The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 11, 1953, Image 2

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2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, June 11, 1953
Quality Meats
Lowdown From
Hickory Grove

Buller's Beauty Salon



| Advertising rates request,
Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy,
upon ess
I without fatiguing effort,
[not so particularly het up about a

Published every Thursday at 11 East i
b Main Street, Mount Joy For study and comment in to-
wf ay 4 JOY, Stuy $ 8.00 Permanents $6.50 FROSTED FOODS
4 Lancaster C ounty, Pa. day's seminar, it will be the $10.00 Permanents $8.00 . l Automobile and Truck Welding :
Fy William N. Young, Publisher pros and cons of “sassafras.” |} : re Fruits & Vegetab es LAWN MOWER SHARPENING HESS BROS. :
ye ee get considerably het up and per- CALL MT. JOY 3-4339 N . : :
John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher turbed as I listen to the expoun- Open 9 A.M. To 9 P.M. Daily y Cover S Welding Shop FLORIN, PENNA. :
1901 - 1952 ding of great theories and hazy “ ; rr. : KRALL'S M t M k { 2.49" i
. JR 1 Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 :
Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year bv Mail ideas on how to make you and MAUDE BULLER, | 6a dr e Delta and Marietta Streets | a y 39-tf fb :
Subs ate: p< ar by Mail. me happy, sorta automatic and WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOX MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-5931 ; :
ES. —-—_

Pa., as second-class mail under the Act [the folks who do the expound- |
of March 3, 1879. | ing—it is the parties of the scc- “
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper | ond part who fall for the *‘sas- ~~
| Publishers’ Association safras.”
= BE EE ml Instead of growing more as- {
[tute and being able to deter
[mine if it is a wolf in sheep's
I overheard the following conversation
other night,
[clothing or if it is a real sheep,
the | we have progressed backwards. |
ut from over in the school
Editorially . . .
Peace In Korea

If we were to pick out the paramount de- aE : Wa He wile for
9, fA Se Pl ; Le 1 John: ‘1 hear you are keeping a keg of beer house we get proposals for |
sire of Americans as a whole it would be |. . | more and more dinero for edu- |
peace in Korea, an end to killing young men 10 your bedroom.” in strengta.” | cation as the one sure way to |
in any or all parts of the world. Whether Russ: “Yes, I'm ‘aking it to gain strengla.” | °° d off ¢ isn Ihe’ iz
ho TR "9 . 4 gy ] h : “An results? wara o communism. 1¢ man |
the hope of a world free of bloodshed ever ohn: “Any : he | there says nothing about the |
will be realized is something none of us| Russ: Marvelous! When I first got the folks rt Oar Ian hoe foment]
know or can guess. | thing I could hardly lift it, and now I can carry | 1075 It our and
3 most of our sociailst and com- |
But peace in Korea in the past year or so it all around the room.”
became almost an obsession. For while all | (You better check. Russ there must be a
of us are willing to fight communism and leak in it.)
| munist commotion. The grealest
| fomenters are educated
[ viduals. He is mum on that an-

while our young men are willing to fight | * * *
any effort of the communists to change our I heard Cappy Mumma dislocated his gle.
way of life here, few of us can see the merit | ghoulder, trying to show the fellows down at | So now, why do we accept
[such polished palaver — why |
of fighting against the odds which Korea [ihe Mill, how big the fish were, that he had
as prese | don’t we look under the covers
has presented. caught. 5
% *x x
* {—why don’t. we put a simple 2 |
. : “a { together and ask if it is
Not Growing Old Here's a poem Chief Neiss senlt in — —
When one gets on the wrong side of forty- | Don’t ask me why.

Save 4c Per Pound
on Your Favorite A&P gz wiser
J! nd 2
— | salesmanship or what. Educa- |
| tion is big business—the biggest |
five, one’s thoughts too, too often dwell upon | Young Mother Hubbard but still we don’t savvy “sas- |
the various phases of getting old. And that | Went to the cupboard cafras.” Aesop—you don't SEE i
is one thing everyone should guard against. To get the iceman a bracer: | Aesop in any school - house Ii Brand! Save 12¢ on bes 7 7 a 78
Ban C Ran C
| brary. Putting it there should |
be our next chore.
Yours with the low down, | the 3 Pound Bag!
ell Cen |
But Hubby came in
And insteod of gin,
The iceman got only a chaser!
* x x |
Dyke Garber tcld me “A girl's clothes are at|
their best when she feels the coolest and looks | Jay Charles Musser
the hottest.
ok KX | graduates at F. & M.
Philisopher Enck says: “Many a man who | ree
gets beside himself should change his environ-| Jay Charles Musser,
[R1, was one of two persons io
As we see it, sitting in cur rickety ol’ swivel
chair, there’s an awful lot to that saying that
one is as old as he feels.
Norman Vincent Peale in his weekly ar-
ticle in the Ink-wire (wish we could get the
guy to write for us) puts it this way:
“You don’t have to let yourself grow old.
You can get your mind so eager, so zestful,
so filled with ever-expanding interests that
you just can’t be tired or ‘aged’.
“Think and live God’s way and you will

3:2.25 3.2.28 2: 2.31
4 53
Everyone has been waiting for coffee prices
to come down. A & P has done something
about it this weekend.
| White House Evaporated Milk
It's erecimy-rich, easy to digest,
and provides Vitamin D-3.
Mt. Joy
draw upon vitality and power. Cast worry, | ment.” ] ;
hate and doubt from your thoughts. Affirm * hk Kk | receive the Master of Science Cashmere-Bouquet
that God's recreative power renews your Here's one 1 almost jorget— | degree from Dr. Distler, presi- | S Ne Fine for Baking... Calif. U.S. #1 "A" Size. (One Price. None Priced Higher)
life. Practise God’s laws of health and well- The other week a man drove up to Newcom- | dent of Franklin and Marshall oap : c
beng and you will stimulate the ageless ers Garage, and hurriedly ran into the shop | College, at the 166th Com- bath Sie 27 A Lee New Potatoes 10.» 49
fe.” ' 1 «oom so | mencement exercises Monday. omb, 4 ag i
’ ; and told Earl Myers he has a short circuit in naa Buy-2 bot , i" ln
Yep, that’s our sentiments all the way! 1158 Cet scons one ye Carl told the man he would] The Baccalaureate degree Ger E500 cules ol joo 9 2h. Solid Slicing Tomatoes One Price— lis: 29¢ bY
* * * have fo wait awhile, the mechanics were ail| Was awarded to Victor = Lewis a : Nene’ Priced Higher . canton
"ia SHS, ; Morris sgl Springs ad-| 2 i Ono Price—
Going It Alone busy — — — — ~~ — and the man told Earl i 1%, Dont gal Springs Road. | Vel vi White Cauliflower None Priced Higher erg 25¢
he was sorry he couldn't wait, his car was on |
{ graduates re- |

Senator Taft’s statement about the United i | A total of 223
States going it alone without the U.N. may |r llecived detrees at ;
; a0 oN my : grees. ge fant i :
seem a bit unpopular, in light of President * * * it pkg ¢ er C California R Ono Price--None Priced Higher
em § RU ar, : we pkg ser mw ]9¢
Eisenhower’s refusal to g g! with that | * A Florin woman whose hpiby was missing mie - oF
sentiment. But don’t be too sure dbout the [called the police and gave his description as al Mt. Joy 4 -H Club Plans Continuing Our Special Se on Heart's Delight
public. handsome man, six feel, two, with wavy black | i : F S h Eo lps
As we scurry about, up and down Main! hair, dark blue eyes, iremendous shoulders | Outdoor Cooking Super Suds rozen pinac or Loaf pkgs. 25°
Street each week, we get quite afew expres- and an exceptionally good dresser. | LH CLUBS TO HOLD | Old South Frozen
sions of opinion and if our fellow-fownsmen The next day a friend called and said. “I ANND AL SPRING PARTY | large 27 giant é5 Or J 1 2 box, 8 oi
are any criterion, the man on the street is | yead where your husband is missing, but what |’ fp ts vr e Tein LH Club] pkg C pig c ange uice cans 27 B So
not too enthusiastic about the results of our | kind of description is thai? Your husband is | ounty'y 3-1 clu) Again It's ;
participation in the United Nations. chit lat bald ord dresses He a slob.” | members will hold ok an- | co Lima t's Snow Crop Week at 4 &
To him, about all that has happened is| yeah" said [nual spring party at 8 p.‘m, i SNOW CROP 0.
? : t ah,” said the woman, “but who wants thai | _ : 3 10-02.
that we have carried the load,. financially a eck” Saturday, June 13, at the Guern- | Fab tia Beans FORDHOOK pkgs.
and otherwise, here and in Korea, and about Te ie * * | sey Sales Pavilion, Lincoln | / Succotash sow aor 3
all that has happened is that‘ Russia has : : 2 { Highway East. large ? glant :
been ven an Teal sounding-off board to Over at the fire house last night a kibitzer| gp. is sponsored by the Pkg C pkg 70c Peas and Carrots tor & ear:
loudly insult us to our faces. jwas watching a pinochle game. In back of | H County Councils, and a | Lemonade NOW cro? 6-01.
Back in Wilson's day when Senator Lodge | him was a second kibitzer, When the card- program of games, entertain- | i
succeeded in keeping us out of the League |piayer lost the game by one point, the first) 14 and refreshments has been | Octagon . ay
of Nations, the public was, if the polls of kibitzer turned around to the second kibitzer | 1. hed. Butter Fancy in Yolo, 15¢ IIb. 13
that day were correct, preponderently for |and said, “Beat it! You're hard luck to me! i ra Laundry Soap Creamery prints Solid
our participation in the League. But Lodge * * * Seaview White Potatoes Formerly 3 vo 25¢ :
was an able politician and we were kept out Did you hear about the traveling salesman Strawberry Festival 3 args Se 2c 3 cans 35¢ cans ¥
of ‘the League. who returned home alier a year on the road to | Yellow Clin :
= | ing 29-01, 3
T'oday, if present-day polls are correct, the | find that his wife had been untrue to him? | A Strawberry. Festival will be | E Al White House Peaches Halves po 25¢ i
public is sick and tired of our role in the | “Who was it?” he demanded. “Was it my held on the lawn of the Trinity | at- . .
ol guilt HRT Suitana Sliced Pineapple reduced pice 2 = 45°
| Lutheran hurch, this
U.N., vet we find Former Senator Henry | friend Bob?"
| Saturday, June 13 from 4 to 7
Cabot Lodge, grandson of the Henry Cabot | “No,” answered the faithless one.
. Deviled Crabs A&P Fancy Crushed Pineapple reid rier 2 “i 43 |
Lodge of League of Nations fame, working | “Was it my friend Tom, or Joe?” | p. m. Tickets are available from .
feverishly to keepus'in the U.N. And while| “No,” answered his wife. any member of the Young La- | oe 39 .
. 1-Ib. 3b. i
Crisco or Spry Reduced Prices = 33 ge ¢
dies’ Bible Class, or phone Mt. |

the public wants no part of it, we continue | “wgg it my friend Harry?”

oe U.N. and, literally, turn the | screamed the woman, Joy 3-6662. Delicious chicken | . . :
Biv of rv. what-awhzle-of difference “don’t you Sl have Hens of my own?” Jeore Soup, i in will bof Lipton Tea A&P Grapefruit Sections Reduced Price} 2 Re 21° i
8 SY available. In case of rain, the | ;
a few years can make! iy testi i be . i
An Englisaman and a Scotsman were play- | festival will be held in the | Ann Pa 8 Bean vole 1600 c 23-02 ¢
0 * * * ing golf. After the first hole, the Englishman | church basement. pie 35¢ i 65: 8 S arieties 2 cans 21 2 ns 29
u : iurned to his Scottish friend. — | ? ké Yes, sail through your wash work bi
y Type of Fisherman 5 jh : pp 2” h xed | | it S New at A&P uw Sail + with A&P's Own New Detergent oy
While we bought a complete outfit about How many did Xo take? 8 Oded BiR1 HS Ginger ‘Ale, Sparkling Waler, Root Beer
five years ago, and despite annual resolu- ‘Seven, replied the Scotsman. Lipton Yukon Beverages and many other flavars. 2 29-01. 25¢
tions to.the contrary, We Haven't gotten’ out hi - took six, so that's my hole,” said the Eng- | Ni 10 me WIN Tea B ; Plus a 5c deposit on each bottle Katies
along a stream yet. But we're going to get |lishman. HE A LS a kk ar] e i 8-01,
our schedule straightened out 2 Sn] Alter the second hole, the Englishman asked a toy Ra, aughtor, pkg 1 89s Educator Grax edd rie wr 16° 2 : Sc
days, and then look out! same question. This time the Scotsman Thursday, June 4th, at-the Lan--| of +15 c jr c 7-01. 10%:-0z, 5 C
We have made some progress though. A |shook his head, : |caster General Hospital. whi 33 Cherrios Cereal Redecsd Prigast we 16° rer 22° rE
study of the subject has revealed to us that “Na, na, laddie,” he replied, "t's mae turn| Mr. and Mrs. Lester Long, 58 | fe
th t J f fish h f [Don 1 St M tJ L Li id .
ere are two types o ermen, the one |to ask first now.” j2onegatok,, Mount Joy, a sol, ux Liqui - 2
who has a big supply of flies, gets into the Se Hr | Monday, at the Lancaster Gen- | : 9 Cashmere Bouquet P | li S Palmolive Soa
middle of the stream and feverishly works| Ronny Garlin went down to sale Tues- | eral Hospital. Detergent Soap aimoliye 30ap P 3
at casting about from one low limb to some | day night and bought himself two dozen rr ry 12.01 site bath size 2
bush on ie fr Shore wah fin combs — — — — I hope he never gets bald, | CHOATES ARRIVES J sti: 37 fa 69 3 agile tn 2c 3 Teak 22 cakes 2] 3
_ He studies the feeding habits of the par- * * * {FOR VISIT HERE | :
Howlat type of fish he wants to catch, finds| I was telling the fellows up at Chet's that] Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Choates | eg
i the ai substitute (he hever would think | next year when John and I go to Potter CountV arrived today from Ann Arber, | : Lux So Backsnan Clapp’s
MA if heen find any Sami for several, days we are traveling light, our | Michigan, to spend the weekend ux. oap Lux Flakés EXTRA THIN b F d
orithe wetce Co fe only equipment will be a jug of whiskey that with Mrs. Choate’s parents, Mr. | WE : : P t; I : cra 020 00 iS
deep down a Su oe as el as | 1ohn is taking for rcttlesnake bites, | and Mrs: Loren P. Somer, Don- | 3 gua Se 22 Fuge 27¢ reizets i 40 ies 95¢ and
: NEY enn tae hs $ DE oe pis opt | And when one fellow asked me what I was egal Springs Road. | nk Pigs +4 iss b-oz. 20¢ 12:0. 36: | CHOPPED fen 89c ches
2 but exercise Om gels anyihmg | talking, I told him “Two Raitlesnakes.” | The couple were married in - pkg . pkg CEREALS 7° s.r aa. -16C 1com
: ‘The other type of fisherman finds some- | heard a. 1 x : i i, say that y gf 2d posh are | L S small le SALE OF : Hay
: thing soft to sit on (he always does that first) sald &.leievimon o 18 | NE | +0 ichigan, | ux Joa i § : fo
hag resexamines his lunch ne Hat ir believes that man soonwill be able to get clear | where they are working for | i P Swan’ Soap Sweetheart Soap ; Swan Soap
ine. St : . ’ | around the world in two hours: one hour for | their Masters Degrees. . : 8. ons
sampling same, and then gets out a pole, 5 | bath size largo size 4 regular size 23 1d {
. hoek, line and—believe it or not—worm. |.¥ing, and tae other to get to the airport. | Ted. cakes 21 cakes 37¢ : cake comb. ¢ 4 small sire 19¢ ° ble
: Then he sits there comfortably enjoying the | CHURCH :SURPER. Gana Ir Pees 2 a on
. peace and quiet of God’s grand outdaors, gets | 1 heard this intelligent conversation a); the -— 3 SJE for Jo JG fof Bet Ine
. so engrossed in the antics of some butterfly | Acme store Monday: | A roast beef Supper will be = . Ye SALE OF - bl ’ : SES 3 9
or chickadee that if he does get a bite he| An electrician, asked "Have you any four- [held by the Young Adult Class | Rinso Rinso- S th t S Planter § Cocktail Sy
may not realize“it-unless. the durned fish is | volt. two-wait bulbs? lof the Methodist Church in-the| oe weerheart soap | 3 Sos
dumb enough to get all snagged up. « “For what?" asked Charlie | Sunday School room on Satur- | large 27 giant 4 bath size 33 Salted Peanuts CITC
Nope, he doesn’t care if ‘he catches any- “Na. two.” | day; June 27, from 4 to 8 p. m. | pkg pkg 53c cake comb; 8-01 3 S
thing or -not—he’s there to enjoy himself. “Two. what?” | Tickets are on sale, 95 cents for | SS Jan vile Aguiar rice of 3c a, Se Estate
Nos dear reader, take one guess on the Yes i —~ | adults and 60 cents for children | 87 EA a . .
ind of fisherman we're going to be just as| “No”. la ; i sallin ST
soi a We get time to ger ay J J EE el hah Zan be obtained by Sug 7 AIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. po