The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 29, 1953, Image 2

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Quality Meats
THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thissday, Octobér 29, 1853 2
) 17 L L A F F | Published every Thursday at 11 |
C WW S | East Main Street, Mount Joy.
Lancaster County, Pa
{ Larmon D. Smith, Publisher

Under Supervision of Register.

Funeral Director
(ed Nurses, House Physician or
Fruits & Vegetables
John E "Sehroll. { Personal Physician relained.
Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 |
| Subscription Rate $2.50 per
| Yea by Mail {
Advertising rates upon request
Entered at the postoffice at|
Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class
mail under the Act of March 3, |
1879 |
Member, Pennsylvania News
paper Publishers’ Association
Nurse on duty 24 Hours daily MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
Home Living Conditions
ne KRALL'S Meat Market
Fhone Columbia

| Penn and Plane Streets i.




re of - con
, | GA
Vv rier (7 |
A AAA AA mm a kno
I'he tenant homesteading in a |
poorly furnished attic apart 10 YEARS AGO > Wal
ment in a neighboring town re October 14, 1943 | J dl : 3 6 : 3 $0 : oi
: he bac aa a | Ra ar Sec od it FA & Fee »
ceived notice that his rent was Deaths — Mrs. 1 Emma M. | WINNING FARM-—The farm of Jay Newcomer, Mount Joy, RK. D 2, was the winning farm | Buineit Ss :
to be increased again. Fur-|Hawthorne, 61, wife of Harvey in the Farm Photo Quiz last week. The farm is located on the back road from Mount Joy to V il Ex . 0 ——
ious, he raced down, and dashed | Hawthorne, 244 Marietta Street| Salunga, The Newcomers have lived there since 1943 In 1948, Mr. Newcomer purchased anil a xtract A
into the landlord's quarters. died at 8:30 p, m. Thursday | the 130 acre farm \

2.01, 35° 4.01, 65
botile bottle

“What is the idea of raising my |She was the daughter of the 4 rn Rr RE EE ER RU

Shh |

- . | bh
rent again?” he roared. |late James and Annie Shelly | SHALL WE HAVE | Extract Food Color Kit 2h 121 ¢ £5 9 re 3
“And why not?” asked the | Webb, and was a member of| A CHORUS? : U.S. No. | "A" Size Nearby Whita 3
landlord calmly. “You use more | the Church of God, and the La- The Christmas season will Armour Star >. Es EL 4)
stairs than anyone else.” fdies’ Bible Class of the Sunday | be upon us. It has been 3 Potatoes RE
| School.
Mrs. Mary K. Herr, 73, wife |
of Amos H. Herr, died at 2:30
a.m. Monday at the home of her |
{son, C. Kauffman Herr, Mt. Joy
{R1, East Donegal Township. |
Crease faxes. | Births — Mr. and Mrs. Miles
| Fink, Florin, a son, Tuesday at

Of course everybody favors
¢ontrolling inflation—as long as
it doesn’t stop wage increases,
limit credit, lower prices, or in-

the expressed desire of some
of the citizens of Mount Joy
that there be some sort of
Community musical program
in keeping with the Yuletide
season. There are many good
voices in Mount Joy and
and surrounding areas, and
Chopped Ham
no Bie
rmour Star
Corned Beef

TdT ad
First of the Season Florida #
200-216 Site C
Oranges None Priced Higher - dozen 29 !
Regalo Brand Washed and Trimmed PR |
A bid oi
. One Price 10-1 * 29° 50 1b 1 £9
Bhi i 4.4 IW Oc









's to believe that this | spit :
I ev: he to | St Joseph's Hospital. | there is no reason why they 0 "oni ot oie oe
£0 a : Pp | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin, of | not be joined to form 12-02, 49° Spinach None Priced Higher bags
avUid. taxation, * | Elizabethtown R3, twins, a boy | , chorus for the presentation = : i GA
-_" and a girl, at St. Joseph's Hos-| ,f some of the finer music of 4 U.S. Ne. | Crisp All Purpose Stayman Tt 4) oo
A Salunga chap had to take pital. | the Christmas season, Any HA Armour Star A le One ge. 49
his wife along fishing to keep Miss Mary Risser entertained | one interested in forming 7 LB H pp S None Priced Higher bag Biri
peace. Not long after they start- at her home on Tuesday in hon- | such a-greup is urged to at- [diniature ams B rl ti P rs Northwestern 5 bi 19 + 8!
ed to fish this conversation took |or of Cpl. aby Det, whe i$] tend an organization meeting 5 a 6 i ea None Higher . Sd £00!
{ returning to Camp ‘after a >| to. be held at the home of Dr. hs 2 09 [i Dome in for ¢ |
Wife: “Oh, Chester, I've got |day furlough. David E. Schlosser on Sun- { Ls : Grapefrui ons Priced Wighet : o | | mac
a bife: What shall I do?” Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Frank,| g4.v November 1, at 8:30 P. h 1 U. S. No, 1 White Bolling Ibe |
| : « gy yx | / ric ighe
Husband: “Reel ih vour line.” | Maytown, observed thtir 30th i : ° | : Armour Corned Onions a calle, 49: ! BE
Wife: I've done that. The fish [wedding anniversary recently =] | Beef Hash | Walnuts & Sige Dito bog + 4 !
is tight against the énd of the land were entertained at a sur-| Qyarseas Mail Deadline | | Cider weve $48 po AQe ese 1%
pole—WHhat should T do next?” | prise reception by their son, | : A tot =a I er a A LL] {v. ve: ay
Husband (sarcastically) Shin. Harry P. Frank, and Mrs, Is Sunday, November15 GROUCHO SAYS, "Just a quick note A bist 21 Snow Crop * iii ; i P
ny up the rod and strangle it. | Frank's sister, Miss Verna| All overseas packages should | to say the NEW 1954 DE SOTO is he | i P 2 29:
| Peck. 3 biked | be in the mail by November 15! coming on Nov. 5th. Go see it at 4 aL Wi % YOZen: 8as pkgs.
| a ¢ as MS! raQ © 0 y ~ ac o i gs.
A fellow at Columbia gave | More than a million Jas € 7 it was announced by the acting your De Soto-Plymouth dealer . i: 1 mour Treet Snow Crop Foie 29:
or of tomatoes, a total of 1,002) Elmer L. Zerphey ah ... AA cate
his girl so much expensive jew-| Lo. forwarded by BD eo and tell 'em Groucho sent you! 1 ~ ; oA SATA | for :
elry and furs that he finally had | car 0ags, were orw HE The time for mailing to all A : Sree An ra ee 1 ¢ T J . Outstanding 46-02, 23 18-01, 10¢
3 ; |Lancaster County farmers bY|p QO, addresses and to foreign ” | 12-02, 4 lona omato uic Value! con <n |
to marry her for his money. Joos Actes Wah : 5 “on
rail from Lancaster to the|countries had been set from Oc A a Chicken $1 59 Boned 3 5.01. $1.00
h f | Campbell Soup Co., during the | toher 15 to November 15. There F el Raa 7 P k i ar 1 12 oo 93:
A downtown housewife was... SA Pe . ra eed [ i fleld ¢ 20-01. ¢ 40-0r, c
i present season. | fore, the .fifteenth is the dead- Or a © . J ancaxe our THF
seated at breakfast when she = gi ¢ Sgt. Paul K. Stehman. | fille: Tor. wailing 2 Spic and Span ¢ 5-Ib, bog J pkg, : i J and
heard the back door slam. ¢ the Army Air Force, son of |" International postage rates on % | H hold Cleanser Ann Page Syrup 3 {2a 25 Rg to 45, pun
Thinking it was her young son pr. Al StERman. 217 fret lacs mail will 3 A - ouseno . . har
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stehr | first class mail will increase No 4 0 p c 2 pkg. 35¢, ing
returning from play, she called N. Barbara Street, Mt. Joy, was| yember 1, 1953. Canada and i: TAN "PRY RRAQONA RETR | 1b c 54-0. Pilishury ie rust IX i { heat
out, “I'm in here, darling. PVE rails gutiner oft a Libarntor| Mexico will rewain the samme: CLEAN, VERY REASONABLE J 2 A Pe Baxter's Potatoes } Whe 3 16-01, 28¢ C
been waiting ror you, ; | bomber which managed to | 3¢ per ounce. All foreign coun- APPLY { ee A&P Sli d . § cans 97c af
There was a silence for a 10g | safety i Prion iets: lds Fos lh on | 3 » : P 20-02,
thot aii safety in Africa after a {ries’ first class mail will be 8c GEO WwW L M . Crisco ‘ ice ineapple Lo can, q
TROL, Mian d 6 2 liv _ raid on Germany with the plane | for the first ounce and 4c for | » " . Hudson T: hie Na ki S$ Pkg. of 80 11¢ 2
shuffiing of ii A ice which |Malf destroved, her bombardier | each additional ounce. . Post {| 208 E. MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY PHONE 3-9351 [ Shortening qa PKin : Napkins IN §
strong, masculine voice WhICh and the pilot, co-pilot and | cards will be 4c for the single | 1 Waxed : Paper # soe sn. Je VIE
said: .*1 think . you ought 10 navigator wounded. cards and. SC 107 THE | i aT Tr] 1-1b 32° 5 3b. 87° i waxed ‘vaper fc. oo & «i VY, 1315
know, Madam, that I ain't your / Sgt. Stehman, who holds the —_——| ) ne cen oy ton A Tremendous 1953 New Pack Canned Vegetable Sale! and
regular Air Medal with a bronze 08K}, m at the home-of tic briae |B) ree LS . a} man
———— leaf cluster was uninjured. ir tho presence of tht imme Vos | NOBODY UNDERSELLS Joy 3 2 Jona Brand Sale
Do you realize that there is | 15 YEARS AGO families. Bishon Noah W. R sre | WARD BOTTLE GAS Liquid Det 4 Tomatoes Corn, i." P
only about eighteen inches dif-| Deaths E. Jay Nissley, of |0! «ois MPAR L p iqui etergen 35.01, i P.
ference between a pat on the | Florin, well known tobacco! 30 YEARS AGO co ARE OUR LOW PRICES ON THE | : c 3 | Green Beans } 0 8 Peas : —
back and a kiek in the pants? |dealer, died at the Lebanon hos-| October 17, 1923 1 BEST GAS APPLIANCES a: 29° Slant 70 10 Your 053 ¥ ¢
rere | pital last night of Pneumonia.| Deaths Henry Derr, one of | Gas Appliances and Ward Bottle Gas Cost Less To Buy | 4 1 Hew Pack 1)
Dreams of his exciting was | He was only ill ten days. the oldest _ resident of this |§| Cost Less To Install Cost Less To Operate w Bt 6 Choice! : 7 mn = A A
experience troubled the sleep Births — My and Mrs Ab. Plage, died morning I Office. & Plant Lava Soap i 2 aA!
of the returned pilot. One night ner Zimmerman Florin an-lat 10 o'clock at the Lancaster |}| ey Lib y p ovo Pe 2 17.0%. 39¢
4 . vg tn dy ies ai, : hel 25 S. State St Phone 3-2207 1 mile north of | . I hy S eas cans cans i
he leaped out of bed and yel- jnounce the birth of a daughter General Hospital, from infirmi- | §| Ephrata Both’ Places Ephrata, No. 222 c 3 1
int. 9.48 toa Ios {4 «phrat: Sot aces Ephrata, No. 222 i i
led: “Men, we've got to bail 15 eta a = the eg % oH See ; 42.tfc | 3 site a1 A Libby's Corn Cutan Style or 7.4, 33,
out—we're out of gas!” Then Lancaster General Hospital. arl B. Minnich, son of Jac- | Vem 3 te “ ET . |
he pulled the rip cord—and his| Jerry Kendig., son of Mr. and ob R. and Mary S. Minnich, age | - Cn Oleomargarine a et Bens
| |

Mrs. Harry C. Kendig, under- 32 years, died at the General |
| went an appendectomy at the! Hospital at 11 o'clock Thursday |
Joseph's Hospital, Lancaster, evening from complications. || Get The Latest Nutritional Developments in
fell down. i” Dreft Nutley Oleomargarine 2 5 30,
Detergent Cheese Spreads
mac | Grapefruit Juice m2 un 23° “x 23
29 Ry; of Su !
de pkg. Each Giant package contains 5 coupons giont C
with a redemption value of 50¢ pkg. q
a cud : St.
After givin the rivate al
8 b last week. He was born in Maytown and
d i down for returning so
Jae with the supplies, the | Luck and Damenge: he time Of his death wes 8 "RED OP" DAI RY FEEDS
. te] collided : gal and ! reside EW liane :
geant demanded, “What hap | collided at the Donegal! and resident of Elizabethtown. i

pened to you, Bob?” { New Haven Street intersection Births — Mr. and Mrs. Eli B. -
Foi : aot Saturday morning damaging Hostetter announce the birth of Speciall 1
“Well, I picked up a chaplain fon ar Speciall c
along tlle Be yr from Shen | Poth vehicles. a daughter. Jane Parker Pumpkin Pie 8-Inch Pie 39 {
Donuts Jane Parker — Golden, * October Special 1 ge
Sugared or Cinnamon pkg. of 12 A
Jane Parker Sliced White foaf
Bread No Advance in price still only ¢ 4 out ¢ {
dine You Ready to TRICK or TREAT?
{ Mrs. Daniel Stark, W. Done Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Funk,
| gal Street, was driving a Pont- residing in Stauffer’'s row an-
|iac sedan on Donegal Street nounce the birth of a daughttr.
% ds {and Michael Mowrer, Columbia Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stoner
It's tough publishing a news IRL. was driving north on New returned on Tuesday from a 2
paper in a small town because Haven in a Chevrolet truck. weeks visit in Findley, Ohio,
on the ‘mules couldn’t under--
stand a word I said.”

id | -
is Fortified | Tile,
FORMULA || [2284 70° 4


a out Lamm to | When the cars collided. No une | Where they wid) Mr. 2 J "KNOW Worthmore Harvest Mix A Yb 29:
| yas injurtd. Mr. Stoner’s two sons and BE ca Detergent Ww rth c 14-01 ¢
read. | Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mumma |daughter. While in Ohio they cL HOW" | i Ya 0 more andy Corn bla. 25
{have gone to housekeeping in also spent a short time in Tole- ha ; tant 70° C box Also
When Bella over near Iron-|{he Foreman Apartments, the|do, Cleveland, and Marion. . re ge 4 oi Gum & Life Savers 3 fo 10 of 20 65¢ "Sch
ville. got to be 28 without any | former Cling property on East|They made the trip west by au- T Gi Y i | hi C He. — ——————— All 5 Candy Bars 6 for 25¢ of 24 95¢
prospects of getting married, Donegal Street. to, returning on the train. ° ive ou ealt ier ows | 'k Duz Spiced Wafers Nabisco 2-v 69¢ of th
her mother nagged her into in-| Rev. and Mrs. E. Ranck and The young ladies of St. Lukes . . A AK hs ve din 74 | Lelo
serting an ad in a matrimonial (family, of Campbelltown, will|Episcopal Church have gotten ied Greater Milk Production { a Granulated Soap Fro “Trick or Treat" Bag with each package of
paper. The ad read: take up their residence in the together and formed a new | 3 ¥ Worth bag 39
“Beautiful, exotic young | U. B. Parsonage today. lguild, “The ‘St. Agnes” Guild When you feed “RED TOP” Dairy Feeds you can be certain Targe 27 giant 65° a
your herd will give maximum milk production. The health pkg. AA we 4
heiress seeks correspondence; Harry N. Nissley, of Mt. Joy, | They met at the home of Miss
with devil-may-care gentleman |is a member of the bankers’ Esther Henry on Thursday eve-
who wants to go places fast.” [agricultural committee of the ning.
After the ad appeared, the Pennsylvania Pankers’ Associa-| The following officers were
mother asked anxiously: “Well? | tion who met at Penn State elected for the ensuing year, af-
of your cows will be maintained. We are sure of this be-
cause “RED TOP” Dairy Feeds are made of the finest in-
gredients . . . according to formulas supplied us by one of
the oldest feed companies in the United States. Their “For-
MULA KNOW HOW" goes into every bag of RED TOP”

ro | Green Giant | Butter Kernel +
' Oxydol Peas Peas
Detergent 1 9.230 | 92:37 ie Se

upon knowing.” tin 2. Metzler. of be [Mr. and Mrs. Addison Brene- Through Saturday, October 31st
“All right,” said the daughter [come the bride of Henry E. man, of Mount Joy, were united


“you asked for it! It was from sor of Mr, and |in marriage on Saturday even-
Papa.” 5. Howry I. LAngenerkee ¢ a. y gh i fo 8
PTL iss own sath on Sesion: ors Tey wi sesice a is) Eyaryhofly, Everywhere; Reads The Bulletin
MT. JOY, PA. 1

Any answers?” | College Tuesday and Wednes- | ter which they started on their { oh 3
‘Just one,” sighed her daugh-|day to study work of the agri- proposed work: Reasonable PRICES - EXCELLENT RESULTS | ree 929 § oe 10° i
ter. cultural experiment station. | President, Esther Henry; Splendid SERVICE. | pkg. ; Pkg. Heinz Fresh Clapp’s 9 *
“Who wrote it?” demanded, A bill permitting children to|Vice President Esther Brown: For Full Milk Cans : atid 3 BTN ABT Fe = ¥ 3 p :
Mammnia. {quit :chool at i.e age of 14 in- Secretary, Irene Smeltzer; Trea- Mills Cony I. Healthier Cows . Peed “RED TOP . a Dash Cucumber Pickles i Bahy Foods
. “I shouldm’t tell you,” said |stead of 15 was defeated at Har. [surer, Alice Lofigenecker. i i d Chopped 6 ns 89¢
the daughter. \ |risburg.-The vote was 64 to 105. | + Mr #Russel Herr, "son * of “Mr. RED TOP GRAIN & FEED CO Dog { Foo Pin 25 Ao | Strained 10 N
“But this was my ided,” het Miss Rachel A. Metzler, and Mrs’ Herr and Miss . 3 } c og Dry Cereals 802. 040. Jf |
Mama shouted, “and I insist [daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mzr- | Ellen Breneman, daughter of |§ MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 4b > 85 . All Prices in This Advertisement are Effective + 4 |
| — 2 wt NE»