ob ME Spe H i} YOU NEED? Our easy-pay plan makes it easy for you to get Fifty-eight years of tire- your new Kellys now! puts thousands of extra . building “know-how” miles into every Kelly Tire. Yes, now's the time to enjoy the worry-free driving for which Kellys are famous! Why not drop in and talk swap today? Top allowance for your old tires. GED. W. LEAMAN Your Cash —n Use Our Easy MOUNT JOY and Fridays Til 9 P. Payment Plan Phone 3-9351 M. Save 208 East Main St. Open Mondays FREE INSPECTION EXPERT, COURTEOUS SERVICE Everyhody, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin continued public preference. 1 ; : in demand ! 2 k in value 7 in sales 7 NEWCOMER When you stop to think about it, the best proof of outstanding That's the way it is with Chevrolet trucks, I | | | ' Red Feather Christian Endeavor District Meeting ° Campaign Goal [Scheduled Friday Bi-monthly meeting of the Is fom, an) Southeast Central district of the Pent vania Christian En- wor Union will be held Fri William IH. Beadle, controller 7: 30 p. m., at the farm and assistant of the |f n Frey. east of Cham- New Holland Machine Com- [pe 1 urg, Franklin county pany division of the Sperry i South Central D i , uw wid Cll You aa or 1, in 1 Corporation, New Holland, will | ¢ rict comprises the counties of serve as general co-chairman of | uphin. Lebanon. Lancaster, this year's United Red Feather | York Adams Franklin Cum oP ai 3 rg , i + fabs Campaign in Lancaster Some) berland and Perry oly - | Presidents of all eigh! coun- 1 Re i tics have the directions as to f a | how to reach the meeting place { ii | Busines meeting will be held promptly at 7:30 p. m, ( h bh N fly ¢ {followed by a weiner roast An urc ews St. Mark's ispirational Galilean Service | NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL Evangelical United Brethren | will close the evening's aclivi- THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY Church | : . ka lanck. Pas 4 AND THE ENTIRE SUR. | Ezra. IL Ranck, Pastor 5% my THAT trie . y oF v Sunday, July 19th » George 1 Brown Harri ROUNDING COMMUNITY. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School i burg president of the South —— 10:15 a. m. Morning Worship | i east Central District. Other of- 7:30 p.m. Participate in fs a osies ST — Community Vesper Services al ficers are Jacob Brackbi | ervices a A nan Newtown I. U. B. Church Hostetter's Pavilion. g§ SO idersburg, first 1st president; Rev, O. K. Buch Wednesday : (Walter Lut Palmyra, second unday, July 19th 7.30 p.m. Attend Ruhl’'s Woods & | vice president; Sara Mehtig, of 9:00 a.m, Sunday School meeting near Elstonville, in Ge : 7:30 p rship: | ste Peron | Gettysburg, recording secreta- |r. 0 ‘pm Rvening Worship; stead of Prayer Servige at the | da Thursday church. ry; Hazel Brown, Harrisburg, 7:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor — vi Sk it; | dd QE ads ‘ a. Pr: rr Meeting oy Earl M. Wood, gener: 1 is |e rrespondin set reiary, and 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting Mt. Pleasant Ron f the RCA Lanc Chester B. 1 Hanover, treas-| ERE Brethren In Christ Church ager o Ws «ancaster | |... Florin Church of the Brethren Pastors: C. H. Mover and plant is general chairman. Mr. | i i inl lions - | Abram N. Eshelman, Graybill Wolgemuth. Beadle will serve as general] I EER | Elder in charge Sunday, July 19th chairman of the 1954 campaign » OMMUNITY VESI'ER ¢ tence Douple, i 9:00 am. Sunday School. The eampalen for fond 5 ERVICI Sunday, July 19th J 10:30 a.m. Preaching Service mpaign fc ne r 7. SPOTS SOT NT 9 Cia " x { July 19—A Hymn ‘Sing led]... 30 pm. Vespers. Musser 7:00 p.m. Manheim - Fare 20 agencies will begin Octobe r be RB Sv W. S It a Heisey. well service for Bishop Henry : or . ( orge W. Schultz, pas-~ | x ; 14 with a goal of $502,979. a C1} ——— Ginder, who will be going on a Mr. Beadle has served active. | oF of Reich's Evangelical Con-| Crossroads Brethren In Christ | Mission to Japan, : ; gregation: hur ‘hure v ca ly in Community Chest activit-|° al urch la Church isis ~ ies since 1950. He has served| Lynn Fackler, presiding {rvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bru- Trinity Evangelical Fr er WE Een Good, soloist. baker, Paul Z. Hess, Pastors. Congregational Church on the budget committee, asf Yoav: blatiis sunday, July 19 Rev. Q. A. Deck. Pastor : : Jay Ba art, pianist A ‘ chairman in 1952. He has been > : 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Sunday, July 19th A member of the * finance com-| Instrumental music; Church) 19:30 a.m. Morning Worship. | Cbservance, Boy's Day mittee and the board of direc-|® God Orchestra or Barnharts 7:00 p. m. Christ Crusaders 9:15 a.m. Unified Service. J « ) il C= . ’ : i + ittee : ¢ ire Aunt and Children’s Service. | Speaker. Rev. Charles Spangler | tors for the past two year: Rov Durtfe Pustoral 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Mes-'of Manchester, Pa. . nA . Ci ii » od a ol In announcing Mr. Beadlc 3 “| sage 7:30 p.m. The chureh joins appointment, W. E. Alexander Counsel Monday through Friday | with ‘the Union Séfviterat Hos- Cliost piesidenl. points’ out that tl Wty: 7:00 p.m. Summer Bible jitter s Pavilion - the first of| Presinent, bonis bt . 4 School. {the series being a “Hymn Sing” this enlistment of a county res- Fortis M. Lawder Sem | service. ident ties in with the fact tha . . " w : + I'he Washington Street 3 a Dr 30 ‘ \ reek aver Red Feather services are coun- Appointed To Church Of The Brethren | 4; 7:30 b. m. Midweek prayer us 53 ri Caovil IS Dim. i meeting. ty-wide in scope. Give Defense Post Elizabethtown, Pa. Dy ee Sa Sunday, July 19th | v5 . A mea y ARCH wh ei a 9:30 a.m. Church School | First Presbyterian Church BOY'S DAY OBSFRVANC kB Fortis M. Lawder, Mount Joy theme, “Onc World in Mount Joy, Penna. 3o0v’s Dav w be wrved |i { the five i ote " , Boy's Day will be observed|is one of the five plant prot 2 ._| Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor at Trinity Evangelical Congre-|tion dept named by Harold ) am. Morning Wotan Sunday, July 19th ; v hc wr : “The ar and The ben G00 Cnn Tiny . gational Church, Sunday morn-|I. Snced, plant protection offi- an’ Li Be - 9:30 a.m. Church School TAL : t al § ick TR es Ee Vi ing, July 19, in a combined;cer for the county's civil de- = 7Y30 pm Gutdoor Vespers, 10:45 am Morning Worship : y : a Joh i “My C , Sunday School and Worship|fens uy ‘ommunity Park. Car” My Cup Runneth vine hod} sy af 0:15 : \ he: dentition vir an for Inesd: 1 | : Service beginning at 9:15 a.m. I'h ati will plan for We 30 nm. Bible Hour | Donegal Presbyterian Church The speaker engaged to prompt restoration of nor- i BH bert Bye ly on: tho! Mount Joy R. D. 1, Penna. . : i vert) > wr] 1 rar Ae the address is the Rev. Charles! mal ductior operation in|iheme. ‘Thinking Where Jesus Re Vv. Hall in Dirks ¢, Pastor 4 . . ~ i p Rr NTE nr iSunday, July 16th Spangler of Manchester, York their areas after an attack, Thought about Judgment.” 20 yr . o g > | »:30 a. m. Church Schoo). County, Pa., following several well as help t{ up protet ——— | w-a3¢ 1. Fy : worehi v, ; ; 7:30 p.m. Evening worship. special musical numbers. In the syste against curtailment of Mt. Joy Niennonlte Church Sermon: “Is It 1?” evening Trinity E. C. Church, production by cnemy bombing Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, ri and the pastor joins with the in their area Henry Carel lenny Frank, | Rheems Church of Brethren service at Hostetler’s Fas a ——— a Sais 23 fits Abram N. Eshelman n $ 1 Hu : nday, July 9th : Elder-in-charge vilion at 7:30 o'clock. Patronize Bulletin Advertisers 9 00 a.m. Sunday school. | Leroy Hawthorne, Supt. - en — 16:00 a.m. Church Service soendav. J 1h Mond thru Friday 8:45 a.m. Sunday School Secon ek oi Bible School at 10:00 a.m. Morning Seryice. Ellisbui Poiter Co., Pa. —_— Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and|LOCAL LEADERS INVITED Prayer Meeting. {TO TRAINING CONFERENCI Big iruck users, small truck users, all truck users buy more Chevrolet trucks than any other make. It stands to reason Chevrolet trucks must offer more of what you want. value in any product is hey’re the top sciling trucks in America today . . . for the twelfth straight production year. This is a mighty important fact to consider before you buy your next truck. You'll also want to consider that, while Chevrolet trucks give you more features you want, it's the lowest-priced truck line of all! Come in and talk it over with us. MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THAN ANY OTHER MAKE! MOTORS, Ine. MOUNT JOY, PA. Trinity Lutheran Church Local leaders in organizations Rev. W. 3. Kotcr, Pastor (UCR 08 cooperatives, lodge unday, July 19th Civic cups, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. |and welfare agencies, and oth 0: 15 a.m. Morning Worship. | er community clubs, are invil 01 BD y. 35 on gi Rs d to participate in the fourth Church. Lancaster. will co nnual Local Leadership and uct the service and preach the | Program Planning Conference For at the Pennsylvania State Col vionday 1 a = 7:30 p.m. Brotherhood at the {ioe August 8-9, ; Parish House. | How to get members to a Tuesday {sume more responsibility, how 6:30 pm. Women Mis Slop Yi raise how to find | nan The Young Ladies Bible Class will hold their meeting at the ame time and place. Salunga | Church of the Brethre i Flarl Brubaker, Elder In nate John Herr, Supt. | Sunday, July 19th 9:00 a.m. Sunday Schoo 10:00 a.m. Worship Service | zations. | ot iomics | Penn State. | business “mebting are a few of the specific arcas to be covered in this conference, sponsored by the School of Agricuiture in rural organi- arrangements by E. J. Brown cooperation with Further made are being Department of agricultural ce- and rural sociology, at - a P. M. Baptismal Service. ent | 1 How Shocking! Glosshrenner Evangelical | a United Brethren Church Shartows sittin on. wires is Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor i 2 : Sunday, July 19th a common sight anywhere. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School | But Sunday afternoon a spar 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship ' , Yow decided to perch itsclf up 7:15 p.m. Evening Service on an 11.000.volt wire loading oar Midweek Service, [lo the transformer bank at th | Thursday Mount Borough Wate! 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir re- |Works. { hearsal. Everything was seemingly Culvaly Bible Church all Tigh until 4. decided io Rev. W, L. Wilson Jr., Pastor | P¢ cK away al bright connec 19th Bible School. Morning Worship | “Ministers of Sunday, July 9:15 am. 10:30 a.m. Sermon topic: Christ” 7:00 p.m. Fellowship. 7:30 p.m. Pre Service Prayer Evening Service. Topic: “Those Who Escaped.” | Wednesday | 8:60 pm. Midweek Prayer Service. Study in Colossians. Church of God F. Helwig, Pastor 19th The Rev. C. Sunday, July | 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Community Vespers |at Hostetter’'s Pavilion. | ety sday :30 pn. Bible St Spray er Meeting. } udy and - cm on mmm a = = oh > > ~ [tire | Light result that the en bank was tion with the transformer blown out Approximately an hour and a hall of the passed before workmen Pennsylvania Power and Company could _replac all of the fuses in the transfor- mer bank Local water consumers were not © inconvenienced, inasmuch as the standpipe was full: when the pumps went dead and had not been emptied when pump- ing was resumed. No other damage occurred as a result of the incident A eee Patronize Bulletin Advertisers J The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, July 16, 1953-5 a eA ee EVERYBODY IS INVITED 83rd ANNIVERSARY Landisville Camp Meeting LANDISVILLE, PA 8 Miles West of Lancusier on the Old Harrisburg Pike 12 Days--July 15 to 26 THE REV. DR. LUTHER H. KETELS, Spiritual Director THE REV. PH BROOKSHIRE, Evangelist ton, Kentucky EXCELLENT ( Rr AND INSTRUMENTALISTS BRING YOUR FRIENDS AMPLE FREE PARKING 28-2t¢ Ne ( JULY 19th — 10:30 A. "Ministers Of Christ” — 7:30 P. M. "Those Who Escaped” BIBLE CHURCH HENRY STREETS CALVARY NEW HAVEN & Sermons by the Pastor Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr. ° ’ Farm Bureau Co-Operative Ass'n Co-Op Cockshutt Mounted Plow Gives Full Floating Action... Uniform Depth Bilt For... Easier Transport Better Plowing "Finger Tip- Control 3-Point Easy-On, Easy-Off Hitch DESIGN ® SUPERIOR COCKSHU'TT plus the advantages of mounted equipment. ® HYDRAULIC LiF1 finger tip control ® WORKING DEPTH set wheel. ® FULL FLOATING of soil conditions ® ADJU STABLE-ROLLING LANDSIDE 1g moldboard ure. ATURES . provides time-saving, labor saving, and held by adjustable gauge ACTION maintains depth regardless draft by reduces liev Press ANY OTHER FE. call or visit your Lancaster County - MACHINERY DEPARTMENT DILLERVILLE ROAD 4.0541 Summer Dress Sale Refresh your wardrobe with a new cotton or bemberg dress during our sale! WERE SALE WERE SALE $5.98 $4.98 $6.98 $5.98 $8.98 $6.98 $10.98 $8.98 $11.98 $8.38 $13.98 $10.98 TEEN AGE. JUNIOR AND LADIES DRESSES IN ALL SIZES 70 EAST MAIN STREET VIOUNT JOY, PA. Bh mca a ea a me ad ia