The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 29, 1953, Image 5

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[| a N I F R d THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday, October 20, 1953 8
‘Weekly Letter | pp opin |News Items From Mortuary Recor ae 2
| | | |
| | ———— |
Penna. Game | ~——————— E.D.Twp. School ioc | MEDAL IDENTIFICATION TAGS
| Mr. and Mrs. Miles Berrier Milton G. Erb, 75, Mount Joy MADE TO ORDER PRICES REASONABLE
C and son Donald of Waterloo, la. |! Tha i ni + [R1, East Donegal Twp., died at
ommission snort the week with the form The East Donegal Twp. High Hl. ED Call Mount Joy 3-9052
— ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A sponsored a one.week program |’! @. Mm. NON, Tb :
| ‘ Na ave hy of traffic safety education, Oct, [ler a five-year es. a
| Residents and nonresident and oes relatives : 19.23. for all students of © the Born in Rapho Twp, he was - ww
| hunters, several hundreds of Mr. A 8. Eichler of Buffalo, school with a drivers’ license |@ Son of the late John M. and |] i
[thousands of them, are making N.Y. is spending some time or learners’ permit Fianna Garber Erb and was a ’
| Bnal preparations in anticipa- time with relatives own, The program, which was con- | tobacco farmer and laborer SAM S 3nd ANNIVERSARY SALE
bia ot the small Bare Se ev. and Mrs. i Forney, | ducted by the Burea of Traffic] Besides his wife, the
{ which opens In ennsylvania | spent Sunday at Shippensburg | Safety Education of the Atlan. Katie Eshleman, he is survived
| | this Saturday. where Rev. Forney preached (je Refining Company, featured by a son, Marvin E.,, at home, Effective Dates Nov. 2nd thru Nov. 7th
| The Game Commission offers the sermons at the Church of fleet of 2 cars, 2 Ihstrdelors [and these brothers and sisters
| sportsmen these reminders and | the Brethren driving tests, lectures and mo- | Jacob, Columbia Rl; Howard, SPECIAL ON EACH $2.00 GROCERY ORDER
| suggestions: (1) Nine (9:00) | Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogel, tion pictures Minnie and Ella, all of Mt, Joy ’ ,
p__ [Sages is the opening hour the | entertained the following at The overall program, which R1, and Bertha, wife of John 1 gt. Famous Bryer S Ice Cream only 52c
i —_ | li
[first day of season, October 31st. | their home on Sunday. Mr. and | was part of the school curricu. Habecker, Richmond, Calif,
| (Otherwise, daily shooting hours | Mrs, William Lawton Sr, and |lum for the week, is an effort to | A SPECIAL ON EACH $10.00 OR MORE GROCERY ORDER
| are 7 am. to 5 pm.) (2) Start | Mr. William Lawton Jr. and| better educate the young driv JAY H. GIBBLE 1 $
| |driving to the hunting location | Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hauer anders of this community in the Jay Harold Gibble, seven 10 quart can 5.00
| early so that speed on the high- | children, all of Lancaster. [safe and proper operation of months old son of Jay H and
way will hot be the cause of a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Geyer, | automobiles. Grace Hostetter Githie, Kliey |
| wreck. (3) Ww hen enroute 10 | snd Mrs. Mabel Herr of Eliza- Donald Wolgemuth, Ross | bethtown R3, died at 1:25 am. | SAM HEISEY GROCERY
and from hunting, and particul- | pathtown, visited their sister | Eshleman and Josie Fornofl yesterday at the Lancaster Gen ah Re .
arly when afield, be | pps Lillian Hamilton and fami- | were given the stopping dis- | eral Hospital after a brief ill- 214 WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA.
M. | areful of fire in any form. (4) [ly on Sunday. , tance test. ness, ou | . ip
\ | Don Ree i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mumper _10e¢ following students gwere igs Lis Ry os, Joe is | i A Ue SK ———y
p n a sale dIrec-|.,.4 daughter of Neffsville, cal. the road test: Nancy Awol . vt} .
tion. Make sure your target is Barents My | Fuhrman, Patsy Houseal, Gil.|and June Carolyn, both at .
J , rw led on the former's parents, Mr. ; « his parental grandparents
NOT a human. (6) Wear hunt- | re (lab os . aw |bert Cornwell, Marlin Miller, home; his parental grandparents
mL : trea (and Mrs. George Mumber, Sr.,| Wiv Mrs Elmer G. Gibble
_— ing apparel that will be readily on Saturday evening { Bernard White, John Garber, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer G. Gibble,
-— Seer by the other hunters. (7) Rev. and Mrs Henry Becker | Richard Arndt, James Smith, | Elizabethtown; and his matern- |
Ross Eshleman, Don Wolgemuth al grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,
the season and bag limit . :
| Michael Grove, Jay Mummau, James Hostetter, Elizabethtown FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3oth hn?
information given on your hunt- | . :
. Feast services at the Manheim |
a ing license. (8) Play, it safe all | abil : John Heisey, Verby Crocker, RS
HOME [TIE around. Hunting is both enjoy Chore), of the Brethten on Sun- | Lovina Demmy, Larry Sears,| Funeral services were held HALLOWEEN PARTY
day where Rev. Becker preach- |
and daughter attended Love

abie and beneficial. There are Ys et | Josie Fornoff, Harold Derr, Phy Tuesday afternoon.
ick oT LLL VL regrets when it is done safe. | 10 the morning service. | Singer, | Sen i
ge fo Tegreis w 1en it is done safc | Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Felty of | lis Wolgemuth, Sarah Singer, HALLOWEEN PARTY HELD Charles Morrisson .
v, sensibly. ’ | Havertown. suburb of Phila. Thomas Eckard, Martin Heisey, | 14 Ad .
James Kinsey, Jean Mitchell |FOR PRIMARY DEPT.
The state’s game authorities are spending some ‘time with | {
: £ Rodney Ney, Wilbur Helsey, | A Halloween Party was held SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31st
iL express considerable satisfac- Mr. and Mrs, B. F. Kauffman,
Ready-Mixed ; [tiore ‘over the small game Pros- | rm | Danie] Hoss, Jacob Shenk. | for the Primary Department of |
pects for the upcoming season.| | James Ginder. Herman Geb.|the St. Mark’s Evangelical Uni
Generally, the cottontail rabbit Nd secured a replacement for ft S01 tov Hol. |ted Brethren Church Saturday
jenerally, the cottontail rabbit "0" required by lave { hard, Janet Seiders, Leroy Hol- | t¢ Se a)
. ‘ Ligh . o | PL. as 3 . ‘ after ap 9
{ population is up over that of Nonresident Huntion Lavoie |lar, Richard Hess, Larry Wag- afternoon, October 24 Prizes
[1952. Ringneck pheasants are | | ner. Elizabeth Nolt, James Lon. | Were awarded to the children in |
For Regulated shooting grounds | ? ? : : atricia Fisher re SUNDAY, NOVEMBER ist
wai if >
mire plentiful than for several! | senecker. Pr: T z costumes. Patricia
| | the Game Commission has |8en cker, Paul Kauffman, and |

| years. Latest field reports indi received irie | Jay Greider. | ceived one for the prettiest; Tad | 1
nba Gress he ot . eceived s numerous inquirie | olen ot tol]
|cate grouse hunting will be at| 0 0" TT “tourist Friday, Oct. 23, the Atlantic|Hershey, most original and Sal-| Roy Sumpman S Orchestra
| least as good as in the ’52 seas. EE ly Ulrich, last one guessed.
| = | hunting license” for nonresi- | Refining Company entertained |!
Ak |on. Squirrels are on the move, ents Je. ave abl in tl C the members of the East Done yames were played and re-|
. 57 anf |indicating a lack of natural] ee on! ne om | gal School Board and principal freshments were served by the 1: Sundey family dinners will be served starting at
Gives you a professional y Eg) J » B@ | foods in quantities, but likely J on yana em a luncheon held in Hostetters | teachers, Mrs. Arthur Sprecher, he until ? — Steaks, Chops, Sea Foods, Beef, Pork and
job on your first attempt 8 =) xB | there will be a good take of te 2 OF os ge Bess : Jor So | Banquet Hall. Ralph Coleman, Mrs. Elwood Mateer, Mrs. Har- urkey.
{Lh rh atid x pe g license to persons o AB A ae © ui tak Alot
You'll be amazed how easy it is to use 5 bushy tails again this fall. A side the state. However. an act) | Supervising Principal, Marietta Vey Stoner and Miss Shirley |
Sakrete for any cement repair, patching [general increase in wild turkeys passed by the 1953 Legislature Borough $C hools was also pres. Eby.
or minor construction jobs. Eliminates [Sg oe 4 js reported over the great birds’ | eve the Gr io 1 Wor to all w | ent AT CE |
all waste and guesswork . . . isideal for & WN range. Raccoons are abundant ame ne d Ie tan e hay 5 William McFadden spoke SAUERKRAUT DINNER AT
stop and start projects. There’s no fi LIN KS | almost everywhere in the state. | Se of Sherators x | briefly on the Company's safe LUTHERAN CHURCH Om MATINEE
1 vA DE z. st add wate ike f A : OO > y iN Ss A dily oS dc . |
No mess, You Just add water like mak- eR on The populous woodchuck is le- egulatec 5 grouncs, driving program and the driv- A sauerkraut dinner will be EVENINGS SATURDAYS
ing mud pies. Comes in 4 special mixes = { : A who have qualified as agents ol # progr: € 4 oi | 7 and 9:00 P.M AND
with ingredients already proportioned | gal game in November, as well | he 1 hm { R le. to | ing habits of our local students. theld at the Lutheran Church, | TH EAT RE HOLIDAYS
1ing its already proport i ihn : es ,{ the Department o evenue, to NOV fr | SATURDAYS Li
Try it; you'lllike it. 11,25, SSF" = i 3 jas n gl. the hunting sell three-day nonresident hunt-! Tuesday, Oct. 20, the “Nature ON Wednes lay, Nov. 4 rom Hi 6-58-10 P. M 2:00 P. M.
45, 80 and 90 Ib. bags. FI Nr i | period. ling licenses for use on regulated | Study and Hiking Club” Wm until 1:00 p. m. The dn Mount Joy, Pa.
; i “8B | There is no open season this gule ed 10. the Governor's. .Stableg|Ntr 8 being held by the Ladies
A) Send 10c for handy ih AT | year on bobwhite quail, Hun-|?® woting grounds only. , . pnt|Bible Class of the Sunday | FRIDAY — SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 - 31
IF How-to<do-Ii Booklet ne : | To obtain such a license, a| Near Falmouth and the Pot
soon BAT Ar | garian partridges, hen pheas: | Holes along the Susquehanna School. KATHRYN GRAYSON — MERV GRIFFIN -in-
Write for 40-pa

ok el (id Rn | A »erson must (1) Be 16 years of a ee en
* tha at } ols te « Ml |ants, or sharp tailed grouse. (1 ? y ET
{ Fumi : RAT age or older; (2) Make. appli The following members made 66 Thi X L 99
| Hunting Licenses Sold and Lost cation in writing to an author iz. the trip: Dorothy Noll, Robert | PERSONAI Oo i$ $ ove
{ In the Pennsylvania hunting |™° ig ar ta a 4 |
photos, [ : + ed agent on a form prescribed |
Baa Lye #4 Eichler, Edward Drescher, Nan
on how to use Sakrete throughout your home ai MH | license year that ended August

jo & scion: (3) | cy Fletcher, Juetta Barclay, Ka EE =
BS . | by the Game Commission; (3) |©Y ’ . 1 G Gg h “wi sat |
cto SAKRE "5, 7 4, Md. If [31, 1953 license sales totaled | : ie Minnic rt ams, R “Mrs. George Smith, Wheaton
Ss sa i E ; i 2 | 830 799 for de ite aol 32,042 Present proof he or she is a! Mignon, Duy ig Ron 111., is visiting her son and fam- | MONDAY — TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 - 3
pi a | 650,793 é nasi PY res TRL 7 ald Stoner, Myrtle Morgan, |. ’ 3 > li y EET FIR ow ERE.
a ding Hardware, Byam Patch walls, floors | for nonresidents. The resident [res i Py aig a | Barbara Gibble John Eckard, ily, Mr. and Mrs. Larmon Smith RED SKELTON — JEAN HAGEN -in
sre mn " a res ld oO ne nitea Slates i hy yr f Mount Jov Rl. .
Harry T. Campbell Sons’ Corp. § | figure include 632 free licenses : ore) June Hossler, Sara Gutshall, |of I 3 so lH if A H
Sug y and Lumber Dealers 3 Towson 4, Md. lissued to resident disabled war (naturalized foreign-born non-|- : Os,” on : | a { Elam Bomberger, cashier of i ero
residents must produce natural. | Martha Ruhl, Kenneth Geib, the First National Bank, accom. |

| veterans. oli «a 15 | Richard Shirk, and Ross Eshle- |
ization papers); (4) Pay $3.15 ii : | panied John Detrich, cashier of
N | Interesting to note, 2,539 res- .
i : A A | for a “Three-Day Special Regu- | man he Central National Bank i
H. S — & Son, Inc. | ident hunters and 60 nonresid [lated Shooting Grounds License The trip was under the direc jie tre) Navona Bice WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 4 - 5
+ ’ ) nla an Y . 1 axer,
lent hunters lost their licenses |


3 ' ti ey No Q Ge a ATT IN TOY 3
PHONE 3-3361 NOUNT JOY, PA. | "| which shall be valid for three | lon Me, oa Hollinger | hier of the Elizabethtown | DICK HAYMES -- AUDREY TOTTER -in
| “| consecutive days, Sutdays ex-| ana. ur. Lona ploy. | First National Bank and Trust | se isi T i io
| . | r vide . no INE iY Eng us
| cluded. Tuesday, Oct 21, the follow | Company, attended the tenth | PUISIn Down he River
The new act provides: Such |ing from the Nature Study Club] al Correspondence sank
F RM B U ve 7 1) | license entitles the lawful hold made a trip: ( ner, | Meeting in Philadelphia Wed. |
8 | or thereof to “hunt, take or kill, Kenneth Bailey, Glenn Kauff asday. Black. whi was COMING :
[Bl SU 8 CE pA lon lawfully operated regulated | man, Faye Hiesan, er reelected (OF & letm|
oN nce Co. 4 . : ire Jo Stehman. Rob- ; ) \ my "SRV
$. Farr Buea aint er [shooting grounds, all wild birds Brandt, do An Benn A" ; Roe as president of the Internation NOVEMBER 20 - 21 ISLAND IN THE SKY
eh AAAI 1 wild animals which may be crt Newcomer, Geraldine Wai, pc ror Reconstruction and | NOVEMBER 25 - 26 — “MR. SCOUTMASTER"
‘Homie Office: COLUMBUS, Lo legally hunted, taken or Killed | ters, Gladys Weaver, Jay Greil) ent spoke to the NOVEMBER 27 - 28 — “MOGAMBO"”
in this Commonwealth on such der, Glenn Aldinger, oup.. - ——
orp: me articinate in gp |leman, Charles Snyder, avic hit
Warren H. Stehman | grounds, and to participate in a SHirtoy Roser. Nohes
[ es i | shoot held thereon under a reb ersney, ser, anc) D k A Ch rt - rm — . em egret eRe ree HE er ee
SQUARE ST. YLORIN | ulated shooting ground permit.” | Arndt, Shirley Noll and James on axKe ance. Se
| | | 7 . 1 OC -
| Dad-Son Hunting Teams Mr. Herbert Mitchell, recent-| FIRE HAZARD |
| Increase ly returned missionary from CALI |
| Hunting is an exciting invig- | Europe and Asia spoke to the
| orating sport enjoyed safely by | Students in a special assembly | Leroy M. Hawthorne |
hudreds of thousands of Penn-| Wednesday morning. l
| sylvania annually, but there are| In order to bring the students | Electrica Contractor
| | too many hunting accidents that | of East Donegal, Marietta, and RHEEMS, PA. |
mar this great sport. Mount Joy a little rloser togeth-| PHONE E-TOWN 110R11 |
| An encouraging sign of safety |€r and to help them get ac-| TO INSTALL THOSE NEEDED |
l training is reflected in the grow quainted, a number of joint OUTLETS |
| ing number of men who each (class events are planned this | 41-tfc |
eZ “ad 4 | year take their sons or neigh year. The first of these events |
| | bor boys hunting. This year, will take place on Thursday ev | Electric |
gud uv. | Ems Z ; 2 {the small game season opens on ening, Oct, 29 in She form of a and Gas e Iding |
i hs | la Saturday, the last day of halloween party sponsored by
i [ ak 7) AY OY TRO] ARR | Hunt Safely Week. Many school the three junior classes. East Also Specialize On i |
~ 2 = Z { 2 AE il . | boys will go hunting on that Donegal, under Boe supervision FARM MACHINE WELDING
La | Modek 1 gf) day, and many a father’s heart | {ol Rasy i Mus. Sifignss AND EQUIPMENT & |
7%. . || : | will be gladdened by experien-|and Mr. Staley is responsible . : i
i? | 8 CONTE ST ces afield with a son or a daugh- | for decorations; Marietta, under | Automobile and Truck Welding |
{ { 8 AL | | ter. A safe hunting trip is a [the supervision of class advisor, LAWN MOWER SHARPENING | |
bs f Telephone Man on || OE ILE i | suecesstul trip. | Mr. Herbert Peters will provide y .
vi | We are sponsoring a Model Build- | | Nonresidents Learn About {the refreshments; and * Moun Cover’s Welding Shop |
pis bia Ti h {0 8 | ing Contest Come in and get any || Game Laws The Hard Way |Joy, under the supervision of
ay Bd ba g { {| modei—Flying and Sclid Airplanes : class advisor, Mr. Geo. Broske. | Delta and Marietta Streets
+ Biya ER i d i || set Power Race Cars and Fighting On the afternoon of October 1. the dntertiinment LW. po ane Ma he 2.5001
Be bs {| ships, Kits of all kinds. Win a ||28th, two New Jersey men Kkil-| [wi prov
i Lert 4 [| beautiful award with your handi- ||led a rabbit in Sullivan County. | Principals of the three SCHOOLS | ayer
: work. ENTRY BLANK Free with | Thay killed a buck deer the | and their wives are invited. i i
Today's higher costs keep your Telephone Company ach kit. [same evening. An alert game gg Elmer G. Strickler The Home of Good Foods
constantly “walking a tightrope to balance expenses wo do years old. Seniors || protector, Patrick Craven, as-| AN LANCE CALLS | Pa. Phone 117 | §|
4 Le fe v | 3 . | cicte, r 3 Ha - el > 3, Tm OO i: Ss TOTO swere } + .
income. That talent on the tightrope, how- : : sisted by deputies, apprehended | I'hree calls were EWS rec | “voU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE
ag t : > |] It's easy to win with these easy- ||the men that night at 10:15. by the local Friendship Fire Co. | YOU NEED UNDER MY
ever, results in one of yoday’s biggest bargains—your i to-build models Models will be The two lawbreakers paid to-|zinbulance dvring the past] 3
telephone! We know how important low cost tele- || Judged for appearance only. Your fly, goo amounting to $210. week. Richard Ginder, Mount | COMPLETE
| model does not have to fly or op- || 4 ! AN | ’ oH . ‘ . {
phone service is to you. And it is equally important to [| erate. icomeiin and get dethils ane || Their nonresident licenses, | Joy R D., was _ transported Familvy Security
us to give every subscriber efficient, dependable serv- | see: the - sensational “trophy and || bought the day of their Thursday. Sunday, George King ~
ice—at low cost! Heda! awards. \pades, a 30-30 caliber rifle and |of Lancaster. was transported Fire - - Auto - - Life PHONE 3-30%4 MOUNT JOY. PENNA.
Come In Today! a spotlight were seized by the to Dr. Leonars in Mount Jor i
i * | officers. +1 8 20% and back to Lancaster again. | Accident & Flealth - - |} i ei : a |
oq { | i a RT SPATE
| ’ f esos A sitar satires Wednesday, Mrs. Catherine Wil- | H
| | ospitalization
COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. WAY S APPLIANCES Everybody reads newspapers buf lias, Florin was taken to Lan- | P
Phone 3-3622 | NOT everybody reads circular ad- | caster. All three were admitted | AND MORTGAGE it Everybody Everywhere, Reals The Bulletin
| 48 W. Main Street, Mount Joy | vertising left on their door step. jto ‘the General Hospital, J TT Sr ’
} ¢ ohh alii bol os wg 5 de hd pt