The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 15, 1953, Image 1

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The Physician On Call
Dr. John Gaies

Fifty. third Year, No. 2(


Union National Mount Joy Bank float which won first prize in retailers’
hi (Photos by
parade. i
class in last night's
Marshall A.
JoyCees’ float, “Miss Pennsylvania of 1970,” first prize
Boy Scout Troop 39 entered
“Scotch - Lite” Project
Adopted By Jaycees
Taxi Service
R d I M i The “Scotch-lite” project was en-
. esume n oun dorsed at the regular monthly
meeting of the local Jay-Cees on
Joy Borough Tuesday evening, Oct. 13, held at
the firehouse, William Gassman
Joy | was appointed chairman of the
committee assisted by Paul Stoner,
Frank Young and Michael
The group plans to start the
ject over the. weekend. Scotch-lite
is the tape that can be placed on
Taxi service in
started officially
the White Cab Company of Eli-
stand. is lo-
’ : pro-
zabethtown: A taxi
cated on East op-
posite the theatre. the rear bumpers of automobiles to
Taxi service will be available | reflects lights. Ammon Hoffer,
side ras i harge x
to citizens of Mount Joy twenty preside nt, was in charge of the
3 y FY | meeting.
four hours a aay. If the taxi is a
not located at the stand, one
Florin Lions To Form
New Boy Scout Troop
Dr. A. C. Baugher,
the Elizabethtown College,
mav call Elizabethiown 265.
The cars are radio--equipped. |
In the near future, they will al. | president of
so be equipped with remote con- was the
trol for better reception. guest speaker at the regular bi-
2 4 . monthly meeting of the Florin
This marks the first time that Lions cluls Monday evening, Oct.
Mount Joy will have taxi ser-| 1s at the Keystone Diner, Florin.
» vice since April of this year. A" committee was appointed to
The town formerly had taxi | check the organization of a Boy
service when two veterans Scout troop in Florin. Men appoint-
! . : ed were Donald Miller, Ralph Ober-
started the business following holtzer, Jay Snyder and Warren
World War II. After that, it
was carried on by John Darren-
kamp until this spring,
Stehman. The committee is seeking
both a meeting place and interested


winner in organizations’ class.

in children’s division.
'M. J. Township
Plans 3 Public
Three have been
public meetings
planned Mount Joy
citizens by the Mount
ship School Board to
proposed merger of the
tion of Mount Township with
Elizabethtown Borough, West Don-
Township Conoy Town-
discuss the
upper por-
egal and
The first of the three will be
| held at the Florin School Monday,
Oct. 19, 8 p. m.; the next at the
Milton Grove School Wednesday,
Oct. 21; 8 p. m.,, and the third at
the Mount Pleasant School, Friday,
Oct. 23, 8 p. m.
The public is invited to attend
these meetings. The lower portion
of Mount Joy Township is includ-
ed in the jointure of Mount Joy
Borough, East Donegal Township
and Marietta Borough. When the
citizens of Mount Joy Township go
to the polls in November, the en-
tire township has to vote for ‘the
proposed merger of the upper secs
tion with Elizabethtown, - West

Donegal and (lonoy,
i ol
Dussinger) |
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday A Afternoon, October 15,

New Date Of
I'M. J.H.S. Band To Give
| Concert Friday Evening
C Entertainment for Friday and
Husking ontest } Saturday evenings has been an-!
| rounced for the local community |
Is Announced
School band will give a special
Due to unforseen circumstan- concert at the band stand Friday
ces, the Corn Husking Contest | evening {
originally scheduled for Satur Saturday evening, Al Shade's
day, October 17, will be post-| fhort Mountain Boys and Girls will
poned until Wednesday, Oct. | gut on a musical program at the
21st. | band stand. Rides and amusements
The contest will be held at | re present besides the exhibits |
the same place and at the same i and displays |
time as originally scheduled; | - |
10 a. m., Musser Leghorn farms;
Eliminations will be held at 10
In-Gathering Day

a. m. and the final contest at 1]
p. m. A new feature will be ad- | . |
ded to the husking; a demon Of L al G Id
stration of mechanical corn | oC ul
picker and Woods Rotary Cut- |
ter and Mower. Is Set For Oct. 27
| Winners of the contest will |
{be awarded a trophy for first | In-gathering Day for the Mt. |
prize; $15 for second; $10 for | Joy Branch of the Needlework
third: $7.50. fourth and $5. each Guild of America will be held
contestant. ‘ | Tue sday, Oct. 27 in the Mount |
Methodist Church at 8:30!
Livestock judging will be|, m. |
held tomorrow, 1 p.m. A set of

Mount Joy Bulletin
C.OUN The Bulletin
Now Has Reached
£2 50 a Year in Advance

Union National,
Boy Scouts And
The Union Natiogal Bank
[float received first prize in the
| retailer's class of floats in the
[Pennsylvania Week parade last
| evening with-their “hour glass”
[theme dedicating their one hun-
dreth anniversary next week.
| Second prize went to Ways Ap-
| pliances for their “Way's Penn=
a band of children.
awarded to
{ sylvanians”,
Third prize was
| Eicherly’s Cleaners.
| “Candidates for Miss Pennsyl-
|vania of 1970” the float of «the
loyCees was awarded first prize
in the organization's grouping.
The girls feature eight daugh-
ters of JoyCee members on the
float. Second prize was given to
the American Legion Auxiliary,
Post 185 for their display of _
hospital bed and wheel chair;
and third prize went to the
Lions Club for their lion float.

nedals will be presented by Mrs. Simeon Horton announc-|§ Children’s division float’s prizes
w > » > NG > ; i
ne . op : ed that the in-gathering is open went to Boy Scout Troop 39,
he local Chamber of Commerce : id .
: : to the public and everyone is Lion-sponsored Girl Scout float
to the three highest scoring. .
: , |invited and urged to see the| and Brownies, Troop 147.
club members in the contest] arments ‘which & rathered :
which is open to all 4H Live- Bf eh > RE Re ga I re | Miss Julia Risser, a SOBRO;
‘stock Exhibitors. First prize ig a 8 i” wi ro " Co ! more at Mount Joy High School,
winner: gold medal; second a- ie mn RO M Or i | was crowned Miss Pennsylvania
| ward, silver; and third, bronze. B, m. lal aay Wiln Wis, rang {of Mount Joy by last year's
| cm primers tll Minnis ces Frank as chairman, assisted | 2 : queen, Miss Marian Rutt. Miss
ky Mrs. Daniel Wolgemuth, Miss Julia Risser, “Miss Pennsylvania of Mount Joy,” with Rutt also presented her with a
Local Men Visit Mrs. J. N. Newcomer and Mrs. runners-up, Miss Pat Frantz, left, and Miss Nancy Jo Detwil bouquet of flowers and a war
Hazel Roth. er, right bond, gifts from the JayCees.
There will be two featured| __ ea Runners-up for Miss Penna. of
Sewage Plants tables at this year’s in-gather- Elmer Hoover To C T B Mount Joy, Nancy Jo Detwiler
| ing. The one will be the Girl orm ueen 0 € and Patricia Frantz were hon=
Four Mount Joy men visited | Scout table. All items ‘contrib- . . ored in the parade.
the Glouchester, N. J. sewage uted or made by the Scouts will KB Dinner Sp ker Ch T ght The contestants for Corn
| plant Saturday, Oct. 10. S. H.|be shown here. The other will € €a osen oni Queen, marching units, and
| Miller and William Batzel rep-|be a Memorial Table. Elmer Hoover will be the Nine girls have been chosen |Pands completed the second ‘an-
resented the Mount Joy Auth- wishing to contribute items in|, «qq speaker at the annualfas candidates for the title of nual Pennsylvania Week par:
ority: Lloyd Myers, represented | memoriam may honor someone’ = . : ade held in Mount Joy.
the Mount Joy Borough Coun-|by doing so. banquet’ of the thirty-sixth an-{Corn Queen of the local Com- ree ee en
cil and Joseph Michaels, the| At the present time, there are {nual Mount Joy Community munity Exhibit. For the first
aithotity’s engineer touted welioriv.nine directors of the Sane IE xhibit at Hoste tter’'s Thursday [time since the origin of the con Race To Feat ©
sewage plant and incinerator of |hpranch. Mrs. Horton has, as her | hing, Oct. 22, 6:30 p.m test, the queen will be chosen ur
the town of 12,000 population. | officers, Mrs. Frank Young as | VI Hoover of Rhea) by judges for three traits, beau-
From there, the group went to [vice president; Mrs. Robert @ professor at the klizabeth-}ty, personality and talent. In T -F t R
Downington, Pa., to tour the |Brown, secretary; and Mrs. Ed [town College Special music| former vears, the girls were al- wo 00 amp
plant in that town. They also ward Lane, treasurer. Last year jw) be featured | ways chosen by lot . *
checked the water systems in |the branch collected 18: 29 items. | Also included on the program The nine contestents to com- At Starting Point
the two towns. | Ahvone. interested in nL WI be the awarding of prizes pete in tonight's contest are
At the present time, the Host) garments for the ingathering for | OF . = 19hace, pigs, baby Lois Rutt, Mount Joy High The annual soap box derby
important decision that the au- | distributien to needy families of the eet ing amos School, whos talent is twirling; | held annually during the local
thority has to make is to decide | community, hospitals, orphanages Tickets may be purchased Phyllis Wolgemuth. East Done- Community Exhibit will be
whether or not to build an in-| and church homes, may contact any; {¥om the community exhibit |8al High School, a reading; Syl held Saturday afternoon, 12:30
cinerator for the burning of the | of the local branch officers | committeemen or at the Mount ya Loraw, Elizabethtown High p. m. on Manheim Street. All
town's garbage at the same! ww. Needlework Guild is non- Joy Bulletin Office. The com-}School, vocal solo: Elise Weien, boys thirteen years and under
time that the sewage plant is| and has a membership of mittee in charge of the affair|Marietta High School, Mount Joy, Florin, May-
built. lan craads ind races. To be a mens ire Joseph Shaeffer, S. A. Hor | phon solo and vocal solo: Jean town, Salunga, Manheim, Mari-
| jonate two identical garments ton, and E. W. Garber. | Longenecker, Hempfield High etta and Rheems are invited to
; I yer, Sonate NS 1cal garm = tn. —_— | School vocal solo: Darlene ter tho a
Fire Plug To Be Added [one to wash and. one 0 Wear. Vg ee Rohrer Manheim Central High | eo thie ’
miyy be members also; probably | Five Arrests Are Made le hott I j Good. New features of this year’s
. ¢ rn So Jes x : i
To East Main Street Line | not wanting to give clothing, they Bv Chief Duri Wook | Eliz tit ; go 2 a one | event include the boys starting
, OW 2c o 3 3
An additional fire plug will | supply money to purchase some Y e uring ee LC Fn : one Ay H the race from a two-foot ramp
(be added to the 12-inch line on | There is no age limit to member- Park Neiss, Chief of Police! A He 4 A os [.A permanent wooden ramp Is
dh : - ade Bus dws , | Musser, Mount Joy 4 ub, a ion . rata .
East Main Street it was an.| ship. made five arrests during the | <alo being built which will release 3
nounced by the local authority. =cut A fees eee past week Edward F. Gaunt, | | racers at the same time. Racers
The plug will be placed in Farmers Honored Salem, N. J., was arrested for | Mrs Jay Greider, a member | will run on Manheim Street
front of the Jamesway Plant improper passing; Antonio Ba fo the sponsoring group, the down hill to approximately the
At the present time, water At Rotary Luncheon la gor Luge, East Main Street,|Farm Women No. 8, will be jointure of Old Market and
only be secured at that end of Tuesday was Farmers’ Day at Mount Joy, operating without a of ceremonies. A Quin- Manheim Streets. In former
the street on a plug from a 4-|the Mount Joy Rotary club lun-| license (arrested twice): Ear] | lette from Fast Donegal High years, the race was always
inch line, it was announced by |cheon. with a good representa- Leedom, Elizabethtown RI1, op | Behoo) will sing {held on North Market Street.
S.: H. Miller, authority presi- tion of guests erating without a ilcense in his I'he Corn Queen and her| Another feature will be the
dent. i : ites possession; and Richard H.|court will be the honored guests | the issuing of a trophy to the
pment Uli After Judit o Frank, Mount Joy R2, arrested!at the annual Corn Husking grand winner and a prize to the
$i E I H Hs yom Won onege for an improper left turn | Contest next Wednesday after-|runner-up in addition to cash
Ico mp oyees onored us ip Ps i he SR Et {noon and also at the annual | prizes in the events. The awards
For Long-Term Service Be i Dc a Wo orn banquet next Wednesday at|will be given from the band
3 oul gin 8¢ Local Student Cast Hostetter’s | stand on the finish line to pro-
Fifteen employees were pre-|Dan Hess, Ross Eshleman, Paul a I 1am winners
service pins from the ind Fred Wetzel n Leading Role lc 'OLORED MOVIES TO BE All wheels must not be over
8 CO Company at their annual T'he program was presented Mids Bucher. Dio} SHOWN AT HIGH SCHOOL twelve inches in diameter and
Doane; held recently. Roscoe by Ralph Coleman, supervising chal Brine Ford, se | of a Fisherman's Para- the front axle must move so as
Ringer was given a 30-year | principal at Marietta. Mr. Cole- lending role in the fifth 1 the, SOE will be shown in color at|to turn curves. Not more than
pn ay Basha, Mrs. C. C. man showed pictures taken on a act ploy 15 Te. {the Mount Joy high school au-|$10.00 may be spent to make
> ene Q OO ¥ o ‘ur dd) at | | .
Jrehm, Eugene Hoover, Lois|recent trip through Europe. Yio, . . |ditorium Tuesday, Oct. 27, at|the car and no car can run in
Rnea, Robert Schroll and Mil- ee a ® Elizabethtown College Home a i
’ TW 25 it ; coming weekend, October 30th, 2 p. m. Tickets for the affair |race that won a National Soap
greg Way 9 Year Ding) Aue J. L. Swarr Appointed ond Both Productions of | AY be purchased at Sloan’s|Box Derby prize.
HA S, a L.eamze . Pl Y Ss 1a Cov ig i
J. Paul Wilson, 20-year pins; School Board Director the two-act drama, “Joan of I Pram ay an Sires, on tl Bevin: Hainan of
Delbert Anderson and John Lorraine”, will be presented in{; osterier's fhe dua 3 am
) dors an J. Lloyd Swarr, Mount Joy R. the college auditorium at 8 p.m Hardwa Store, and at the|Greer, Clyde Mumper and
Cosgrove, 15.year pins and;p. 1, was named to fill the va- : : ele P Bulletin Clark Berrier.
Charles Bailey, Mildred Booth |cancy of the unexpired term of| Miss Bucher, a junior major ————— art rm Aeris
‘ Srv ig VO i : . : ing i Ble sntarv E ati ig
and Veryl Greist, 10-year pins.|{paniel S. Will as school direc- ng in Elementary Education, i Ambulance Answers VARIOUS ITEMS FEATURED
Clarence Schock’s message|tor on the Manheim Central|cast as Joan of Lorraine. IN ART CLUB EXHIBIT.
to the group was read by Les-|School Board. Both - men are Other college productions in Two Calls During Week The Mount Joy Art Club is
ter Mumma at that time..In it,|from the same area where there | which Miss Bucher appeared in The Mount Joy Ambulance | featuring an exhibit of paint-
he thanked all his employees|has been opposition as fo where|clude “One Foot in Heaven, | qs called out two times during | ings and crafts in the main
for their service to the company | pupils must attend school. At|“Arsenic and Old Lace, and onc {ihe past week. Friday, October | building of the grounds of the
and to the customers. He refer-|the present time, 98 percent of |act plays produced by the Sock|g nips. Romanius Nauman, of | local Community Exhibit.
red particularly to the accom- [the taxpayers of this area have|ondand Buskin Club. | Manheim R. D. was taken to Members of the club are feat-
rlishments of the new Incentive |signed a petition to postpone Before attending Elizabeth- | the General Hospital. Saturday, | uring Pennsylvania Dutch
Plan in cooperation with the|the building of the proposed el-!town College, Miss Bucher grad- [ October 10, Mrs. Jack Gable, of | work, Early American; cera-
Scholarship and Student|ementary school east of Mount|uated from Mount Joy High | 215 » Mount Joy Street, was also | mics, Christmas cards, light
Plan, in : Joy for one year, Lb School, class of '51, | taken to the General Hospital shades and other odd items.