The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 12, 1953, Image 2

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THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday, November 12, 1953 2]
| Publishe d every Thursday at 11
East Main Street, Mount Joy.

Lancaster County, Pa
( Larmon D. Smith, Publisher
John E. Schroll,
Editor and Publisher, 1901-1052
| Subscription Rate $2.50 per
Yea by

Advertising rates upon request
Entered at the postoffice at
Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class
mail under the Act of March 3,
Member, Pennsylvania News
paper Publishers’ Association
“ " :
38th Parallel” Film
To Be Shown Wed.

A showing of the sound color

BY A WISE OW L motion picture on Korea, ‘38
i Parallel,” will take place in a
I guess the less said about special rally on Wednesday, No
last Friday's ‘predicted snow vember 18, at the Calvary Bible
flurries” the better. It sure did Church located at New Haven
n't do much for the upstairs and Henry Sts. beginning at
awning. It's “slightly” bent in 7:30 p. m,
many places, several pieces of The filming of “38 Parallel’
the banister were found in the | Was made in Korea by Dr Bob
snow drifts and the metal | Pierce, President of World Vis
chairs no longer resemble | ion, Inc. of Portland, Oregon. |
chairs. There's always one con. | During the time he spent in Ko
solation, summer's over. rea, Pierce spoke at more than
three hundred public meetings
Did you ever stop to think | Which were held in churches,
how hard a man works to keep high schools, colleges and open
the wolf from his door. Then lair assemblies. The crowds
his daughter grows up and | ranged up to fifty thousand per-
[sons in Taegu, Korea's second
brings one right into the house. :
largest city. In Seoul the meet-
lings averaged fifteen thousand
Carl Germer says he must be | gs y hi
vetting older. This morning he for nine nights. This series of
€ . S >
ge 8 ~~ meetings conducted by Dr.
saw a pretty girl drive past in|.
: Pierce was sponsored by Kor
a convertible. He can’t remem- |
. ean churches and has been ac.
ber whether the girl was a
: “claimed the largest in Korean
blonde or a brunette. But the
merald green Ca | history.
car was an e a p a-
_— es ya The film deals with the chal
dillac. - - - - - He's definitely .
4a [lenging of God's deadline in
Ra Korea, It reveals the mind and
: . ; heart of the South Koreans be-
This next bit of poetry is an-| fore Communist hordes swept |
onymous, but you should upon them, their hunger |
« ASS } > & > 1
able to guess the author. | for God, their simplicity of life
Breatbes there a man who lay |,nq the tragedies which they
in bed, had faced under Japanese occu-
And never to himself hath said: | pation in World War II. The
“This is my own, my aching|ggrean way of life is vividly |
head, | shown. {
1 wish I had stuck to milk in. The film is forty minutes in
stead.” | length. The service is open to |
| the public and there is no ad-
There's a fool-proof invention mission charge.
on the market to make sick i rn i
children take pills. This model | NEIGHBORS HARVEST
plane—an exact replica of an CARROTS FOR R. D. 2 MAN
Harold Shearer, Movant Joy R2
wishes to thank his neighbors]
and friends who helped to har-
Air Force bomber—has a bomb
bay in which pills are stored.
The youngsters holds the plane

over his head, tilts his mouth vest his carrots during his ill-
skyward, yells ‘Bombs away’ ness. Those who helped were
and then releases a bomb over John A. Eshleman, Abram Krei-
the target, scoring a direct hit. der, Lester Kreider, Richard |
The appeal is irresistible. - - Ruhl, Paul Ruhl, Lester Ruhl,
Why can't I think of these Allen Shearer, Roy Shearer,
things? arise Shearer, David Shearer,
ir Allen Shearer, Richard Shea
One of the high school Darvin Moyer, Walter |
dents got quite a bang out of Becker, J. Samuel Shearer, Roy |
the choice of words the chem- Kopp, John Gantz, John Fry,
istry prof used today. His re- John Fry Jr. Ira Heistand, Jos-
mark went like this — eph Heistand, Claude Heistand,
If this chemical were to ex- Samuel Oberholtzer, Amos L.
plode, I'd be blown through the Risser, Forry Minnich, Ralph
roof Now gather ‘round close | Ginder, Jacob Haideman, Eli
so you can follow. Breneman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Forwood and Dale, Mrs, Jay
They had quite a discussion Witmer, Lester and Donnie:
up at Joe's barber shop last | Mrs. J. Allen Shearer and Doris
night. A fellow on the chair | Mrs. Allen Shearer and Ruth,
asked: “What causes baldness? and Mrs. Harold Shearer, Mar
1 heard wearing a hat. lin and Mary Ellen
“The way I understand it,” The work was done for Mr.
answered Joe ‘the older you Shearer Nov. 3 and 4. It was
get the deeper the roots go. If followed by a lunch served by
the roots hit gray matter you the wives
get gray hair. If the roots hit a ye
vacuum you get bald.” [COUNTY GROUP PLANS
“In other words there's real- |
ly nothing you barbers can do A Christmas Party was plan-
ned for the County Council
for baldness” the fellow re-
marked. | members of the Lancaster Coun-
Then Joe wise - cracked: |t¥ 4-H groups. The affair will
“Well, I got a tonic here that if be held Monday evening, Dec.
you've got loose dandruff, this at the home of Mowery Frey
tonic will tighten it up for you. Jr., Lancaster R D. 7
That ended the conversation. it was announced. Local 4-H'ers

serving on the council are Miss
Two 1953 definitions—-- Jeanette Breneman, and Miss
Collision: When two motor Jean Will, Mount Joy K?2; Miss
ists go after the same pedes- Nancy Musser, Mt. Joy Rl and |
trian. Jerry Hess, Elizabethtown R3.
Small town: Where the neigh- The group also purchased
pors watch your wife for you. a public address system and
3 presented it to the county ex
Then there was the gunman tension office. Committee 1e
who walked into a night club | Ports were given for the play
and said, politely: “Now, ladies “Rise and Shine” to be present-
and gentlemen, all those in fay- ed in the Manheim Township
or of leaving. this place alive High School auditorium Nov. |
will kindly hold up their | 28. Tickets for this play may be |
hands.” purchased at the Bulletin office. |
ells rs sn. AD I |
I's not bad enough that, Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.
teachers are underpaid. Now | {
TV is making their job extra
tough. Ninety percent of the Dr.H.C Killheffer
kids refuse to answer a single |
question on the cuff. They want |
to know what's in it for them. |
Thev insist that if they atv]
ed the same questions on a TV
163 S. Charlotte St.
Telephone 5-3376
Mon, & Wednes. 9.5:30

program they'd get anything || Tues. Fri. sat. 7.9 P. M.
from a ranch type house to 2 Tues.
vacation in Africa. 9:30-1:00. 2-5 P. M ||
That's all for now. See you. 15 E. High st.
Telephone 24-F |

Jast week's paper. The ownel
plus an 8x10 framed enlarge
Freight Cut Granted
For Drought Victims

Eastern railroads have
to grant a 50 percent reduction
on freight rates for the tran
portation of hay to drought
Edgar V. Hill, chairman of
the Traffic Executive Associa
tion Eastern Railroads, said
that the new rates went into
effect Saturday, Nov. 7, from all
points in Eastern territory to

the government designed
drought areas.
He explained that
this action
hauls is not known. “Howevel
he added, ‘‘since it Involves
reduction of 50 percent of cur-
{ rent tariffs, it is fair to assun
that it will represent a contrt
bution of several hundred thoi
sand dollars by the Easter
The department of
ture estimates that pa:
million tons of hay will be ne
ed for the drought-reliet pre
gram in the current fiscal year
Fastern states exp
ply hay include Pent
New York, Ohio in
'nois and Michigan. In addition
some of the hay may h to be
procured from Canada
Drought strickel tions
officially declared to em
gency area by in overnment
include all or parts of the fol-
lowing states: Arkansas, Colo
rado, Florida, Kansas, Kentuc
ky, Mississippi, Missouri, Neva-
da. New Mexico, North Carolina
Tennessee, Texas
and Virginia. In addition, the
following states have applied
for relief: South Carolina, Utah,
West Virginia, Wyoming and
Hill pointed out that this rate
reduction is just one more mile
to agri-
stone in the
long history of
as to other
culture, as well
ments of the economy. noted

: 7 1% \
¥ i 3 i ks
BB Bo 3A

Give the litile fellow a big
hand and his parents, too—
with a Hallmark welcome-baby
std Choose from our large
: riment-of famous
" H Imaik’ Cards today.
The REXALL Store
Phone 3-3001 MOUNT JOY, PA.
Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.
. |

‘has been taken in response to a
recent request by the Agricul
ture. “While it first appeared |
[that sufficient supplies would
| be available near the drought
stricken areas, at has since de
veloped thot surplus hay fram
many points in Eastern terri
| tory will be urgently needed in
these areas, he added. “We
are happy to cooperate with the
Dept. of Agriculture in this re
[lief operation.”
Hill said that there is no ac
curate way to estimate the val
{ue of this service, because the
volume of traffic and lenghth of
Sloan’ s Pharmacy |
ARR a Ty
AC 3

“Rural Photo
$22.00 in sift


Quiz” in

Elmer G. Strickler
Pp ALS )

Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 117
Miss Ma Cameron and her "YOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE
personal ha returned to the YOU NEED UNDER MY
win ! home I Harrisburg COMPLETE
Th sroup left the Donegal
Springs home Wednesday ond Family Security
will resid it 407 North Front
Stree Fire - - Auto - - Life
‘ it reilrond Accident & Health - -
Lh IL was dl Lasiern allroad
vice president who first thought Hospitalization
of the idea of county agricultur AND MORTGAGE IINSURANCE
al agents and added that the 35-11
ils have actively promoted. rN lo EN
promoted progr for soil im YSN TY PN
provement and improved breed IT’S NOT i) FATE
ing of cattle |
veh sn Fes}
= -' To Plant Your Bulbs
FEY Ce o
We have a limited supply at
Reduced Prices
Ve De ver Anywhere
Flower Shep
& Greenhous ses
Phone 5.4616 35-tfc

| N Narket St Penn Etreet
geo a
ay 2 el ¥ PHONE 219
F ng 46-1c
so Specialize On or a
mobile and Truck Weldin
Cover’e Welding §
Delta and Marietta
JOY, PA Phone 3
4 ¥
| Norman Becker

N( Beckie Cra
I )N 1 JOY 3-5638
A 5 LORIN - t4-9
PR OY 3 i P: ) I 1 Advert

Get The Latest Nutritional Developments in


I | :
fo Give You Healthier Cows
-~ : . .
Greater Milk Production
W fi ED TOP” Dairy Feeds vou can be certain
our 1 will give maximum milk production. The health
( Ww be maintained. We are sure of this be-
1 RED 1 Dairy Feeds are ade of t fine in-
edi : cording to formulas supplied us by one of
the oldest feed compani in’ the United States. Their “For-
VIUL HOW?” goes into every bag of RED TOP”
Splendid SERVICE.
For Full Milk Cans and . Healthier Cows . Feed “RED TOP”

Everybod aly, Evervinere, Reads The Bulletin




AG » " .
| FAIRVIEW MANOR | Quality Meats
Under Supervision of Register 1
ed Nios, House Physician or | JAMES B. HEILIG 3 LEI wid PERSC
Personal Physician retained
Funeral Director . \
Nurse on duty 24 Hours daily MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Fruits & Vegetables Satu
Home Living Condition Es Eas
’ |
Fhone Columbia 4-7531 KRALL 3 Meat Markel Frnt
Penn and Plane Street 5 WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT Joy nigh 1
32-11 Le of 20 K |
A ret Ever anc
Boor hy
6 by 9 fi
Point i
set A Big Basketful of... Lv
on y Guernsey
fieP's Best Buys A
f Th W k! homer
0 e EEK. fore
Coss ft. childr
¢ OS ing fount
Florida Sa aya
iy Grasefnit J
Chicken-of-the-Sca| CES on mice hn
: Walter D
None Priced Higher
Tis na Fish raybill
HH sn
Chunk Style ¢/.00 Coriland All-Purpose
reen Label can 3c A i One Price 3 2 ¢
White Meat 5 Ep €S None Priced ie be. h I
lue Label 35¢ alifornia (One Price~None Priced Higher
ips 1. 37 Emperor Grapes 2.28
enim Golden Bananas w
Campiire Pascal Jelery come Sick 19¢
Marshmallows Sweet Potatoes 3 wn 258
2? é-oz, NEC ib, £34 ¢ ’ 8-01
pkgs, aed pig ok Figs Calimyma pkg. 23¢ ov 43¢
Lf Mixed Nuis, Almonds 1-lb, Ta
Good Luck Walnuls or Brazil Nuts oe a3
wisi Mixed Peels oromecor a
Oleomargarine Downy Flake Frozen
LN oh LH i 6 Waffles i 3 35°
2. hee 59° CW a gs Sy es og
Lima Beans cw 2 va: 45¢
W hi ne 3 | 3 ordhook pkgs. i
Spinach “mer 2 350 or
Instant Coffee | CPT
2a 59 A ot, + $4 Pyr Reduced from Regular #4 wf
: pre Lard iad © 19 Also hom
Flak Granulated Sugar i 49° WOT 5
7-02 ; 0
Cu n Cake Mix or A&P Sauer Kraut ; ne: 27° i A
Fern Cnt vs] Asparagus Spears ace. ;
ee Dole’s Fruit Cocktail or 358
Le Blentled Juice rou 2 tx 25° “xr 27° F
Liquid Starch fona Cut Beets 33
art | GF Prune Juice “wrens yor 18 Scl
1 Sultana Rice il a
tvory Soap A&P Gra ipefruit Sections 2 29 li
A unin 97 Pancake Flour “cir, fiber oor B10
J “ui 3 Cake Mix 3 mu 60: Mr
ToT Corned | Beef Hash ‘iia 12 27:
Tidy House Til ere i more
Lunch Bag 2 pkes. of 20 17€
Sandwich Bags rig. or25 10¢ : 17 S
Gold Seal Mediu a YT
Snowy Bleach Hunt’ $ Fruit Cocktzi 3 ne 51 00
| Joc Tomato Soup Compt 3 fon 32 4
Pe 7 Dink Salmon sto v7 ree’ 4%
i / «wn 4
Gold Seal Grape Jam or Pom Prose zie. 300
Glass Wax Dried Pea Beans / 14 i 27°
Lo BE Fed Circle Coffee ty $9.52 © we 86° :
i Strawberry Pie “scent” snr’ 0c :
ans Jane Vill q
Yesson Gil Fr uit Cake Parker ved] 29 Se. 59. 43
| Warwick Thin Mints Eg 39°
oh 3° ui 11°] | Red Salmon smock {70 476 5, BF
Simoniz “Marcal
Kretschmer Fisor Wax .
Wi Gor > : : Toilet
seat berm oe ah Ae a quart 1k White o 9 19°
Bee t i
Air Wick
ga 3 o° 4
A ement Are Effective |
i November 14th L
is 4
? MAIN 57 MT. JOY, PA. |
| 1