de-The Bulletin, Mount Jov, Pa., Thursday. August 20, 105% | Playground Electri ‘hal M: : ang Gs Welding Midget - Midget News Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING | AND EQUIPMENT | The local take their annual playground News | Automobile and Truck Welding In a recent game ity the Hamsport to one of the Little i EAI A . F. W. team from Lancaster, I.cague World Series games. LAWN MOWER SHARPENING (the locals won their 12th game, All those designated to go C 1 + 6 to 2 will meet at the Park next Overs Welding Shop Hostetter was on the mound Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Delta and Marictia Streets for the locals with Ditzler do (50 boys and girls are expected MT. JOY. PA Pilohe 3.553 ing the catching : to make the trip along with in er anon Todt 3-5931 It was a very close, exciting/terested parents and Chief of TT 4 = game for four innings with the Police Neiss. All midget-midget We Provide locals leading by a small mar- baseball players are invited to : : n of 3-2. It was the lower end make this trip. T he Most Liberal of the batting order that pro-| The game will be played at 3 vided the early runs. Miller's n, m, and the parrents can | H ° | double, followed by successive expect the boys and girls to re ospita hits by Nissley, Zeller and Dit-lturn to Moont Joy between 9 . . ler provided the runs and 10 o'clock. It is suggested M di | S al [ In the top of the fifth, with/that each one should pack a e Ca - urgic | one out, L. Watkins hit a trip-{junch although a stop will be [le to right field. Hostetter enroute. | Ar . ile Oring Coverage For | lowe with a sing} d Spor ne Last week's Bulletin listed o | Watkins. Brown singled. Miller . mlb oe Soni | then tripled, scoring Hostetter tiie gies ou the buys and girs Your Dollar | and Brown Who are entiled Yo ED. ALSO | Hostetter struck out 12 hit Harry Frey received a base- | [ters while giving up three hits ball trophy for being the ow | | MOUNT JOY AB R standing player during the re- CANCER - POLIO (oui 307 nm mnt i, tne oe | Watkins. 25 oi A ninesinning game was play- | AND | Hostetter. p 1 ed last Friday to end the play-| award going to the | Brown. 1p ground season for the year. Ben DREAD DISEASE BOW Lo wot — Miller, cf 1 Of. : : | Etsell. rf 0 dilng player honors due to his | solicitor, advised the Red Lion POLICY Collins ” 0 0 three hits, one homer with bas- | directors that their case did not | Nissley, 2h 3 1 1/8 loaded, and all-around per- | have sufficient merit for an ap- @ { Zeller It 3 1 formance. John Bowman, Jr. | peal to the higher court " 5 | Ditzler c 2 0 1|George McCue and Mr. Houck | Martin's attorneys agreed to American Progressive Totals 04 go 'were the judges in making this | withdraw $1,130 in interest] VFW 20 2 3 award. charges, also awarded him in! One of the best games of the] The following boys [ season was played against Mar-|Daseball trophies as The locals/of the Phillies who Health insurance Co. Of New York won the {jetta last Tuesday. won 3-2. | riwell” finish. Marietta led 2-1|R. ’ going into the home half of the|Nissley, R. Buchenauer, J. Dick, CLAIM OFFICE | fifth inning. Harnish lined out. Hostetter, K. Watkins, P. [10 the right fielder who made a| Rice and D. Zeller. sensational catch. This seemed| In the swimming excursion 18 West Main St. | | | to give a hint of what was com-|the Playgrounders took to Her- | ing L. Watkins walked. Hostet-|shey, the following people were Mt. Joy, Pa. | ter was safe on a hit back of 3d|included: J. Nissley, K. Wat- | F a { base. Brown advanced R. Kear, H. Griggs, B. | PHONE 35891 { runners on an infield out. Now|Heisey, G. Maxwell, A. Sch- Stop in or call for free cis the finish. With the win-|neider, John Harnish, J. Dick, information { ning run on second and the ty-|D. McGarvey, B. Vogel, D. — ing run at third base and the Packer, D. Swartz, B. Stoner,]| | count two balls and one strike/R. Becker, B. Grau, Jim Har- [ mound for the locals. Although/N. Pennell,S. Gutshall, J. Dar- he threw a no-hitter, young|renkamp, M. Sinegar, J. Ber- | Hostetter’'s own wildness gavejrier, M. Sprecher, L. Hornafius, | | Marietta its two runs. Three|F. Wolgemuth, T. Snavely, A.| bases on balls and two hit bat-|Halbleib, C. Rohm, R. Williams, | ters forced 2 runs to score. Frey, V. Oberholizer, B.| Settling down he struck out Groff, D. Frantz, R. Klugh, P. {nine of” the remaining 15 bat-|McKain, W. Pennell and Terry) | | | a - ~ PEROXIDE of ters. out. Schofield. » HYDROGEN | MARIETTA AD h H The following received swim- | ® Antiseptic for cuts, |. es ‘ 18 2 certificates having passed | o abrasions. MOUNT JOY AB R Hithe 50 ft. swim test: W. Pennel, | Full Pint. ¢ { Harnish, 3b 3 0 0D. Grove, N. Sprecher, T. Scho- | Reg: 45¢ NOW I ce > cy 5 Watkins, ss 1 Oifield, R. Kear, M. Mumma, G. { Hostetter, p 1 1/Young, P. Rovenolt, J. Hostet- | a EPSON SALTS eo Medicinally pure. ry liter, G. Maxwell, B. Vogle, H.| 1/Frey, B. Grau, A. Halbleib, P.| 0|McKain, J. Berrier, S. Gutshall, | Brown, 1b | Miller, cf | Etsell, rf oa SALT | ND ND WN p— oe 16 uss (#2) | Halbleib, 1f 0 OR. McKain, R. Klugh, D. Frantz ® 45¢ Val. NOW 20°C | Calling, If 0 0 0 R. Loewen, D. Halbleib, Janice Teg © James Nissley was named the : BISMA-REX K. Watkins, 2b . 1 0 swimmer from he + MINT FLAVORED Totals... 18 3 Hoy. @ TABLETS — Fast-acting 3 The more advanced swimmers > guia, Jou mend. |'C League Opens were: J. Nissley, G. Maxwell, | e Roll of 12.....] {J | Season Tonight grat, L. Watkins, K. Wat ® 3 ROLLS 25¢ ra (kins, D. Halbleib, R. Buchen- © ANN DELAFIELD | Tonight the “C” League gust and R. Divet, e ALL PURPOSE : | |the Mount Joy Town League) sar, oped fate Plays [Associz rg rganizec opens its bowling season at the | Lincoln Bowling Alleys. The league consists teams namely: Builders, a * DEEP CREAM == ® (Cleanses, softens, { Suu | {an Do @ beautifies. 1 EO Rs | ® 235 ez jar 2 | Plus tax | Craul, captain, sponsored by @ | Drohan’s Building Supply: ® ® EYELO | Grocers—P. Neiss, Hess Groc- o Cleansing eyewash. ery Store; Boxmen— C. Hurst, with individual parents paying of eight/°n® dollar yearly This E. plus a possible festival in the Spring would be means of rais- ing money to support the play- | ground. With 257 boys and girls signing at the Park this dues. sum- | Soothes iftitations It. Joy Paper Box Co.: surely we can find parents ’ from sun and wind. ers—E. Koser, Koser Jewelry interested in this project. Half-pint, 6gc Store: Beer Barrels—Hardish.| A five-foot fence has been | ® with eye-cup Smith Beverage Distributors: added to the Park overlooking A i quarry. Many thanks to the ° % Rutt's—S. Garber, Titus Rutt rs . ALCO-REX Boro Council for ‘this badly | Ins. Agency; Mechanics—H. Sutter, Norman Heisey Garage, and Contractors—H. Greiner, * RUBBING ALCOHOL needed item. | The playground equipment | has been stored for the year. o S500, invigorating Wolgemuth Inc. | Sg c Teams playing at 7 p. m. to- a = i i o Reg. 49¢ wad night are: Contractors vs. Gro- Mount Joy Plays cers and Boxmen vs. Jewelers. | . . CARA NOME At 9 p. m. Beer Barrels vs. T/In Junior Baseball | : DUSTING POWDER CN Rutt’s and Mechanics vs. Con-| All-Star Game Ture, fine, fragrant. 3 tractors. [ ® 2 028. ee Qe ® Reg. 1.50 1 00 ! CECIL A. McCOWIN JOINS Clinger, Jon of Ji} Now 1, SND DIVISION IN [PRO DIRS Betianin Chnger, of) ® plus tax Pvt. Cecil A. McCOWIn, 17.>° 8S Naum strect, ME Joy, son of Mr. and Mis. Arthur Me- recently had the honor of play- Cowin, 35 Hopewell St., Mount" 2 the East-West All-Star duh; Joy, recently joined the 2nd Baschall game in: Shibe infantry ‘division in Korea. ; The 2nd Division participat- « MINERAL OIL ® Extra-heavy, tasteless. @ Non-habit-forming. ® Full Pint. ® 85¢ Val. NOW 46c eye tr 5 J Sloan's Pharmacy The REXALL Store Phone 3-3001 MOUNT JOY, PA. This is the first time a Mount | : . : Joy boy has bee re ed in two of the Korean con- DY 20) as Seen . honored, | Bit % Thies and is the second time a Lan | flict’s most historic battles. Waster coubity athlote has | captured “Heartbreak Ridge” Y.. Si ans hoon after weeks of bitter fighting in Selected fof the gawe, 1951, and took “Oldman, entered the Army Baldy” in July, 1952. January and received Pvt. McCowin, an infantry-ltraining at Fort Knox, Ky. SO last | basic | October, trip to Wil- | o Groff was awarded the outstan- | received | the judgment, and a $1,900 members | for concrete work. on Chris Miller, the latter/nish, D. Halbleib, P. Rovenolt, { promptly drove the next pitch{J. Kaylor, R. Buchenauer, R.| | to right center field for a doub-|Divet, J. Hostetter, G. Zalenki, | [1c scoring Watkins and Hostet-L. Watkins, R. Hopple, G.]| | ter. Grove, G. Young, R. McKain, | | Again Hostetter was on the/R. Loewen, D. Grove, R. Grove, | park, Philadelphia. } [Lester Hostetter Elected Treasurer i Cemetery Assoc. 1 At a delayed annual meeting ' the Henry Eberle Cemetery Association held Friday even ing, Aug. 14, Lester Hostetler was clected treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Christ Herr, Jr All other officers being re elected were: Elmer L. Zerphey | president; George Zink Sr., vice president; Mildred Roberts, secretary, and Jacob Brown, caretaker, | - | WINS IN BUILDING SUI" A two-year-old dispute be- tween Paul A. Martin, Mount Joy builder, and the Red Lion school district was settled las week at a meeting of the Red Lion school district board The dispute arose from the | construction of Red Lion's $291 | 613 auditorium-gymnasium in | 1951. Withdrawal of an to the State Supreme Court on 1 appeal a $15,100 arbitration award made to Martin by the county | court was voted, by the board, | amount of the Mount J with the full oy contractor. Horace E. Smith, school board yill DILL | The controversy flared when 2. It was a “Frank Mer. Baseball League Championship: | the board attempted to penalize Divet, Capt.; J. Wealand, J. | the contractor $100 per day for delay in completion auditorium-gymnasium 151-day of the An arbitration supported Martin's | a however, that board, claim {the delay was unavoidable and | [not of his making. MIDGET MIDGET'S SCHEDULE ——— | August 25-—-C. P. 118 Home 28—Manheim | August Home OW F CLASSES START HARRISBUTF Annville, I PHONE Also Studios at Mount LAKE an Mount Gretna Offers: PICNIC AREA, PL Feeds are — ® prighter \ You're invited to MOUNT FALL DANCING CLASSES 2nd Floor on Friendship Fire House ELIZEBETHTOWN, PA. NICKLE'S SCHOOL OF ARTS 3-9507 Middletown. 34-2¢ THE BAR & C GRETNA TIMBERS IS NOW OPEN A BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM AND BAR. FUN AND RELAXATION FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. | Laboratory and Field Tests Show @ more efficient “see” and “feel” the difference in { ® more palatable the NEW Red Comb Poultry Mash Feeds. A.C. MAYER i Charles F. Coghlan | Will Complete Ninth Year At Gretna Charles ¥. Coglan, co-pro ducer and director of the Gret have com Mt. na Playhouse, will pleted nine years at 29th Street at the Empire Thea Gretna {came to this country and help- | Hershey Fetes Pennsylvania ‘Dutch Aug. 27-29 Harrisburg -— Pennsylvania at the end of this season. Duch Days, which always at Nye ‘ tract thousands of persons to Mr. Coglan comes from a , | Hershey not only from the amily ) LNgLIs ac Ss x: Mly of English actors who Keystone State but from ad- joining states, will be observed ed in the establishment and de-| August 27, 28, and 29, says the velopment of the New York | Department of Commerce, Theatre. Rose and Charles Cog This year there will be sev- lan, hi uncle, played at the eral new features, including a Walocks Theatre, 12th and | Dairy Cattle Show for which Broadway, when Ada Rehan | $3,800 in prizes will be award and John Drew were the feat-| cd the winners; schnitzing par- ured players at the Dalys Thea [ties and a Pennsylvania Dutch tre. Slowly the theatre section | tall story contest. oved uptown to 26th then to | In addition to these new fea {ures visitors will have an op- tre. It was here at Empire Thea | portunity to inspect folklore tre. where his family had ap joi enjoy square dancing, peared before him, that our|attend a Pennsylvania Dutch | Charles Coglan appeared in| auction, see Penna. Dutch vau- {1518-19 with Ethel Barrvmore | deville and witness the crown- Lady of the Camillas”.|ing of the State Lotwaerrick [ in Tht i This theatre about was so much the same which there dis- was to be torn down. Mr. Coglan is well known in New York for his direction of numerous Broadway hits, road productions and stock through- out the country. He is rememb- ered in this section as Director of the Harrisburg Community Theatre, 1943-45. Currently, at Mt. Gretna, Mr. Coglan is directing “Lo and Be- hold”, which opens on Thurs day, Aug. 20. A Nobel Prize Winner, Wyley Hancock, after meal, prepared Kather eating a hearty by his substitute ine Greggs, dies happily. He ex- ects to find peace and solitude comes back to inhabit his cook, p as he home, which | will is to be perpetuated as a - | sanctuary for his spirit. Instead the spirits of an MacDonald, a lhe is beset by [Indian girl, Kay | De cin : | Southern belle, Pauline | rand a | Ray. follow, licati Complications ORMING 3AT., SEPT. 5th (Please use side door) : OR RG 6-8545 larrisburg and Gretna d BEACH FINEST IN SWIMMING & SUN-BATHING A BEAUTIFUL SPOT TO RELAX A NEW GOLF DRIVING RANGE, MINIATURE GOLF, AY HOUSE AND RILL OF THE 26-1f “New Texture” ® dustless ‘ | JOY, PA. [cussion this past year when it] according to his | frustrated composer, Jas. | | (apple butter) Queen. There { will also be a Penna. Dutch re- ligious service and Schpiel Ziet (or play time), which will give the visitors an opportunity of Penna. Dutchmen at play. There will also be balle,” or corner ball, which played in a specially construct- | seeing “‘oke- is { | ed barnyard. Boiling of apple | huge kettles over will also be one of the during the three days | festival. in fires, kutter, open events of the i when the pretty cook returns to the house. The cast also in- cludes James Cade, Hendy Vel- and Doug Yorke, a newcom- to Gretna. ez er | Elmer G. Strickler | Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 117 | “YOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE YOU NEED UNDER MY COMPLETE Drake, | Family Security Fire - - Auto - - Life Accident & Health - - Hospitalization AND MORTGAGE IINSURANCE GRETNA: PLAYHOUS a i 402 MT, GRETNA, PENNA, " HONE 46 One of the oldest and largest “Straw Hat" Theatres STARTS THURS., AUG. 20 THRU WED., AUG 26 A BREEZY GHOST COMEDY “LOW AND BEHOLD?” The spirit of an Indian maid — The spirit of a southern girl Joe The py 1ke p yo an's heaven a h« . .? spirit of a composer's seng make one young man's i IF YOU LIKE TO LAUGH, DON'T MISS THIS PLAY! Admission $1.25 . Reserved Seats, foam Curtain 8:30 P. M., . Gen, / rubber $2.00; Saturday, $2.25 Res. Seats Foam Rubber - to Groups or Clubs . Also Plan to Raise Money. Mount Joy Legion SATURDAY, AUGUST 22nd Les Lester's Orchestra SUNDAY, AUGUST 23rd Ira Bowman Trio Sunday family dinners will be served starting at 1:00 until ? — Steaks, Chops, Sea Foods, Beef, Pork and Turkey. Special Rate SHOWS J O MATINEE EVENINGS SATURDAYS 7 and 9:00 P.M AND SATURDAYS I HEA I RE HOLIDAYS * 6-8-10 P. M, 2:00 P. M. Be ON Mount Joy, Pa. FRIDAY — SATURDAY, AUGUST 21-22 JEAN SIMMONS — STEWART GRANGER -in- “YOUNG BESS” FIRST FEATURE SATURDAY NITE 5:45 P. M. MONDAY — TUESDAY, AUGUST 24 - 25 ETHEL MERMAN — DONALD O'CONNOR -in- Call Me Madam WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 - 27 CORNEL WILDE — CONSTANCE SMITH -in- “Treasure Of The Golden Condor” New Super Soft Drinks In No Deposit-No Return Cans ASSORTED FLAVORS Extra Large Watermelons Norris Fancy Baked Beans | No. 1 can x, for 25 Marcal Napkins 2 w 19: Norris Fancy PHONE 3-9094 HESS’ FOO! THE HOME OF GOOD FOODS MOUNT JOY, PA, STORE Pineapple Juice «« «= 27 | “COMPLETE ONE-STOP FOOD SERVICE” i EK; om ™ Ef