
James Shaeffer, James Roberts, |
Harold Bender, C. J. Bennett, |
Jr., Elwood Young, Burton |
Shupp and Earl Miller.
Party Planned For Dec. 24
The party is being .planned
for Thursday afternoon, Dec.’
24 and will be held in the Joy
Theatre. It is being held for
children twelve years and un-
der and will feature the show-
ing of films and presentation
of candy. The local legion has
been sponsoring this party for
many years and it has become
an annual affair for the borough
Project For Fiances |
The annual Christmas smok-
er will be held at the Post home
Friday, December 11. The affair
is held annually and is for the

benefit of the annual Children’s
Christmas Party.
Turkeys and ducks
given as prizes.
will be

New Gas Pipe Line
Is Being Laid
The laying of a‘new pipe line

was started by the Lancaster | meeting will also feature a mis- | Alice
Gas Company Tuesday after-|
noon. The new line will be
placed ‘on North Market Street
from Main Street to Detwiler
Avenue; a total of 200 feet.
Officials said that the line’!
will be replacing the old line in
the same street. At the present |
time, the old line is losing as

at intervals. The work is expec-
ted to take approximately three |

Donegal Street from Nissley'’s
Store to his home when the car
driving east struck' him. His
mother reported that he prac-
tically recovered this morning.
much ‘as 40 percent of the gas |
weeks, officials said.
| Social Welfare
* groups which formerly
{the regular
Plan To Sell
Welfare Building
Plans were made to sell
ward Lane and Warren Foley
The group will sell the building
privately. If the building is not
sold privately, a public sale has
been planned for the first of
February next year.
The building will be officially
closed for use December 1. All
met in
the building will meet else-
where after the next two weeks.
The high school has offered two
rooms for their The Boy
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will
have two rooms at the school.
Several of the girls’ will
also meet in church basements.
Any persons who have keys
to the building are asked
to turn them in to Mr. Brene-
man at the First National Bank
as soon as possible. Both groups
will have “moving day” prior
to December 1 when all proper-
ties will be moved. The welfare
committee will assist in any
- necessary arrangements to set
up new quarters. In the high
school, cabinets will be built. If
persons need anything within
the churches, they are to con-
tact the committee.
The building which is for
sale is stone and brick.
56'5" front and is 126 feet deep.
Harrisbura Man Speaks
' To Local Lions Club
Clarence W. Funk,
was the guest speaker at
meeting of the local
Lions Club held Tuesday even-
ing at Hostetter's. Mr
who associated with the
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau,
spoke on the three R’s, Recog-
and Rec-
nition, Renumeration,
The district governor for the !
‘Lions Clubs will be the guest
at the December 1 meeting. The
annual Christmas Party of the
group will be held Dec. 15.
The group voted to donate
$25.00 to the community Xmas
lighting project fund.
Annual Capon Day will be
observed next week at the reg-
yular weekly Rotary Club meet- | Day breakfast.
ling luncheon at Hostetter's. The .
one for the service.
affair has been postponed
week but the round-up will
held Tuesday, Now.. 24. The
sionary as ther guest speaker.

Because Thanksgiving Day
is press day, the BULLETIN
will go to press Wednesday,
Nov. 25. Copies will be on
newstands Wednesday after-
noon and will be delivered by
mail Friday morning. All
news must be in the office by
Tuesday afternoon.

Dr. R. M. Thome treated the
child. His one foot is hurt and]
he was knocked unconscious
when his elbow was hit.
— etl eet
The Rev. Harlan C. Durfee,
minister of the First Presbyter-
ian Church, was elected presi-
dent of the Men's Christian
Temperance League of Lancast- |
er County during the
fifteenth anniversary meeting
held Monday at Leola. He suc
ceeds Dr. Charles E. Weaver, of
The next meeting of the
sroup will be held December 14
at First Presbyterian Church a}
Lancaster 3

Borough Council
It has a'
Funk, |
Church To Build
‘House In Africa
Missionary Symposium
To Beain Sunday
Glossbrenner Evangelical U.
B. Church, Florin, will build a
parsonage Sierra Leone, W,
Africa during the year 1954.
The building will be a memori-
the lives of Dr. and
Musselman who for
served as
al honoring
Mrs. John
nearly 40 years
sionaries in that land.
Dr. Musselman was
the Florin community.
converted in the
Church. Later he went to Lan-
caster Covenant Church from
which he was later sent to Afri-
ca as their missionary. Upon re-
native leaders took up
born in
He was
the work of Dr. Musselman. It
is for one of these native lead-
ers that the parsonage will be
A fitting emphasis to the pro-
ject is planned in the form of a!
Missionary Symposium begin.
ning Nov. at 2:30 P. M. and
ending with a Thanksgiving day
breakfast. Outstanding world
Missionary leaders will be in
Florin for the occasion: The
program is as follows:
Sunday, Nov. 22, 2:30 p. m.
Dr. S. G. Ziegler, Associate]
World Missions in
U. B. Churchj
in Dayton,
Secretary of
the Evangelical
[with headquarters
Ohio, will speak.
Sunday evening, 7:15 p. m.
the Rev. Fredrick Brandauer,
son of missionaries to China and
now a student at Lebanon Val-
ley College, will speak.
evening, 7:30 p. m,,
| Miss Lulu Clippinger, formerly
a missionary to the Spanish
speaking people in New Mexico
| will speak and Dr. Ziegler will
wow colored pictures of his re-
cent trip to Africa and around
the world.
Tuesday evening, 7:30 p.
Rev. and Mrs. Paul Streich will
bring the message and show
| pictures of the missionary work
being done in South America.
| <h
Wed, 7:30 p.m. Sahrfili Mat-
turi of Sierra Leone, W. Africa
and now a student at Howard
| University, Washington, D. C.
will speak. He is a direct pro-
duet of missionary work in Af-
| rica. Miss Estella Hish, former-
lv a missionary to Africa with
Dr. Musselman, will also speak.
Thursday morning, 7:00 a.m,,
[the missionary symposium will
a Thanksgiving
Miss High and
Matturi will be the guests
[conclude with
During most of the days for
this Missionary Emphasis, Mrs.
Musselman, widow of the
Dr. John Musselman, will
the guest of the Glossbren-
- — ee
| A. M. Risser, Manheim R2,
grew a red beet which weighs
| 17'2 pounds. The oversized beet
{is on display in the window of
(the Mount Joy Furniture Hos-
pital, West Main Street at the
| be
| nex
—® ) present time.
Tax Collector
Mis- |

Local Students
Collect Clothes
children of the lo-|
cal schools started to work for
the children’s crusade. Clothing |
be ‘
is being gathered by the stu-
dents to be sent to needy chil-
dren in America and overseas. |
The campaign for clothing will
continue until Tuesday, Novem
ber 24
The clothing collected will be
used to aid children and fami- |
lies in Korea, six war-depleted |
countries of Europe, Lebanon
and in disadvantaged rural |
areas of the United States, in- |
cluding the Navajo Indian Res-
ervation |
Federation officials pointed |
. . !
out that clothing givers may |
bear in mind that the most |
"needed clothes are warm cloth- |
heavy underwear, wool |
suits, sweaters and coats. |
Day goes to people
first need is warmth
Children’s shoes are |
importance. Even |
not style.
next in
though scuffed, outgrown shoes Naomi Zercher, daughter of the | Will be
left in them.'
still in con-|
warm |
have miles of use
Babies clothes are
stant demand. Diapers,
blankets, night shirts,
sweaters and undershirts
especially needed.
Save the Children Federation |
urges all local i
citizens to join |
|in the clothing crusade. Any ci
tizens wishing to contribute
may call the high school for de-

Savings’ Checks |
To Be Mailed
{ Christmas Savings checks |
will be mailed to 1,558 persons |
in the Mt. Joy area next Mon- |
day by National Bank and the
Union Bank. A sum of $115,000 |
will be mailed out to the indi-
| viduals.
The First National Bank will!
mail $60,000 to 735 subscribers
and the Union National
mail $55,000 to 823 subscribers.
The First National had an in- |
crease of 29 members and $6.-
400 and the Union National had
an increase of 123 persons and
increase of $1,000. This is the
i second year that checks will be
mailed out the Monday prior to
Thanksgiving. In former years,
the checks were mailed out the |
last week of November
Total membership in Christ- |
mas saving clubs throughout
Lancaster County is 50.233 who
subscribed to $4,588,000.
Fire Breaks Out At
Aircraft Marine Plant
A fire occured at 1 p.m. today
in the Aircraft Marine plant lo-
cated on New Street, Mt. Joy.
An oven which bakes plastic
tubes ignited. Fumes spread
throughout the building imme-
diately and caused all the em-
ployees to vacate.

cause of
At press time, the
the fire could not be
nor the extent of the
according to Paul Bellser,

School Director
| Musser,
| brating their

Mussers To To Colebrate |
Golden Anniversary
Bishop and Mrs. Irvin W.
Mount Joy R1, are cele- |
fiftieth wedding |
anniversary today.
Mrs. former |
Musser is the
late Jacob and Elizabeth Hostet- |
ter Zercher. The couple was
married at the bride’s home
near Mount Joy, Nov. 19, 1903 |
are | bv the Rev. Abram Z. Hess. The { honor the seven
| Re verend Hess now resides with | two 30-year men.
aughters, Anna Hess Zerch- |
on Marietta Ave.,
his d
er and Mary
Mount Joy.
Biship Musser was ordained |
{to the ministry in 1915.
fim ll ee cen I Christ Foreign Mission |
| Board for thirty years from
11919 to 1949 and is now an
honorary member of the board.
In 1938, he was ordained Bish-
op and served as overseer of 5|
| church: es in Lancaster and York [man of the committee; his com- |

| the Rev. Paul Z. Hess as pastors | Emory
of the Crossroads Church, Mt
Joy R1. He is also president of |
the Joint Board of Directors |
and Trustees of the Messiah |
Six children were born to the
couple of whom five are living.
They are Elias Z., Mary E., wife
of Blaine Kauffman and Ruth
Naomi, of Mount Joy R1: Clar-|
ence Z., Grantham and J. Earl, |
a missionary in Southern Rho
| desia, South Africa.
A special service will be held
in honor of the couple ¢
afternoon in the
The couple has fourteen
children and three great

County JayCee presidents
were honored at a meeting on
Monday evening honoring the
state president, Frank J. Pas-
querilla of Johnstown. Mr. Pas-
querilla told county and city
groups that ‘this is the age of
competition, not only in busi-
ness, but alsa in government”
Ammon Hoffer, president of the

local Junior Chamber of Com-
merce, was among the presi-
dents honored

Borough Council
AND an
Comrades To Be
‘Honored Friday
{comrades of
1 20th,
| announced.
He ser-
ved as secretary of the Brethren | bers are
any members

| when

-— - {

and thirty year”
the Walter S. Eb-
Post 185, Mount Joy
horored at a banquet
on Friday evening, November
7:00 o'clock, it was
The affair will be
post home and will
35.year and
{held in the
District Commander Charles
Mentzer will be present and the
Rev. Elvin H. Schoffstall, Lan-
caster, will give a short address.
Legion and auxiliary mem-
invited to attend the
affair in their honor. Tickets for
interested in at-
{tending will be $1.00. The ban-
quet is open for wives of mem-
bers also. Tickets may be secur-
{ed from James Shaeffer, chair-

until he retired two
ago. At the present time,
he is serving with his associates, |
the Rev. Harry L. Brubaker and |
mittee, and at the post home |
from Lee Ellis, Sr.
Members of the committee |
which have tickets for sale are |
Krick, Jack Germer,
Worden Halter, Jack Liggins, |
and George Liebschultz |
will |c hildren’s Home, Mount Joy R1! PUSHED BY DRIVER
Wolgemuth, 117 S.
Market St., Mount Joy, escaped
5:45 p. m. yesterday
his car was struck while
i he was pushing it on Route 230,
John ‘E.
| burg,
| Hospital to check the
Identification |
Is Removed
License Plates Traced
| To Parkesburg Man
The identity of the body was
established as John Ortt, Parkes-
by William C. Diller and
William Beam, Kinser. An au-
topsy completed this afternoon
showed carbon
A man’s body was found in a
parked car on Columbia Avenue
this morning. The license of the
car was issued to John A. Ortt,
Parkesburg R2. The car and
body were discovered at 7:45
by Norman Sprecher on his way
to work. He immediately con-
tacted Ray Myers who called the
deputy coroner, Dr. David
Schlosser, to the scene.
The body was found in the
( back seat in an invert:ed posi-
tion with all pockets empty and
turned inside out. All identifi-
cation was gone and the man’s
hat was found under the car.
Books, a whip, ‘rubbers, hand-
kerchief and glasses were also
found in the car.
Neighbors reported that the
car was there at 3:00 a.m. and
that the lights were burning.
Another neighbor reported that
he heard a noise during the
night but did not check on it
and that the lights were burning
at 6:30 a. m.
Mr. Ortt went to a cattle sale
vesterday in Bellville, Mifflin
town, and hadn't returned home
a large sum of money. At press
He was always known to carry
time, Mrs. Orit was under the
[ doctor's care and could not be
| brought to Lancaster to identify
whether or not the man was
| her husband,
An autopsy is being conduct-
ed at the Lancaster General
cause of
death. No blood or marks on
the body could be found at the
| time of discovery,
Police Officer Michael Good
'and the Lancaster State Police
"are continuing the investigation.

rr ——
| two miles east of Mount Joy. Thanksgiving Service
Wolgemuth pulled out ontol
| the four-lane highway from Sa- To Be Held Wednesday
{lunga Road when his motor The annual Community
| stopped. He pushed the car ac-| Thanksgiving Service will be
| ross the Harrisburg Pike onto next Wednesday evening,
[the berm, where the rear was|at 7:30 o'clock in the Methodist
| stic king out in the live traffic, | Church. The Rev. Clarence Hel-
| according to State Police Leo pastor of the Church of
| Pitegerald, God, will preach the sermon.
The annual service is spon=
his car when it was struck in
the rear by an auto operated by
| Harold Derr, 548 E. Market St.,
| Wolgemuth was at the side of
Marietta according to police.
Total damage was estimated at
é ee - eee
All stores in Mount Joy
will remain open Wednesday
November 25. Stores which
usually close Wednesday af-
ternoons will be open for the
Shoppers will be able to
do all their. shopping the day
before Thanksgiving.
lo : -
sored by the Mount Joy Minis-
terial Association.
The Rev. William
host minister, will deliver the
scripture and prayer and the
senior choir will sing. The an-
them will be “Praise The Lord’
by F. C. Maker. Miss Esther
Walters will accompany the
group and also play “We Thank"
Thee, Oh Our God” for the pre-
Robert Kunkle, Columbia
Avenue, Mount Joy, was injur-
ed in an accident Sunday even=
ing, between 6 and 7 p. m. when
his car ran into a creek, south
east of town.
Mr. Kunkle
on the road

was driving west
from Salunga to
Mount Joy and had just driven
over the stone bridge. His ear
was thrown over into the creek.
Amos Newcomer discovered the
car in the creek but could not
find the driver. A car passing by
drove Mr. Kunkle to a doctor
since he suffered face injuries
including cuts below the nose
and an injured nose

Borough Council
{ It was reporied that this is
, the third car that was “thrown”
into the creek after driving ov-
|er the stone bridge The bridge
| has a bump at either end of it
which tends to throw the driver.
The car was later taken from
[th> creek by a wrecker with tha
| heip of a stone turck.
RE, wk