The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 01, 1953, Image 7

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a ——
Dr.H.C Killheffer | :
| Tree Service

riage by her father. Miss Doris |
Becomes Bride Myers, Lancaster R3, was maid | Wilbur M. Brubaker |
FL 'M. Louise Graybeal The bride was given in Mar-\pocona Musser [ The Br lletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, October 1, 1953—7

t of honor. The bridesmaids were . .
XT vrei ‘Of R. Jere Huber Miss Arlene Hubley, Lancaster| TO Be Married Oct. 17 |
ome \ te x SAWING. PRUNING i : R3, and Miss Arlene Hubley, of -— HI I
ET AND SPRAYING | | The marriage of Miss M.|gjlver Spring | Wedding plans have been hl hd
Mon, & Wednes 9.5:30 \ \( Louise Gravbeal daughter of David Miller, Lancaster Rl, completed for the marriage of
Vir. and Mrs irl Gravbeal. of | was best man and ushers were Miss Rosene Musser daughter
1 : /
Tues, Fri. Sat. 7.9 P. M, ! IB CH yz) Mr. : i Car Spy al, \g ; shers were ! s Rosene | aughter |
Tues. Fri. Sat, | B. B. A orn WANT ADS Mount Joy Rl. and Jere Huber | Harold Gravbeal, brother of the|of Mr. and Mrs. Martin 8S. Mus "
2-8 P.M i incr or 1 ey thi ’ is : yp :
139 S. Main St.,, MANHEIM, PA. SAL RE ' » . wh _[bride, and William Bair, Lan- ser, Route 1. Mount Joy, and
ELIZABETHTOWN PACK A Fmmaus, son of Mr, and Mrs. caster. Miss Romaine Stively,| Wilbur M. Brubaker, son of Mr

156 E. High St. Phone 5.4616 3h-tle 3 RB aug :
Telephone 24.F jy | ROY 8. Huber, Emmaus, took Lancaster, played the wedding and Mrs. Elmer E. Brubaker,
p 2 | » tice . . ) |
| Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. [ place Sunday in the Evangelical {music and Eugene Swords, of | Route 1, Mount Joy.
- A | United Brethren Church, Silver | Silver Spring, was soloist The wedding will take place |
[ Spring, at 2 p. m. by the Rev A reception was held in the at 4 p. m. Saturday, Oct. 17. in
[ Fugene M. Patrick social rooms of the church. Washington Street Church |
ter a tour of the New England of the Brethren, Elizabethtown. |
States, the couple will reside with the Rev. Nevin H. Zuch
Planning to Build

in Rohrerstown officiating |
» The bride is employed as a The bride-elect will be given
USE Vi brate d secretary by Musser Potato in marriage by her father. The
Chips, and the bridegroom by | maid of honor will be her sis
Armstrong Cork Co. ter, Miss Audrey Musser. The
0 bridesmaid will be Miss Betsy
BIR) HS | Musser, Mount Joy, Miss Patsy
Eshelman, Paradise, both cous
Mr. and Mrs G Walter Sloan | ins of the bride-elect, Miss Peg

SCHICK "20" in saddle-stitched

WH of Chocolate Ave., Florin, a girl | gy Hicks, Mayvtown, and Miss :
HE Co at the Lancaster General Hos- | Mary Grace Bucher, Mount Joy rv 1s $26.50
pital on Sunday. Carolyn IHollinger, neice of the
STANDARD BLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bea- | bridegroom-elect, will be the fy
menderfer, Mount Joy Rl, a [tower girl NO-RISK 10-DAY TRIAL!
MADE IN ONE OF ‘ " . WT He Desay. at Lancaster Ce Paul Bellinger, brother-in ..
THE COUNTRY'S -— -— Your love . . . your thoughts efa ospital. aw of the bridegroom-eleet, .
Ah 4 8 12 S1zes [expressed in oo; that alodden ---- will serve as best man. Ushers with the

the heart of the receiver! See our MARRIAGE LICENSE [will be John Henry Brubaker,
FOR PERM ANENT Cc "ONS ST RU CT JON | Hallmark Cards especially designed Wayne W. Mast, Mount Joy Mount Joy. cousin of the bride Ww" 1 / 4
to go into your gift—fo say what R1, and Mary L. Hevener, Lit- Kenneth Kreider, Columbia R2
19¢ —INDUSTRIAL FARM - HOME— you want to say, the way you itz R2. and Vernon Belser, Elizabeth
want to say it. Leo P. Frank, Mount Joy, | town R3.
Sloan’ Pharmacy, Popular | street, Lancaster. [sic will be playea by Johr D electric a aver in your own home
ost MOUNT JOY BLOCK CO. Lar aver nour own home oo
The REXALL Store When in need of Printing. (any- |and the soloizi will be Hol ert own face—and love it—or return it for
Phone 3-3001 MOUNT JOY, PA. oo kindly remember the Bulletin | Ziegler. instant refund of every penny you paid!
: Sates rm rer ee | A reception will be heid in|
and Teresa M. Grangreco, 544| ‘the traditional wedding mu- | No “ifs’ “huts” this grand, new

H | = MT. JOY, PA. | Hostetter’ s Banguet Hall fol | LESTER E. ROBERTS & SON
OUSE 3 [lowing the ceremony. After al ot come IRE Cr Ee A
| | trip tosaagh, We south 41 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA.

land middle west the coupie will
reside at the home of the bride

: an : In Our Next Dividend
Ask for Our Folder
“For Your Investments”

You May Share
: |
mals 16 MANHEIM ST. yu | -——
lars at Full paid shares are now available, in limited amounts, up- |
on whic h ov idends are 37% per year, payable June 30 and |
ct. Sst, Ad Investme Ro mav be made in denominations of $100 or any
multiple. and withdrawal mav be had on 30 days’ notice, WENGER - - SHE NK [
—— with dividends to date of withdrawal | » Ir. and Mrs. Jacob H. Shenk |
romp R3, announce the
engagement of their daughter |
Ruth R. to Arthur B. Wenger, |
(son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer M
| Wenger, Greencastle RI
| Miss Shenk is employed by |
Fifty-Sixth Year Assets $47,250,000.00
| State Capital Savings & Loan Ass'n
+ ‘ |
dont W, Buns hep. | the Sico Co. of Mount Joy, and |
)5¢ \ | Mr. Wenger is engaged in farm- |
[ing at Albon B. Dourte, Man
[heim R2.
The wedding will take place

Cc PHONE 3-6011 |in the Spring.
ee —_ — 2 {| MARTIN — ELY
Mr. and Mrs. Curvin H. Mar-
{ tin, Mount Joy R1, announce
{ | the engagement of their daugh- |
| y i | ter, Ella, to Roland P. Ely Jr.,|
| | son of Mrs. Mabel Ely and Ro- |
| land P. Ely Sr., both of Kennet
| B | Square. {
| . ! |
Miss Martin is employed by |
| es
the DuPont Co., Wilmington
s33¢ : | T0 U G H N EW K F L LYS Del. Mr. Ely is attending the
To be sure—buy your meats at STEHMAN'S for it is our policy to sell only the top grades {| 5 | University of Pennsylvania
{ law school.

—— —
as of government inspected meats. That's your assurance of quality—and of the tempting |
; tastiness . . . tenderness . .. and juicy goodness that go with top quality meats. Our | FO 2 YO U i wo B N Ti R E 5 is .LL, UNDERGO OPERATION

James F. Hipple, who lives |
Jo the Falmouth Pike, was tak-
[on to the Lancaster General on
{| Hospital where he will undergo G2)
I Ep |
an operation.
skillful cutting and pre-trimming of meats ane your assurance of economy for they giva
>» you more good meat in every pound. Serve one of those special values and know the
reason why so many people say—"It's sure good—when it's meat from STEHMAN'S.


CHUCK ROAST Lean and Tender Ib 59. | La 7 vie
Y BEEF Fresh Ground Ib 59. | Br A
Gold Medal


op Tires !
4 45 Apvransio HES
STEAK T B Ib O05. ON YO by Science Feotures oe by 2
ride -bone | UR Good Housekeeping i
| :
Meningitis gets its name from’

the fact that the disease is char-

> |
\ acterized by an inflammation of the “Store Bought” clothes for children cost more than j
covering, or meifinges, of the brain
AS LOW AS | and spinal cord. It often strikes in | ever before. But that won't bother you if you have a 3
; | Is exiromaly Sonagons, NECCHI. Even if you're inexperienced in sewing
Sil Fl S Krout > S 00 children and young adults. { you can make beautiful clothes for the youngsters.
This disease, sometimes known
ver 0 S GREEN BOW A WEEK i as Se ve Hi fatal in almost On a NECCHI you can ssw likg a dressmaker
2 — [4 1906 Ci a5 until Come in and we'll prove it to youl
large cans 35. WHOLE UNPEALED : , ; 3 og 1s 05, whe hn
: | ® Armorubber tread — so tough it outwears steel 5 pl 4 LG nas Imagine doing al
APRICOTS | ; A fF Selo "Whit magine doing a a nT 3)
® Stronger cord body - more cords per inch cut the existing . i
C ’S SOUP ki i A Eo mortality rate in these things
ip — i |e half. Even as a
CAMPBELL No. 2V, can 290. ® Expert workmanship — 54 years of tire making A Even 8 :

have time to permanently damage
the brain or nervous system. To
{ prevent this, doctors regard it as
essential that the disease be recogs
| nized and treated at an early stage.’
experience behind every Kelly however, fatalities due to the
meningitis epidemic o 14 ye ar, M k sb h = ty
TOMATO | 2 ani b Ii | hed 5 , & akes oles \
® — r etween plies | reached 50 per cent.
c | / Extra cushioning mere rubber P i With the of Jha sul)
' 1 drugs, and later the antibiotics {
J for 6 4 C HEART'S DELIGHT | a drastic reduction in the menin- ; : br
FRUIT COCKTAIL | Drive in for a complete tire J| ETE morality xp occurred, Heo Ee 4
| ’ < ’ OC 5 ‘ ho 2 rl { § 3 a;
[ i i a harge. | doctors reported that only one out WR Cg NE
3c VEGETABLE - BEEF inspection free of charg | of 30 cases of meningitis in chil. A be TRA of 0 ol i
5¢ - | Expert repair men will thor- | dren proved fatal. Treatment in ; Being pst Cm nk
CHICKEN NOODLE 21 | | these cases consisted of a combinas Blind-Stitches Hems Monograms
No. 2Y can | oughly check your tires—offer | tion of sulfadiazine and terramycin,
| Tire Inspection i : | But despite advances in treat- LOOK FOR
39¢ 6 for GE). P ¥ ~ you liberal trade-in allowance | ment, meningitis is still a (angers
tires, ous disease. One of the biggest
3% Service! i you need new tires dangers is that though the patient model Tab! if
: : . ols available in smart
19¢ | may live the inflammation may a,
| styled cabinets and porfabler) "YOUR GUARANTEE)

7 Since meningitis may be caused
208 East Main St. MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9351
i y several different microbes, a'tap ]
ho) = E F - ho 3 RV | E M A 4 K 2 i | HOURS: Store Open Daily to 6 P. M. — Monday and Fri- ! Gis ust he in CALL FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION
| day to 9 P. M. Shop open daily 7 A. M. to 6P. M. disease- -causing organism. So im- | :
- - pra WIRY | 8 g| portant is a quick diagnosis that
47 Ee IY PA. % A ah dy his is of ccomplished withi ’
- 1 NTIS Tol YoYo IY | 1. ov ries arrival at the hos. WAY’S APPLIANCES
i ; pital. waa 38 WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA.