The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 05, 1953, Image 10

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Ww kl L starvation were prevalent hr ed the record of expansion|more for new structure and A few comparisons will indi. Thursday, November 5, 1953 i0 HIGH SCHOOL BAND TO SEE
ee y etter in the Black Hills, No wildiie| Know Your State which the Census has been re- | plant expansion than those of cate how far the growth of Pa’s THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. PT iL CA DAY | THE
resource can be managed bene ying OR 2 tay state 5 Bhar; the ——————————— ie Mount Joy igh School ’ —
¢ managed ber porting since 1949, In 1952, the any other state, industrial capacity exceeds that the expansion in Illinois or band will visit the West Chester | { | N
| Pennsylvania Leads Nation In
8 y State Planning Board f the Of ‘Di case i i or states, The i Xpe ’ y
inv Except in the case of Ohio, }in other states. The total expen- ny by more than 300 mil. State Teachers’ College Friday
ficially by sregar o
Penna. Game ici merely disregarding Plant Expansion Bs
Pennsylvania Department of | Pennsylvania's lead in all types | ditures for that purpose in 1952
lion dollars. It has been gener
it; sti v crops of gi: » are as
. » + stable crops of game are a | If any doubts remain that Commerce points out, the ¢ : Gh : ; evening when they will see the
ommission sured only through realistic | Pennsylvania is outstripping all uf , the man- of expenditure for increased in-| were more than twice this for West Chester-Millersville foot-
| i 3 1 B 1 v . or Q . TT ELE a a : n ‘ y VW re 08 :
: Programs tte otter statec in Tie Ron ufacturing establishments of | dustrial capacity is measured in| all six states in New England ally believed here in the East ball wame
oe \ | states oc Na 1 State 90 a7 . : ane : : . ¢ nt
Since the opening of the tim Although the South Dakota 't on in our State spent $929,878,000 for hundreds of millions of dollars. | and exceed those of the three |that industrial growth in Cali The band being giv |
berdoodle season, October 2nd, ~ ry akota the growth of its industrial ca |new structures idditions to! As to Ol tl ond state, | Pacifi rashi ‘ ; ; ie banc is being given the 1 |
Bea k | “Uh Commissioners may be criticiz- | pacity, they should be ott] | 3 sh AS 10 io, the second state, | Pacific states, Washington, Or-|fornia is proceeding at a rate {rip by the Mount Joy High
y . ae he ‘ y ) Se ( Ir \ ( 111 ¢ Yor re nhes at! ~ . 3
for woodcock has been oq py a few loc al people who, by a recent release of the Uni Lhe i plants, ay 1 w machinery Pennsylvania is ahead in total] egon and California - by 247 [that will soon leave the older School Band Club Since the
J 3 ay and equipmeaer n "wy ate« oe r 182 n arg ™
Jui} \ evel cate- expenditure by 182 million dol- | million dollars. Expenditures | eastern states far behind I'he genior play is the same evening,
about half the normal amount, lik
ike others in many state un- fed S
1 an ales ¢ Slates
’ "OP y 3 Census This r aor )
statewide, according to late Oc 1s report gory Pennsylvania ol i ars ads \ eo . aby 1 . b
tat d } Skin ceasingly refuse to consider the v led the Na- lars, leads in expenditure for | for industrial growth in Penn-|Census record tells a different the thirteen seniors will be
77 million | sylvania exceed those in Arkan-|story. Last year plant expansion guests at a hockey game at a
on manufacturers’ expenditures tion in plant expansion Its | new structures by

tober reports. Drought animal problems object for r pl .
tions have affected the behavior july they are to be re op v Plans and equipment manufacturers installed more dollars, and leads in expendi-!sas, Louisana, Oklahomo and|in Pennsylvania was more than future date
of the woodcock, and the ab: oq for their action Tov 8 a the private industry new machinery than those of ture for new machinery by 105 Texas combined by more than|twice that in tle State of Calif- reat isms
of our Commonwealth continu.’ any other state and spent far million dollars. f17 million dollars and exceedornia. : Palronize Bulletin Advertisers —
gence of flight has lessened the
hunter interest. The result has
been a light kill, so far. The sea
son closes November 10
Waterfowl. The so-called
duck season opened, October 15
with fair shooting. As with the
woodcock, most of the shooting
and the greatest success occur
red in the northern part of the
state, principally the northwest
and northeast.
In the northwest, the duck
kill was comparable to that of
1952 in the same period. There
was an exceptionally good bag
of Canadian geese in the Pyma-
tuning Refuge vicinity. Water-
fowl hunting success in south
ern counties, in the early part
of the season, was less than in
norther counties.
The wood duck kill was re-
ported high in the northern cor-
ners of the state. Native ducks)
bore the brunt of the early day
shooting. Duck and goose flights Ou BS
from the north had not yet ma.
ierialized to provide the great
number of winged targets that
will later arrive in the state.
Archery Season
The 1953 bow and arrow hun-
{ers’ deer season, which ended
October 24, chalked up more
buck kills than either of the two] 9
previous ones. In fact according & o @
to archers’ reports made to the
Game Commission, the number| 5 ul SCI i ing
of legal antlered deer taken by|
bowmen in the two-week 1953
season equalled that of the 1951 ‘ |
and 1952 seasons together, or|
57, as of October 28th. Undoub-
tedly, there will be a few more
Director Lauds Hunters
During recent weeks, 105600
bow and arrow deer hunters, R
some 15,000 woodcock and dove ? | Ee gi
hunters and about 40,000 water-
fowl hunters have been afleld
during a period when fields and
forests presented a mounting
fire hazard. Ye, not one single .
fire was attributed to a hunter ‘ Lb
during this time. : : ’
Logan J. Bennett, Executive
Director of the Game Commis- (
sion, commends hunters for this
fire safety record. He says, how-
ever, that if conditions become
dry again a continuation of this ®
fine record could be a goal for ® &® 9
hunters for the remainder of od
the hunting season. , I Cl ¢ i edi ry S
Deer ‘Cause Excitement
Datelined October 24, an As-
sociated Press item in the Pitts-
Bo a ma S u bs C ri D on ew or R [
with his auto along the Ohio
River Boulevard in the “Smoky
The driver of the car said 6
deer ran from a wooded area &
from a wooded are: Miniature Replica of old Dutch skillet which hung in thous-
SR I un Tu This Is All You Do
hicle. In turning his car to miss ands of kitchens from Colonial times.
the lead deer the autoist crash
ed into the remaining five — a
buck, a doe and three fawns— &
killing them. :
Near Philadelphia, a day la- as for any other room in the house.
ter, a deer “proved a discourte- ; 5 iat
a Oe rol vou subscribe—No need to wait for your subscription to run
ous visitor and caused hundreds
of dollars worth of property ® Splendid gift for showers, bridge parties, birthdays, Xmas out—Simply order us to extend it for another year at the regul-
damage during a three-mile
chase before police finally trap- or other occasions. ar rate .
ped it,” the Philadelphia In- soe = 3 %
quirer reported. The newspaper
said, further: “During the ® Your choice of colors — Red, Yellow or Black. Jo = tr kh i ————————— —————————
rampage the deer Chased me ;
oan automobile, le SUBSCRIPTION ORDER BLANK i
[18250-1yr. []$475-2ys. [[]$7.00- 3 ys.

Perfect decoration for kitchen or breakfast nook, as well Mail your check for subscription to The Bulletin office . .
You will receive as many thermometers as vears for which
of an automobile, leveled gev-| ® Flawless, Accurate Mechanism. Pointer fully protected by
eral hedges and saplings, and
destroyed flower gardens in Unbreakable Crystal.
South Ardmore, Brookline and
Chatham Village.”
South Dakota Takes Unusual
Step To Solve Deer Probiem Act Now
The South Dakota Depart
ment of Game, Fish and Parks
has taken the most logical step
toward remedying the acute USE i HIS CONVENII ‘NT -
deer probiem existing in ‘the
I ack Hills area, :ccording ‘co
the Wildl'ie Management Insti- ORDER FORM
tute. The Depariment has issued
licenses entitling sportsmen to
bag two deer oi any age or eili-
er sex in November.
The Wiidlife Management Ii
rrr — mmm _— — £00!
stitute says: Soul 7
Dakota has-too deer hunt-| R 3
ers, even this liberalsounding
season may fail to bring a satis
factory: harvest. For many years,
it has been wéll known that
range destruction and herd,
Stimulate your business by adver-| 11 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PA.
in the Bulletin.


—————— eee
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thing) kindiy remember the Bulletin) = a — : ;

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