5—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, THE BULLETIN Published every Thursday at 11 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. Larmon D. Smith, Publisher John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher 1901 - 1952 Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail, Advertising rates upon request. Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa, as second-class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers’ Association Getting Bamboozled In a town like ours, it is a natural thing to trust one another. And that is why it is so much more disgusting when, periodical- ly, somebody eomes in and fleeces local bus- inessmen out of their hard-earned dollars. Police of Lebanon County now are scour- ing the country for the fellow who some months ago, came here and sold ads right and left for a directory of the community which he promised to publish. On the sur- face, the project sounded like a mighty good one. Quite a few businessmen were so im- pressed that they paid for their advertise- ments in advance. And for their trusting natures, they now suffer a loss. As we see it, about the only way such things as this can be regulated is to ban all projects of this kind. And that, we fear, is a bit hard to bring about. oufside solicitation until a committee can examine the eredentials of those sponsoring * * * Commanity Picnics Back in the era before everybody owned an automobile and felt the urge to get some- where else, no mattér. where, community picnics were big affairs. Much thought and effort went into the programs presented and everybody had a lot of pleasant memories as a result. But — and this is just our own thought — we can visualize a return of the popu- larity of the eommunity picnic. In fact we would get a big kick out of an extra good community outdoor program this year. With the highways so crammed every day of the week, more and more families are looking about for things to do at or near home, espeeially over the summer months. wr 4 + A Real Period of Change A short talk with Doc. Mylin convinces us that we folks here in the most fertile spot of the world, are in the midst of a real per- iod of transition — in eduecation, at least. Sure we're in the midst of creating a larger school district and building more modern educational facilities than we ever had be- fore, but a look at Dr. Mylin’s eounty map will show you that the same thing is going on throughout the county. As a result, communities such as ours®in the next few years will spend millions and millions of dollars for buildings, right here in one county. We'll go into debt, but if that debt is spread out sufficiently, the load will not be felt unnecessarily. Yep, and it is not unfair that a future generation which like- ; in’ th wise will use these new facilities, should how do gob Know yet act lookin’. cute I help to pay for them. 9 It is our hope that the day will come, some ! * * * time, when we will spend ten times as much for education — and ten times less for arm- aments. That's our hope although we never expect to see the day! * * * Assessments One big bugaboo of the present day, is the matter of assessments. Quite often readers ask us why we don’t make more fuss about inequalities in assessments. And invariably they end up with the admonition “but don’t use my name, I'm not sticking my neck out.” Community after community (Columbia for example) has called attention to inequal- ities in assessments. In fact the legislature some years back recognized that the fixing of assessments should be placed on the state level as well as on more expert a basis than at Sree t so far the politicians have prevented any real progress in bringing about the need- ed changes. With local tax loads increasing, even doubling, however, the demand for an equalization of assessments on at least the county level is going to become more em- phatic. % x Making History Although we had determined to say noth- ing about it, the fact of ex-President Harry Truman's visit to Washington (which he em- phasied was as a private citizen) does have its historical significance. For one thing, we understand this is the first time a former chief executiye has re- turned to the Capital without being officially invited. For another, it was reported he came to help the committee that is raising that $1,750,000 for the Memorial Library on his Grand View, Mo., farm. So he is prob- ably the first national figure to try to whip up enthusiasm for his own monument. He did not call at the White House. The President did not have time, he said, to/dday it may be worth something.” see “‘every Tom, Dick and Harry.” July 9, 1953 M ortuary Record O W L LAFFS PARTHINE DYER SIDES Parthine Dyer Sides, sixty- one, wife of Alvin Sides, Water Street, Florin, died Saturday at 3:30 p. m, at her home, after a four-year illness Born in Mount Joy Twp, she was a daughter of the late Wil liam Eichler Dyer, She was a member of the Mt, Joy Church of God and Sunday School and had resided in the community for the past 34 years Surviving besides band are: three daughters; | Ruth, wife of Robert L. Heigel, Elizabethtown; Mary, wife of | Woodrow Royer, Union Depos it; Emma, wife of William B Y A WwW | S I, OW L Shertz, Christiana; nine grand | It's plenty tough getting back to work alter ehildrom we broters; vacation and this humidity doesn’t help one ot eye] bil. But the column must be filled so here tis c= oy. "oo Norwood. -—— Columbia R2; Cora, wife of] * * * Fdward Meister, Lancaster; Es- Clayt Newcomer was having a difficult ther, wife of Abram Waltz, Mt. time up at the tobacco warehouse the other Joy: Susan, wife of John Ryder day. Couldnt find the hook he used in his of Mount Joy. work After looking around for it without suc- cess, he asked Ira if he had seen it anywhere anl Ira replied: “Sure, hand.” — — — — — You're slipping Clayt. * * * You know. few peopie would be in debt if I got the coldest cream they had.” * * * Dumb Dora’s sister dumber a check got some inhabitant completely disappeared of the water had grabbed the hook and too everything else along and no amount of searching, showed a trace of anv of the equip- | meat. — — — — What a sad fish tale, Xx... % cn ing money for vacations to come home an be so uncomfortable. Just doesn’t make sense. | kay words are sharp, maybe it's from trying to get them in edgewise. * ¥ A grumpy householder on Barbara Street was awakened cit 3 a. m. by a drunk who was pounding insistenily on the door. The sleepy man opened the bedroom window and shout- ed to the inebriate below, “Go away, you're to get into the wrong house!” I was ‘visiting in Florin last evening and the husband a terrific tongue lashing. He answer- ed it and heard a voice ask: were you just listening to?” “Are you kidding?” he replied savagely, | and hung up, — — — — — Poor guy! ; * * % Went to visit a classmate of mine whom 1 hadn't seen in twentty vears. She was always writing to me that her husband makes a living with his pen and I naturally expected to meet a famous writer. When I arrived at their farm she took me outdoors to meet him amidst a | setting of hog pens. — — What a let down. 1 * * * | Ivan Wolgemuth, up at Newcomer Motors to repair it and carefully placed his hand over the bottom of the pipe to keep the water from Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, you got it in your |at the Church of God, Mt. Joy. Interment at | Cemetery. thev didn't spend what their friends THINK Be on TT rs hey make. | Jenjamin F. Missemer, 68, * died in Harrisburg Friday, * * . June 19, 2348 Derry street. He The cther afternoon when it was so terrible |i. vived by one son, George hot an uptown lady sent her little girl to Sloans | of Harrisburg, a for cold cream. Shortly after the child returned | i. ohier. Mrs. Charles Moore with a quart of ice cream. Her mother started | ot Ppleasantville, N. J., two, to scold and the child explained: “But, mother. | children and grandchildren. John J. back from the bank marked insufficient funds George W. Missemer, and she immediately went into a tirade on Cuba, and the poor management at the bank that would Coatesville, Pa. and two sisters, | Jet it run out of money. After several minutes irs. her sister explained that it meant her, not the | Hill, Pa, and Mrs. Bertha Gil- | bank. bert, Vista, Cal. “He Hr * Mr. Missemer was a retired Abe “Yankee” Mumma went fishing with a master mechanic of Bethlehem ' brand new set of regalia. Thirty-eight dollars | Steel Co. and a member of the worth of rod, ree! and line. He threw in the Market Square Presbyterian | line and laid the rod down on the boat for a | church. a minute. When he went to pick it up it had Mr. Missemer's father was publisher of the Mount Joy k | Star and News June 22 at with Green cemetery, Camp Hill. After seeing some of the miserable cases FELLOWSHIP of sunburn I wonder what people mean spend- | po; Ang FOOD SALE { Methodist Church will sponsor Ladies, please bear in mind, if a husband's Zoo sale on ing, | begin at held in front of the Titus Rutt! | insurance Office Funeral services were held the Mount Joy BENJAMIN F. MISSEMER We Provide The Most Liberal Hospital Coverage For Your Dollar ALSO D DREAD DISEASE POLICY » PHONE 3-6891 Stop in or call for free information «CANCER - POLIO American Progressive Health Insurance Co. 0f New York CLAIM OFFICE 18 West Main St. Mt. Joy, Pa. three great are three brothers,| Missemer, Hugo, Colo., Havana, Edgar R. Missemer, There Harry C. Knouse, Camp | Funeral services was held on! New Cumberland, interment at Rolling stag sav rum SHAVING CREAM Sopa Note. Va oz. Tube Reg. 40¢. NOW 25¢ — I | The Youth Fellowship of the morn stag SHAVING CREAM Big Tube Reg. 50¢. NOW 25¢ July 11th. The sale will 9:00 a. m. and will be [Feel like you've been 1 "Oh, yeah?” called the happy fellow. “An’ ( oh ET ACY = < 1 Air Condition your telephone rang just as the wife was giving her "What program | | ([@3 in the industry , . . all fully guaranteed. | Come in or phone for a demonstration I took the trap off the water cooler, in an effort | WAY’S APPLIANCES spilling all over the place. — — — — Then he | Ww Win Street REXALL GYPSY CREAM Cooling, soothing relief for sunburn. 8 ors. 03° through a wringer? I 9 | room i for as litile as $2.66 a week | REXALL MONACET APC COMPOUND For pain relief. Contains aspirin. "100 Tavtets #9€ Heat and humidity can really rob your life of pleasure. Remington Room Air Conditioning cools, cleans, and dehumidifies the air ...and only Remington has the exclusive CLIMATE COMPEN- SATOR. Remingtons install eas- plumbing, ducts or pipes. BISMA-REX Prompt, prolonged relief for acid-upset stomach. 79 ¢ 4% ozs. Remington Room Air Conditioners —— A 1 ily in any room . . . need no I The most complete line of console and window type air conditioners—Y3 to 1/2 h.p.— 4 REDUCING PLAN = Easy, safe, natural way to lose weight. Complete 6.99 Phone 3 Phone 3 Mount Joy Sloan's Pharmacy The REXALL Store -3001 MOUNT JOY, PA. emptied it in ‘the basin that had the pipe dis- connected. Result: Wet floor. * * * Here's a household hint that “W. F.."” pas- sedontous..... The way to test good whiskey is to pass el-| ectricity through a quart of the stuff. If the! current causes a precipitation of lye, tin, ar- scenic, iron slag and alum, the whiskey is fair. If however, the liquor chases the current back io the generator, you've got good whiskev. * * * Heard this one out at the playground: Tommy: “I've got a new tongue twister for you to learn today, Jimmy.” Jimmy: “I don't think I want to learn any-| more tongue twisters, Thai tongue twister you taught me yesterday was also a mouth soaper.”’ : * That's all for this week. And in parting I just want to say “I'm saving my money. Some | A WISE OWL | Si POULTRY AND FEEDS YOU WILL RESPECT J The name may be new to you, but for 65, years Wirthmore Feeds’ have’ antici- pated and generously satisfied the exact- ing requirements of shrewd New England poultry and livestock raisers. Specialized feeds . . . the last word in proven nutri- tional research +. A precision-built “teva contribute (ta: far - better - than - average feeding results you will appreciate. LIVESTOCK AVAILABLE NOW AT, RED TOP GRAIN & MOUNT JOY, PENNA. FEED CO. PHONE 3-9791 Quality Meats | Medical-Surgical Fruit & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Market | WEST MAIN ST. Electric and Gas ALSO A FULL LINE OF Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT FROSTED FOODS LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Delta and Marietta Streets MOUNT JOY MT. JOY, PA. Welding Automobile and Truck Welding Cover’s Welding Shop Phone 3-5931 WHITE - WASHING AND DISINFECTING A ———— HESS BROS. FLORIN, PENNA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 39-tf | | | | | | | California Seedless Grapes ‘Cantaloupes Northwéstern Large Bing ' Cherries NONE PRICED WIGHER California Jumbo 36 Size ONE PRICED HIGHER 9G Carrots iris, 31 ge i Fresh Cri Radishes NONE PRICED. HIGHER 3 for 14: ONE PRICED HIGHER Beat The Heat With Swell Buys For Sweltering Days! Fresh Corn 4 29° wo 2lC 2 « 29c Old South Frozen Orange Juice cor ge Peaches’ runes 9. 95¢ Lemonade “vu” 6:98 Lima Beans “cy 2445 French Fries’. 250 29° Grape Juice Snow 6-0 Crop pe 3 gc Limes 5« 19° Cod Fillets ne" ib 29 lona Peas REDUCED PRICE! 2 12 23° Cold Stream Pink Salmon te 45° Delicia Sugar Wafers reouceo ce we 39° quart Milford Pickles “i” <= 25¢ Fruit Cocktail >= 35¢ - Juice TRL ni TR ox 27¢ - Juice DULL Monte or wo 98: A&P Grapefruit s-~ 24:27 Sugar cower 49°55 97 Best Pure Lard 25: 29 Potatoes “vw Chicken 1-1b. pkgs. 16-02, cans White 25¢ Hershey Syrup oe 25:33 Daily Dog Food 6 » 49 Buy 2 cans of White Dot Cleanser for the regular price of $.24. Get 3rd can for $.01. Co White Dot 3 25¢ Get a Free Tube of Pepsodent Chlorophyll Tooth Paste with each Glant Size package of 98° Surf Detergent Napkins Spaghetti Spaghetti Macaroni giant pkg. Chum Salmon Tomato Juice >». A&P Prune Plums =: Cheddar Cheese". Beverages... Angel Food Ring Mayonnaise: Waxed Paper Send in the Wrapper from a ca °T! 1 rapp 8 n of Franco-Amerlea Spaghetti Sauce and the price of a Patt of Ann Page Macaroni or Spaghetti will be refunded. Banquet... Whole Luge we 42.51.85 37 23 25° Perfect 1-1b. Strike can “) 18-01. cans Yukon Club...Plus 5¢ 29-01. banies 3 Jane Parker size 49c Hudson Rainbow Colors 2 Cut , Rite wn 23 45: 125-1. rolls Sauce ii. 23¢ 11 6 18¢, 1c we 18 Ann 8.02, Page pkg. Ann 8-01. Page pkg. All Prices In This Advertisement are Through Saturday, July 11th hi Ivory Soap 7 Dreft "wt 2le 4 on 19 a 29 Crisco | Joy Shortening ey Flakes Liquid Detergent 290: We [22970 Ivory Snow Spic and Span ww 29e we 27¢ Ws 24 3077 Herb-Ox fe | Airwi Bouillon Cubes Camay Soap ang 25 19 at 2c am 59 Keeley Selrines Cheat 3 Little Kittens 4718: i= — All Fish Cat Food sons ur 18e |W 29¢ WW 70 3::22:3:2 32 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. | NH pit A At tl Rou This you your Some Bang SAL F RE SA Stree MN 1) confi floor: wate cond Props ] card book table: table; chair 9x12 pictu cooki reel; chine Rristc too n S 2:00 v Wallte Landi contai equip L I prope! E bles; « living cot be other Heatrc stretck ric lan 20 yrs utensil tools; Jarrov er; la ath; a Se 100 F alter