Charm Stain! CL re Gleaming stain- Jess ‘sjeel . . . won't rust. Never needs polish. ic reaspoons .. Metal Porch Chairs Tubular steel $4.77 a frames. Red or green with white trim. Durable. 20x40 eh Cannon Bath Towels 41: Only slight irreg- ularities. All dur- able. Smart new colors, Cotton Slips White broadcloth with cool white eyelet or embroidered nylon. Sizes 32 to 44. 54 A7 White Handbags Plastic made to look like 23 pique, corde, linen. Many plus tax = DA 4 fashionable styles to choose 1 from. All washable. =” Men's Knit Briefs Po and Athletic Shirts 3 for $1.00 Plast Be rhs Balls los Fine quality cotton knit briefs. 30 to 40. Athletic shirts of Swiss rib knit. Sizes 36 to 46 Little Girls" Rayon Panties Colorful plastic Lasting rayon knit. Nylon inflates to 16 or lace trim. Double crotch. 18 inches. Take > They come in white or pas- hard wear, tels. Sizes 2 to 8. 4 - 16 W. MAIN ST.. MOUNT JOY, PA. LT an a { guess I am what you would call | - The B / / / 1 ountry like all good men Ss Lowdown From sou win ceitings or cote Th Dutch Phil h nd controls off automobile e ute osop er b ding, and the theories of the Hick Kory Grove ging. and he defies or vt (AS OVERHEARD BY JOHN BOYD) IR cries of the Bureau Boys blow- Ji flown Ni ne Laces, 1} is Lune Well, come in, Mrs. Espen- yhardly such a thing as a board yn] ( he-Po- 0 tell Mr. Ike and his crew that shate and set down because it's [ing house any more? Mo: 8 I ¢ { think they are starting out|(,, cold to set outside still. It | Well now that you mention it = ; and fo a. Wm WM pref kookum. Chrysler is| wonders me if we are going to [I don’t believe I have heard of ood start—i the time | ling more cars and selling | get any summer at all this year. |one this long time. I guess thev a in and co to the aid of n for le ince control came We didn’t have much of a Spring [would cost so much nobody could a PA 1S R39 = A aa Cc - a oe off. Theories got a havmaker either afford to eat in one . y - —~— it we need go further, Win-| Oh, we will get Summer all Or else the food would be so ning one round don't win the Mrs. Veiss and then we hag you couldn't stand it more J vhole fracas will all be complaining than a week or so. So there Te time to put in your oar i the heat and all the crops drying | chust ain't no boarding houses me, AA, 2 if : t all ‘the Bas up re had like there used to be. i 3 NOW we are to get ¢ e guess nol many people had Yes. times as cha che J JAMES B. HEILIG nacles ofl the old boat-of-state. | a hard time figuring Where i080 remember es a on Ne | Frnoval Dweotor \lso if we are to see to it that! on Decoraion Day this yeal Lhe around here had big dining new barnacles do not take the! look out of the window on Sat- | and, se rved meals by the MOUNT JOY. PENNA places of the old, we need prac- | Urday morning and I and Chake week—and 1 guess made money \ ltice our penmanship via post went back to bed again, Chake at it. a says anybody who went any . Kove « [ecards to our congress. Coming where except to the kitchen and Yes - and only charched may- ive ( I (to the aid of our country when | room was not quite right | Pe seven or eight dollars a week Bree lo aid is a duty. is now lin his nhend [with chicken and ice cream Ag O | The well-fed crew numbering | Yes, but still an awful lot of | €very Sunday besides. A body lin the thousands and thousands | people went places anyway. No | has to laugh! WARREN | | HM A NS {ave still thera in Buresovilla doubt they figured on the old Well, in them days butter was ml hh de AYA | they are doing us no good—they | Saying, rain before seven, clear only about twenty-five cents a SQUARE STI Dr H HC. Killheffer | hes 4 g ag on EY | pefore eleven. Chorch had plan- pound and eggs about twenty | I hang on unti pried loose. ned to work around in the back | ¢ents a dozen and meat and weg- Optometrist 11 vou choose to show you are a vard but it was too wet. So we | €tables was cheap too. Do you wg : Re | Ke ARE of the first water—and | hust set around all day with en Stes 71 11] Rs es No iotte st till think we can make some-|guch a log fire in the fireplace. Nas 1s 1 sen s a box and t te man o Teleniione 5.3378 hing of a bad mess, opportuni-|1 was going to call you and ask wou dq np them out so you ey ; ise ly is rattling your. door knob. |you and Chake to come over for could see tha the bottom of the ae CE CON : Pon & oy ednes ] P.M. 1 And to the sweet little woman I|supper chust to break the Pr bax i ol halt-tajl, of often B bE 4 : Ii . ) 7 if yo adn’t anything 4 eae i Tues. Fri. sat, || Sav this—if your big hero dome) Bh | "Yes, they was the days. But 9:30-1:00. 2.5 P. M srab his pen and get busy, he is oh well, I guess you and Chake maybe we are better off the way J ELIZABETHTOWN | not the guy you been thinking. will have a better supper at things are today. We don't eat = 4 Yours with the low down, |home than what you would at | SO much- and vet we live longer Everybody In This Locality Reads The Bulletin ei ee JO EERRA | our place. So Chorech and I went and don’t get sick so much. - - out for supper. Well, that might be but even | It is chust as well vou didn’t | S0. I would like to see chust a 0 | call me because I and Chake was few of them old prices come my Y [out for supper too. About five back once. Then it would be fun i lo’ clock he savs, by this time 0 go to market with such a little Sal | everybody will be oft of the boy along with an express wagon roads so we won't get into no | to heln bring five dollars’ worth [traffic chams and have an acci- | Of stuff home. | dent. I says I would be glad to Yes, now a body can easy car- | take a chance because I didn’t ry that much in such a little > | feel like making a hot supper. hand basket. SUN r DA RG ™ waver | | After supper we took in a movie Well, like vou and I alwavs in i iH iJ AY Er / iN AT NS for IVY eryonc. | that ro Re tiresome that Chake | sav. now I got to get over home { slept through most of it. He snor- | and start supper. I'll be seeing ed real loud once and you should | yon. Good bye. | of heard the people around us Good bye. ou - | laugh. One man says, that man — —-—— ee | - meaning Chake Jas the i DO YOU KNOW? Piece Lem 'S | ide: a and I would sleep too ‘only Yt 5 estimated that two thirds oli i iy ny Dresses I chust drank two cups of coffee it 1s estimate 1at two-thirc 5 Prints, cham- aa SLY wd HEED ES It's funny how coffee wil keep of the adult population in this brays, rayon ee A a Many becoming styles in 97 [Soma Reape swale Choron Tan | country drink alcoholic bevera-| shantungs, plisse, 4 Ww gal floral and novelty prints. S$ " [arial 3 of 8 Hig yo He A ges and approximately 3 per- oven Y arns. a yd. Washable 80 square per- Y | slceping pills in it. cent of them become alcoholics. Many colors. cales. Misses' 12 to 20 or | "Didn't he every try such a] = seaman women's 1415, to 24!/5. [coffee that ain't got no caffeine \ i Buller’s Beauty Salon Yes, he has it, but he | didn’t like it. He said it didn’t are: . 32 Piece, Go! Stam mp AA bic Croy film MN fons 9 | have no kick to it. I says, well MAIN ST. FLORIN, PA. VRS wh ‘ Ye | the kick as you call it is what SPECIAL Dinnerware No-seam beauties of 5 | keeps you awake. Anyway, he : . gauge. 15 denier circular drinks tea of an evening—or | 8.00 Permanents $6.50 Wide, lacy gold knit. Reinforced heels and C (maybe cocoa, if 1 go to the $10.00 Permanents $8.00 border on a toes. Lovely summer shades. | trouble of making it. i creamy white Sizes 9 10 II. | You know, it's funny. No mat- CALL MT. JOY 3-4339 background. 0 | ter We Stan ling aon Open 9 A.M. To 9 P.M. Daily ice f ix { we always wind up talking abou > pervice ior six. | something to Es body might MAUDE BULLER, Prop. {think we was a couple of gor- 15-tic | mondizers as they are called { when people eat too much. Well, at our aitch, it’s about | {the only real pleasure we got left. Eating and sleeping, that is. a body has to worry | getting three meals a And when [and slave day, there ain’t even much pleas ure in* that. I have often heard * | it said that no cook enchoys her t d own meals like she does when | r ca rve somebody else does the cooking. Yes, I have heard that too, DIAMOND RINGS { but it ain’t true in my case. I en- | vi [ (choy my own cooking best. I Rings Enlarged tw Show Detail an old fuss-button when it comes to cooking. \ w= Well, you are such a natural From born cook. It has often wondered me still why you never really | $100 worked at it. I mean in a hotel | or restaurant where you'd get CANTERBURY | paid big money for doing it. | Guoroniesd ENGAGEMENT RING Now that I wouldn't do, be- | on All 4 Toilored 14k gold cause you would always have to | Quality Points | | be figuring how to make a profit | 2 coantry : [on everything instead of how to e cur Beloved by Brides [ make it good. I know of a wo-| SA%AT weicuy for Over 100 Years | | a headache. | good they cost so much that most | of the customers go somewheres | else, | | | and she says nowadays it is such | man who does that kind of work | *Trede Mark Reg Em As Advertised in Life and Look ADAM H. GREER 87 E. Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. PHONE 3-4124 Authorized Artcarved’ Jeweler: { If she makes things | and if she doesn’t make | them good then they kick about , the way they taste. And if she cuts down the portions, then they | { really make a fuss. Dia you eves stop to realize that there ain't | YOURS IF YOU ACT NOW! LOWEST PRICES =: YEAR STILL IN EFFECT ON {blue coal Sr & 2 | wo ZZ.) HURRY!FILLYOUR BIN AND SAVE | REMEMBER, fuel prices go up in the Fall. But { (Xl now you can fill your bin with ‘blue coal’ at | \ the year’s lowest prices. You'll need coal any- way, so why pay more later on? End Winter fuel worries — try ordering ‘blue coal’ today! PHONE US TODAY! THE SOONER YOU ORDER, THE MORE YOU SAVE WOLGEMUTH BROS., Inc. Florin, Pa. PHONE MT. JOY 3-9551 AMERICA’S LARGEST SELLING HARD COAL | | Acme fakes | JUNE FOOD FESTIVAL. You Can Still Start Your Mayian Kitchen Tool Set This 7-Piece Kaylan Stainless Steel Kitchen Tool Set is a $12.00 value for only $3.00. Exclusively at the Acme, you get a piece each week for only 39¢ with coupon and a purchase of $10.00 or more. Get a Piece a Week - - June | to 6th Kaylan Stainless Steel VEGETABLE $1.60 Value for only with $10.00 purchase Wo! and coupon - Ask fo ) Eason RACK FOR TOOLS | "ou Value 89¢ of fof ou did © ¥ {| Jor one for only 27 SA MN, Acme June is DAIRY MONTH at the GLENDALE CLUB WISC. 2. a Be box LOAF CHEESE «4 There is no substitute or. | a Homogenized MILK America’s Great Prize-Wipning Pure whole milk including all the Sweet Cream cream - - nothing finer. It's enriched BUTTER Richland Butter '™73¢ 4.:.53 FARMDALE Non-Fat DRY MILK 2 692 cans 65¢ SHARP CHEESE White or Colored Ib 69¢ Ideal Creamy or Crunchy 2 jars g5¢ 3 3 Peanut Butter 12-02 jar Chef-Boy-Ardee Ji é S ® and Meat J 3%- 49 paghetti Balls cans Phillips’ 103-02 cans Tomato Soup 4 ICED OR HOT IT HITS THE SPOT-- Tea of Superb Quality at a Genuine Saving Ideal Orange Pekoe Tea 27 49 pkg pkg Ideal O. Pekoe Tea Bags Ih 5538s - of 16 of 50 = of 100 For Iced Coffee, choose one of these 3 Famous “Heat-Flo” Roasted Blends. ASCO COFFEE Rich, full bodied WIN-CREST COFFEE Lighterbodied IDEAL COFFEE Heavier bodied Ib vac can 89¢ Ideal Pure Instant Coffee 20°ziar 5Q0¢ #oziar 9Q9¢ Have You Tried Supreme Enriched Enricired 1 Be Try this better-tasting, soft, fresh loaf of wholesome bread and you too, will switch to Supreme and save the 3 or 4c a loaf. Virginia Lee Chocolate Sundae Layer Cakes “a 70¢ Ginger Squares a 2b Hut Sticky Buns Pkg 6 29¢ Marble Pound | Cake moon 334 Aeme Beef is U. S. Gov't. Gradetl Western Steer Beof TENDER, JUICY, FANCY i Rib Roast I ‘3° U. 8. Good or Choice Western Grain-Fed Steer Beef TOP QUALITY, TENDER SIRLOIN STEAKS JUICY ROUND STEAK OR ROAST Acme Hamburger Chickens ye Ib 1b 45¢ (Sl. Lebano 23° large loaf Better because only Louella Butter is used for shortening. BUTTER | fu ‘BREAD Old fashioned, thin 25¢ sliced dated loaf White, whole wheat or protein Ib Ib 89¢ "= 39 - G9 Ib 29¢ Fully Dressed Fryers or Stewers Skinless Frankfurts SI. Lebanon Belogen ! 2 Plate Boiling Beef 2 29¢ > 43¢ POLLOCK FILLETS 1h 25¢ HADDOCK FILLETS 1b 39¢ FILLETS OF PERCH 1b 39¢ CLEANED WHITINGS Ib 15¢ Fresh or Frozen - - - Buy Your Produce Here Large Heads Crisp Iceberg go Lettuce & 23 TOMATOES ~~ 23 Fresh, Sweet Calif. Juicy Calif. PEAS LEMONS 2.29 | .29 EXTRA FANCY FLA. CORN Sears 250 LOCAL SPRING ONIONS 3 behs 14¢ Large GRAPEFRUIT 3029 FLA. ORANGES doz JF SEABROOK FARMS BABY LIMA BEANS 2 10-0z pkgs 49¢ SEABROOK FARMS EXTRA FANCY GREEN PEAS 210-02 pkgs 39c¢ IDEAL FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 9-0z pkg 19¢ IDEAL PURE CONCEN. ORANGE JUICE 2 6-0z cans 33¢ ? 5-6, 1953. Quantity Rights Reserved Prices Effective June 4- - Pa i Fifty-t Letter Resi Ma A mon sewerage possible Joy, was er the ps This v the pr property to obt. cilities, : ete., wer residents The gi framed t ed this week-enc sonal cal an effort sentimen sion of t tem here Joy Borc The re determin town me form a Committe through pletion. The lef to all FI printed o The 1 readers t opinion 1 for publi Says On $S Eatin If it w eating up humans v face of {I good, a n of Manhe informed Joy Rota ing Tuesc “If we controls « life woul earth,” h of the m is that so sitic and sects. Contin illustratec tion of sy good exp 000 differ the world cause a ¢ dollars to crop year “We ca type of in by the fo sects have which ma this,” Mr. He was J. Bennet man. Jair was in ch Attendanc Sloan, reg club had of 89 per The clu Night on when new stalled. Farm W Covere The Soc No. 8 ente at a cover: urday, Jur the Spring Farm nea: Followir ing was h Robert F. Cedar Cre speaker. The soc - a Girl { (rippled J pr Elizal \