2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, Tt Pn July 16, 1953 ( THE BULLETIN Published every Thursday at 11 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. Larmon D. Smith, Publisher John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher 1901 - 1952 Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail. Advertising rates upon request. Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa., a8 second-class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers’ Association THANKS MOUNT JOY: The editor of the Bulletin would like to take a moment to thank the folks of Mount Joy for the kindness and spirit of helpfulness they have shown in receiving him inte the com- this week, a lot of you lucky readers were en- vice rolling in the golden grain | munitty. Ji does ofie good to know that a mai- joying the seashore breezes, water, sights and which is coming to the front. | or decision has been a wise one. such at.the annual Grocers’ Picnic. - - - Poor | Earl Martin of Mount Joy twp, mel!! north of Rheems, delivered his The Smith family screened a good many * * * 25 acres of wheat to Mount Joy | communities and a good many newspapers One thing (among others) we'll say for Flour Mills with an average before deciding upon Mount Joy and The Bul- | Clyde Eshleman, is that he has a memory for yield of 35 bushels per acre. letinn. We were looking for a community which could truly be dlassified as “a good place fo live and do business.” We are con- vinced that our choice was wise. It's a major undertaking to transplant a family of six into new surroundings. And while the writer is only one of six here al pres- ent, he has no fears but that the reactions of the other members of the family will be just as favorable as have been his. People are constantly asking: “How do you like it Joy?” The answer dlways is an emhusiastic “1 like it.” There is more honest-to-goodness living in these nottoo-big communities than there ever could Be in the larger cities. Folks here take time to be friendly and wafm and neighborly. As we look ahead a bit, we are convinced the!, Mount Joy is on the verge of growth. The kind of growth that develops in the borough dnd sufrounding area is important. Steady, ofdetly growth is progress: mushroom growth without plan could take from the community the very things that make it a desirable piace in whieh to live and raise your families. While this writer is too new in Mount Joy to attempt to say this should be done, or that should be done, he had the privilege of watching your borough council in action last week: That the borough has high calibre, pub- lic spirited men at its helm is evident. The kind of iommunity we have as we grow depends to a large extent upon us as citizens: if we at oll times maintain the prop- er interest in the affairs of communily and en- | courage qualified individuals to seek public office the problems of growth will be minimiz- ed. On the other hand, if we allow ourselves to become disinterested and off guard, we can look for problems that in later years may be- come difficult to meet. Every citizen should at- tend as many meetings of the borough coun- cil, schot! board and other governmental bod- ies as time will permit. Let these public ser- vents know that you are interested in what is going on. Give them a pat on the back when HAPPENINGS OWL LAFFS LONG AGO 30 YEARS AGO July 18, 1923 Mr, and Mrs. Warren Bentzel, a son, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs a daughter, on Monday. Deaths:: Miss Mildred Arlene Fellenbaum, daughter of Mr. R Fellenbaum, Cashier of the First National Bank and Presi dent Council, the Lancaster General from appendicitis. She ill at Penn State where #he was taking a course during the summer months Threshing rigs are all in ser- Births: died at Hospital became of Boro BY A WISE OWL While we toiled away printing the Column faces which can’t be beat! last Monday morn- John Wolgemuth, a neighbor of | ing Clyde watched an old itinerant, consider- Mr. Martin, delivered ably. acres to the Wolgemuth Ware- * * * house, Florin, with Calling to the fellow Clyde asked: "Aren't of 40 bushels per acre. you Yellow Kid Koch?” “Yep,” the man re- Abner Gingrich, teacher of a | plied. Yellow Kid, Clyde exp'ained to us this class of boys in the Sunday week, was one of a rather picturesque family School of the Church of God, | which lived here years ago (at the rear of took his class on a picnic to the Frank Tyndall's drug store for several years) Iron Bridge on Wednesday. and which had a knack for getting ir'o num- Miss Pauline MacDannald and erous difficulties. Yellow Kid had a brother Mrs. Gingrich were chaperons. “Turtle Leg” Koch and both were well known The boys had a very enjoyable | fo every kid then living in Mount Joy. day and a nice lunch was serv- * * * ed by Mr. A. Gingrich. “Yellow Kid could not remember me” Clyde President Harding later explained. “When I pointed out that railroad train 26 Ralph and I have operated the clothing store minutes. While he didn’t break | for 34 years, he replied that he left Mount Joy any record he did break a doz- | before we opened our store. That would make cn cups and saucers in the din- | it more than 34 years since I saw the Yellow ¢r by stopping too suddenly. | Kid before — but still 1 recognized him imme- diately.” * * Births: Mr. and Mrs. Ray- | A spinster was snocked at the language ond Gilbert, of this place. a used by workmen repairing a telephone line |, Sunday, at St. Joseph's near her home, so she wrote the company. at The foreman was requested immediately to! peaths: make a report of what had happened. fer. died The report was as follows: Main St., of “Me and Spike were in this job, I was up jiseases. the pole and let the hot lead fall on Spike— | irs. Cornelia J. O’connor, 69, | right down his neck. Spike looked up at me | yife of George O'Connor. died | and said: “Really, Harry, you must be more i complications, Sunday at her | careful.” home in Bainbridge. after * * * illness of three months. Some people have problems even when drove a miles in 56 15 YEARS AGO J July 14, 1938 | Lancaster. | Mrs. Lydia K. Stauf at her home, 86 East | an The arrest of four Columbia | taey're making more money than they need.|youths by State Motor Police | F'instance, a friend of mine was making mon- | from the Columbia sub-station, | ey hand over fist and was spending it even has solved the robbery of the faster then he made it. His fellow associates Hassinger and Risser Garage | finally suggested a way of providing him with here several weeks ago. a little security. Mr. Elwood Myers and fami- “Put aside $20,000 a year and in five years ly who occupied the third floor | you'll have $100,000. When the next depres- apartment in the * joy Theatre sion hits us you'll be sitting pretty.” building, moved their house- “Not me,” replied my friend. “With my luck hold effects to Ephrata. we wouldn't have another depression, and A much needed then I'd be stuck with a hundred thousand some bucks.” rain panied by hail, fell here Monday night. Two barns, one accoms- they do something you like. Don’t let them hear from you only when something has gone wrong. As one means of encouraging discussion of publi¢ issues. The Bulletin will welcome “Let-| ters from Our Readers.” The only requirement we make are: 1. The letters must be signed: 2. | The letters must deal with issues and not per-| sonalifies. The same consideration will be giv-| en to both sides of any issue, no matter what | position The Bulletin may take. We believe that the hometown newspaper should be the sounding board of public opin- jon. We feel that the best of any | community daré best served by the wishes of the majority. provided those wishes are reach. / ed on the basis of facts. It will be the pur- pose of this newspaper fo ptesert all available facts on any issue. | To that end we solicit the cooperation of] public officials and residents alike. A well in-| formed public will act wisely: a misinformed or poorly informed public may make mistakes. Thus, we at The Bulletin, petition you to hélp us to help you to help keep Mt Joy the kind of communily you want. { * * Today I come to the aid of 96 senators and 400 of 500 congressmen. My word, says Hen- | ry. sifice when did Congress do something that it desétves a pdt on the back. JLook-it, bub, I says. duit chattefing—when a congress- man fleeds help he needs help. Here he is down theré—everybody needling him to stop the Govt. in its head-long spending, the cause | the | of the big national headache on March 15th—| gi people who said you were a stupid jerk. — and what does the mayor and the courthouse and 40 of 45 governors do. What. says Henry. I'll tell you, I says. Every town, village, and county has an air- or water works it wants completed and “gift” money—Govi. money. A delega- bs the rattler and heads for Old Speéend- get its share of the loot while there is t left. You even go down to the depot, 3 §s§ 4 §3 you, you yourself, you know it is cdrds—you know “free” money is a phoney. Your own 18 year school senior knows it, too—but you, go down to the depot to cheér. And nator and your Congtéssman with an to “where are the votes”, reckons i hombre if he don't favor your ers in his boots like the Silver 5 {30 relate this one, we'd like to repeat it for you. |Espenshade, Mrs. Sara Espen. | Godfrey tells about a friend's daughter who shade, Mrs. Jane Way, Mrs. | | came home from Sunday school confused a-| George Myers, Mrs. Charles | before the fire in perfect contentment. The cat also happy. began to purr loud. Robby gazed i at her for awiile, then suddenly seized her by |; !the tail and dragged her roughly away from, ihe hearth. | ty. Robby.” her away from the fire. boil.” A umbia Ave. mother thought her {room ready to comfort him. The boy opened | iano player doing his best—but not too y won't start shootin’. J—Jo Serra i 4 in Lebanon, the other at Hink- 1! letown, were struck by light- | ning and burned. The Busy Workers Class of the Evangelical Congregational | * * * Clyde Nissley told me the average gir would rather have beauty than brains, be- cause the average male can see better than he can think. i ; y * * x Shag held 4 ‘bang t at Shar : esville Friday evening. Games A local lady get mixed up in a car mishap |... played and prizes won by at York Saturday and when the officer asked | (hy Kavior. Mrs Jay her why she deliberately turned over in front 5. hart. Mrs. Mumper. Chor- of the other car, she answered: “I had my car ;.¢ norton. and Robert Divel washed about an hour ago, officer, and Others attending the batguet can't do a thing with it. were: Mrs. Mildred Myers, Mrs. | * * * Robert Divet, Mrs. Calvin Kra-| Just in case you didn’t hear Arthur Godfrey mer, Mrs. Wesley Wittle, Ruth | bout the stories of the creation of man. She Morton, Mr. and Mrs Ray Lu- | iook the problem to her mother, “Mommy, is |pold, Mrs. Norman Mateer, Mr. it right that man was created from dust?” and Mrs. Milton Archer, David | “That's right, dear,’ her mother answered. A Mumper, Louise Baker, Miss “And when people die do they turn back in- Mildred Way and Earl New- | to dust?” | comer. | “That's right. Why do you ask?” “Well, I looked under my bed this morp- ing,” the girl replied, “and there's someone down there either coming or going!” 10 YEARS AGO i July 15, 1943 { Jirths: Mr. and Mrs. John C.| | Myers, town, a daughter, at the wo Yo * Lancaster General Hospital. I don't know why I don't let “good enough” | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kready | alone, but the other day I was reminiscing ©f Rheems, a son, Thursday, in| when I asked my wife: When did you first St. Joseph's Hospital. know you loved me? Deaths: Mrs. Clara Ellen Has- | She answered: “When I began to get mad | Singer, 66, died Saturday in Maytown. She died of compli- | — — — Me and my big mouth! cations. Surviving from this ar- | ea are a son, Roscoe E., and al ¥ ¥% x 2 3 . | daughter, Mabel, wife of Roy | Four-year old Robby was stroking his cat! yo Breneman, Donegal Springs | oad. | The Usher's League of B. Church held their |1y meeting at the Cove day evening. Walter Eshle- | and Curtis Reisch were | hosts. The evening was spent in | playing baseball and .pitching | quoits.. | very destructive storm * * * which at times resembled a | During a recent bad elecirical storm a Col- voung hurricane passed over | T young Son | this section Monday night, caus- would be frightened, so she tipioed into his ing considerable damage. his eyes and mumbled, “What's Daddy doing | SI I Shih I with the television set now? When in need of Printing. (any. J the month- | Thurs- | His mother said: “You musn’t hurt your. kit- han “I'm not.” said. Robby. “but I've got to get She's beginning to Tues- spe Gf | | close on Friday 16, with exercises and demon- Breth- ren Church at 7:30 o'clock. The school, under the leadership of A. Minnich, | strations in the | Christ Charles, | College, | his 35] an average | United Reverend Henry evening, July | Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Market LAWN assisted by a corps of twenty | WEST MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY teachers and helpers from the various churches in the com munity years cent The enrollment creased daily from 153 on the day to 215 at the time | of this printing, and the aver- opening age attendance is up to 180. On Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. was the largest in re in- We Provide The Most Liberal Hospital Medical-Surgical Coverage For Your Dollar ALSO CANCER - POLIO D DREAD DISEASE POLICY 0 American Progressive Health Insurance Co. Of New York CLAIM OFFICE «complication ot 18 West Main St. Mt. Joy, Pa. PHONE 3-6891 Stop in or call for free information | { | stag sar rum SHAVING CREAM Popular foarte. 3% oz. Tube Reg. 40. NOW @DC stag BRUSHLESS! SHAVING CREAM Big Tube : Reg. 507. NOW BDC REXALL GYPSY CREAM Cooling, soothing relief for sunburn. 8 ozs. 69¢ REXALL MONACET APC COMPOUND For pain relief. Contains aspirin « 100 Tablets 79¢ BISMA-REX Prompt, prolonged relief for acid-upset stomach. 79 ¢ 4% ozs. == DELAFIELD > 65 REDUCING PLAN Easy, safe, natural way to lose weight. Complete 6.95 Sloan's Pharmacy The REXALL Store Phone 3-3001 MOUNT JOY, PA. fiutomobile and Truck Welding | Cover's Welding Shop Delta and Marietta Streets MT. JOY, PA. MOWER SHARPENING FLORIN, PENNA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 Phone 3-5931 day noon at Hostetter's with © y Electric Ww Idi President Paul Stoner presid Qu ality Me ats and Gas e Ing WHITE - WASHING ing. The meeting was varied | ALSO A FULL LINE OF ts w and interesting “dst Also Specialize On AND The Tenth Annual Daily Va-| FARM MACHINE WELDING | cation Bible School of the] AND EQUIPMENT | DISINFECTING [churches of Mount Joy will FROSTED FOODS | HESS BROS. 39-41 Watermelons Apples Grape Juice Tuna Fish Crop Orange Base lona Peas Seaview Tomatoe Hershey's Syrup Peaches Appie Sauce Slices or Corned Beef Lemonade "7.5" Orangeade +... Snow Cream Cookies "su Real Gold Redwood California FOOD STORES ONE PRICE — NONE PRICED HIGHER Elberta Freestone Peaches 3 35¢ CALIFORNIA . .. (ONE PRICE — NONE PRICED HIGHER) Valencia Oranges CALIFORNIA ... (ONE PRICE— NONE PRICED HIGHER) Seediess Grapes Texas Black Diamend . . . 20.77 ONE PRICE—NONE PRICEL Lima Beans 31bs-25¢ 2 lbs. Valley Frost Frozen Melon Balls Oid South Frozen Orange Juice «98° Cauliflower 2 35: Spinac 39 Shrimp «un cans Chicken-of- the-Sea Kellogg’s Rice Krispie Libby’s Sweet Pea 8-01, pkg. 9 su 9 ee $2 via Oval 19-02 cans - » a Fruit Cocktail >a sera Del Monte or Libby 29-01. Halves can 17-02, cans Chi k Bangquet—Ona Whale 4%-1b. § IC en Cooked Chicken can Hash—Armour 16-02. or Broadcast can Get A&P’s “KING-SIZE"’ BUYS! ] dozen 29 - b 28 $1.55 imac 9 1 15 2 bunches 15¢ 16-01. 29° pka. 6-02. 85 cans Foor Fu an 35 he 98 SAANAANANNANANANANANCATATA AANA ¢ white meat Reduced 55-01. 92-01. c Prices! pkg. pkg. 2 17-02. 3 I Price an Cheese Slices Mel-0-Bit ov bir. Ui 25¢ Cheddar "59° Royal Puddings m 19 LTC Ibs, Average Quarter Melon 39¢ Whole Half Melon 78¢c Melon Squash Beet One Price— None Priced Higher 25¢ Birds Eye Frozen 7-01 can Chunk Reduced Style Price! 6'/2-02 can Reduced 19 29° 23° 23° 33° 35° 3c 31 65 217° Butter: vie Appie Pie plu v.35 Coffee Cake i Sugar oon. 490s 97 Jars Meson fn THe den BR Ajax Cleanser 4 ':: AT: Sail 23 Jane Parker Apple Raisin A&P's Own Detergent for big Laundry, Dishes & Cleaning box All Prices in This Advertisament Are Effective Through Saturday, July 18th. Good Luck Family Margarin oo Ranger Joe Rice Honnies = 1/. Ranger Joe Wheat Honnies or get a 1-pound roll for 1c with the pur- chase of Good Luck quarters with e Wesson Oil Ib All 4-01, -Ib. pint quart Flavors pkgs 25¢ 2 rolls 53 bottle 39 bottle 7 3c Lipton large pkg. doin Lipton Frostee 2% 3k Puss N’ Boots Cat Food Ven d]e StarKist Tuna Fish Sherbet Mix Cheer 29¢ giant pkg. 70: 8-0: cans 5c Dreft x 29 29 lama 43 | | Ivory Snow Spic and Span Cale cy { large Largs iant °g 00 | pkg. 27 pkg. 24 ha. /7¢ 3 wn 40c Camay Soap bath size Borax Laundry Starch fm 19cm 33¢ | aw 18 tle 33 5.1b. box 72¢ 20 Mule Team Thrifty 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. A WISE OWL ' thing) kindly remember the Bulletin I et cp ———— — J A ———— | | | | | | gd |B TN No Fa Wm oN Rees Nn a a ANS bx.