2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, July 23, 1953 OWL LAFFS ery ee | | | THE BULLETIN Published every Thursday at 11 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. Larmon D. Smith, Publisher | | | | | John E., Schroll, Editor and Publisher [| 1901 - 1952 | ———————— i Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail. Advertising rates upon request Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class mail under the Act | of March 3, 1879. Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers’ Association | | | AGREEMENT ON SEWER NEED From remarks we have heard in the com- | J I munities of Mount Joy and Florin the majority | BY A WISE OWL of residents seem to agree on the need for an Take heed-—you males- adequate sewer system. The question of Stop praising a woman and she thinks you whether or not Florin folks would like to be-! don't love her any more—keep it up and she come a part of Mount Joy borough can only | will think she is too good for you. be determined in ar. election. Hr we : However, the sew.» problem is one thet A little girl of seven or eight years old should be dealt with as promptly as possible | 5,004 before the closed gate ci her home. A with a view as lo how it can be solved most. | passed slowly, the little girl turned economically. We have heard some in Florin | said to him: “Will you please open this talk along the lines of puiting in their own gate for me?” sewer plar’. Without pretending to know all | “why my child, couldn't you open the gate of the ifs and ands of this proposition, we be- for y ourself? the gent asked. lieve that full consideration should be given | “Because,” said the girl “the pains nol fo costs, and the job should be undertaken | gq. vet” — — — _ _ Can't thing of a bet with a view to keeping the individual tax bur-| yo; reason. den as low as possible . * + * Soe one sowordge Part | Gu of sy suis suggests, “lat ti ical. If surveys now being undertaken should best way to get Hid of a noise in your car is show that the majority of Florin's populace | to let her aE * * opposes {ull and complete joiniure with Mount | : yi wiih. Joy. then we feel that the sewerage problem | ~ One or our reporters requested we inciudae should be approached with a view to crea-| 118 in our column todery.—— . tion of a sewer district authority including as | Mamma Skunk was because Spe large an area as is practical. never could keep t track of her children They The desire of many folks in Florin to main- | | were named In and Out and whenever In was their independence is understandable. in, Out was out. end if Out was in, In was out. owever, there are also many advantages fo | One day she called Oui in 49 her and told him be considered in favor of full jointure. The | to go out and bring In in. So on went out and matter should be given serious thought and 1 no time at all he brought In Ci a decided at the ballot box. "Wonderful!" scid Mamma Skunk, How, But the chisi point to be considered ai this | I" all this great forest, could you find In in so time is this: Both communities need sewers. | short a time?” i ds 2 : The issue of full and complete jointure should | Tt was easy.” said Qut. "In not be alla'wed to stand in the way. The prime | * * * concern of bota communities should be to get] the sewers in whatever way is most accepi-| & able. place to work. — — — We'll buy that. 7 Much of the future progress of this area] * * * lies in the installation of good sewers. If all| During an after dinner conversation last of us set our sights in ‘hat direction, we will| night, the young child of my hosless looked have them. | up from his play and asked: Just this note of warning: At the risk of | “Mamma, if God gives us our daily bread. sounding presumptuous, lei us suggest that | and Santa Claus brings the presents, and the the pianners provide an expandable plant: stork brings the babies, then teil me, just what that will serve any conceivable growth for is the use of having papa hanging around?” many years ahead. No doubt, they are far|— — — — Poor Mamma! ahead on this thinking and are doing just that. | * * * But it would be « pity to find another sewer | Several days ago Donnie Zerphey tock Su- problem in five or 10 or 25 years, when proper | sie Schroll ground hog huniing, seeing a $50! planning now could alleviate much of the where Donnie thought would be a good plac Henry says: “In my estimation, a sarong is a dish towel that finally fcund an interesiing need in {ature years.. to find a whstle pig, he siaried tc go through | —LDS | a field with a lot of cows in it — — — — — * * * but Susie said no soap, she wasn't going thru | there, with all those bulls in that field — — — Donnie's mind was changed because he TAKE IT EASY it's the best way to make certain of Rig . That : ¥ couldn't make Susie believe cows had horns | having a restful pleasure-filled and safe VE cation, according to William A. Armstrong, * * * Touring Manager of Keystone Automobile| _ i : Club. |. Ronnie Garlin had a bad attack of too many hot dogs, the citer day when he went swim- ming at Maple Grove. His father asked him why he made such a pig of himself. but Ron- — — — — — Charlie, “Far too many drivers”, he said, “use up their vacations speeding along and trying to cover many more miles than they should, say. in an hour or in a day. Naturally, then they | nie didn't tell dad wh; return home so greatly fatigued that they real-| il you could see how nice the girl was that ly should take another vacation to rest Speen them, you wouldn't blame him. from ‘he first one. * * *x “Some restraint and a more leisurely pace! While giving a customer a shave one of cil around will insure motorist-vacationers| our local barbers cut him so badly he asked returning rested and refreshed . . . . which, af- | for a drink of water. ter all, is the reason for vacations. Here are| “You ain't going %o fain! are you?” asked some suggesiions for lessening fatigue and] the ge. increasing traveling enjoyment: answered the customer, “I just want “Drive during the early part of the day. [to see if my stomach still holds water.” when traffic usually is lighter and the weath-| Ye Yr er cooler. 3 Here's a little advice to some of our young- | “Stop early enough in the afternoon to |e; folks: “Drive on the upper half of the gas tank.| For some that leads to slaugater, then running out of fuel won't be a problem While others with dismay have found | i sure suitable accomodations. Don't be a one-armed driver, in more remote areas. | It led them to the altar! | “Keep thermos bottles filled with milk or J Sh fresh water. Yes, these days true beauty comes within— * * * | within tubes, jars, compacts and beauiy Absolution — Of A Sort | shoppes. Congress should give President Eisen- | * + A hower authority to use ‘food stock-piles like | Two women were preparing fo board ihe ammunition stockpiles” Senator Ralph E. | air liner. One o them turried to the pilot and Flanders (Rep) of Vermont told the Senate | and said, “Now please don't travel faster than Agricultural committee. Food, the Senator | sound. We war: to talk.” thinks, can win cold wars too. * Yo While no one argued this point, various | A patient hobbled into Docior O'Connor's others feel that the President’s request for |cHice. “Doc, remember last summer you rec- blanket authority to send Government-held | I 90. out with gitls to get my mind surplus food to friendly nations on his own | of my business?” terms is a bit sweeping. “That's right,’ the doctor said, “How did it But, whatever the rules, giving this sur- | ck?” plus food to our friends abroad would at] “Fine” said the in a very tired least absolve us of the wickedness of destroy- | voice. “Now can you recommend something ing what other desperately need. ‘to get my mind back on my business?” x ow x | x Not Really! | A man who lives in an exclusive section of e have always been skeptical of these cur boough noticed that the contents of a bot- people who are preparing for the end of the | tle of fine burbon was dropping at a rapid world, but there are signs that the millenium rate. So he made a tiny pencil mark on the may be approaching. {label opposite the current level. Returning Sentiment is gradually building up in|home that night he found a note from the Washington for a bill that Congressman | maid. “Please don’t put a pencil mark on the Frederic R. Coudert (Rep), of New York | bottle, because I don't want to put water in| would like considered. It would make it un- [such good whiskey.” lawful for the Government to spend more * * * than it takes in! Ili see you at the Legion Clam Bake on | After 177 years, someone would think | Sunday. of that. A WISE OWL | Farm Photographs (From page 1) absented owner The following week a picture | of another farm will be printed | - SIMON P, NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. ter dentification this rm occupant will also receive { leather-bound photo of the| ind th 22 gift’ certifi- ire will continue | 1 rove an interest- } a guing contest not ly { ) living on the | bout the fact | But remember that an aerial oto, even of the farm next to prove to be quite puz difleren m th r than they do from | | i | | | I'he Rural Photo. ur 12 ol ghtec atur of \ppearin n many pa- | rs this year) is sponsored oy | rchant whose advertise- | nt vill appear each Buti e with the fai tcad We Provide The Most Liberal Hospital Medical-Surgical Coverage For Your Dollar ALSO ND DREAD DISEASE POLICY { { CANCER - POLIO A enti. ete woe Arica P Progressive hog Garage, Rheems, Mt oy Til and Linoleum Co. Hes Food Store. Rov S. Leh- Ulrich, Mt. Joy Dept | Keeners’ Koser’s Jc wel- | Sloan's Pharmacy, Wolge- | ith Inc, Red Top Grain and| { Co., H. S. Meckley & Sons, | Dress Shop, Greer’s Jew- ch Eicherly’'s, Stehman Self Service, Jack Horner, C. W, Herr, and Earl B. Longenecker, Landisville; S. H. Hiestand and | Co. and Coopers Appliances at | alunga, and Kaylor Brothers, | | | | | Rheems. Of New York CLAIM OFFICE Mt. Joy, Pa. PHONE 3-6891 Stop in or call for free information | Health Insurance Co. 18 West Main St. GET IT AT BOOTH’S CLEAN-SWEEP aa CLEARANCE WORK CLOTHES DUNGAREES & OVERALLS OVERALLS Full cut to permit frecdom of action on the job, Sturd- ily constructed of washable, durable lening, double- stitched and rein- forced at all strain points. $3.95 DUNGAREES Made to stand the gaff of hard ser- vice. Washable denim. All seams double - stitched for long wear. Roomy pockets, $2.85 WORK PANTS Khaki drill pants; full-cut: | reinforced at seams; deep | pockets. Wash- | able; shrink- resistant. $3.50 1 strong material. hrink - resis- tar Comes smiling through {thi toughest jobs $1.95 | WORK SHIRT Cotton Work Socks Highly mois- ture absorb- ent. Reinforced | toes and heels. | Ribbed tops. | Very long- | C MATCHED OUTFITS 00d looking, long wearing, inl Quality Welding ime . washinG ALSO A FULL LINE OF Also Specialize On AND HINE WELDING FARM RC DISINFECTING ERUSTED flutomobile and Truck Welding Cover’s Welding Shop || prom. pena. KRALL S Meat Meat Market Delta and Marietta Streets Phone Mt. Joy S000 WEST MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY MT. JOY, PA, Phone 3-5931 Fruits & & Vegetables LAWN MOWER SHARPENING HESS BROS. -tf Make Madelows Neale with As Fa Midsummer Money - Savers! One look at all the refreshing summer foods at A&P will give you dozens of ideas to tempt weather-wilted appe- tites. One lock at their low prices will make you want to take home plenty of your family's favorites. Come See...Come Save at A&P! bi FOOD STORES Vine-Ripened Jumbo 9-size c _ Honey Dews +49 ONE PRICE — NONE PRICED HIGHER Elberta Freestone Peaches 3+ 29° CALIFORNIA 360-SIZE dozen 39 Juicy Lemons ONE PRICE NONE PRICED HIGHER Pascal Celery 2 = 19° Apples «cs 2. 25° Peppers ih 3 o 1¥ Onions 2% 3 ess 19¢ Radishes 25 June 19° 0id South Frozen Orange Juice 6 :: 85° Real Gold Frozen Lemonade 6 := 98° Melon Balls ‘ov <= 29° Lima Beans but ‘ir 29° Peas “oro 2: 35 Fryers ms “su $1.15 Strawberries v... 5 29° +30 J STRAINED OR CHOPPED Kellogg's SWitt's Meats no 22 Sugar Corned Beef i 49° Smacks DELICIOUS WITH a CHICKEN . .. OCEAN SPRAY 9 ries 97¢ Cranberry >"... 1,2 i 30° pgs FOR THE LAUNDRY Argo Gloss Starch 2:5. 25 White House Evaporated | COrR Starch = 15 MILK ix hE LAUNDRY ! Linit Starch =: 19" 35 Tall 3 cans 38: INSTANT J Fels Naptha ww 2° FOR THE LAUNDRY ; 7) Fels Chips Ww 2r Silver Skillet pkg. B f i | FOR THE LAUNDRY 661 | Fels Naptha Soap 3: 22° Stew ASSORTED BATH SOAP Glamour Soap si 31° Ib c can a. KINGAN'S ——— K-P Luncheon Meat := 35° ALL BEEF 34-0z. can 57¢c Jane Parker Al Do Food 15502, 25° po Dog fis Lemon . FINE GRANULATED Sugar = 49° © OT Pie Mason Jars oo. 15° i. 89° wid 8 BOE | Nabisco Premium Saltines 2 25 Libby's Sweet Peas 2 ux Stewed Tomatoes “a 21 All Frit Cocktail ox a 39 a Ann Page Grape Jam... “38° Detergent | Mel-0-Bit wou uw 25 | 4 he “Our Own 'Tea METAL 49 Woiaii's Day sew weit 53 reas each T¢ 7 ALP's Own Detergent for big 23 16-pound pig, $2.95 Sail Dishes, Laundering or Cleaning box All Prices in This Advertisement Are Effective Through Saturday, July 25th. hein Joy. T+ (We! Tab] Bed conc 9-roc Cou Two Pan: to m ust | knoy C.S Clau re | cont floor! wate cond prop ] card book table: table chair 9x12 pictu cooki reel; chine Birist too n S 2:00 Walte Landi ms wearing. matched pants and shirts in | 25 khaki drill. Both = | . | Co $7.00 [|| 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. a ip al Rl . {i