The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 10, 1953, Image 1

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    “4 . AW Li a a ol Ch a
Tr a I wa roy ra Ary Trane ATE Re TLR RL oA WA | vel AVE 4 ia fo feet
The Physician On Call The Bulletin
br. David sels The Mount Joy Bulletin he

i TT A ———————————— re te a —- tnt — TIE
F Fifty-third third Year y No. 15 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday After rnoon, Se pte mber 10, 195 } $2.00 a Year | in Advance
mn CR,

| Donk B ball | 51 r r ept. 22 Is Fina
Ut Donker Evil) HRI Rotary Speer | ee "1661 Students Enroll In Mount Joy;
Played Sept. 15 ToStay Dem. [Fo ... East Donegal Records Total Of 768
The belief that his country | master at Mount Joy, $5,670 a

C For plenty of hee-haws hike
yourself down to the “boro” will remain a democracy was year, under new, more exacting -— our ———
{ park next Tuesday evening to expressed by C. C. Thomas of eligibility reauirements recent
witness the battle of the cen-| : & India as he addressed members ly agreed vpon by the U.S Plans Completed "Transfer To
tury. . i = {of the Rotary club at their Civil Service Commission and . ys
jc : ergy gerne he 8 lull Supe {luncheon meeting Tuesday. the Post Office Department will For Festival 3 ‘Manheim Cuts
it will be. You see, this one is
to be a Donkey Baseball game.
Participants will be the
Sept. 22, 1953, he Tomorrow Night
announced today.
Thomas stated that the key be open for receipt of apblica
‘Both Districts
to what happens in India in the tions until

next five years lies in the suc-| Commission

Chamber of Commerce against ~ i cess of the present democratic] All previously existing post- |
3c the Junior Chamber of Corre oeph. Coover, son. of mr, government in improving eco- | master examinations for first, Final arrangements have { Enrollment figures for Mount
merce. Rumor has it that the and Mrs. Frank Coover, of TING in } | Joy and East Donegal township
ic conditions. He express second and third - class post| been completed for the School la
c sale of pillows in local stores| Hopewell street, has re- [nomic conditions. He expressed : di : | H A inti Festival | were announced today.
i oligi were | @ > Associ:
nd will soar this week-end. turned home after receiv- the hope that the present re-| ffices and lists of eligibles were| and Home Association ls lecause of the shifting of quite
. : . 1 hie 1 N ridav |
" The donkeys are in fine fet- ing his honorable discharge [gime would succeed. | cancelled recently Higher | Which will be held on Friday, a large number of students to
rt tle, but the Jay-Cees refuse to from the U. S. Navy at the With understanding, and co-|standards of eligibility were Sept. 11, at the Fire House in : Manheim Central, there is no
comment on the condition of v 3 Sd huelving Sta- operation, the United States for the filling of the| Mount Joy. ! | basis for comparison of this
a jv ide ion, Norfolk, Va. - : at ar's figures for ei jas
% the prospective In fact, can play an important role in| more than 1,700 vacant posi- President Chunko reported [Yea s figures for either dis
ara- | ——————— : . ! i rict.
at this point in 1 Aer prepara India’s future, the speaker de- |!ions throughout the country. that contributions have exceed { l 3
tions they are mighty secretive U Y t ’ | The Commission Is .takinz gltied < tations: through A ~ In Mount Joy there are 661
: : : lare > SS s te g& d expect: Ss > we id i a ‘ :
I ¢ about who will be in the line- rges oungs ers clared. ne tens. 1h IH speci He expeelations; rough Ae R : x pupils enrolled, according to
: : + ISS » steps g speci: . srati | LEAVING F I 5S \ FIE The WY, § Mrs. / :
1 ups. He reminded his eps ‘throu pecial, of merchants, | LEAV ING FOR MISSION FIELD I he ev. and 1 I ficures compiled by W. IL
ph i story about that in is 75 | publicity to civic and other businessmen, and individuals of | Graybill Brubaker and son. Ray, who are leaving for the Beal recently ed inci
Aye sh tory Scot 0 serve that India is 75 per cent poor community organizations to en-| i = gual or mission field in Africa, will be the speakers Sunday at the *eahm, retenuy name prints
| both the senior and junior and only 20 per cent courage well qualified persons the town. | Cross Roads Brethren church pal of the new Donegal Joint
: az - : a ——e | High School. There are 290

C groups are conducting secret . : he ALY ‘ r Yor the: The festival is the biggest of | em
) try-out sessions to see what Bicycle Code and that much of what apply for the examination. ie a : 28 De | students in the high school and
depend upon education of the| Competitors for the postmas.|its kind. Everyone is asked fo Art Students Brubrkers To Speak 371 in the elementary school.
members can bounce back the :
ter vacancy in this city must|come out to help make it
By grades the enrollment is
most times from a sitting posi- masses. To this end, Thomas
| Complete Eight A Crossroads as follows: Kindergarten, 64;
tion on terra firma. A recent tragedy in which a|declared, the government is in- jase at least two years of = SUCRE.
: “ni s ing the nv :
h The Jay-Cees will use the boy “rider” was thrown from a stituting compulsory schooling i perience showing that ey There will be entertainment Grade 1—65: Grade 55:
ir | bicycle’s handlebars and killed ; (have the ability to conduct and i :
proceeds for the benefit of their as rapidly as possible. a1] Of all kinds to suit the wants of | Weeks’ Course Church Sunday Grade 3—47; Grade 4—48:
: . y » hi anage the community's postal
school project fund. beneath a truck once more has [ manage u : j
| : > new rer sil oie ate 7 : 1e children and adults of all Grade 5--40; Grade 6—52;
i , > at | focused attention on Bicycle The new government already | business efficiently and to su- : a
Tickets may be secured at 3 un Grade 7—61; Grade 8—53;

Ne a '« | Laws and a Bicycle Code drawn has taken progressive steps in|pervise emplovees so that cus-|ages. Lp ari Ay o- cs : ‘ :
inv AT a up as irs against such acci- its efforts to break down the | tomers are satisfied with the Of y Leas 2 Oy ua wn Ie Orage > a Grade Ne
Snyder Insurance Agency, or |dents. caste system and to improve the | service. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP enecker, Dire 1land avenue, N | ae ( he 3 8 Sy Sveti rade —34: ra le 1 34.
from any members of the Jun-| “These laws and the code|POsition of women, ‘he said. | Competitors must show that|TO CONDUCT SERVICE Joy, hove just completed mn a a0 30 when the Rev. East Donegal township schools
top of CoNmerce. govern the use of bikes on pub- American churches have done they can deal with the public The Youth Fellowship of the interesting eight weeks course, | SD Mas a A Grayhill Bridsaker enrolled a total of 768 students,
lic highways and thoroughtares much to aid India, educational- | ug sreeably and effectively and | Florin E.U.B. Church will have! which included charcoal draw- fo oe the uc 1 figures of John
Jc | . but too often they are disregar- ve spiritually, the (hat they are reliable citizens|charge of the evening service | ings, still life paintings and The Er “ith thee : jal ‘The high school as a to
)c Services Held For flo or Sven inibnown fo many is the BI ee at 8 Snaay. Sept. 13. outdoor landscapes. Ray, are Scheduled to SF’ 0 ial of 359, while the elementary
A G M Safety director of Keystone|Oof India are struggling to find | post office i Iss % lon. Je on Musselman The course ended at a tea New York Sept 25 for wdihe sthool onl is 409.
Jc ram . usser Automobile Club, declared yes- spiritual satisfaction and in this| it tok a Writ will be the organist for Huis S€r-| held in the I.ongenecker home, | €rn Rhodesia, Africa, wher Enrollment by grades follows
-_-_ terday. “It's very important struggle there is division a DE Tei as Ge : ee Jia a Sea a om gi i whic the paintings were Wil Safve $e ihe Ron: Mavtown, Girade 1—55: Grade
A short-circuited wire caus-|that parents make certain that| Thomas said, since India is] final ratings on the ba- Cle tons Also > en a hibited before parents ond jeian Mission a i — © 941; Grade 3—38; Grade 4—
¢ ed the death on Saturday after-|their sons and daughters realize rooted in two religions, Hindu- gis of this test and on their be Show or the a res friends of the students. | Ire aren in i “hurch. 32; Grade 5—40: Grade 6-36,
noon of Aram G. Musser, 27, that when riding their bikes in|ism and Mohammendanism. | perience. ability, and character, [that is being presented to thol Prizes were awarded as fol Mr. Brubaker is well known |... 0100 at Florin: Grade 1
~= while he was repairing a tele- [traffic they are just as respon- In closing, he expressed a | There is a one year residence chaveh in this Servic jlows: first, Anita Myers, land-|in this community, having lived 32: Grode 2—42: Grade See
3 phone in a house trailer on the [gible for their own safety and feeling of confidence that dem- | requireme nt and applicants : : igi . |scaping; second, Thelma Fitz- | here while attending the East 21; Grade 4—21; Grade 5—22:
. William Wagner farm, one mile | that of others as those driving |0cracy would prevail, and a must be at least 25 vears of age! A ome and enjoy this Service kee, still life painting; third, | Donegal Township High School. Grade 6—29. East Donegal high
northeast of Elizabethtown. automobiles and trucks. hope that America and India|, 4 nist. riot have ith fhe fine young people f | Mrs. Mary Whiteside, landscape He is a graduate of the Junior school: Grade 7-57: Grade 8
Funeral services were held| «Bike riders are required to [through understanding ga the wir painting. | College, Granthem, Pa., and] 45. Grade 9—62; Grade 10—
yesterday morning from the {obey all traffic signals and work out any difference which | Complete information. abou Five of the sessions were con- | received his A pe Upland 67: Grade 11—75: Grade 12—
A James B. Heilig Funeral Home | signs, use proper hand signals |May exist. he. | yr wom re nts| ducted in the basement of the College, { plard, lf, Where 55.
in Mount Joy, with burial infor turns, ride on the right side TTY erie instrachions for as OO. 'Florin Citizens | Longenecker home, which has|he attended two years, ‘This ———
Mt. Tunnel egmetery, Elizabeth- | of highways close to the curbs, |B: TITUS RUTT APPOINTED | toh nav. be Shir a oll [been converted into an art|past winter he took post gradu- p is |
town. park vonidle {safe place, Sob SUB REPRESENTATIVE FOR ea 2 BY: tg 3a e =| Committee Expects room. Mr. Longenecker has|ate work at ho Juniata College ennsyivania income
An employee of the Columbia {and render assistance in case of | STATE CAPITAL SAVINGS J i is being Soe | carried the art motif in a 30 at Hoangion, Pa. ais Wise Exceeds 18 Billion
Telephone Co., Musser Was an accident and report to police,| ‘Appointment of B. Titus’ ation forms ash Pe: Fes T R rt S (foot scene he painted, depicting ire Brupalcor; who was | in oo
crawling beneath the trailer) assume liability for damages Rutt, 85 E. Main street, as sub I in the U. 8 Civil: Service 0 epo oon | the snow covered mountains of Fhe Stern of gg Estimates prepared. by the
during the heavy rain storm of ‘resulting from careless and neg-| representative for the State Commission, Be 25, D.| = {Glacier Notional Park, Monta ey er tw United States Department of
Commerce show that effects of
an eight-weeks, work stoppage
last Saturday. It is believed his Jigent operation of bikes when Capital Savings & Loan Assoc- C. not later than the closing The Florin Citizens Commit- ja, glistening Lake Louise, and J 1 Colleg
X todd ak al g : . ars ge
chin touched a metal strip on other parties are not guilty of iation ‘was announced today Ante tee. which. is. investigating ways’? Connecticut woodland land yon at) bland So age ta
. 3 \ . . 7 3 ‘ sry or 2 sc $Y . 2 WE Irs. rr ager
: assen- | by John W. Butts, Lancaster : SLANE WAYS) cape centering around a foot The Rev. anc rs rubaker :
the outside of the trailer, when negligence, stop while passen 2 3 ref id ll and means for best handling! S¢@P€ ; were ordained to the ministry|in the steel industry last year,
i aS ing ! 5A 5 i iohiti county representative. | Elmer Zerphey, former Lan | ri, yath leading out into an array 3 yo.
the wire he was holding became gers are boarding and alighting p | caster County deputy sheriff is| the sewage problem in Florin i! 2 at Granville, Pa., in 1949 and|Pennsylvania’s 1952 income
Breth- | had increased by $703,000,000
Tr ye
(of Autumnal colored oaks, hem-

circuited. S »t cars, and kee in Mr. Butts in making the an-|®%* . : | ha 3 vid 3
9 Short-cirouls from street cars, ma P 3 inte .. presently serving as acting post-| held its third meeting Sept. : grnee. | served as pastor of the
Musser was a veteran of gafe operating condition nouncement pointed out that | tlock, highlighted by the grace ORT TY :
C y > Re p : : ; 4m master. He was appointed sev-| Art Wolgemuth, chairman,| ren in Christ Mission Church in {over 1951. The States total re-
World War II. He entered the «Bike riders are forbidden by [State Capital, with $47,000,000 id : tated tay tir : i ful northern birch. ; od a Se {ported for last year was $18-
c service in April, 1945, serving law to hitch on or hold fast to in assets is the state’s largest €ral months ago. tated today that the commit-| (ier lessons were con-|Altoona, Pa. for the past four 245.000.000. jis
Se ’ . = f | - EE o 'Q ave a f o . <0, y
in the European war theatre,iany other vehicle, carry an ex- [saving and loan association. tee hopes to have a full report . ied in the meadow of the year - ; ;
’ v T TY “rye - he ry - ————— - ror glo
= before his discharge 22 months {ra passenger on the handlebars rr —— — 1! FT. SAM HOUSTON for the community. in the next. wned by John W. Eshle- | Of this total, wages and sal-
later. lor any other part of the bike, ORGAN DEDICATION | pvt. Charles B Reist, son or two. J man, north of the highway mid- [INFANT TWIN Sties mauled to $13,251,000;
Survivors are his wife, the engage in any trick or fancy Sunday morning, Sept. 13 ati Mr. and Mrs. Eugene N. Reist, | : way between Florin and DAUGHTER DIES : Income; Whiel in-
former Fannie E. Nentwig; a’ riding on highways, or ride 10:30 a. m., the newly rebuilt Mount Joy R2, who recently [FOOD SALE Rheems. The other landscape The infant twin daughter of a £8 a > i stores,
three months old daughter, pike on sidewalks unless local church organ will be rededicat- spent a furlough at his home, The Young Ladies Class of sce ne was located near Salunga,! Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sage Y, ni a. Jo Ore: 2 18000
Candace Lee; his parents, Mr. | ordinances direct otherwise. ed in St. John’s Luther: an [ha is been assigned to the enlist- the Florin E.U.B. Church willjalong the old highway, just Mount Joy R1, died at 5:15 a. 500 gal moms
. Musser, Mt. | «gtrj » | Church, Maytown. ed personnel section at head- [hold food sale on Sept. 12, at|east of Mount Joy Legion home, |m. Thursday in the Lancaster |“ 5 Sa
and Mrs. Aram L. Mu Strict observance of the code |ed y | I ter which includes Goverrimemt
where the class studied and General Hospital. Among
painted the trees and lake re-|survivors are the parents and ¢

Brooke Army Medic- | the } > 1 Vogle
ooke Army edic he home of Mrs. Lloyd Vogle payments, $1,067,000.000.
Joy R2; two sisters, Arlene G.|and laws by all bike riders will At 3 P. M, an organ recital quarters,

and Helen G. Musser, Mount go a long way toward making will be given by Stanley Dot- al Center, Fort Sam Houston,| The sale will be held from 9 Ho Sts Vl
Joy R2; and his parental grand- | highways safer for all who use | terer, of York. | Texas. la. m. to 12 noon. flections. twin brother (1 Phe fas Planning
Joy 2; and his parental grand-| gh: 3 i x -— fos mmm | Pennsylvania Department of
peranis, Me. snd Wis. Cs | { Commerce points out that in
: goer’ 3 pm. I the percentage of Government
payrolls or disbursements to its
{total income, Pennsylvania is
well below the national ave=-
rage or the average of the New
England and Middle Eastern
states. The reported increase of
Musser was a graduate of E. RECEIVES SCHOLARSHIP
Donegal high school in 1944 | Christiana Max, ward of Mrs.
and a member of Conewago | Maude B. Quigley, 117 East
3 Fost 329, American Legion, of | State street, a graduate of Sol-
Elizabethtown. and St. Mark’s |anco High School, Quarryville,
Evangelical United Brethren [and a former student at Mount

church, Mount Joy. Joy High School, was one of !
di ithe five girls to receive a schol- |4% in our total income between
MOUNT JOY FIRE COMPANY arship for training in the (1951 and 1952 occurred despite
ANSWERS CALL School of Nursing at the Lan- a decline of 117% in estimated
: Fire broke out in a corn crib! caster General Hospital. agricultural income and 10% in
on the Ben Hollinger farm, Eli-| Christiana’s scholarship was |mining payrolls. The decrease
2 zabethtown R3, along the Eli- a $350 full three-year scholar- in mining income between 1951
zabethtown-Manheim road, a-!ship by the Oxford Soroptimist |and 1952 was shared with West
bout noon Wednesday. Club. [Virginia and Kentucky which,
Both Elizabethtown and Mt. ( ER | with Pennsylvania, are the
Joy Fire Companies responded | MOUNT JOY FIRM PROVIDES three leading states in the pro-
: to the alarm. CAR FOR DRIVER TRAINING | duction of coal. In 1952 a de-
» The fire was caused by a Newcomer Motors of Mount cline in agricultural income
short circuit in a transformer | Joy is providing the car this was reported for thirty-seven
used on an electric fence. A | year for the driver training | of the forty-eight states includ-
barn on the property was en- course at Hempfield high school ing every state in Pennsylvan-
dangered for a time but the fire; in Landisville. Dave Risser of ia’s group, the Middle East.
was extinguished with a loss | Mount Joy conducts the course. A rise in both construction
estimated at $50. . and manufacturing income
i sit FOOD SALE POSTPONED more than offset Pennsylvania’s
MRS. E. W. GARBER The Food Sale scheduled for decline in mining and agricul-
MARKS 79h BIRTHDAY Sept. 12, by the Walter S. Eber- SL A tural income and the total in-
Mrs. E. W. Garber, Mount|sole American Legion Auxiliary COMPLETE ART Sn Spi % Sigh ai soupse der 0% Lincaus Xa svenus. Yow, come reported for 1952, as well
; ne 3 McFarlz anheim; Mrs. Cz rine 7, ard § >] Joy, Ima Fitzkee, , Ger: oc Trilha} and le
Joy Street, quietly celebrated has been postponed till a later Jot 10 Tight Jr iy A Me gland, Yahi! YS Catenin Ah, na Sy lard Smid Mer 2 et ows Bar Ae as last vear’s per capita income
. ber 79th birthday, Monday, La-|date. Postponement is due to Joy: Marjorie Saylor, Manheim; E laine Earhart, Mount Joy R2; Mary Hoffman, Elizabethtown; Donald Erb, Mount Joy R2; Anita Myers, Mount Joy. Others in of $1,710 both established a 3
bor Day. She enjoyed a dinner the School and Home Associa- the class not present for picture included: Allen Patschke, Elizabethtown; Dorothy Brooks, Florin; Mrs. Odessa Biesecker, Bainbridge: Marjorie Herr, Florin; new record for our Common-
1 at Bennett's Restaurant. {tion Festival on Friday night. Mrs. Mary Whiteside, Manheim; Mrs. Richard Martin, Mount Joy; and Mrs. Helen Bush, Mayxietta R1, wealth. Catal