The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, September 3, 1953 _ Published every Thursday at 11 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. Larmon D. Smith, Publisher | I John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher 1901 - 1952 [| Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail, | | Advertising rates upon request | Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers’ Association . Editorially . . . rr %* * ROTARY VISITS AIRCRAFT MARINE Members of the Retary club were conducted on an interestiing tour last week of Mount Joy's Aiferaft Marine plant. Manager Paul Belser and his assisiant, Willard Smith, were quite helpful in explaining the various functions of the company. Mount Joy is fortunate that a plant of this OWL LAFFS OWL WISE Our thanks to some very nice people for liking BY A our column and saying so. Just when we think we're gelling very “corney” somebody says something nice to boost our morale, — — —— — This stifling weather is really wearing us down. * * * { Hornberger, the well driller, got quite a bang out of being called a groundhog tre other ev- ening. He couldn't get the significance of the “moniker” until the spokesman exclaimed: “Well, you're always digging holes, aren't calibre has located here. Chamber of Com- merce, Borough Council and private citizens | should be dt all times endeavoring to interest ofhér concerns in Mount Joy as “a good place in which to live and do business.” —LDS * * PICTURE PICTORIAL The Mount Joy Bulletin was happy that things worked out last week so that we could give you full pisture coverage of the Communi- ty Picnic. To the Columbia News goes the credit for making ‘fis coverage possible. In cooperation ‘with The Bulletin Ned Crist of the News staff g¢pent the day ci: Hershey Park highlighting pictorially the events of the picnic. The entire affair required excellent timing on the part of Mr. Crist. After spending the day at Hershey he returned to Columbia and had prints waiting for us the first thing Thurs- day morning. We picked out ‘the pictures and Mr. Crist had cuts ready for us at 12:30 in time for publication, less than 24 hours after the event. * % * NEW FEATURE ADDED With last week's issue, The Bullétin inaug- uraited a new feature—The Farmer's Market—- a page on which will be published news and adverfising of particular interest fo farmers. From week to week, The Bulletin staff hopes to expand this page to perform a real service ‘to the farm market. Suggestions from readers will be appreciated. —LDS | you?” * * * | A young married lady from town had a | shocking experience Saturday night. A female | acquaintance of hers whom she met at work, ‘had fixed up a blind date for her. When date | ime arrived, at a rendevous in York, the lady was most astounded to see her blind date turn out to be her husband. — — — — They hoth immediately began to accuse each other of being no-goodytwo-timers; * * * A sweet little red head from Manheim feels cure her GI sweetheart has someone else on the string cause the last letter sre got was on carbon copy. — — — By golly, could be! * * * There was a. time when bustles were a stern necessity, but the girdle makers found a way to get around it. * * * Heard an uptown lady uptown boast that she has her new husband eating right out of her hand. — — — — I'll bet that saves a lot of dishwashing. * * “Chaz” Fry says (and we're inclined to be- lieve) “Wha! some girls lack in brains, they make up in stupidity.” * * * Did vou know that stewed tomatoes weie invented during the first World War; Seems a New Yorker had a Victory garden that he wat ered with whiskey and raised stewed fomcices Operator's Note: “Corn would have teen very appropridite for that joke??? * * * That's almost as bad as tne woman who ate dynamite hoping her hair would grow in bangs Joe says his motherinlaw lives just a stones’ ihrow from him. He knows, ‘cause he thews stones at her. A WISE OWL > visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. | ot i —— p>, oo. ita NEWTOWN | FLORIN Mrs. B. F. Kauffman | “Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt; Mr. and | visited their son-in-law and spent the weekend with Mr. daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Habet | and Mrs. Frank Lynn and fam- Khelghatian and family, Spring | ily at Orbisonia. field, Pa. on Saturday | At the evening service at the | Mrs. Elwood Kuhns and|{Church of the Brethren on daughters Joan and Mary visit- | Sunday, Mr. Wm. Walters was | ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guers- | licensed to the Ministry. And at key of Coatesville last week |the same time a farewell ser Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Landis, |vice was held for Rev. and Mrs. Lititz and Mr. Rufus Landis, of | Robert Hess, who left for New | Harrisburg visited Mr. and Mrs. | York on Monday to sail to Afri- | Oliver Witmer and family. ‘ca, some time this week. Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barnhart | Mr. and Mrs. Geltmacher were of Elizabethtown called on Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Good of | and Mrs. Paul Shetter on Sun- Bird-in-hand. | day. Mr. Amos Witmer of Kinder-| Mr. and Mrs. George Mump- (hook, is spending a few days er and Mr. and Mrs. John Ben- | with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weav- | der were guests of Mr. and Mrs. er and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wit- | Clarence Frye at Bridgeport, Perry Co., on Sunday. Miss Maude Buller and Mrs. mer. | Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ort Frank and family were Pvt.| Earl Gerlitzski, left Tuesday [and Mrs. Lloyd McKee, Pvt. | morning to spend some time Russell Herr and Mr. and Mrs. | with Mr. and Mrs. Emery Wa- Cyrus Gray'ill and family. | ters and family at South Caro- | Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Hep- | lina. ler. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Kissinger | Tom McFarland, York, visited | and children of Lancaster spent [ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witmer and | Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl | family. | Gerlitzski and family. Visitors during the past week Mrs. Lillian Hamilton and {of Mr. and Mrs. Aristice Wittle | daughters Mary and Connie | were Mr. Charles Wittle, Col-!Pierce spent Sunday with Mr. | umbia RD., Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Richard Krouse, Lan- | epha Wittle and daughter Judy, | caster. | Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. Ragner Mr. and Mrs. William Beck | Hallgren, Mt. Joy, Mr. Harry | moved from Mount Joy into Hamilton and daughter Dor- | the newly remodeled home of Mr. Joseph |othy, E-town and Mrs. Harry Cornwell, last week. | Wittle, Marietta. eet 4 eee | Mrs. Minnie Geltmacher, of | | Kinderhook visited Mr. and [ Mrs. Earl Geltmacher and ng News Items From [ily. Mrs. Martha Fogie and Mrs. E. D. Twp. School | Paul Smith visited Mrs. Nelson |, | Bortner and family, Marietta. The East Donegal Township | Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer { et | schools will open Tuesday, Sep- land family visited Mr. and Mrs. { . : tember 8, 10:00 a. m. for stu- {John Kauffman Sr., Ironville, : . dents. There will be element- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kauffman, | school and high school fac- ad {ulty meetings at 8:15 a. m. The far. Conestoga, visited Mr. and | c+ Toto 8 3. 1 4 irst day { Mrs. Irvin Witmer | = ol of school, - dismissal and family. [0 will be 2:30 p. m. and the | visitors of Mrs. Matilda Derr | y Bb. man . > : . | following days will dismiss at | were Elmer Risser, Martha Ris- 3.40 bol |ser and nephew of Hershey. [foe p.m, ‘ais New Teacher Nam Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mau- | The a > Rob rice Frysinger, Mrs. Ida Eisen- | Signi ert E. Shaffer, vocational agri- berger and Mrs. Katie Moore, i ; a en go culture teacher, was accepted J ro, I'S. 4 © - © - | ‘ | with regret by the school board. con Robert, of Middletown, |. x Ar 7 | His position was filled by Thom- Mrs. Violet Shannabrook and| V. Forsythe h daughter Violet, Columbia and | as: V.: Foreyihe, . Who. rece § RE | taught in the Winfield-Clinton Mr. Gordon Shannabrook of | Joint High School 2 hi Poss wa : Yrs of Sereening Project Completed | arp I~ Rossi Wl Nal The screening of the high Ee OTE 2 5 | caafeteria, kitchen and Kisenberger were, Mr. arid Mrs. | . fi lavatories was finished the last | Havard Johnston, Lancaster. week of August by Howard Mr. and Mrs. Mark Winters, | o isbaugh gus 4 Manheim, visited Mr. and Mrs. | ds 8 . : | Expected Enrollment Abram Gamber and daughter. | Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. How- | | | rollment for grades seven thru lard Gamber were Mr. and Mrs. | i J . . twelve will be 370. In both | Oliver Haldeman and family of |. : | Washington Elementary School, imt. Joy R. D. : gd ; [Florin and the Maytown grade | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Myers Mt. | { | school, the total expected en- rollment is 425. | 7 a, Contury-Tested HOUSE PAINT Provides Teng lasting The new finish for interior protection For outside walls and woodwork. surfaces. Retains hat Ready to use. Dries to a just Took beautiful velvet-fiat fin- ish that's really washable. $5.19 GAL. H. S. NEWCOM | MOUNT GAL. MILLIONS OF. GALLONS SOLD EVERY YEAR IS PROOF - MAKES THE BEST PAINT A CREAT. NAME IN PAINTS FOR OVER A CENTURY 70.8 161 E PURPOSE! FLOOR-LIFE The finest finish for floors, indoors and cut. Withstands exposure to sun, rain, snow. For floors, gi 83 QT. Lil et KEN-GLO NEU The miracle finish for kitchens, bathrooms and finest woodwork. Looks and washes like baked conamel, Excep- tionally tough. $2. 49 QT. decks. ER & SON, Inc. Joy, PA. | Moore and family. | John, son of Mrs. Lehman | | celebrated his 7th birthday the | FAIRVIEW MANOR is spend- | Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. past week. Mrs. Irene Snyder | Havard Johnston, Lancaster. st : Under Supervision of Register- | Visions of MP and| Nurses, House Physician or | ers Wim, Haines and family Personal Physician retained were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ad- i og . : [ ams, of Adamstown, Mrs. Har-|{ Nurse on duty 24 Hours daily fry Witmer, Mrs. Clarence (Smith, Manheim, Mrs. Giles | Home Living Conditions | Urban and son Billie, Lititz. Phone Columbia 4-7531 Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jac- | Penn and Plane Streets [cb Erb were Mrs. Mary Lucas, i. 32-tf | Mrs. Pearl Breneman, Mt. Joy, (R. D, Miss Gladys Weitcamp, | Wrightsville and Harry Riddle, | Stewartstown. | Mrs. Pearl Breneman, Mrs. | Edith Erb, and Robert Witmer, | visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rid- | |dle, Stewartstown R. D. and | | Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Garner and family, of Wrightsville R. [> we ¥ : BUREAU ' offers your family A hho {HONORED AT | STORK SHOWER bh A former local resident was feted at a surprise stork shower | 'last Friday evening, when Mrs. | [Frank Morton entertained at| | her home on Frank St., in hon- {or of Mrs. Lloyd Fry, of Ports- { mouth, Virginia. Mrs. Fry will | be remembered as Miss Betty | Withers, daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. Sam Withers. i A doll crib decorated with | rattles and crepe paper carried out the green and yellow color scheme for the affair. Guests included Mrs. S. M. | Withers, Elizabethtown, Mts. { Addie Withers, Lebafign, © Mrs. Clarence Crider, Manheim RI, Mrs. John Horst, Neftsville, | Mrs. Henry Weber, Lititz Pike, Lancaster, Mrs. Jacob Klugh, | Florin, Mrs. Charles Shoemak- protection! B Here's a unique, flexible policy | Farm Bureau has developed for the | young family man. It gives maximum protection at time of maximum need . . . for minimum investment. Let our | locdl representative show you how | much it can give you in security NOW. No obligation. Call — Warren H. Stehman SQUARE ST., ,FLORIN PHONE MT. JOY 3-5547 FLL RT Covers Welding Shop. Electric and Gas Welding FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Automobile and Truck Welding LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Delta and Marietta Streets MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-5931 JAMES B. HEILIG Funeral Director MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Quality Meats ALSO A FULL LINE OF FROSTED FOODS Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Market WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY Elmer G. Strickler Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 17| “YOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE YOU NEED UNDER MY COMPLETE Family Security Fire - - Auto - - Life Accident & Health - - Hospitalization AND MORTGAGE IINSURANCE 35-1 | | | | | | | | | | We Provide The Most Liberal Hospital Medical-Surgical Coverage For | Your Dollar CANCER - POLIO DREAD DISEASE POLICY | American Progressive Health Insurance Co. Of New York The high school-expected en- | {ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. | NURSING HOME EXTRA | "CLAIM OFFICE | 18 West Main St. | Mt. Joy, Pa. PHONE 3-6891 Stop in or call for free information ETE LET AR ECE ROYAL FUEL OfL HEATER ONLY $5.00 DOWN | America’s most modern, low-cost way to heat a cabin, cottage, spare | + room or smaller space. x » Outstanding Features: | e Exclusive Duo-Therm Dual Chamber Burner — gives more heat from every drop of oil. eo Exclusive Duo-Therm Power-Air Blower (Op- tional) —moves heat by . force for even distribution of warmth. Saves up to 25% on fuel. e Trim smooth-contour lines, Duo-tone walnut finish. PLUS: Automatic Draft Minder Fully Coordinated Controls Big Radiant Doors « Handy Heat Control Dial « Thermostat = | : (optional) Other models for every home heating need. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE + COLUMBUS, OHIO Hi jer, Eleanor Brown, Elizabeth | Mrs. George Siller, Flo Smith and Linda Morton. Furniture — Floor Coverings | 15-31 Marietta Ave. - Ph. 3-5601 | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. . | ; 5 5 Ibs. oLD Fr tig PES ERE SEN UB co (Frozen Peas " Banquet ! Banguet Boned Chi Tomato Juice "™" ; Granulated Sugar * Nedicks Lemonade Fruit Syrups 3 Za-Rex All Flavors Nectar Tea Bags Scott Tissue . White Potatoes “*" . Premium Crackers | + Hershey's Syrup Potato Chips «i Jane Parker Rolls , ARMOUR'S STAR 27 ARMOUR'S STAR Corned’ Beef ARMOUR'S STAR '[BONELESS) A DELICIOUS CANNED LUNCHEO Armour’s Tree GULDEN'S Yellow Mustar t} GERBER'S (STRAINED) Baby Food CRESCENT Peanut Butter OCEAN "% 21 : Delicious with Chicken, Turkey or 87. East Main Street CALIFORNIA Seedless Grapes: \ (Cantaloupes “viz 2 « 45) iceberg Lettuce woilow £ 25°); Fresh Tomatoes i 2 = 15% Sweet Potatoes "ui 4 Ibs 25¢ SS == Whole Chicken Graham Crackers “= Redwood Apple Sauce ~~ 2 |, Cut-Rite Waxed Paper. Langs Sweet Pickles v Camphells Beans 2 35° 2 or 25°, . Beans 2&2 Gr 23° oe 31°. "Gums & Life Savers uit. Cheddar Cheese 49: ¥ “Salad Dressing tw 25° = 45¢ STAR 4 $F Ing Chopped Ham Bh “Corned Beef Hash Miniature Hams Cranberry Weekend! None Higher One Price 2%° SE. § « 25 wR SOUTH FROZEN RRA TR mn b 6 or. 85° cans ; | 0 | (Frozen Lemonade “<6: 83°51) "(Frozen Limeade Sih bor Qe) 2 er. Ge cn 51,59 cken ; wor. QR tes Ape Me 2c: 3 | 50¢ vx 98 || 3.520 2% 45° 2 hoot AQ¢ 3 on 32° 7, am Qe & 17-02 cans 5-b bog 22-02 jar EW 3 bog 25¢ NABISCO 1 25: i of 30 9s p et ln IAI ll tne = 2 £ CHOCOLATE 1b. 33¢ po cans wh v 4 8 oz. cello 1-1b, 3 on 38 1 59; SANDWICH OR pkg c I = FRANKFURTER of 8 4 =i aT we - it dra LRA RA TAS. Hin 16-01. c = 21 43: 52.09 12-012, can N MEAT 12-c1. t a 49° d a 10 - 95° agg SPRAY akin Sauce 2 Tk 39° Ham 8-02, jar an A Mount Joy, Pa. [105 k