The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 10, 1953, Image 2

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| POTS FEARS OLD en Quality Meats |
2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday 10, 195% i A birthday party was held at
| of hir. and Mrs. Wit ALSO A FULL LINE OF
| the home of ir. and Mr: \
ii ;
field Hendrix in honor of their |
L LAF S| THE EuLLETIN I son, Jeffrey Lee, who celebrat
[ {| Published every Thursday a 11 East || Bie feat tly ch Sal | JAMES B. HEILIG ili eh,
Main Street, Mount Joy { wl mig) |
| 4 ; | "uneral Director .
Lancaster County, Pa I | Games were played and re Fruits & Vegetables
ai [freshments served to the follow- MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
lis ing: Jimmy Spangler, Terry '
Sctwell Bator | | Crider, Mitch Albert, Jimmy | KRALL S Meat Markel
nk i i Zink, Eddie & Lois Flory of Mt. |
Sul tion Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail | [Joy; Vaughn Nissly of Eliza WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY
oo i ng rat upo request I Lethtown; Barry Reheard, Den-
id pe ” t Mount Jo) I nis Gigh, Louis Stehman, of
ow eh Juss 1 und r th Ac t | Florin; Gary DeCarlton, Mari
o March 3, 11 9 gone | etta and Jeffrey Lee Hendrix
| of Mal oe nr of Mt. Joy. Also present were
Hem "A A I Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hockenberry, |
| sii ea I Voir. HA : aris irs. Vera Albert, Mrs. Phyllis
Huge boiler drum, part of the giant boiler to be built at Mrs Ver: Alb rt, wr w Ty
I: 3 Pen isyvivania Power & Light Company's Martin's Creek pow Crider, Mr. and Mrs. m. «
F : - {l er plant is inspected after its arriival at the plant Sie by Carlton, Mrs. J. Spangler, Mrs.
| T. Jansen, PP&L Construction Job Superintent 1 Ruth Brenheman and Mr. and
| ditoria y ’ , jay one te largest in the United EF auls, will progude | ire Winfield Hendrie |
4 j 5 I * 1.200.000 pounds steam per hour for the largest urbine a
BY A % OW L t sencrator on PP&L’s property. |
% % WHERE ARE YOUR COMMENTS? are being featured
Can you beat this? While slating out at| Through public discussion and meny Hino | Elmer G. Strickler a your A&P this Weekend
Allen Shearer's farm, Miller Bros, were being | public disagreement com mun hy DO 5 Capa a»
helped BY James Hollinger, now «a student a1) ten oun oi be solve ez mat. | “YOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE ices!
Manheim Ceniral High Schooi. John was | speaks out from time to time on Various It
2 Roan

close behind him when he nailed his trousers

ct § ement from the
He does not expe ill agre
fast. When jomes went to move, he ib atv 1s but grim endeavor . it :
: ould | community on every issue, bi endeavc . ry oy INVENIO
s was paralyzed and could | community on every All be 5 I l S y |
for help saying he 3 P ¥ to take the position he believes will he mosi ami y Cecuri California Sweet Eating Jumbo 8 Shs
3} . "sy
not move. beneficial io the community.
* ‘kx x
A certain person near tae Back Run thought
he was going to have a swel. Sunday dinner.
Fire - - Auto - - Life
Accident & Health - -
But an editor is not the only one wigo ¥
rected to have opinions. There are many
alder and wiser heads in the community taan
Honeydews 45


He bought a rooster from a neighbor. When Es vor wots like lo encourcde Hospitalization ONE PRICE - NONE PRICED HIGHER
hi _. ~oster | his. To that we woul NCO ; |
he opened the trunk of his car, ihe rooster s from Our Readers.” AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE “ Fresh Corn 6 ears 19.
Was gone. Feel Sorry vo You Ser Comments from citizens wiil be welcomed. 35- |
{ be signed i |
Only stipulations are that il
x left
and that thev Ne
an t the 1
Any citizen from time to
Any time has ideas that
would be of benefit to the entire communiiy.
Nerthwestern Italian
‘Fresh Prunes 2 19
2 Ibs 19¢
Down at the “Inn” last week one
some one put a nickel in the juke box and |
played that tune you hear on the TV pro
gram Dragnet” Eisenhower, (not |

do not deal
We Provide
The Most Liberal
3 i + nl
giant crossword puzzle, hugh steed

girders are fitted


™ «a v3} with yours. ike a | ; ss Solid Slicing
our President) looked up at the TV set remark | ire away --LDS Hi a place to form the framework for the main building Fresh Tomatoes lige 19¢
ing. “What's wrong with the set Frankie". | = which will be 15 stories high when complete and which will: H it | Crisp Pascal Celery 2
sound Lat no piciure?” || rmbt OB house the huge steam geherator and its auxiliary equipme nt OSpI a :
BOs { : at PP&L’s Martin's Creek power plant. At the right is the Birds Eye Frozen
2 x ; h which, ‘whe n completsd, will reach 50 feet into the air. g.
» nzxd time you want a good laugh — — $ stack ss bred mmm | Medical- Sur cal 08 x
— — a> cong with a certain group of local | : TT EROWN FAMILY gi reen phys
goli plave:s when they play at Lancaster. | i orres on ents : Know Your State HAS OUTING | Fordhook Lima Beans “= °° 2 100 49
—_— / The Brown. family held a A :
which every Sunday morning at 5:30 f C Siow 6-02 1c
-- They'il show you just iow the game | — {doggie and corn roast at Longs| overage or Frozen Orangeade Crop 2 141 3
ae ney il . de | th > i | . -0z c
(shouldn't be rioved) — — Officer Neiss, | ET | LYE i | A STATE OF MANY BRIDGES Park on Labor Day. | Your Dollar French Fries io Cine 5a 2 phos 2
thev te!" me, Is the most inconsistent one of the | i 5. Because of Pennsylvania's) Those attending were: Mrs. | a ASAT
forescme, he mckes aq birdie on one hole and | large 1 ber of broad and | { Estella Brown, Martin pw | ALSO Hunts Apricot Whele 29-91 49¢
a 10 on [12 raxt one | swift running rivers, our State |Jacob Brown and Ey mpeele
3 * * re | has alwavs been notable for the { gene Brown and wife Pe NCER- POLIO Redwood Apple Sauce 2 7.01 3c
voif, I was d 1, Long's vos ot { Mrs. Frances Schroll, Ry Hel.
Speaking of goif, I was down a 3 i number of its bridges, many ra . 4 23¢c
av I ” . 0 3 bee i / 0
park Mor Hay o: laf ! oY erheard a Bolin say rol which were pioncer examples | | en Schroll and Ane Rine oe art | ND Hunts Tomato Juice pots
anciaer: “Cenfound it. Sam, you almost hi | eli ience. In early jan of Mount Joy, Mr. and Mrs 9 i 27 hee 35¢ :
. Mans + i & no - -02
my wife dite Well. } Hor ar ling” davs both Philadelphia and | [nee B jay a i Sa DREAD DISEASE A&P Sauer Kraut hi Cc oH y
Sam: “Did 1? We'l, have a s a . Pitizburel ‘h at the junetion|and Mr. and Mrs. John Stha . \ }
i 1, €acn a junctlior HE | - 88.01 |
* * * an | ISV1 C for {wo extensive river systems, | and daughter of Elizabethtown. POLICY A&P Pineapple Slices can 27¢ : i
Philosopher Enck says: “Waiting for your | Wi 4 erious problems of | A grand day of fun and enter- | u i
ip to come in is a good way of missing the | : I on W 2b. Wh Sere] tainment was had by all. | | P shed Pinea le ax 25¢ 5%
sip ¥ transportation. Wh @ J
boat.” : aj ost dramatic solution NY | : 20 %
| * Hap ! . | = -02 3
i x. Q ® Market street | and : ci tho problems was present WwW ddi nN S American Progressive A&P Pineapple Chunks can 25¢
Here's a little poem a South Mark | : by the wire suspension eo i g | Fi id 0 J ice Sweetened or 46:01 29¢ :
man sent - : a ¢ ic t Fairmount in Phila- | |p | ori a range u Unsweetened can
I have a lovely garden: i opened to the public in HERR — DERR | Health insurance Co wb $
It jeelly is gabe a un a : anuary 1842. It crossed w The marriage of Miss Helen | . Banquet Whole Chicken can 1. 59
It would be even better 2 : ata just . be- of Flor Mr. Edwin | . ¢
es : vlkiil at a point just .be- Herr of Florin to Mr. Edwin regular 3 bath a
Had my wife RO | i Yow the: historic water works: Derr, son of Mrs. Cora Derr, of or Dial Soap 2 size cakes 2 2 size cakes i
: ol that city and was probably, | Mavtown took place at Norfolk, Jane 2 8-Inch 49°
0 me he thin} KS | i EL 3 : ” i
A Mount Joy Than ou a Beeler ed the State Planning Board of { Va. in July. FICE Parker Blueberry Pie Fie. t
his wile Fo Ming = last week she wrapped | i go a long way, and Mrs. Conklin, wile of the |the Pennsylvania Department | Mrs. Derr is employed at the] CLAIM OF FOR BABIES! .
He sai Sy ¥ Bible instructor at the University u io boast of Commerce points out, the: Middletown Depot and Mr . Swift's Meats 22¢ ‘Bi
ris lunch in a % map” | vaat she never threw away a scrap of edible first suspension bridge ever er | Derr at Marietta, The couple 18 West Main St. :
Joe Bains and his wit2 ain't speaking now. | ‘oods. One of her dinners was served or casi ected for yoiiuloe traffic on now reside at Middletown. ! BATH SIZE CAKES
Le c 11 =f leftovers d the good Bibie instructor cas our continent. It was not re -— :
causes the Misses | i leftovers, and the gc | t 0 Pa
Geen i different plac: «ceeding disproving eye over it before he | placed by the present Spring) == Mt. J Ys . as inere oap Cc
e from coor 2 1 Lie ol i : Garden street bridge in Phila- PHONE 3-6891 :
ome and hunted all l to pick at it, Garden strec dg g |
Last Ry lo fag cotlea My dear.” she reproved. ’ e forgotten | delphia until 1875. S| Si is FACIAL SIZE CAKE
e ke I - > ! Stop in or ca r free
a or yo he'd left the key on the din- | {> wsk the blessing.’ A second Pennsylvania sus- | | MW 10 ree regular 2
Upstoirs he found she e < n i . ai AH a wary.” : { = I information size cakes
om table with a note asking if he was can point out one ilem on the menu. pension bridge was to point the | Mr. and Mrs Liovd Derr ——
ing ro i Famiv. “thc been blessed at |... the erent the at one oo os FOR YOUR LAUNDRY
satisfied now. Ly. Jha: has 2 littie way to the erection of the ond sons, Danny, Larry and FAIRVIEW MANOCR
* * * Ie hms belore, 71 see wat 2 18 famous bridge in America Was | parry and Mr. and Mrs. Stew- Su er Suds oe 65¢
Cid Mushy Good, our prominent vom So, 208 ; constructed to carry the watersi, paw and son, David, and NURSING HOME p se
: eo e cl w ho { of the Dt a Tuds iii r ; v
fs going round now worrying becaus Coa ne r a he president |: I Dol Be 1 . hd 3 | Mrs. Tillie Derr, of Newtown|under Supervision of Register. | SOAPLESS DETERGENT
will give out in five hundred years and tae | i To 2 a, a! i his bed- i hos or a J) ig my [spent Sunday with Mr. and|eq Nurses, House Physician or e eid Hi c
world will freeze up. fo RS t- yn he | Mrs. Wilbur Derr. Personal Physician retained size size
‘oom, sleeping the phone star for that bridge was drawn in a! i 20a Ry Sich mined. |
* * * room, 10 HRY aa . oe AL hd Mr. Samuel Newcomer, of {
Our Humane Officer arrested Jeb Bens last | ed ringing, 1 iB yan an ml in despera- Vie ope pl: ft id ¥ | Kane, Penna. is visiting rela-| Nurse on duty 24 Hours daily | SOAPLESS DETERGENT |
told him that Jeb was | lion he got u: i ans we t. John Roebling anc 1e success : | Jay i i
week Whei} someone 1 “This is Miss “dith ‘ said a voice On | gf the bridge led to the use of | ives in Mount Joy. { Home Living Conditions a C gan Cc
he othe: end of ih n ‘1 just had to cail Wile. TOPE she sito i | Mary Charlotte Rovenolt re- |
* | god tel} vou Toe Vio Hat 1 [oc tons suspension Jo le [turned home after spending| Phone Columbia 4-7531 FOR YOUR HOUSEHOLD
> and tell yc ly 2 » : % :
A local grade school sacha: Says fore A | gin i is simply staniiegl” ih i Be klyn ithe summer with relatives in| Penn and Plane Streets fax ean r Yk ¢
een the tacks the ki at 1 : Simply stun ‘ ridge across the East River in no and NR oy [ 32-1f J S .
much bern i ales tax, etc. “I'm delighiad to hear it.” growled the City of New York Milton and Mifflinburg. al : e <n
put on his chair, the income tax, s 4 Ee Sate Bt om a > = te vr THe BATH SIZE
— — — — — They dil hurt like the dickens. store presiac Iwo other very early sus- |w ay system, Greene County
* * A why cc. me in mid i jae night about pension bridges were construct 1c ads in the number of covered Woodhu Soa 2 his 23e
One of our ‘high school teachers, just back | it? 1 {ed by Roebling in Pittsburgh, | bridges still in use, with a total ry p
from a summer term at ccl lege lto earn his de- aa 2 Sa swesuy, your WucCk | {9 carrv an adequate across | of 22. Bedford County has 21, |¢ FARE | FACIAL SIZE CAKES
gree, gave us this: just delivered it. A WISE ow; the Allegh ny and the other to Columbia 20, Lancaster 18 and :
A professor's wife must needs make a little | v ys 1 arry traffic across the Mongahe- | Washington 17. ¥ | 00 ury 0ap cakes Cc
eh la. Much earlier than any of | Among the many remarkable | BUREAU i
these more ambitious suspen-| bridges now spanning our riv- | . Bath Size
sion bridges was a narrow foot'ers is the Rockville Bridge | 1 | .
way supported by wire rope ac- | which carries the Pennsylvania offers your family Palmolive Soap 2 cakes 21¢
ross the Schuylkill at the Falls| Railroad across the Susquehan- Factal Size Cakes :
and in use before 1817. It was,| na, above Harrisburg. It is the 4 . :
however, by its early wooden longest stone arch bridge in| & P | i S p 3 22¢
. ; x
bridges, gi! ng back to! America. The NicholosFunk- a mo ive 0a Sokes
WINNING FARM-—Rural Photo Qiiiz
' Londa Zurin, Jr.
on the Salunga-Silver Spring road.



cratea oy
the 120-acre
The Zurins have lived
. which is owned os the J. Hoffman Hershey estate, for the past nine years.

the Eighteenth!
years o hannock Viaduct, in Wyoming
ntury, that Philade Iphia was|County, is one of America’s
permanently connected with | highest concrete railroad bridg- |
the West. Successors to those | es. Its arches soar 243 feet a-
wooden bridges and still serv-|bove the highway. *
ing as important links in Penn- Pennsylvania has maintained
the nearly
of its historic
notable struc-
(the traditional
bridges | bridges in many
highway system are
200 covered
among the [tures erected in recent years.
ore than 22,000 spans along [The Philadelphia - Camden
our State highways. These are|bridge of 1926, at the time of
the surviving examples of the|its erection, as the largest sus
great covered bridges of long | pension bridge in the world.
ago, onc of the most remark-|The George Westinghouse |
able of which crossed the Sus- (bridge and the Jack's Ru
| quehanna at Clark's Ferry. ! bridge in Pittsburgh, built nl
The fourth and last wooden | 1930-31, are among the most
tructure at that crossing was concrete bridges in|
erected in 1850 by a famous! America and the Walnut Lane)
bridge builder, Theodore Burr. | oridge in Philadelphia is one of
It was a mile long and one of {the most beautiful.
the longest covered bridges ev- TE EE
in our country,
present State nigh- |

€r cons
On our
cted When in need of Printing. (any- |
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin |
| protection at time of maximum need
| much it can give you in security
protection! > For Your Laundry
~~" | Octagon Soap
B® Here's a unique, flexible policy |
Farm Bureau has developed for the |
young family man. It gives maximum |
Tetley Tea
For Cooking (quart bottle)
Mazola Oil
. « . for minimum investment. Let our on
local representative show you how |
| NOW, No obligation. Call —
Warren H. Stehman
PHONE MT. JOY 3-5547
87 East Main Street
le] Re)


3 200
Mount Joy, Pa.
Tea Balls, pkg. of 16, 20c—pkg. of 48, 53c—pkg. of 100, 99c.

‘ All prices in this advertisement are effective through Saturday, Sept. 12;
Items subject to Penna. Tax are shown at retail price in this
advertisement and do not include the tax.
