The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 01, 1953, Image 6

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    6=—The Bulletin, Mount Jov, Pa.. Thursday. October 1. 1953 : =" Mrs. Milton Erb, Mt, Joy R« D.. Visitors of Mr, and Mrs. (
re . ER EE | NEWTOWN and Rev. and Mrs. O. K. Buch, Maurice Frysinger, Mrs. Katie | Mortuary Record §
Manheim, during the past week. Moore and Mrs. Ida Eisenberg- |
Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt er, were Mr. and Mrs. Walter | JEANNE A. SCHLOSSER
TT observed their 39th Wedding Shannabrook, Columbia, Rev. |
& a
Private funeral services were
tev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt, |, oo on Wednesday and Mrs. Stephen Heisey, Cen- |
and Mrs. Irene Snyder attended ter Co. | "
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ar sley Funeral Home, Mount Joy,
> ‘ Of J 3 fore Nl . » Mihi |
th Samual & z 3 Bonen Tee istice Wittle were Mr. Joseph Me : ang ind Lo Leibig for Mrs. Jeanne A. Schlosser,
Wittle and daugter Judy, Col. nC family, Stevens ' Visit- | ag wife of Dr. David E. Schlos
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gamber Mp and Mrs. Charles ©d Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Isler and | oo, 504 BE Main St. Mount Joy.
DR iT fu Yi and son Manheim visited Mr Witte and daughters. “Nancy family | who died at 4 p. m. last Mon-
and Mrs. Abram Gamber and Carol. Columbia. RD.. Mr Mrs. Irene Snyder celebrated | day at her home after a six
Mr. and Mrs. Howard nq Mrs. Ragner Hallgren, Mt. her 57th birthday the past week | months’ illness.
ber visited Mr. and Mrs, Earl ’ I Mrs. Blanche Frysinger, Mrs. | .
Joy Katie Moore, Mrs. Ida FEisen- Born in Steeltor, she was
Ideman of F'town R.D Mr. John Fogie, Montville berger. Mr. and Mrs. Havard | of Angstadt and Edna 2 4
You're exercising good judgment when Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | yisited Mrs. Serena Fogie Shy. re an Wr nd Aan E. Bender Ream, of Elizabeth 4 C
o . Y . ~ JO Ste Sie I h I 'S.
: . Maines and family were Mr Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl i Reichart of Hanover town, and was a member of St 4 No 2,
you keep valuable papers, family heir- and Mrs. Lloyd Leibig and) and family were Nes unil Mre Karl Haines | Foiscopal Church, Mt|4 . can
Med- 4
held on Sept. 24 from the Nis
October is Ideal Month at the Acme’
Try any Ideal Food on our Guarantee of Satisfaction,

Ideal Calif. Yellow Cling
Halves or Slices in Rich Syrup

Here's our Guarantee! If you do not like Ideal Peaches as well as
familv, Stevens RD Mr. and nye innie Geltmacher. Kin Jov: the Lancaster
Irs. Minnie eltmache and. derighior. Mt. Jov RD. vis.) Jo": he Lancaster County
looms, irreplaceable items in a satety de- Vrs. Samuel Fry, Lititz, Mrs. | gophook, Mrs. Paul Kanffman, ne + 1 | ical Society Women’s Auxiliary
0 1 4 led Harry Witmer and Mrs. Clar- | snd son Donald, Ironville., ited Mr ho Mrs. Robert Frank | and the Lancaster General Hos-| § (or better than) any other Peaches, return the unused portion and gét
posit box. Sleep secure in the knowledge ence Smith, Manheim Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. a Mr. and Mrs. Oli-{ Pita] Women’s Auxiliary. 3030 81 any STINE V2 Sa
She : ) i ‘ i S. -
Jesides her parents and hus-|
band, she is survived by a
| daughter, Nancy, at home. Also
Miss Betty Ann Haines spent pagie and family were Miss
the weekend with Mrs. Bernice Priscilla Fogie. Mr. Harry Mom-
Cinder and daughter Nancy of ino. Mrs. Martha Orio. Phila.
ver Witmer and family were
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Landis, of
IDEAL VHS © C3 Fo % Be
neither thieves or fire can destroy them.

they on Kerneth and Leslie Lee Schaal Visitors of Mr. and Mrs Har- a a IDEAL FANCY HAND PACKED 19-02 C
Ne ang Wes Russel EHterline | kovh, Columbia. rv Weaver were, Mrs. Tda FEis- Florida “and Dori . fe of 7 T Oo M A T 0 E S canny
fl visited Mr. and The following visited “The of town and Rev. O. | Robert Foi, Abn] adh ET
Mrs. George Moore Arndt Home.” Mr. and Mrs. Al- g Buch, Manheim. | town Her on] gre ntl IDEAL CONDENSED ¢
Ms ane! Ny DA C Gel. ’ Wave sh Robert Witmer spent Sundav | or. Mrs, Florence Ream. Fliza- T 0 MA T oO 5 Oo U Pp cans
macher visites r. Paul Green efever, and children, Conesto- with his Mother Mrs Paul : : ) fh
he 3s 4 a. i acre “© Ss | Es . ¢ bethtown, also survives. a
Shige ly, Sherloan RD 3, Me, and Wis, Jos Witmer, of Mariett { IDEAL CAL. PRUNE JUICE at bot 29¢
Wel TT p, 2 Mrs. Howar x - ton and Miss Mary Lefever, o . q arrv aver
¢ . Mond i How wd y i) I er Mr, End es Harry So | KFLLER RITES FRIDAY ny LOUELLA MILK Homogenized 4 tall cans 49¢
or, rs. Susan amber anc .ancas ane arolc Jitmer visitec 1e | x . : Golden 4's Ibs
. ‘x San (3 Bp Fineral services f M | 4
Miss Minnie Gamber vicited Mr. ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geltmach- during the past week ma 1 : Keller. "17 Frank ny eet, FE Mo 2 Ly;
ee ; - weep 00. Mrs Salem Gamber and er celebrated their 12th Wed- np ang Mrs. Ray Gibble and | Mont Joy, will oo held F ide 4 IDE v 16
(family, Columbia RD. on Satur- ding Anniversary Sunday Sept. Columbia RD. Mr. and nt 2p " at th H °F ne 4 IDEAL PORK AND BEANS 2 16-0z cans 23¢
| : on (at 2 p. m. ¢ e Heilig Funers i hy
\ | dav evening. 27th. Mrs. Lloyd Steele, Lancaster, Home, with interment in Fv GOLD SEAL CAKE MIXES * kinds Tez phy 19¢
| Mr. Wm. Haines Jr. spent the | Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer snd Mr. and Mrs. Paul Myers, | Jv ——————————————————
(weekend at Erie, Penna and children visited Mr. and Kinderhook. will be Thursday evening from| Enter Our $35,000 00
sda .

We CORT | Mrs. Pearl Brenneman and Wrs, John Kauffman Sr. Iron- A doggie roast was held on!7 to 9
GET IT ATI 0 A | Mrs. Edith Erb visited Mr. and ville. Saturdav evening on the lawn | The widow of Clavton B
ie ee Mr. and Mrs. | Keller. Mrs i
(ot the home of . Keller died Sundav
Detergent Contest

GRE AE F WORLD CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Jacob Erh. The following were | zt 11:50 a. m. at the Lancaster
BOO H Sle J | 4 Writapre renrpeenting Aftv-twn conntries in- Mr. and Mrs. John V.| Hospital after a week's $1,000 CASH
a | i lento tha tralv world-wide nature of the Sen- Witmer and con Johnnie. Eliza- | illness.
4 wa ATS { pt tamher Oatnhar of Tha bind Room the hathtown RD, Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. Keller, who was born in and a WESTINGHOUSE
aennpl World Christian Fellowshin number, 0000 Brosev and children, | Hummelstown, was a daughter, LAUNDROMAT
Mara than eaven million neovnls the | : ui
Bihle readinec Jimmie and Linda Lee. Silver | of the late Davis Richard and

wot will Soin vanin the. Agi And 9 More Prizes of
The Toner Room will Snoring, Miss Gladys Weitcamp, | Anna Hershev Brinser and was Westinghouse Laundromats
AG C\ nrqueres. and meditations
SKI ! AJAMAS bv Hanes y= help you get a world view of Christianity. Wrightsville. Mr. and Mrs. Le- | well known for her civic activi- 4 New (7) All- «Purpose Get Entry Blank and full particulars at
i > f vern Leas, Mr. and Mrs. Hath- | ties in the community as well 4 Ige 25¢ any Acme Market or American Store to-
Copies available at Sloan's Pharmacy
|= p sway Prenneman, Mt. Joy RD. | as for her political affiliations. { Detergent pkg day. Enter often - - contest closes Oct. 31st,

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Frb and| She was active in the Repub- >
GIRLS Sizes 8 to 16 $3.29 =
VIZ Es ° Goad =
Re a enjoy-|lican Women’s Club of Lancas- ¢ VEGETABLES AND FRUIT --. FRESH EACH DAY —
’ ce able time was had by a ter County, serving on the board o—
Sizes small- med. - large $ |
LADIES 5 3.95 { The Good Will Class and their | of directors, and also served as|$ Luscious, Flaming Red
teacher, Mrs. Loreen Witmer of | the Republican County Com- d
BOYS Sizes 8 to 14 $3 29 ithe Newtown E. U. B. Sunday mittet-women for the East ward 4 ] k Cc
. OF COAL IN TOWN {school will give a program at of Mount Joy for a number of { 0 ay rapes

MENS’ A: B.C. $4 50 Naturally it's the same in size [ the Newtown schoolhouse Sat- | years. ’ i
it finted and weight, but for comfort |urday evening, Oct. 3 at 7 pm.| In addition, she was a mem- U.S. 1 Red Delicious Ib bag
SUEDE KNIT FOR COMFORT ! em |All proceeds will go toward | ber of Trinity Lutheran church, EATING APPLES 5 55¢ .
BLUE y | | :
i Hy and SEOROMY, thousands agree the renovating of the church |Mount Jov, the Ladies’ Bile § LARGE NEW GRAPEFRUIT Florida 2 for 19¢
5 blue coal’ is the BIGGEST TON basement. The program will Class of the church and the
OF COAL IN TOWN. Sold only "consist of a duet by the Echart | Lancaster General eri Cal. Mountain
VY £ by authorized, qualified dealers. sisters, piano so'o by Erma Mel | Auxiliary. C
A linger, instrumental duet. bv| Mrs. Keller, whose husband| ‘Bartlett Pears
INSIST ON Gene and Sandra Campbell and | was affiliated with J. B. Keller ¢
| & Bros.. Mount Joy cattle deal- ¢
’ Ordinary coalgmight be good... 4 i Vocal solo by Bertha Witmer,
Boys All Wool Sweaters $3. 75 You know ‘biue coal’ is good... blue coal | Also on sale will be homemade | ers, is survived by a ar SWEET POTATOES U.S. 1 Golden 3 Ibs 17¢
trademarked for your protection cakes, pies, potato salad, pot| Marguerite E.. wife of Captain]
CALL US TODAY! (holders and clothes pin bags, | Harry G. Walters Jr. stationed SALAD MIX AlsoSoupor Slaw Pka 15¢
Ladies’ Nylon Slipever Sweaters $2.95 ji 5, | Sterns 3:
WOLGEMUTH BROS, Inc. Florin, Pa, [2 Sie oli bv. beer PASCAL CELERY 2 25
Ladies’ Nylen Coat Sweaters $4.95 PHONE MT. JOY 3-9551 | worthy project. |and three sisters: the Misses § GLENSIDE PARK GRASS SEED 5 Ibbag 1.89

Men’s All Wool Sweaters $6.50

meee WG — Bertha E. and Lorene M. Brin- { IMPORTED HOLLAND TULIP BULBS pkg of 12 69¢
Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. ser, both of Hummelstown and

Susan L. Brinser, Philadelphia. q FROZEN Seabrook Farms Green Peas Extra Fcy. 9 10-0z pks 33¢
. re { FOODS Seabrook Spinach Leaf of Chopped 2 14-0z pkgs 3g Tc
old Seal
Bl James Monroe Shoop, 86, 4 sk
| former resident of Mount Joy, 4
(died Wednesday morning at the ¢ & ur
{ | home of his son-in- daw re
| daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
PA \ | Barnes, St. Thomas R1, Frank o 5.
M | lin county, after a four bag
| illness.
| Born in Halifax, Ah 10 » bag 75¢
county, he was a son of the 1 late { Here's our Guarantee! If you

Read your Children

William and ¥ Elizabeth Wise do not like Gold Seal Flour as
. Shoop and for many years was well 28 Lor better Sian) any 7 STORY-A-DAY
n 2 fm e unuse original stories
n Y op P IN a member of the Mt. Joy portion and get another bag of by childrens 2 Se
odist Episcopal Church. | same size of any flour we sell. authors. copy

Besides the daughter with]
whom he resided, he is surviv-
ed by two other daughters, Mrs. |
Clinton L. Campbell, Wayne.
and Mrs. Clarence Charles, of,
Lancaster. |
Four grandchildren, two)
creat grandchildren and these
brothers and sisters also survive,
William, Cambridge Springs, ¢
AW (Pa.: Irvin and Mrs. B. Shaffer,
| both of Elizabethtown; Charles|{
ay | Claremont, Calif., and Mrs. An
5 [na Kocher, Millersburg.
| Funeral services will be he
Small Beltsville White
xh lat the Nissley Funeral Home, |( 2 C
| Mount Joy, on Friday, at 2: 0g ux eys
o'clock. Interment in Eberle’s ¢
Cemetery. Friends may call at
the Funeral Home ab Fully Dressed Cc
Fresh Fryers
(Thursday) from 7 to 9 p. oF Sewer
FLORIN BRANCH ( Sliced Steer Beef Liver '® 39¢ Skinless Franks '® 45¢
alled 4 :
w FOR ANY AGE EDUCATIONAL ENTER’ th a oe oo, Fresh Sausage Gous Sie 480 | Polluok Fillets = 2p
14 INCH TO 26 INCH ALL SIZES HE ENTERTAINING pranch this week. Exact opens Country Style Pudding '> 39¢ | Fillets of Perch '® 39¢
( Country Style Scrapple 2 '®=29¢ | Haddock Fillets 39¢
320% to $749 i to 39495 98. to $098 Only $9250 be Jus il be dee Sg Sliced Lebanon Bologna "=> 29¢ | Cleaned Whitings "> 19¢
other fixtures.
| Sse Save 3c or 4c a Loaf - - Get Enriched aide i 5 C
48 W. MAIN ST. "STORE HOURS HOURS The V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary § (Supreme Bread loaf .
9A. M. to 9 P.M. will sponsor a food sale in) LOUELLA BUTTER BREADWhite or whole wheat loaf 25¢
“MT. JOY, PA. Every Day front of Titus Rutt’s Insurance Suells, BUTTER America’s Prize-Winner (14's) 1b 76¢
v Aso : (
PHONE 3.3522 “The Most Complete Toy tore Tn. This “Avec” Prost, Pea Vl Office on Friday. Oct. 2, begin. VIRGINIA LEE GOLDEN PEACH BAR CAKES c= 39¢
ning at 6:00 p. m.

Fully Dressed
and Ready for C
the Oven 1h
Days til Christmas
‘Use Our Lay-a-Way Plan
To take the strain off your budget

{ Acme Beef is Highest Quality - - - You'll Serve it with Pride 5



Prices Effective Oct. 1-2-3, 1953. Quantity Rights Reserved.

BO itlpii

When in need of Printing. (any-
ARE PE TERE eX HEN WX aX thing) kindly remember the Bulletig

eb nl mln 2 he ain 0 te th a Cn i - -

Rodin lA ty a oe