DoT he MOUNT JOY, PENNA Bulletin Pa., Thurs day 1, 1953 Mount Joy June Use Our Classified Column = It Rd IRTHMORE POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK FEEDS YOU WILL RESPECT The name may be new to you, but for 65 years Wirthmore Feeds have antici- pated and generously satisfied the exact ing requirements of shrewd New England poultry and livestock raisers. Specialized feeds . . . the last word in proven nutri. tional research . . . precision-built . . contribute to far - better - than - average feeding results you will appreciate. AVAILABLE NOW AT RED TOP GRAIN & FEED CO. PHONE 3-9791 GET IT AT BOOTHS New 36 in. Cretonne rn Colorful Patterns - Fast Colors CURVED CURTAIN ROLS Single Rods 25¢ Double Rods 45¢ GREEN STAMPS Nc \ Traverse Rods, 28 to 48 inches $1.95 Traverse Rods, 50 to 90 inches $2.95 Single Curtain Rods . 15¢ MEN'S COOL SPORT SHIRTS Short Sleeves Double Curtain Rods 2, 7 0) fiz $2.25-52.99 ¥ > Long Sleeves Don River Fabrics $3.40 BALL BAND SPORT SHOES Popular Now — Red or Blue For Boys - Girls & Ladies JUNE BRIDE GIFTS—- Decorated Bowl Sets .. $2.50 Decorated Juice Sets .. $1.00 | Decorated Water Sets $2.50 Blankets $5.95 Rayon Table Cloths Colored Sheets Colored Pillow Cases $3.50 - $4.25 @! $3.35 &: 65¢c Farm and Home Army Seeking New Leaders From Ranks of Newcomers Newcomers to the Army are given | every opportunity to get ahead. Immediately after a new arrival dons his uniform, the Army begins a program of that designed to show evaluation is up his special | skills, and, if possible, he is placed | in a position where he can use them, Trailer Bed Extension AROUND the farm, hauling is a constant problem, Sometimes the two-wheel auto trailer 1s the | right size, but other times it's too small, The illustration shows a way of doubling the capacity of a trailer by constructing a demountable box, which simply fits on top of the trailer bed. Using scrap lumber, form two rectangular frameworks the size of the trailer box. Cover the sides with pered Presdwood, a tough material that will stand lots of abuse. Now nail, as shown, four two- by-fours to the inner framework. strapping that should be into the trailer, on-a-trailer is complete. When not needed, it is easily removed and stored. eee Patronize Bulletin Advertisers In Case of Fire In Mount Joy and Vicinity Dial 3-3431 Masonite quarter-inch Tem- | bolted | vision Then the trailer- | Training Center. MR. MERCHANT SEE THAT SHE READS YOUR AD IN THESE COLUMNS before She goes SHOPPING DO YOU KNOW? Only two out of every ten al- Granulated Sugar 5 lbs. 49c| Libby's Peas 2 cans 37c coholics are the down-and-out Maxwellhouse Coffee 87c¢ | Durkee oleo 2 Ibs. 37¢c derelicts of skid row. Salmon 37c | Peter Pan Peanut Butter 33c wise known as bums. Niblet Corn IIE IEE IEICE IE IONE SCIEN ICAI Ajax Cleanser 2 cans 25¢c .. 2 cans 25¢c Famous 51 gauge Berkshire * Stockings with the Nylace Kantrun Top ...regularly 1.35 8 We want more customers to wear these wonderful Nylace Topped Berkshire Stockings. Only during this special these regularly 1.35 Berkshires at this low “Get-Acquainted” price. Proportioned lengths—short, medium, long. Sale two weeks only. 3 pairs 3.19 6 pairs 6.25 15 DENIER, 51 GAUGE, plain or dark seam 30 DENIER, 51 GAUGE, plain seam ~all in newest shades ! » KITTY’S DRESS SHOPPE MOUNT JOY, PA. 70 EAST MAIN STREET GZT-ACQUAINTED Q ALE ee el Patronize Bulletin Advertisers —. | that | over the figure for 1949 and of 5% | | | | | | other- | explain why pneumonia occurs so | lower the ability of tissue to resist | | infection. Animal experiments with thing) kindly remember the Bulletin | cal science If a soldier shows particular apti tude for special work during his 16 weeks of basic training, he may be given further schooling. If he shows leadership potentialities, he may be sent to an Army school where he will take the Leaders’ Course. After completion of this course, he may attend an Officer Candidate School | where he will be commissioned a second lieutenant upon graduation, But it all begins at the Reception | Center, Every effort is put forth to make his transition to Army life as easy. as possible through an orienta- | tion program which includes an ad- | dress from the commanding officer | and the chaplain, What is probably more important, however, to his future success in the Army are the extensive testing and interviewing which are fundamental steps in outlining his future career as a soldier, It is here, for instance, where first consideration is given as material in the event an inductee | expresses a desire to earn a com- mission, The first step for every newcomer | to the Army is to be assigned for to whether he is potential officer | 16 weeks of basic training. Based on | | tests, interviews, and the needs of | the Army, he may be sent, for ex- | These will then fit into some iron | ample, to an Infantry training di- | or to the Quartermaster If he is assigned for combat in- struction, he will be sent to one of | the ten training divisions where he | ! will undergo 16 weeks of basic train- ing. At the end of this period he is ready for assignment to a unit either overseas or in the United States. However, if he has shown special aptitudes, he might be sent | to a service school for further train- ing. Life Span of Wage Earners Has Extended in Generation Forty years ago the newly. born’ infant of the American wage earner could look forward on the average to | nearly 47 years of life. Today that | many years still lie ahead for those | who already have reached their 25th | birthday. | This example of the extent to | | which life has lengthened among the | wage earning population of the coun- try in little more than one genera- tion is reported by Dr. Louis I. | Dublin, chief statistician of the Met- | ropolitan Life Insurance Company, and is based upon the company’s ex- | perience with its millions of indus | trial policyholders, In 1950 the expectation of life at birth among these insured reached an all-time high of 68.3 years. This is an increase of fully one half year years since 1940, “The remarkable gains in long- evity are the direct result of im- portant victories in life conserva- tion through the advances in medi- and public health ad- Seeing is Believing A HAWK IN A TREE CAN SPOT A MOUSE ON THE GROUND WITHOUT I 17m CENTURY FRANCE, SPECTACLES WERE SOMETIMES E LOOKING WoR 4] Tango DIRECTLY AT IT, COVERING BECAUSE THE AND WERE RETINA OF THE EYE REGISTERS MOVEMENT AROUND THE EDGES IN AN EXAGGERATED WAY. LIS NATIVE OF HOLLAND DISCOVERED BACTERIA IN 1675, USING A PRIMITIVE MICROSCOPE THAT HE HAD DEVISED. ONE STEP IN THE COMPLEX PROCESS OF MAKING GOLD-FILLED EYEGLASS MOUNTINGS 1S THE ROLLING OF FOOT-LONG GOLD-FILLED BARS UNTIL THEY BECOME EIGHT FEET LONG, SAYS THE BETTER VISION INSTITUTE. SEE NAME IN INVERTED TYPE BELOW. \ ~ 7 am 3.2 5 7 MIOHNIMNIFT NVA NOLNY Wn STOP! 0 ey oo, VALUE PARADE BUSINESS IN OUR AD GET You DOWN COLUMNS WILL LEAD Ass DVEF TISING YOU TO SAVINGS "Wr WONDERFUL LOOK IN THE BOOK FIRST IT SAVES Locality's Amusements Appear Here We Whenever you're not sure about a tele. phone number, don’t trust to memory. Don't make time-wasting guesses. Look it up in the telephone directory. You'll be sure to get the party you want . . ., the first time you call. It takes only seconds . . . but it can save you many minutes and needless annoyance, COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. ek ministration, and through the ris- | ing standard of living, which has | particularly favored the industrial | population,” declared Dr. Dublin, A vital factor that may help to | often following attacks of the ‘‘com- | mon cold” has been discovered by three University of Michigan scien- tists. The researchers have found excessive mucous secretions | in the body’s breathing tract can | | | Pneumonia Explained | human mucous and its components have been reported by Dr. Walter J. Nungester, J. K. Bosch and Dar- win Alonso of the University’s Med- ical School Department of Bacter- iology. The report appears in the issue of a journal entitled the “Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medi- cine.” In an interview, Dr. Nunges- ter explained that in healthy per- sons normal mucous secretion plays an active part in protecting the body against disease. However, he indicated, excessive secretion which may occur during an attack of the ‘common cold” upsets the body's natural protective mechanism and permits more serious infection to readily take place. A certain amount of acid is needed by the stomach to perform its digestive work, but excessive amounts of acid result in harmful effects, he explained. The lowering of body re- sistance when excessive mucous secretion occurs may be due to an interference with vital tissue chem- ical processes pecessary to com- bat infection. Outer Space The space between the stars is not really empty. Though it is probably, in general, more nearly empty than even the best vacuum obtainable on Earth. Astronomers, have good evidence of the presence of calcium, sodium and other ele- ments in interstellar space. Though these atoms are relatively far apart, with perhaps ten or twenty to the cubic inch, there are so many of them in the very long path through which star light has to travel, that they produce a noticeable absorption of certain colors in this light, eer When in need of Printing. (any- Let PRINTING should be bought as an investment designed to accomplish some definite purpose, whether it be used to stim- ulate sales or enhance prestige. value to you lies not in what it cost, but in what it accomplishes. THE BULLETIN Do Your Printing Phone 3-9661 Mount Joy Its at SPROI d4th A Mr and de Esther Memor their d Mr. and and da and Mr their 4 on Safi JU! P10 DA GAM SON 0-0 — - "Th The fi FLORIN