The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 24, 1953, Image 4

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(Penn State's | Keep Doors Locked


utensils. A well-lighted farm is a safe and more
efficient farm.
See that your paths to shed, to barn, to milk
d—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday S bor 2 953 (= EE HE
’ ’ > Seplember 24 1953 | |
erm ee - . | PEI Q )N Al q asd | Importance Of | a
IK hh ( ALD ||Football Games |For Night Driving, C Ik Marki 1H 0 egion
| | |
’ a {To Be Broadcast Auto Club Advises IMlarkings
er S eauty on : The Rev. Kenneth Good of | — 1 F h . d
Phone Mt. Joy 3-4339 FLORIN, PA. Buffalo, N. Y, and the Rev.| All of Penn State's nine foot.| A fresh outbreak of stop-light | I$ | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th
and Mrs. Richard Meyers of|ball games will be broadcast |holdups and robbery attacks on | | :
——————— ‘ig "yp Ta . notorists caused Keystone Au- ava 0 wrosswall
Saltella, Pa. visited with Mr, [this season under th pongor- | motori bl "| Importance of crosswalk | K
SPECIAL -— 1 M Arthur M yers, 37 W ship of Newcomer Motors, Inc.,|tomobile Club to make an Urg- |, in the field of pedes- | enny 0 ge ro
ind Mrs rthur Meyers, 3 ¢ . wees ale G8 i |
0 : : ¥ Mount Joy, and other Chevrolet! ent plea for more alertness and | {ian safety is emphasized by |
PERMANENTS $5.00 Donegal street. dealers of this area precautions against such dang- |, 0 Keystone Automobile Club. | MBER 27th
$8. PERMANENTS $6.50 { Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Meyers These games will be carried | 7S [which urges all communities to | SUNDAY, SEPTE
and family of Elizabethtown : | The advice came from |. (1. Ae vx waka | .
m stat ' i | a utilize such markings and make . »
$10, PERMANENTS $8.50 |R2. anl Mrs. Arthur Meyers of tale ation Barve k 8a 1h [ward P. Curran, safety director |. ciandard practice of keeping | Tiny Wrig 1 ro
“ ha rank il wo Late I ol Xiah | & Ste i € i 3
OPEN 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. DAILY Maude Buller, Propr. or Gg ye week: py with sity of Wisconsin, will be aired ©! the club. I them well maintained.
z Vir. and Mrs. James Shue a ria " “Motorists who drive a : oa
——————— ir 1 IM; ails SC Si Sa a e Ire S¢ 4 Jar . . i
Norfolk, Va. hn ads 97, ao a night must take the precau- p ros! I ere Sunday family dinners will be served Jrrtng ol |
irday afternoon, Se 26, start- | iP. Curran, safety rector of | Tr |
|r afternoon [tion of locking all doors on|b: Curran, safety director of \§ 1,00 until ? — Steaks, Chops. Sea Foods. Beet Pork an |
Tl p : ; { bo|their cars,” he declared. “Such 14, ould be continuous, with the Tukey.
Lo I TE gh! games Sutur. | action will prevent footpads |, s nol permitted to deterior- | |
broadcast on successive Satur and other dangerous characters|.:. . ained a ky wk 3 ee te este etter me se Sp
i days through Nov 21 will ate. Well-maintained pavement
: en ys ah from suddenly opening a Lincs ape itive indicd-
1 we 0 rt r nate Pern State with Penn | 4 5 a i a markings are a positive indies |
2 Thiversiiv vracusa | AG i Wi . [tion of a community’s intent to |
-~ 1 BO hw WI rob or attack the driver. Of safeguard walkers. They are a 4 J O Y —— |
hi ~ : | Fors wn pitt, | |COurse car windows should be sant warning to motorists | a Oe SATURDAYS |
— MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA. The pl lav action wif] d, too, that thugs can't encroachment on safety | 7 and 9:00 P.M TH EATRE AND
NC be de ped Ai : "Bob Princ {reach in and open the door. lanes and their presence has a SATURDAYS oy |
Scribe 0b ICC, 1 (ing vo reccht Re BS : . 8. 2:00 P. M.
veteran Pittsburg sports an Many o Hu Fees! holdubs | definite psychological effect on | 6-8-10 P. M. Mount Joy, Pa. |
or. w : and attacks have taken place ipa habits of pedestrians. The
1 Bob Dy a All ig wi t little used intersectons or in|, gare is true when the lines | FRIDAY -— SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 - 26 |
Job avis, an / Las end | Se has 8 : | Sa ma Se cra RE . |
A ! r C o m P re S S 0 r Ww 0 r k Rocks from Penn State in 1942 and outlying and thinly traveled |, alowed to fade or become JENNIFER JONES CHARLTON HESTON -in- | 3
4b as quite often when motor-
pe . former star with the Pittsburg’ 4d . | obliterated. ‘R b G 5%
Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. d Steeldrs | ists have had to stop their cars | He further pointed out that 6 ne y entry |
an The stations on the Chevrolet | °F red lights. The footpads ap- crosswalks in good condition
‘hy parently have ‘cased’ hese)... wu “eof it” at c ers EE meet -
dealers’ network follow: ©" |are a ‘safety must’ at corners . re
7 d d . Trees ton WAZI Bloomsburg - { neighborhoods #0 wala for |used by chldren on their way MONDAY — TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 - 29 =
G y lo likely victims anc propitious and fe “re { 3 :
Xcavaring an rading WHIM, | Fe ns. BRODERICK. CRAWFORD — JOHN DEREK -in-
Removed WCHA, Harrisburg WHP. | rome It is,” he added, “extremely |
Cellars, Trenches, Etc. Huntingdon WHUN, Lancas-| “In many arcas the to educate children in! Th L t Posse’
ter Wi AN Lewi wi [lights on main arteries are set safe-crossing practices when e as
yr — JAN, ewistown —| : i ne i
: 4 [to flash intermittently during| _ oc :. lanes are either OX
Wi , Pottsville — WPPA,| x | safety lanes are either non-ex
YA Det St of peak hours: the yellow cau- | istent or so indifferently main- Wi
PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753 Wa Sate Co, Scranton! light blinking its custom- [ined as to be useless in educa- || WEDNESDAY— THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30 - OCTOBER 1
—WWPA and York—WSBA. j any signal for users of the pes ting children—and grownups— | ANN SHERIDAN — STERLING HAYDEN -in-
er. A | highway while the red signal against the hazards of jay-| “ k
" | flashes a stop signal to drivers| .
MRS. MYRTLE V. BATES | p sig walking. T Me To Town
SEG rr ee, pm Es lon the intersecting thorough- re embetter ake e © 0
’ | Cal LD) U1
! T ‘The dangers are there « ‘ + ~ BEA a
Mrs. Myrtle . Bates, Mow : SALES NE .
bi Mrs. Myrtle V. Bates, Mount thev ate real, Motorists must | SALES CONF ERECI i COMING: 3
i (§| Joy, was elected president of ' res hy keep. | Five representatives of The - 7
[}| the Webb family at the 6th an funn De if a Prudential Insurance Co's Eli- OCTOBER 2 - 3 — "RIDE VAQUERO
apis tha ; ing their cars locked and their)” FC ates mira ation : ws 2
nual reunion of the de see ndent eves open for even ihc most] zabethtown sales office mond OCTOBFR 3 - 1-0 — “FARMER TAKES A WIFE
of the late James E. Webb. The . toot Rar fed a company regional sales];
1 SUSHICIOUS-100KINg c¢har- 3 | re v 0"
> reunion was held at the Rheems S180 i - 1q] conference in New York City | OCTOBER 16 - 17 — "RETURN TO PARADISE
. ; acter. Futhermore, they should | : {
: rounds S ay, |" : dy Sept. 21, 22 ¢ 23.
ALY rounds, Sunday | under no circumstances pick up | Sept. 21 and > wl
a September 20. | hitch-hikers. The record of rob-| They are Herb Tyndall, Staff | oo — EE
Eh Other officers elected are: | BRK PS. SIG Tenor Manager, and Frank R. Brene- i a ga a o_o
h : Leries and Killings by such gen- De > x
Mrs. Howard Risser, Quentin li that the mo man, Claude B. Rutherford, a mm
| iry IS §S appc 38 It eM ; A - [
i NE vice president; Mrs. Harry Sip-!. 50 P) : A 1d ; fully Robert G. Shank and John K. | i
1 : 10 ¥ puplic sSnou )e : . ’ . 1
4 ling; Mount Joy, secretary-| oh > by » | Wittle. The New York confer-
treasurer. paware or A ans haa | ence brought together more than a
be The oldest person was Mrs. | 500 managers, staff managers
| [}| Charles M. ‘Webb, 75, Landi | M . otf S h 1 and agents from company dis- NEW FALL ¢ 1 Po | i
ville. The youngest child, Bren- aric a C 00 | trict offices throughout eastern DRESSES P ah to 9 5
da Lynn Bates, Rheems, 10! | Pennsylvania. >
weeks old, daughter of Mr. and | News Items | Top level Prudential person- |
® ® Mrs. Lee Bates. The couple | : : ea ities who addressed sessions EXTRA SPECIAL GROUP OF FALL
ine urn I ure most recently married, Mr. and| The Student C ouncil of Mart- include Harold M. Stewart and i" ;
| Mrs. William Bates, Bainbridge. | ctta high school met Friday.| valentine Howell, executive DRESSES
{ and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, Sept. 18, to organize for the] yjce presidents, James E. Ruth-
| Webb, Manheim. The family | coming year. Officers were el-|apford, vice president, district | Values to $3.95
kJ traveling the greatest distance,|ected as follows: President, | agencies department, as well as |
{ ( )Y O J © Yt n S Mr. and Mrs. William Decker |Clauds Fahringer; vice-presl-|giher officials in the company’s 4 a
. and daughter, Cynthia, of Phil- | dent Lanny Libhart; Secretary-| gules and training organiza- | NEW FALL COATS 3,
adelphia | Treasurer, Sara Jane Fortner. | (ions, die ;
Refreshments and games; A committee, composed of Charles J. Zimmerman, man- | Latest stvies. colors. fabrics —
; were enjoyed by all. Eighty-six, Sara Jane Fortner, Lanny Lib-| acing director of the Life In > —
® persons attended. | hart, and Beverly Marley, was | surance Agency Management
— a | selected to attend joint meet-|agsociation, was a guest CHILDREN'S NEW FALL -
FOOD SALE | ings with Fast Donegal and Mt speaker. James G. Shuttle- | sium A 95 g 3 95
The W.S.C.S. of the Method- | Joy to determine school colors, worth, second vice president, | GOATS & SNOW SUITS oJ to
ist church will sponsor a food class jackets, class rings, | and Wesley R. Stevens, director |
| 15-31 MARIETTA AVE. MOUNT JOY sale at Titus Insurance |The first of these meetings was|¢ agencies, presided over |
Office, Saturday, Sept. 26 be- held Friday afternoon. an interesting program arrang-
| ginning at 9 a. m. The faculty adviser of Mari-| oq for the visiting fieldmen. 7 i 9 95
TT Tmt jetta high school Student Coun- | ee ®— do
-— EE ———— Patronize Bulletin Advertisers cil is Benjamin Weaver. | There is no betler way to boost | Vaiues to $16.50
ese - ee te rae $s in rm rm | your business han by local news-
8 | paper advertising. -
" SUITS for Fall 33 29
i ii 2 : § BOYS or F4 J
Speed i f h ith i k .
Jpeed your winter rarm chores wit O. in_WOrK areas | Tree Service |
| lh Mount J 0 De i Stor €
Daylight or electric light...your farm workday | aa RE RL I RI
goes smoother if you can always see where you're | R B IBACH | -
going and what you're doing. And, as days grow $ il mc
N 2 a 139 S. Main St., MANHEIM, PA. |
shorter, your need for good electric lighting,
indoors and outdoors, becomes more and more | Phone 5-4616 35-tfc| 2
important. /
\ | A |
Darkness invites accidents and mistakes. An ‘ Electric h
unseen rake or pitchfork can mean serious injury. and Gas e mg i
A dimly-lit milk house can mean poorly-washed
Also Specialize On |
flutomobile and Truck Welding |
| |

house are well-lighted. Not only does this permit ; >
easier movement but is a big discouragement to EAWS MOWER
vandals, either human or animal. C ! Ww Idi Sh
whit i a Lover's Welding Shop
See that lights in each building can be switched Delia and Marietta Streets
on right inside the door. Check work areas to see MT Tos iy ane oo Te $45
that the right lighting will be there when you | EE a :
need it. | i MC
: If your wiring is adequate, improving your farm 5 Quarts for the
lighting should be easy and inexpensive...but it . 1 The |
will pay you in better working conditions, in safety Price of 4 You
and in protection. - | mone
i | | advar
: Check your lighting today before the long nights NORWAY econ
set in. Call your PP&L Farm Representative. Have : ra i Desig
him look it over and solve your lighting problems ANTI-FREEZE The Home of Good Foods | est
and you'll begin to enjoy better, brighter farming. | | You’
’ Reg. Price $1.50 Gal. BH Chey
| (4! |
One Quart Free 11! 3 id Joti
; PENNSYLVANIA With Every Gallon Hess Food Store |
; ; | I}
J ; ; 208 E. MAIN ST. ||| PHONE 3-90394 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. |
3 as {
4 op a TAT Pr SU Ole Se Hp - a / ~ ~ - or - - a “om to, gt fe A MN A pm ST a gn a ional or