Bulletin, Wount Jon . ALOUD Venetian Blinds PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-3492 Open Daily and Evenings Except Wednesdays 8-tfc Pa. Plastic Wall Tile Mount of Tle and Linoleum (0 contract Marietta H. S. Commencement "This Evening Dr. Paul Bixby, Education of Pennsylvania State Teachers College, will be the speaker at the 79th [ Commencement College, | the speaker at the [ Commenceme nt | Marietta High [held Thursday 28. in the high school auditor ium at eight o'clock. Twenty students will be graduated at this time, Three members of the gradu- ating class — James Marley, Srirley Cummings, and Nancy Grofi-——will present orations. ATTENDED CONVENTION Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Shoop at- tended the Pennsylvania State will be “Guaranteed by * Good Exercises School, to evening, May | SA WES Beautiful Tile Walls — at Low Cost! installations: MOUNT JOY, PA. Formica Tops ADVERTISE for the best Vacation you ever had... Join our; | Dental convention which was { held in Atlantic City last week. IN THE “BULLETIN” Choose Your Fun! Vacation ideas are as varied as the stars, Some like to slam a golf ball—others like to sail a sloop. But remember a Vacation is only a Vacation when it's what you want to do. So pick the kind of Vacation you want; and pay for it with Vacation Club. ‘With a Vacation Club you can save money the easy, effortless way, Small payments each week mean a good sum at Vacation time. You never miss the weekly payments—you do miss the strain and worry of “getting together”-Vacation money. Regardless of what you want to do financial peace of mind is essen- ial for a good Vacation, Insure it by joining our Vacation Club. VACATION CLUB | ————) UNION NATIONAL M OUNT JOY BANK & OF MOUNT JOY For the Best in Tires & Appliances See GEO. FREEZERS Aspara- Lea- New pright - Strawberries and here - And Have The Westinghouse U or the Wilson Chest or Up- right Freezer to suit your needs. gus are man’s - In size Priced As Low As $279 Terms to Suit You Easy Electric Ranges Let us trade in your old range - Any Kind - On a new 1953 Westinghouse Electric Range. The Range that Your Food Can’t Burn. Priced As Low As 2490 Terms as low as $10 per month! Gas Ranges Beautiful Full-Size Dividend Top with the New Elco Burners And Oven Control Entire Range is Porcelain $13900 Terms As Low As $9.00 Per Month! Hardwich Gas Range Refrigerators Trade in your old refrig- erator Now At Leaman's - On a new WESTINGHOUSE FROST-FREE REFRIGERATORS You Never Have to De-Frost As Low As 299u Easy Terms To Suit You! \ GEO. W. LEA MAN MOUNT JOY, PA. 208 EAST MAIN STREET THE STORE THAT APPRECIATES YOUR BUSINESS PHONE 3-9351 OPEN" DAILY TILL 6:00 P. M. MONDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P. M. Professor of Annual | school year. 79th Annual | of | be | ‘Temple Sponsors Teachers Courses At F. and M. Temple is announcing | graduate and courses for teachers and school | administrators to be conducted [at Franklin & Marshall College, | beginning September 28th and * extending through the 1953-1954 These courses will + | be the first of a new three year series. The forthcoming term will | also be the fourth year for the again courses at Franklin & Marshall | College. This continuation is [done with the enthusiastic com- | mendation coming from many prominent educators in this area as well as the desire of many | previous participants to continue | their graduate training. The | courses, which will cover a wide variety of subjects and problems | with experience gained | of vital importance to principals, | teachers and others in the field | | will extend throughout two se- | mesters, and their appropriate- | ness and wide acceptance may be inferred from the more than 825 iduals who have taken ad- undergraduate | indiv | vantage of the thirty or more different offerings in this Grad | uate Center. Strategically located within easy reach of a very large and progressive body of teachers, and with classes meeting during the late afternoon and evening, the courses can be carried on concurrently, with the regis-| trants losing no time from their | normal pursuits. The courses | | take on added significance from | [the fact that they have been selected wtih great care to con- form to the needs of the commu- nity and the suggestion of local educational leaders, together in the presentation of the courses given during the past three years. Registration hours have been arranged for 4 to 6 and 7 to 9 | p.m., Wednesday, September 23, in Fackenthal Library at Frank- lin & Marshall College. The Dutch Philosopher | | | Well, Mrs. Espenshate! Come up on the porch and enchoy this nice weather. Sunday without I such a rain storm was quite un- now wasn’t it? Yes, for once people went | somewhere and got home in the | dry. Did you and Chake go any place? No, he chust wanted to set | around. After he read the papers |and puttered around the yard a | little he tired himself out and laid down and took a nap. He | said he would of mowed a part of the lawn only people don’t like to listen to a lawn mower on a Sunday afternoon. No—I don’t like to hear one either. A body can do almost anything on a Sunday nowadays but push a lawn mower on ac- count of the noise they make. Well, as far as Chake is con- cerned, I think he said that about lawn mowing chust for an ex- cuse not to do it. He is good at that. Well, we will soon have a dry spell and the lawns won’t grow so fast. Chorch used his power machine the other evening and after he got done he came in and says he thinks somebody ought to invent a small mower that a body could ride like the ones they have on golf courses. I says I hope not because you would drive it too fast like you do a car and have an accident and mavbe kill yourself with it. Yes well. What did you and Chorch do on Sunday? Oh, we chust took a little ride on Sunday and had dinner up near Harrisburg somewhere. Chorch did not want to go on ac- count of the Sunday traffic but in the end—after I told him what I had planned for dinner—his | appetite got the best of him and he says we will drive someplace and eat, but stay on the back roads. Then we got lost a couple of times and by the time we got i on a main road Chorch was so hungry that he wanted to stop at the first hot dog stand we came to. But I put my foot down on that. I says. I am hungry too but after all this fussing around I {ain't going to eat at no hot dog stand. Keep driving, 1 says, til we get to a good place. So he did and I had a big platter of fried chicken and Chorch had a steak. Coming home he stayed on the main road and chust to be annoying he didn’t drive fast like he usually does. 1 says, Bl Chorch, you are going too slow and somebody will get impatient and run into us from behind, I says. And he says how can we enchoy looking at the beautiful Garden Svot of America meaning Lancaster County—if we tear along like we had to get to New York City before we could go to bed. And chust then a state policeman came along and told Chorch pretty sharp like to speed up a little as he had a whole parade of cars behind him. After that there wasn’t any more trouble. Didn’t you say anything? No. I have learned when to keep my trap shut. I chust said when we got home I would make him a nice cold supver and we talked about that til we got home. . Well, what else is new? There don’t seem too much going on except this everlasting talk about butchets and taxes. A body gets sick of it sometimes, because no matter what happens in the end we will have to pay more taxes anyway. How can we pay more than what we are paying now? Don’t ask me—but as Chorch says, we always have. It often wonders me what these gover’'ments do with all the money they get. The papers chust say that this department needs so many billions and this other one so many billions, but they never tell a person what thev aim to do with it. No doubt if' they did it would fill a whole Sunday newspaper with figures and nobody would (AS OVERHEARD BY JOHN BOYD) | i read it anyway. Chorch says all | them head men probably figure | what they need and then ask for | a lot more than that chust to | make sure they will get what | they need. And in the end it is | easier to give them what they | ask for than it is to figure out | whether they need it or not. | Chust like it is easier for Chorch | | to give me twenty-five dollars to | run the house on for a week than | it would be for him to figure out | that T could get along on twenty, | which I probably could do if I] had to. No doubt that is about the way | it is done. Well, taxes or no taxes, I got | to get over home now and scrape something to gether for Chorch’s sunner, What are you having? What I was going to have for | Sunday—weal cutlets, fried po- | tatoes and a can of tomatoes. | Chorch will have to eat it even though he don’t like weal be- | cause he is going to such a lotch meeting and he won’t have time to eat somewhere else. Good bye now. Good bye. Those In Service Newport, R.I. Dear Rem. Committee, I received your gift that you sent me and 1 appreciate it very much. I showed the rest of the boys and they said that it was very nice of the town to do things like that. Thank you very much again. SN Frank Zimmerman Dear Committee: Many thanks for useful “dog chain”. The gift arrived several days ago while on our Division Field Exercises which will continue . for eight weeks here at Grafenwohr, Ger- many. After which we will re- turn to home station at Hanau, Germany. The weather has been very cold. Today was Mother's Day and we had quite a bit of snow. As for my duties, I'm the Battalion Adjutant or the Si as referred to in military terms. Again many thanks for the chain and best wishes to all for continued success in all your ef- forts, I remain Sincerely, Capt. Harry G. Walters, Jr. the very Geneva, N. Y. Dear Rem. Committee, Sure was surprised to receive a package from you already. I was even more surprised when I opened the package and found what was inside. Right now there isn’t anything I can use, more, unless it would be some sleep. It seems there was a slip- up somewhere along the line and we were issued our dog tags, but no chains, So I can sure use the dog chain. I picked up our weekly base bulletin yesterday and ran ac- ross an article about Johnny Cryns. Remember, he gave sev- eral talks to the high school students about communism. He was also master of ceremonies at the talent show that was held last year. He's almost through basic training according to the paper. He's trying to get Eddie Fisher, Patti Paige, Joni James, and has already managed to get Karen Chandler to appear at Sampson. Well I have some shoes to shine also have to help get barracks clean for open house that Sampson is going to have on the 15 & 16, so thanks again for the dog chain. J will be CLOSED SATURDAY ECORATION * * Open Zi Evening Until 9 P. M Special Sale for Your Holiday Meals Small, Lean Smoked HAMS 57° 63° Dressed and Drawn Fancy Hen Fancy Hen TURKEYS ~*~ the Oven! Fully Dressed Stewing or Frying or Frying CHICKENS 49° Hamburger Freshly Ground Ib 39 Tasty Skinless Franks - 45¢ Plate Boiling Beef 2:29 Sl. Lebanon Bologna '* 29¢ | Fresh Pork Sausage '*43¢ Swift's Premium Ring Bologna > 49¢ Did You Start Your Set of Kaylan Stainless Steel Kitchen Tools? Everybody's talking about this sensational offer - - a Kaylan Stainless Steel Kitchen set - - the “Cadillac” of Kitchen Tools - - at a price less than those in the “lower price field". You can’t duplicate this value. A coupon and your purchase of $10.00 or more each week get you one of the seven valuable kitchen tools at the sensationally low price of 39c. Coupon book was mailed to you - - if you did not receive it merely ask the checker or manager for one. -Piece Kaylan Stainless Steel KITCHEN TOOL SET {. Value with a purchase of $10.00 or more each week for seven weeks and coupons. KITCHEN TOOL OF THE WEEK Kaylan Stainless Steel 3 Cook Spoon special Bonus Offer! Reg. 58c Quart Jar with $10.00 purchase and coupon . Cc Hom-de-Lite MAYONNAISE ony % and the 20c coupon In the Kaylan Coupon Book FRESH PRODUCE FOR DECORATION DAY Shank Half Whole Ham - 99° only 3 9<(. for only EXTRA SPECIAL! Juicy Calif. pkgs 8 ea. 7-0z can 12-0z jar 714-02 jar 65-02 can FLA. VALENCIA ORANGES “= 33¢ LARGE FLA. GRAPEFRUIT 3 fr 29¢ 2/25¢ 2-33 New Crop Jersey Beets 2 behs 19g Seabrook Farms Baby Lima Beans 2 10-0z pkgs 49¢ FROZEN Ideal Green Broccoli 10-0z pkg 29¢ Ideal Concen, Orange Juice 2 6-0z. cans 33c SPECIAL FOR DECORATION DAY PICNICS, ETC. Round, Bar-B-Q or Long Frankfurt 2 3 Be Virginia Lee Orange Iced Layer Cakes Be sure to get enough Supreme Enriched « loaf 1 5 Try this better-tasting, soft, fresh loaf of wholesome bread and you, too, will switch to Supreme and save the 3 or 4c a loaf. IDEAL FANCY 35 WHITE MEAT TUNA C PEANUT BUTTER 33 OLIVAR QUEEN HOM-DE-LITE CREAMY MAYONNAISE SALAD DRESSING BANQUET BRAND 30 PRINCESS 2 19 PAPER NAPKINS ose CALIF. NAVEL ORANGES 22 30¢ CRISP ICEBERG Fresh Sou. Valentine Green Local Spring Onions or Radishes 3 Ph 14¢ Seabrook Spinach Leaf or Chopped 2 14-0z pkgs 43¢ FOODS Ideal Concen. Lemonade 2 6-0z cans 31¢ ea 69¢ BREAD ~ Louella Butter Bread Binds dated loaf 25, IDEAL CREAMY OR CRUNCHY STUFFED OLIVES HOM-DE-LITE ZESTFUL at 45¢ Prices Effective May 27-28-29, 1953. Quantity Rights Reserved.