J E { aa yy . INE 46402 19 D really ats, foam cial Rate D i | rr fra ting at rk and A ee ee ea ee eee TS To ooo PCT TOUT NTS a NEE DAYS iD JAYS , M. ea » pt?’ \P”’ ¢ oms” § | TOR BE Es | | J p \ 3 | Helen Louise Booth, ‘Mortuary Record . - - | ST 1 ERS Married Sunday | SAMUEL R. NISSLEY | Samuel R. Nissley, of 518 N. 570 Penalty Will Be Added To All Borough Taxes After Mr. and Mrs. John M. Booth, | Brent . i | 122 Delta St., Mt. Jovy. have is tb the Aancaster Genera lo September 1st, 1953, elta Mi, JOY. have | after a 14 merle oe sued invitations to the wedding s yy i bot it | ur of their daughter, Helen Louise, '1¢ Was nin: hapho “own GEORGE H. BROWN, III to Gene Miller Love, son of Mr, | Ship, the son o the late David Tax Collector and Mrs. Walter Lee Love, of |» and Mary hi Vissle) Johnson City R2, Tenn. RE ” ' VIRS AMI I i CAIN 5 The ceremony will take place Mrs. Samuel Cain. of Mid i Sunday at 3 p. m. in St. Mark's | oN} a : : . ic Owl ( 1 1 . 8 E. U. B. Church, here, with tha|., i ed Ny Rev, Dr. Fara. H. Aer a. nor. 1 ink Rs NEA . Y ° ati A : | Sh was born and reared n WM 4 y= WN “ st or ancaster Campaign ing. bri : . Oy ait | rvived by her In NL NN IE : The ride elec t, who will be band and three brothers, Osecat Ev oo i given in marriage by her father of California Val { th Joke Sa DR. E. J. DANIELS, Evangelist will have Miss Doretta Walker, [ace and Ned of Movin. | | (ES |S : Interlaken, N. J., as her maid LL - , ~ i) of honor. The bridesmaids will AMI K. WEAVEI h h N {5% Lukes Episcopal Church rh SAMUL So WEAVER The Rev. Paul D. Emenheiser AUGUST 9 to 23 be Mrs. John E. Booth, Lancas Samuel K. Weavel 6 Vit & urc ews 18 Soy Qo Vi a oi EVERY NIGHT AT 7:45 ter, and Mrs. John W. Woll, Jr. | jou died at 1:26 a. m. Monday| “EWS ‘PERTAINING TO AbLlg io Any Philadelphia, Sherron Houseal, at the home of his son-in-law! THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY | Divine Worship N. FRANKLIN ST., LANCASTER Washington, and Linda Love, of Mr. and Mrs! AND THE ENTIRE SUR- np | Johnson City R2 will be § Newcomer 18 Done ROUNDING COMMUNITY. Crossroads Brethren In Christ | OPPOSITE McCASKEY HIGH flower girls. 1. Sori Ro with i oo oo go ; Church | . . et y Mui {rvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bru- ried 3 ws . Ls : John G. Love, Johnson City, he resided or an ill of 6 Calvary Bible Church baker. Paul Z. Hess. Pastors, | Sponsored by Christian Business Men’s Committee and will serve as best man. Ushers | month Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor | Sunday, At 16 | Cooperating Churches will be John E. Booth and Earl He w b A fay, August 16th I 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Grissinger, Lancaster; Charles son of the late He nd Mar 9:15 a.m. Bible School. = L 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship | { : : 10:30 am. Morning Worship 7.00 n.m. Chr Crusaders CHILDRENS jit Mount. Joy; and Join | Kemmeriy We er, a wa SCT the World and the | d Child Y servi Wi | : | an Cnuard S MEETINGS Weidman, Mount Joy R2. member of St. Mark wvangel-|Church’ by the pastor. | 8:00 p In. Event elistic Mes- | Miss Booth attended Cedar ical United Brethren Chur 7:00 p.m. Pre Service Prayer | | Saturdays, August 15 and 22 at Crest College, Allentown, and | Mt. Jo aya Evening Service | Monday ; le sofia fr : 7:3 - Evening Service. 7:30" p.m. Sunday Schoo 10:00 A. M. graduated this spring from the Survivi is his Ann v. Ray Lupold, missionary to Worker th iy | University of Pennsylvania | Kahler Weaver, and the follov ans, Okla. Wednesday COLOR FILM t series of color, sound films that School of Nursing. : ing children: Melvin Moun Wedn yey Midweek Braver oy p.m. Midweek prayer] 1 - . ol 1 Ie, . x res ra ‘ormerly 3 1 arid wi Jacob 0: UL . 1 IK aye eting, tell the st ry trom His birth to His ascension will ik ‘Love, who w is lo mn Py Je Bethy K 3 L Rev. Jonas Miller will meek [ ke shown each t. They make the Bible live before supervisor of Vocational Agri-|S. Newcomer with whom he 1 cll of his work in Alabama. RE | 7OUl GVES culture at East Donegal Town- sided a .: Mt. Pleasant Your eyes : : Brethren In Christ Church ship High Echool, Maytown, re 1 n three Dr: Denials of Pratt: 4 ; 1 a : SY au are deh St. Mark's Pastors: C. H. Moyer and | Lr. Daniels, 1 Orlando, Florida, is a nationally known ceived his Bachelor of Science |creat-grand ind: hel United: Brethren Graybill Wolgemuth | ES ied { . Lvangelice ) ’ ore > ‘ “had : { evangelist, t tutor of a magazine, the author of memy and Master of Science degrees o1 an tel y Church Sunday, August 16 DOOKs al I of an extensive radio broadcast. in agricultural education de- | gis0 survive I Annie 1 Ezra. H. Ranck. Pastor 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. Enjoy th J 5 Zehr, soloist, who has thrilled grees from the Pennsylvania | der. York: Lizzie. wife of Har- Sunday, August 16th 10:30 a.m. Preaching Servic | thousands through » Europe il ing i State College wv Hoslot ME 1 ' oh 9:00 a.m. Sunday Schoo Te : ue oy 3 > Bur eile raveling with State College. a... ry Heslet, M \ v a 015 am Moving Wearshin Glossbrenner Evangelical Dany 1 Mak Esther Miller, Philadelphia, 18 of Peter Greenawalt, Lancast-| 7.50 pm, Community Vesper United Brethren Church { planist and s sil E. Hale, Houghton, is choir di- { Paes £3 er; Mi Irene Sn Colum-/Sermon by Rev. David Mau- Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor | rector. NEN: ED p ia Rl Weaver, Sunday, August 16 SPRUNG Tp ; SY FINE PRI EAR Rh a. Abner We i er. Mount! Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School LISTEN TO WLAN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 12 NOON DONE (6 YOUR ORDE To or tt Tow 1 | 7:30 pm. Midweek Prayer| 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship | SATURDAY - 10 A. M | IRC Ed Ic Joy, Milton Wea JOY 7:15 p.n. Evening Service. | : iia a this’ newspaper; shop ). and Fred Weaver, Columbia a Wednesday | CRNA TEN Pe NTR Funeral services will be held 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service. | Yn Salunga Methodist Church —— | ron the N i ey YMC & ice Stvie « C a i : from ie y Sing a Mis ; pice St Ter 5.5, Supt. The Church of God Fhursa it two « $ I Vrs. ary Minnich, organis Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor me oy cemetery Sul , August 16th Sunday, August 16 ! 9:00 a m Se rvice 9:30 HAN. Sunday School sermon: Lot's ice 20 am. Morning: Worehin. | wi ny: 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. kor 19:1 me M a Worship, : ibs The Guest speaker will be Rev. | h kind 1 , August 9th : [ ro F- Sipe | Wo 30, Do ose Landis- | "7:30 Community Vespers | vile Lamp | with the Rev. David Maugans a |as speaker. | a Mt. Joy Methodist Church No midweek services this | 0 Rev. Wm. E. Harner, Pastor |week. Elizabethtown Sales FRI. & SAT. AUG. 14 & 15 New Sewing Machines. Factory Lifetime Guarantee And Good Housekeeping Seal Of Approval REG. SALE PRICE $124.95 $156.95 1-DOMESTIC No. 702 - 6 Console. 2 - DOMESTIC light weight Portables. 1 - DOMESTIC No. 340 Blonde Oak with built in chair 1 - DOMESTIC No. 341 Walnut with built in chair $259.95 $25495 $184.00 $ 99.00 $129.00 $189.00 : a 1-DOMESTIC No. 735 Walnut console. $219.95 $189.00 1-NECCH! ZIG ZAG No. 202 Mahogany desk . . . . $388.25 $252.00 1-NECCH! ZIG ZAG No. 207 Walnut "with built in chair . . . . . . $356.95 $2698.00 % 2 -NECCHI BF Portables . . . . . $14850 $129.00 1-ELNA Portable . . . . . $16995 $139.00 SAVE UP TO 27% Easy terms, low down payment, generous trade in allowance on your present machine. Summer Dress Material = RAYON ORLON | NYLON COTTONS) BINKLEY’S Sewing Machine & Remnant Shop 109-111 N. MARKET ST. ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Open Friday and Saturday evening PHONE 688 CS ZT00000000000C Always plenty of free parking 1 Ralph Alleman, supt. sunday, August 16th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. Worship Service. Sermon: Lots Choice. 7:30 p.m. Vespers; 00 Hostetter’s | Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor Sunday, August 16th 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship > PEROXIDE Florin Church of the Brethren | Abram N. Eshelman, Elder in charge | Clarence Douple, Supt. Sunday, August 16th 8:45 a.m. Sunday School. | 10:00 a.m. Morning Service. | Newtown iv. Rev. O. Sunday, August 9:00 a.m K. Buch 16th Sunday School of londay | J 30 p.m. Worship Service. ner 6.30 p. m. Brotherhood meet- | [hursday 8 = | ° HYDROGEN i md Corn Roast on the 7:30 p.m. Christian Endcavor | A hurch lawn 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting ® Antiseptic for cuts lawn : oe abr S. v A wt ‘ ® Full Pint. an i p.m Mission Green Pre Church of the o =, naw 28 soclety in ‘the Parish rglouse. srethren 4 J J ” Al + 1 . Reg: 45¢ How 1 George Keener will pre { Abram N. Eshelman, Elder it th topic ‘British Calls | Paris Ober. Supt ® An RET ne | Sunday, August 16th ® EPSOM SAL 1 ami 8:45 a.m. Sunday School ° } ' J ssc 97:3 .m. Worst S rie Medicinally pure. I'he Washington Street | 4:90 p.m.’ We i 1p: Church Of The Brethren > ® 16 ozs. 71 Elizabethtown, Pa. Rheems Church of Brethren te \ \N. Eshelmar ® 45¢ Val. NOW & & un August 16th : Abn XN. Fs 1 ® 9:30 a.m. Church School | Ader in-charge ° tud theme “Christ Above | Leroy Bovine, Supt. "iA wv : | Sunday } A. 11 | maa Al x th ° BISMA REX 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship:| 8:45 am. Sunday School © MINT FLAVORED rmon I'he God of the Lost, 10 ou a.m wa hip Service, o TABLETS — Fastacting ie” by Pastor Zuch | 3 an ant Your handy- ; 7:30 p.m. Outdoor Vespers, [( OMMUNITY © travel stand Community Park | VESPER SERVICES o Roll of 12.4 Bible Ho: A. S | August 16—Sermon by Rev.| 7:30 p. n yible ur; A. Pe : . a 3 ROLLS 25¢ Hollinger leads i David E. Maugans, Executive © ANN DRELAFIELD apna | Secretary of United Churches i A 3 . {of Lancaster County | o ALL PURPOSE Mt. Joy ,NMiennontte Church a : I ve! CB N? nl ® DEEP CREAM Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess,| Hhev. Davia Li. Maugans, wili| ® iene kh Henry Garber, Henry Frank, {be the speaker. [ 1p 1 Qiteils, Ly Hes . r © Doraliticy 1 Lo Pastor: | Ginny Zimmerman, presid-| ” . R34 Sunday, August 16th ling ! © 235 01 jar Kew 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. 1. Fackl : ¢ ® pius ta 10:00 a.m. Church Service. | Lynn rac der, pianist. ° Vionday Dave Weidman, soloist ® EYELO 2 a0 p.m. Church business; Rev. Deck, adviser. ( . 110 1 3 ee ms o Cleansing eyewash. ence ry | — NG dh YY a, | ( nw I RT y 7S | o Soothes i 1 7:30 p.n. Bible Study and|HONORED ON BIRTHD AYS from sun and wind. Prayer Meeting . A birthday party was held at ® Half-pint an Thursday the home of Mr. and Mrs. John fall-pint, fy 03 Td. s Vik) op ® with eye-cup WW 7:00 p.m a. at or ni Sliver, 205 N. Barbara Street, ( 0 meet 0 a es \ ; ib : “lin honor of the birthday of De iand of the Groffdale Church icetin eo © ALCO-REX Williams York, New | of 3 ill be held at home 2nLha ° ge AY! 1 i « RUBBING John Jacob Oberholtzer on Salem, and Drusilla Luberton ® Ivo 1a \ TOL : ALCOHOL from Leola to Monterey. |u¢ Mount Jo; © rr remem | Cooling, invigorating [nity 1 1 | {hose present wer Mr. and ® body-rud. nity Evangelica Vpn re ace weal : ah 290 C sregational Church | Mrs : Russel Williams 9 and ini. ol . ne Tork wS 2 ev. Q. A. Deck. Pastor | aaughter, Deanna, of ork Reg. 49¢ NOW & Rev. Q ck, Ps | 9 "°F f v ida August 16th | New Salem; Oscar Gordon and © CARA NOME 9:15 a.m. Observance of Eleanor Gor- ° OTING DAWDE 7 —~ 1a) school Department Te nuns an Wp DUSTING POWDER ( Y in a Combined Service | 400 of Hallan; Mr. and Mrs. ® Pure, fine, fragrant. 4 vith program of music and rec-| Walter Keener and grand ® 52 ozs io | daughter, Irene Hake, of Red o Reg. 1.50 1 00 7:30 an The last of Com- | 1,jon; Miss Ruth and Mary Wil- a 4 unity esper Services for the. : x gf > TY ams My. ¢ Virs roc ‘1h- Now ecason at Hostetter’s Pavilion. |}! ms; Mr. and Hi . Fred Leib ° plus tax Wednesday cerherr, Jr., and daughters, Dru- pn 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting silla, Reenu and Linda; Mr. and AT \ 1 Ad —————— 1 Ni C rer and. grandeh o MINERAL OIL 4 = : | Mrs. John Sliver and gran chi We Salunga (dlren Karen and Albert Wil- ® [xtra-heavy, tasteless. | ® Non-habit-forming. ® Full Pint. i: Church of the Brethren iZarl Brubaker, Elder In Charge | John Herr, Supt. | ] 1 Sunday, Ahgust 16th { ° Jul “1 | 85¢ Val. NOW 9:00 a.m. Sunday Schoo 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Sig ala 3 I. 7:30 pm. Community vesp-| ft 2K il Wers at the Landisville Camp gal S§ ri Yr mp The REXALL Store : UNT IOV. 45 p.m. Bible Study and hone. Ye 304 ¢ y - Phone 3-3001 MOUNT JOY, Pi: “Prayer Meeting, J iams, all of Mount Joy. tie of KRIEG-B|Z Oz he J The Bulletin. Mount Joy, Pa, SUNDAY AUGUST 16th — 10:30 A. M. — “The World and the Church” SERMON BY THE PASTOR — 7:30 P. M, Rev. Ray Lupold MISSIONARY TO GANS, OKLAHOMA CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH NEW HAVEN & HENRY STREETS Everybody, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin “RED TOP” Are Fortified be : For LH Finer - Faster Finish For FATTER PROFITS WITH VITADINE—for Poultry SWINEX for Pigs and Hogs Take the guess work Out of your feeding. Feed “RED TOP” Poultry and Hog Feeds. You will be SURE of getting the very latest in Nutritional Developments because our Poultry Feeds are FORTOFIED with VITADINE . . . OUR Pig and Hog Feeds are Fortified with Swinex. “RED TOP” Feeds contain miracle Vitamin B/12 and Anti- biotic Feed Supplements PLUS all the other Vitamins and rare minerals necessary for . .. . OPTIMUM GROWTH - - - MINIMUM FEED MAXIMUM PROFITS ! ! !! Feed “RED TOP” and learn how GOOD a feed SHOULD be! RED TOP GRAIN & FEED CO. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. iv | U. B. Church | IE | | Men's Rugged “‘Big Murph” * Sanforized” ®* Fast color ® Tailored for perfect fit DARK GREY Shirt a Trousers ....$3.25 15.84 | SHIRT of hard wearing heavy shirting twill. Well tailored to give trim fit with comfortable freedom of movement. Overlapped seams, 14 to 17, TROUSERS of exira heav twill with durable ow lined pockets. Made for lasting wear and neat, easy fit that prevents binding. Four pockets plus watch pocket. Fly with rustproof zipper. 28 to 42, *less than 1% shrinkage Blue Chambray Work Shirts $129 BIG MURPH DUNGAREES $2.49