The Physician On Call Sunday Dr. David E. Schlosser Fifty third Ye ear, No. 10 | Green Tree Church Services Of Dedication services for the Church of the Brethren will be held this week end. There will be services on Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30 o'clock and on Sunday At 8:45a.m, 10a. m, 2 p. m, and 7:30 p. m, Dedication Green Tree be ob- A. N. and night will with Elder moderator Community eerved Friday, Eshelman as Glenn Stauffer as chorister, The Aev. Henry F. Garber of the Mount Joy Mennonite church will be in charge of Scripture reading and prayer and Rheems Mixed Quartet will offer music, after which the Rev. Graybill Wolgemuth will deliver the ser- mon on “The Greatest Need for the Church in the Community.” The Rev. John Gable of the Florin E. U. B, church will greet the audience, and the Rev. John Reside of Milton Grove FE. U. B, church will close the gervice, evening Elder Henry T. Becker will act as moderator, with Mrs. Carl Gin- der as chorister. Scripture read- ing and prayer will be given by Elder B. G. Stauffer of Chques church, and the Chiques Male Chorus will present the music. “God Speaks Through Men” will be the subject of the ser- mon by Elder A. C. Baugher of Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren, with closing mom- ents in charge of Elder H. A. Merkey of East Fairview church. On Saturday Elder Howard W. Bernhard will be moderator on Sunday morning, with David E. Miller as chorister. Elder Harry Ald- inger of Conewago congrega- tion will give the Scripture reading and prayer and music will be presented by the Junior Chorus. Sermon subject for the service will be “The Church’s Great Task,” delivered by Eld- er Rufus McDannel of the Woodbury Church of the Breth- ren. Following music by the Earhart Trio, Elder S. S. Shear- er will close the service. of dedication, chors Worth Holding,” will be given Sunday afternoon by El- der Harry W. Eshelman, South end, Ind. Moderator for the gervice will be Elder A. N. Esh- elman and chorister will Mrs. Lineaus Longenecker. sic will be provided by the Loy- alty Chorus and reading and prayer will be charge of Elder N. K. of the Mountville congregation, ~ with the prayer of dedication by Elder A. N. Eshelman. Sunday evening’s service will open with a song service at 7:15. Moderator will be Robert F. Eshelman. The Rev. Robert A Hess will read the Scripture and deliver the prayer. Music will be provided by the East Petersburg Mixed Quartet, The Gospel Four Quartet and the West Green Tree Chorus. A ser- monette, “Pillars in God’s Tem- ple,"will be given by Eld. Earl Brubaker of the Salunga con- gregation. Anthony W. Wardell Of Mount Joy Ships On Training Cruise Sermon in AT SEA (FHTNCY»—On the sec- ond of three summer midshipman training cruises aboard the battle- ship USS Iowa is Midn. first class Anthony W. Wardell, son of Ray- mond Wardell of Mount Joy, Pa. Mr. Wardell is a student at Georgia Institute of Technology. Approximately 1580 midshipmen from 27 colleges and universities are participating in Cruise Baker, which includes the battleship Iowa the light cruiser Worcester, three destroyers, five escort vessels, two oilers and a high speed transport. ; The cruise will be under the command of Rear Admiral Clark L. Green, USN, Commander of: Battleship Division 2, who is flying his flag in the lowa. MOST THE MINUTE 2, 8 ER SGN - es) SRR ~ WW Tan NA We Tan So FN a eal 4 TO BE DEDICATED SUNDAY \ x AVIA Ln Re Ee rN Sarwan . Wat ON Borough Council Votes Purchase Of ‘Giant Ride’ Following an annual custom of donating something to the playground, the Borough Coun- «il approved the purchase of a ‘giant ride” for playground use. Council president L. W. Myers said the new purchase is a merry-go-round type ride. Reports were heard from committees and council ordered bills of $1,357 paid. Total re- ceipts for the month were re- ported by Burgess Charles Fish at $32. It was also reported by the street department that the stop signs ordered placed at July's meeting are being erected. Eee $500 To Rheems Fire Company For Radio Equipment A sum of $500 was given by the West Donegal Township supervisors to the Rheems Fire Co. as the township’s contribu- tion to the Federal Civil De- Ifense Authority’s “matching fund program” for a two-way radio system connecting 56 Lancaster County fire compan- ies. The $500, plus a similar a- “An- | be | Mu- | Scripture | Musser {mount from the authority, will purchase a pair of radios that will enable the Rheems area to be in instant communications with the rest of the county in [event of emergency. week's meeting received a Mount Joy fire-fighting Also at this the fire company [sum of $100 from Township for equipment. GUEST SPEAKER — The Rev. C. Chacko Thomas, of Kolar, South India, will be the guest speaker in the Worship Services of the Mount Joy and Salunga Methodist churches this Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Thomas is a graduate of Asbury Seminary, where the Rev. and Mrs. Harner made his acquaintance, and is now completing work for his doctorate from the University of Iowa. Mr. Thomas will soon return to his homeland, where he expects to resume his work with the Bible Institute in Kolar, presenting Christ to a needy people. Come and hear him present the chal- lenge of India to American Christians, Kindergarten Registration Is August 12 Kindergarten pupils will be registered at the High School on Wednesday, Aug. 12, from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, and 3:00 to 5 p. m. Parents are asked to bring the child’s Birth and Vac- cination Certificates along to this registration. New furniture for pupils in grades 3 and 4 has been order- ed and all floors in the High School Building have been re- finished. Both buildings are be- ing thoroughly cleaned in pre- paration for the opening of school on August 31. Pupils report for school two days earlier this year than last vear, however only a single day is gained since there will be no school on Labor Day, Sept. 7. Last year Labor Day was as early as possible and this year as late as possible. concern- appear inforrmation hours will More ing school later. Charged With Stealing $1,000 From Employer A Mount Joy resident arrest- ed last Friday on a charge of stealing $1,000 from his em- ployer is awaiting hearing be- fore Justice of Peace James W. Hockenberry. Richard Le- Joy Rl. admitted 12 ap- es- Free on bail is land Royer, 29, Mount Police said that Royer taking money over the past months, in the amount of proximately $800, and feed timated to be worth about $200 from the John Melhorn Farms on Donegal Springs road. Melhorn began to realize something was wrong when he noticed payments from his reg- ular accounts were not appear- ing on the company books. In- vestigation revealed that the customers were still purchasing feed but that payments had not been recorded. re el OUTDOOR VESPER SERVICE SUNDAY The Community Outdoor Ves- per Service this coming Sunday evening at 7:30, in the Eliza- bethtown Park. will be spon- sored by the Church of the Brethren. Pastor Nevin H. Zuck will speak on ‘Jesus Christ, The Same.” The musical service will be led by Robert Zeigler, chorister, and Mrs. E. G. May- er, pianist, The Men’s Quartet of the Church, composed of Walter C. Gingrich, Paul E. Alwine, Matthew M. Mayer, and Wilbur E. Weaver, will sing several selections. In case of inclement weather, the ser- Navy Chorus during World War 4-H Club Plans Outing At Hershey By H Outdoor Tuesday Lucille The Mount Joy Cooking Club met night at the home Martin, Mt, R1. President Lucille Martin was in charge of the meeting, at which 14 mem- bers were present. the business meeting, plans made for an outing at Hershey Park, Thursday, Aug. 13. Plans were made for the annual Round-up at Millersville State Teachers Col- Aug. 20 Janice Bren- eman, Mount Joy R2, was chos- en to represent the club in the posture contest. on of Joy During were also lege, Representing Mount 4-H Club Week, at Penna. State Teachers College, Aug. 10 to 14 will be Nancy Musser, Mt. Joy R1, and Jean Will, Mount Joy at WEEKLY The Mount Joy Bulletin Joy R2. After the meeting the club prepared and ate outdoor lunch. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, Aug. 18, at the home! of Eileen Miller, Mount Joy R1, when the club members will have their mothers their guests. business as I Tent Meeting Open Sunday At Lancaster The Christian Business Men's Committee of Lancaster and cooperating churches of Lan City and. County will sponsor a tent campaign from Aug. 9 through Aug. 23. Meet- ings will be held each night at 7:45 P. M. in the large tent er- ected on N. Franklin St., Lan- caster, opposite McCaskey High School. Children’s meeting will caster an ¢ be held at 10:00 A. M. on Sat- urday, Aug. 15 and Aug. 22. The Rev. E. J. Daniels of Or- lando, Fla. director of the Re- vival Cavelcade will conduct the meetings. The Rev. Daniels is a former newspaperman and also served as a pastor for 16 vears, He now is a magazine editor, the author of many books and director of an exten- radio program. Rev. Dan- is something referred to as a modern ‘Billy Sunday.’ Early this year, one of his evangelis- tic messages was awarded first prize in the ‘Sword of the Lord’ sive iels contest. Ellis. Zehr, Rockville, Ill., will be bass soloist. Thousands thru- cut free Europe have been thrilled by Mr. Zehr’s fine solo renditions while traveling with a Youth for Christ group. Mr. Virgil Hale, Houghton, N. Y has been engaged as their choir director. Mr. Hale has served as a teacher of music in Hough- ton College and also directed a a teacher a Phila- is pianist Mrs. Esther Miller, of music and voice in delphia High School, and soloist. Extensive plans have made for the campaign is definitely different. ample: no expense offerings will be taken in the meetings. i omic BERRIER FAMILY HAS ANNUAL REUNION The annual reunion of the Berrier family was held Sun- day, Aug. 2, at the Florin Hall. The various families were rep- resented. Rev. Henry Minnich, Lancas- ter, gave a talk and sketched a picture while the group sang a few hymns. A short business meeting followed. After the meeting games were played and prizes awarded the winners. The oldest person present was Mr. Austin Berrier and the youngest was Miss Mary Anna Heisey. The following people were elected to office: Mr. Dale Ber- JI. been which For ex- vice will be held at the same time in the Washington Street Church of the Brethren. | This service is one of a series sponsored by the Elizabethtown Ministerial Association, and will continue each Sunday ev- ening during the month of Aug- ust, | rier, Vice President; | Heisey, Treasurer. {FORESTRY ry is the preservation vf forests rier, President; Mr. Ralph Ber- Mrs. Geo. Mr. Martin Berrier, Secretary; RSS Teddy Roosevelt said Forest- I N L Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, August 6, 1953 ANCASTER COUNTY The Bulletin Circulation Now Has Reached 2300 ms $2.00 a Year in Advance II Fact-Finding Committee Named To Study Sewers Jaycees Secure Discount For Picnic Tickets The with Hershey Park to purchase at 20 buying Jayeees have arranged amusement tickets per cent. discount by in| bulk. The this saving Jaycees wish to pass at-| These tick- on to the people tending the picnic. available through Schools, local Hof | Grissinger, ts will be most Sunday drug stores, and Ammon fer, Jr. Jernard and Earl Rhoads, ing on this committee. Jaycees serv-! With this discount a dollar's worth tickets may be pur- chased for 80c. These tickets are good anytime except week ends and holidays. of being Arrangements Bus | made with Penn Co. to provide transportation at a nominal cost. The bus tick- ets will be available along with the amusement tickets. The golf held on the Hershey Park Golf Course, starting at 10 m. Prizes are planned for low and runnerup and also a number of spot prizes which will give everyone a chance to win. The only cost for entering the tournament will be $1.50 green fees. All those who plan are Highway tournament will be | a. scores | licized Benedict case. ' reckless diving; charge. | thur Confusing ? Mount Joy residents are mighty confused today as they await with interest further developments in the now much-pub- Was there a fix, or wasn’! there? If there was one, who was responsible? The official facts are that Lawrence A. Benedict, 1295 Meadowbrook Road, Lancaster, was arrested here July 14 by | Officer Mike Good. On July 24 Benedict appeared before Rob- joe ert K. Brown, justice of the peace, and paid a $25.00 fine on a Question mark in the case is: What! happened between |!’ July 14 and July 24? The claim has been made that a drunken- driving charge was originally placed and that it was changed to reckless driving. Officer Good und Squire Brown both deny having any part in lessening the charge. District Attorney John W. Beyer has assigned his first as- Pe th sistant, Willicm C. Storb, to get to the bottom of the mairer. |, The Bulletin, along with the citizens of Mount Joy, awaits |) with interest the results of District Attorney Bevyer's action. | 4 BUT even more inierested will all of us be in the position Mount |, Joy's borough council may take. Ticketfixing always has and always will be an affront to | had the basic principle of law enforcement. We think it vital tony i this {tere has been a “fix” and deal with it cccordingly. | Lions Club Tours Aircraft Marine Father Ie m | Grandfathers, |S: Midget Stars On i Old Timers Roster th Jovi . du Ar- Mount rs, with The Lions Club of evening and fa- [ric Midgets the n will be Thurs met Tuesday Several erandf thers of plave baseball tea: | Cld Timers re-| S vem { Aug. 13, at 6:15 p. m., wher Old Timers 1 Vidget ion the high school grounds. the Sprecher siding, rs on vil | | pres During the regular meeting a past presidents : line-uj pin and a certificate was tC the tichard iring cers’ tiring officers weet the immediate Divet. presented to past president, will be tf erandso Grandfather who ins t10 playing as [Elmer Following the meeting, the Brown, wdfather to enter the tournament are | asked to fill out the coupon sd) mail or hand to Gerald Hostet- ' ter. I plan to enter the first an- nual golf tournament. | "Address | This tournament | anyone in Mount Joy, vicinity. Don’t forget to ask for vour free prize coupons for the | valuable prizes to be given a- | way at the picnic. The follow- | ing prizes will be displayed in | B. T. Rutt’'s window. A Philips | English type bicycle, a Sylvan- ita portable radio, and Toast master electric toaster. 1s open to Florin or a es a iis ion CHICKEN CORN SOUP SALE AUGUS Ladies Joy Friendship will sell chicken corn soup by the quart or plate at the Fire] House Saturday, Aug. 22, beginning at 11 o'clock. T 22 Auxiliary of the Mt. Fire Company on chairman, | ol | tio group taken on a tour of Lee the Aircraft Marine Plant Mount Joy under the supervis- Lion Paul Belser of the Club, who is the plant. was Brow and grandfather has 2 Divit, fa 1 Divit, | Ben. | nmy n (Kid) Ellis, Midget Gen gainst : Midget in Grove. F Dick Rickey father of ion of fur Elizabethtown supervisor of sons are ther of Midget and Ben Groff, There were present| Cc. Groft from Eizabethltown and Camp bellstown, as Florida The next club will be “family 10 guests lected are four out Joy high | i | four vears: | Officials sc standing Mount ithletes of the McCue, Ben Bill Zin signed up James (Red) as well e school meeting of the Lion held Aug. 18, when picnic will be The committee for the picnic includes Geo. Broske, Samuel Harnish, Charles Wolgemuth, Ben- jamin Funk. eee past ! Re George Brown, Hin nite Tom Kear and merman. | a Ar | Fo a observed. Plavers the past week include NC ol Bleyer, Roy Joe Brenema (Jackie) Wg | Manny | 1 | baseball [| will toss Pennell, Pennell, | | Harry | f (Dime imey) | y | 1 W¢ ar aN Packer, — and Ge aman wh floc oldest | Joy Hendri Parachute Jump At Local Airport On Sunday, Aug. 9, Donegal Airport will feature Dick Hock man who will make a parachute jump both afternoon and ning. Mr. player out the firs of We | — § Eo ROTARY CLUB MEMB SEE COLORED SLIDES club members Tues- ERS Rotary eve- | i v noon were taken on a pic- Switzerland. Theo- | the | school, | tour of Schalm, ture Hockman has made dore member of ing exhibitions for many and has many hundred to his credit. Also there local rides by plane eryone is jump- vears Stevens Trade colored lides he took Switzerla hoard of me jumps | showed of pic will be air- Ev- on nd introduced tures which sightseeing recent trip to ed for those so desiring Schwalm was Greer invited to attend Adam FARM IDENTIFIED—Last we farm owned by Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shaffer and The 107-acre farm is located at Old Line and Union Square Marlin Shatfers. road, and has been in the Shaffer family the past by wise use.” sented with an enlarged aerial merchants, Ballot | we voting tal | house eral lowing Max R etter, Elmer min After wn Fr 1 | bel | GE’ { ON {iv meeting mformation tended ulating letermine ation of the ‘ulture eq, re [the hy tizens were appeared it, J fc r Names Yerger, re tion, and To a [Owen | from | sec the To eting | Owen reminded the [ ant that ished to sj Group Of Five To Investigate Florin Project A fact-finding committee of ¢ members was elected Mon- at the Florin town to gather all available the sewage the community v night on oblem which facing. The which was at- approximately 109 by C. Ar- He pointed citizens committee funtioning the weeks in the cir- of a questionnaire to the will of the people operating under the ndicap of not having the au= meeting, by ople, was opened ur Wolgemuth. t that the has been st several been community that the council determine whether or not | thority of the people of Florin. Since: the results of the sur- v had indicated the majority the favored the for- a committee, he said. meeting had been called for purpose. Wolgemuth intro- Jack Owen, vocational ag- from Quarry- of the even- people it ced teacher le, as moderator After the a report by Wolgemuth survey recently complet- put placing » names of 10 men in nomina- n for the committee. Owen n asked other nomina- Although a number of ci- nominated, most of Finally after nominations, when it more would be a motion was put nominations. a motion was for ns. em declined. ther no thecoming, close the before the gathering included: Max! Raffens- Park Shetter, William r, Elmer Forwood, Mar- Benjamin H. Staley, C Wolgemuth, Glenn Y. rney, R Bruce Jernhard, VM. Hess Jr., all of whom nominated in the first mo- Frances Liggins, Fred Joltozer, from the n ich. thur mn hman and Joseph 0 were nominated rr. question on how many a group owners, Mr. for information who was acting seven of the 10 nominated I'¢ as property wsked Forwood, He 10 owned reported property retary that the and dried” complain- he had repeatedly ask- additional nominations the ting had at all been open to anyone who yeak the accusation “cut was for that mee distributed 1 Owen names that to After the had been completed, the retired to the fire to count the ballots, with Miller reporting sev- later that the had been elected: then the widded were read re be ly clerks K minutes rin Park Ben- Arthur affTensberger, Forwood, H and C. gemuth Staley adjournment of the the committee to organize. Wolge- chairman, chairman, Shetter, as- Raffens- meeting, briefly was elected assistant retary, and wood, sec int secretary, treasurer. ger, - DQ eee I'S PATENT LIGHTER DISPENSER A patent has been granted to i Wi: been identified as the Shaflers and the Jay , near Manheim Shaffer this week was pre- | from the Sponsoring ek’s Rural farm has 1 Jacob Photo Quiz winnii occupied by the er Mrs certificates 36 vears. photo of the fa rm and gift be ig rig | hotel, -dispenser, office ter S. Nissly, of the Brooks York, on a cigaret light- the U. S. patent has reported. Nissly says plans to retain the patent hts himself