i | Op " | FLORISTS TO ATTEND {| MEETING A Reminder For Housewives More ig SL a) florists are expected to attend this year's conference sponsor ed by the Pennsylvania Flower Have your Furniture repaired now before the fall house- cleaning season begins, Give those worn and faded pieces that NEW look to set in your clean rooms. CALL FOR AND DELIVERY SERVICES .— Growers and the Division of| (}| floriculture at the Pennsylvania | Estimates cheerfully given | |} State College from Aug. to 2%, In addition to hearing report: of Penn State's research in flor iculture, conferees will attend discussions of greenhouse man agement and will make inforin al visits to rescarch green hous- | es and annual trial gardens. tll We { Just a partial list of the things we make, repair, refinish 89 | and decorate. Living room furniture | Dining room chairs Hassocks - footstools Auto, truck, bus seats Kitchen and breakfast nook Foam rubbe r cushions, mat- furnishings tresses, ete, a specialty Sun porch furniture : CALL MT. JOY 3-9851 Mt. Joy Furniture Hospital 36% WEST MAIN SEREEE | When in need of Printing. (any- thing) kindly remember the Bulletir TYPEWRITERS Wise Students Get Theirs Before School, When § Selections Are Best And Prices Low. | We have some exceptional values while they last, that cannot be duplicated . J. M. ENGLE 411 EAST HIGH STREET ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. PHONE 14] WRITERS FURNITURE a9 9. ADDING MACHINES—CASH REGISTERS—CHECK — SAFES — OFFICE I FN Power MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA. | Air Compressor Work | Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. Rocks | | and | Trees | Values To $12.95 Now § ONLY All Sizes Up To S50 I HOW is the time to BUY at REAL SAVINGS Many Of These Dresses Can Be Worn All Year | Coats Now Reduced To $15-$20 | MT. JOY DEPT. STORE | | i GC. Robert F ry 250th Anniversary of Landing (three acres Leroy M. Hawthorne January or February, 1848, T SUMMER CAMP HAZARD — FIRE! PRR | SC | (li n I 1c The Trustees of the James Lick [he also owned the area later to become known [His estate exceeded $5,000,000 | | personal property, to a board of [or of the “Star Spangled | ner,” he The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, August 13, 19539 rust for $250,000. At this time ——————————————— AARON G. LONGENECKER CONTRACTOR PHONE 3-6100 as Hollywood In 1874 he assigned real and ven trustees, for various pub ¢ and philanthropic purposes For the erection of a bronze wnument in Golden Gate Park, » Francis Scott Key, the auth- Ban- left $60,000, and $100- BUILDING MOUNT JOY R. D. 2 [,000 for three groups of bronze | statuary, representing three Millwork -— Fill — Grading {historic periods in California (history. Also he left $100,000 Lumber — Topsoil -~ Excavating [to found an Old Ladies Home, [and $150,000 for the building Kitchen Cabinets and maintenance of free public baths, $540,000 to found and 33-tfc {endow a California School of Mechanical Arts, and $700,000 to construct an observatory and erect thercon a telescope,” su- perior to and more powerful than any telescope”, the same to be a department of the Uni- versity of California. All of us have heard about the Lick ob- servatory. There are more than 16 bequests. On July 4, 1950, there was a | dedication ceremony of the x i | Lick Memorial held at Cedar { Because summer camps and cottages are often far from local fire Hill Cemetery, Fredericksburg, ~~ | departments, ade since cooking and heating equipment is often improperly |Pa., with remarks by The Hon adjusted, fires are a big danger. Be especially careful during your stay ina |orable J. H. Duff, then Govern- vacation paradise. And keep a box of baking soda handy to the cooking tor of Pennsylvania. I was not unit; it's ideal for extinguishing grease fires quickly. Just sprinkle soda | br 1s | on the flames, It cuts off the oxygen supply, snuffs out the blaze, ~ present for this ceremony but visited the cemetery several é a THershey-Long Family Marks a west of Lancaster city. We are Sarah Lang Lick, Sarah Lang it|lwas of the fourth generation of as interested in Long Park 1 4 months later, and secured from of the event. that after number of legacies 000 for the erection of a monu- ment in Fredericksburg, Pa., to Gap, well known for its activi- ties during the present war. friend details and a program At his death, it was found bequeathing a large to {friends nd relatives he had given $20- To score a By Mrs. H. W. Hershey Cover (ville, Pa, in 1930. Several The decendents of Jacob and {years ago while visiting In the the memory of his * mother, fa- TRIPLE PLAY | Susan Long Hershey (deceas-|town of Fredericksburg, Leb- ther, grandfather, and sister. ed) held a family reunion County, Pa. some one| It is a beautiful marble mon- as a good Long’s Park, on Saturday, Aug.|called my attention to the| ument and well worth visiting. ' \ 1, 1953. Long Park is located |James Lick Memorial in Cedar|As you have heard before, the telephone user... lon the north side of U. S. 230|Hill Cemetery. And upon fur-|Cedar Hill cemetery is a His- SA : (old Philadelphia and Harris- | ther inquiry I found that James | toric burying : place and 1s a 1. Answer your telephone burg Pike) a short distance was the son of John and [short distance from Indiantown calls promptly. 2. Give the person you are outside There is an artificial lake of | erected on Mt. Hamilton, fifty | San Francisco. | The sufferings of his grand- | tfather, William Lick, at Valley Forge, made a deep impression | grounds {miles south of round for from It is a summer playg thousands of picnicers hear that some near and far. Wi | lis. | 2000 person daily visit the the young lad, as he is- | park over weekends, At the en- | tened to their recital Th 11 SS ere ever eéliracea, trance of Long Park beautiful mpressions Were 1 y eg | } 1 < 3: age bequeatn- flower gardens with bright red | ind in his old age he | 3 led a < “wr . y and yellow flowers, welcome all ed a sum of money for ih erec- | i ‘ ume v cem- visitors. To avoid confusion res-|ton of a monument 1 the ¢ i ervations can be made for the|etery at Frode Hicks A: hid pavilion with the superintend- and upon it, his gran fh I : ent in charge name, his hero, stands ou | 3 prominently. We as community do appre- A : [ te il I th its | : After a common school edu- | ciate the park with i cau- ; | dole 3 e BL cation he went to Hanover, Pa. | & freedom from commercial: where he stayed with his aged | ism. I believe one of the condi-| : rae cur | : | grandfather, William Lick, and tions of the bequest is that it : ; hall t i ial learned the piano making trade. | shia no Dt commercialized. . 0 r | : a} : In 1821 James Lick left New | nd we are also happy 0 i | hy | York for Buenos Aires. He pur- | k A at Onq i nr ong 3 : : a : o oul 2 his trade of piano making | Family was so liberal minded | . j | 1 . land did a prosperous business | ane o ore 3, giving XC Cl= 12. * and enet ol h any there, returning to the United | 2X of the I this giates in 1832 with $40,000 Jeautid Spot Long Park. aie : . pot Long worth of hides and nutria skins Fhe history of the Long a species of otter found a- Family is interesting, At every |jong the river La Platta. He turn, the pages of the History | returned the same | f y Tone Familv of Pennsvl- | A of the Long Family of Pennsyl |year to Buenos Aires { vania published by William In 1847 Lick left Peru, where Gabriel Long, historian, |. had gone for business, for a California after selling his | 1 FTN ( EF TURES "ORS | : em AT LIGHTING FIXTURES MOTORS valued at $50,000, for| WATER HEATERS FANS 1¢3(0 000, in Spanish dubleons. | He arrived in San Francisco in| and | | immediately began to purchase | real estate properties through- | out the San Francisco area. The | Cold Rush 1849 Electrical Contractor RHEEMS.,. PA. of caused a] [ PHONE E-TOWN ‘110Ri1 sharpened increase in Licks’ | | We do residential and industrial | property values and he shortly wiring and repairing. became a very wealthy man. Lick bought a mill site in Electric W Idi 852 near San dose. Three years | and Gas e Ing | atc he constructed on he site | ja magnificent structure whose {interior was finished of the fin- Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Automobile and Truck Welding LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Cover's Welding Shop In 1865 Lick purchased Cata- Delta and Marietta Streets lina Island for $80,000, and fol- | est mahogany and whose mach- inery was of the highest quality on the pacific Coast. The cost of the + mild © was $200,000, and when it was put in operation it produced the finest brand of flour in the state. | | } | | | . . vas « eaquest ir 2 2 | Christi: «ang y igre . y Excavating and Grading was a bequest irom one of our | Christian. Lang our emigrant! me weather was ideal for Shea oe erin Yo atherine . Long. |ancestor. Sar: Lang was : : : : Removed ip ors therm 8 | ance : jae Li ; ang i di the reunion. The following offi- at least a minute—10 rings. ge farm wit y to] ‘the ns .ancaste : a Se wk Cellars, Trenches, Etc. [& iptge | hn Hy Win money PSL h ownship, oe or cers were re-elected: Frank This will save you the trouble TK al t 3 S ar 4 nna. ay , i i [ens un 1 : ere | : a Ta, i; Ns al 1) ry Dougherty, President of the of having to call back 0US p » superintendent, {1 é > ye > ~ i i aise fo: : ¥e . suiperintenden ts he Ie ar L ’|Clan; Lloyd H. Fuhrman, vice- a second time. and a number of caretakers. i8 2. She is ouriec in the U-| resident; Mrs. Ida McElroy, PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753 {The Park was established injthern and Reformed cemetery |e re tome. Mee Te Tan : : 3 : . | Secretary; Mrs. James Baker, e Carefully replace the 1900 and there is a Trust Fundlin Fredericksburg, Pa. She was|, _.. , Nine 3 y rep i ex |assistant sec retary; Mrs. WwW receiver after a tele hone call | income, married to John Lick. The les. treasurer: Mrs. HL W P hap +s | bor f eight children James | Mis H.W. I'here are 16 tennis courts on. 01 ek UO | Cover, Landisville, Pa. reporter and a nine-hole golf course.jJaco us Lick oo % . Uh 2nd historian. This year the 9 » is, gener: ste 4 i : There are garden type swings, [generation mn the outst nding | celebrated the 250 Anni- coasters and other, amusements Na oe wil versary of the Landing of the [for the children. There are two |Speak tor ay di Sor ple Hershey and the Long Families COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. covered pavilions with tables 21, 1796, Mn Bo {in the United States from Ap- {and Rest Rooms, drinking wat- and died on October 1, L876, | Switzerland. er, and fire places outside. 15|He died in California and is| tables are scattered around the [buried in a Vault underneath | the pavilion. |the great telescope, which he IN MOBILGAS Americas Top Economy 8 subject to change without notice, | equipment CORONET V-EIGHT 4-DGOR SEDAN Come see and drive the winner! Road Test and Rate the Dodge V-8 that topped all other 8’s in every price class in famous 1206-mile Mobilgas Economy Run. ..and 10 days later broke all records for standard American cars in official AAA Performance, Runs over the “Measured Mile.” Step up to Dodge “%¥ step out in the winner! You've Got to Drive It to Believe [t! D 0 D i = V-EIGHT or SIX TUNE IN MEDALLION THEATRE EVERY WEEK ON CBS-TV... SEE TV PAGE FOR TIME AND STATION STEHMAN BROTHERS Prices start below many models in the “lowes: priced” field! dependable Salunga, Penna. MT. JOY, PA. Pine 3.5931} lowing his death it was sold by |