NNA, oat up NOTICE To All Our Customers and Friends OUR TELEPHONE NUMBER HAS BEEN CHANGED TD 3-6001 @ Ruhl's Flowers MOUNT JOY, PENNA. OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL ————————— We Have.... LETHALAIRE FLY BOMBS And Replacement Cylinders ORTHO-TEPP for fast fly kill CARBOLA in stock ai all times GARDEN DUSTS & SPRAYS HESS BROS. SPRAYING SERVICE FLORIN, PA. Mt. Joy 3-4830 CALL OR WRITE, WE'LL DELIVER OPEN7 A M.TO9P.M WEEKDAYS SA.M.TO4P. M SUNDAYS ; oh ¥ Pi J AE SPECIALS SICO Premium Motor Oil $5.75 a case YOU SAVE $3.85 OIL FILTERS -— BATTERIES — TIRES & TUBES Have your car lubricaied with the best Valvoline grease. CAR WASHING Sparks plugs cleaned and tester gives you better gas mileage Also Dedler in Allentown Paint Products! LE RPHEY’S SICO STATION FL LORIN Mrs. tonight on Louis to visit is stationed at ridge, Kentucky. Miss Mary Hamilton Saturday in Harrisburg friends. Kenneth Nisley leave the Spirit of St her husband who with home of Mr. and Mrs. George over the weekend: Mr. Warren Eshelman ol and Mr. Mumper and Mrs. Emigsville, Benjamin of Adams Mr. and and Mrs. Frye County. Mrs. B. F. and Mrs. Katie Foreman several days at the Lodge in Perry County. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip of Lancaster, visited Mr. Mrs. Paul Arndt on Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Herr of Elizabeth and Mrs. Arthur McCurdy of Palmyra, were the guests of Mrs. Lillian Hamilton over the week end. spent latters Richards and town and Mr. town and Mrs. David Mumper, of Camp Hill, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mis. George Mumper on Tuesday. rms atl QR REV. DECK ATTENDS ALLENTOWN MEETING Rev. Q. A. Deck attended a meeting of the Board of sions at Allentown Be C. Church on Wednesday. He is vice-president of the Board. en ee ett OC Mis- Patronize Bulletin pm Advertisers. | SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. Buller Steal Salon) MAIN ST. FLORIN PA "COLD WAVE MACHINELESS PERMANEN Is AL I, M ri JOY 3-4339 Open 9 AM. To 91 MAUDE BULLER, Daily Prop. 15-tfec PP TT Elmer G. Strickler Pa. Phone 117 “YOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE YOU NEED UNDER MY COMPLETE Family Security Fire - - Auto - - Life Accident & Heolth - - Hospitalization AND MORTGAGE IINSURANC wg Give Your Graduate d a “Gift of a sine” Br “MISS AMERICA DIRECTOR 17 Jewels expansion band expansion bracelet $3575 $3575 Koser’ s Jewelry Store MT. JOY STREET MOUNT JOY, PA Phone 3.5404 21-2c |]16 E. Main St. Mt. Joy, Pa. rie sg MANHEIM R. GC. Robert Fry D. 2, PA. Air Compressor Work Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. Excavating and Grading Cellars, Trenches, Etc. Rocks and Trees Removed PHONE MOUNT JOY I A A 8 tron Rb 3-4753 ro A A is of adi ETT ATI TAR RAR AR Me A Nm Sa oa a TRS Camp Brecken spent The following called at the] and daughters, | Kauffman | Mr. James Eschbach of Potts-| thany E. | | ol » | The Washington Street Church Of The Brethren Elizabethtown, Pa. Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor Sunday, May 31st 9:30 a.m. Church School Study theme, “The Way of i Christian Love.” 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship; Recognition of Graduates; ser-| mon, “What Christ Means To | Me”, by Pastor Zuck. 3.00 p.m. E-town College Baccalureate Service, President A. C. Baugher, preaching. 7:30 p.m. E-town High School { Baccalaureate Service in the Church of God, Pastor Zuck preaching the sermon on: ‘The Secret of Life.” Crossroads Brethren In Christ Church irvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bru- baker, Paul Z. Hess, Pastors. 31st Sunday | Sunday, May 9:15 a.m. School Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church | Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor Sunday, May 31st 9:15 a.m. Sunday School - | 10:30 a.m. Worship. [ Sermon by Rev. Wilbur Deck | This church | accalaureate ligh School at 7 St. Mark's Evangelical United Brethren Service at the |b *30 p. m. » Church Ezra. H. Ranck, Pastor | Sunday, May 31st 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a. m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Baccalaureate Ser- vice in the High School Audi- torium. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. service. | 8:30 p.m. Meeting of Church | Council of Administration. Thursday Midweek Prayer 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p. m. | Wednesday a Pageant and “Anniversary 7:30 p.m. Midweek prayer |program at E.U.B. Orphanage mecting. and Home, Quincy,, Pa. . ere 7:00 p.m. Children’s Choir Glossbrenner Evangelical | United Brethren Church | Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor | Sunday, May 31st | 9:30 a.m. Sunday School | 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship | Dr. D. E. Young, Harrisburg | guest minister for Church organ | dedication. Mr. Robert sanist. 1. Local Conference. presiding. Organ Vespers. Fetter, guest Gene Swords, soloist. No Bvening Service - ¢o-op- ratin gwith Community Bacca- laure Ro Services. | Tuesday 8:00 nearsal. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Dr. Young p.m. | Mrs. R. L p.m. Senior Choir re- Cherub Choir re- hear 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service. Florin Church of the Brethren Abram N Eshelman, Eider in charge Clarence Douple, Supt. Sunday, May 31st 8:45 a.m. Sunday School. | 10:00 a.m. ship Service. Rheen Brethren 1eiman "Supt. n. Sunday School. dL } r | Newtown E. U. B. Church | K. Buch sunday May 31st | 6:00 a. m. Sunday School & 7:30 p.m. Worship Service. 8:30 p.m. Council of Admin p.m. Christian Endeavor Vieeting 3ible Church son Jr., Pastor 31st m. Bible School. a.m. Morning Worship | The Believer’s Standing 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Topic: Past Present and Future Wednesday | { 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer Service. 8:30 p.m. Teacher training filmstrip. First Presbyterian Church Viount Joy, Penna. Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor Sunday, May 31st 9:30 a.m. Church School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship | Sermon: 1i the Mind Is Willing. 7:30 p.m. Baccalaurcate Ser-| Sermon: In| vice at High School. the Pattern of Dust. Chuich of the Brethren Falmouth Pike Rev. Wm. Longenecker, Pastor | 9:00 a.m. Bible School. 10:00 a.m. Sermon theme: ‘Our Sufli Is Of God” | No cotl: yer service onl Wednesda: wing to Daily Va-| cation Bible School in the church on Monday, June 1 to continue to June 15. Studies will be conducted from 7 to 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. | | Willis K. Shoemaker will have charge and arrange teachers for | the different grades. Salunga Church of the Brethren Earl Brubaker, Elder In Charge | John Herr, Supt. Sunday, May 31st [ 79:00 am. ‘Sunday School | 10:15 ‘a.m. Worship Service. Thursday Women's Work Meeting. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. W. L. Koder, Rastor Sunday, May 31st J 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. | | Pearce, organ- NA rehearsal. 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir re- hearsal. Mt. Pleasant Brethren In Christ Church Pastors: C. H. Moyer and Graybill Wolgemuth. Sunday, May 31st 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. The Landisville Church of God E. T. Tillett, pastor Paul S. Baker, C. S. Supt. Sunday, May 31st Church School. Morning Worship Youth Group. Evening Worship. 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 pm. The Church of God Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor Sunday, May 31st 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Attend the Baccalaureate Ser- vices at the High School at 7:30 P. M. Vonday 7:30 p.m. eeting. dnesday 30 p. m. Prayer ible Study. 8:30 p.m. Choir Church Council Meeting Rerearsal. Niennoniie Church Lutz, Amos Hess, Mt. Joy Bishop Henry Henry Garber, Henry Frank, Pastors | Sunday, May 31st i 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. Church Service. { Tuesday 7:30 pom. Jr. Wednesday Sewing Circle. ‘Rev. Emenheiser ‘To Preach Sunday | At St Luke’ s Paul D. { Mansfield, Pa., first sermon as | Luke's Episcopal Church, norning. who offici Church re- the vacancy | Rev. will preach his | this Sunday Rev. Emenheiser, ated at St. Luke's | cently, will fill | caused by the resignation of the | Rev. Elmer A. Keiser, last Ap-| ril 16. Rev. Keiser is now pas- tor of St. Paul's Episcopal Church at Bloomsburg. The new rector, who is mar- | | ried and the father of two chil- { dren, plans to arrive in Mt. Joy | Wednesday en nl | En BIBLE CLASS | Members of Christ's Bible Class of St. Paul's E. U. I Church Sunday school were en- Friday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 3rinser, Falmouth. Mrs. | ortity presided. In June a joint meeting with [the Men's Bible | conducted on the lawn of Mr {and Mrs. Claud Creem. | Refreshments were | Those in attendance were | Earl M. Durbaron, | Hipple, Mrs.:; Claud Creem, | Rober t ‘Brennen, Mrs. | Geyer, Mrs. Reynolds Overmil- ler, Mrs. Wayne Seitz and Mrs. Mae Brinser. tertained served. | Stimulate your business by adver- | tising in the Bulletin, gE unites with the | Sr. Sewing Circle | 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and { Prayer Meeting. | tt Oe | of | pastor of St. | here, | Helpers | Steve | Class will be | Mrs. | Mus. Glenn | Mrs. | Mervin | | International Uniform Sunday Sehool Lessons 3 TCG TS CR Ll Scripture: I Corinthians 5-9, Proverbs Devotional Reading: 23:20-35. My Conscience conscience; but have the This ad- It is nev- your con- important ee IL OLLOW your be sure you do not conscience of a donkey.’ vice is old but still good. er right to go against science; but it is very to have your conscience right in the first place. Conscience is nev- er quite automatic. It is not born in us so much as it is built-in. If it were born in us, that is to say if we were made so that we would never have to have any one ex- plain to us the difference between right and wrong, and would always know by instinct just what is right in every situation, then not only would we all agree (which we don’t), but if a child were brought up, say, by wolves, then he would know right from wrong just as un- erringly as if he had been brought up in a Bishop's household. What is born in each of us is the capac- ity to tell right from wrong, just as we are born with the capacity for speech. We have to learn to talk; likewise we have to learn right from wrong. Conscience is also | the capacity for knowing what is right without thinking about it. It is a kind of moral habit, just as walking is a balancing habit. Dr. Foreman LI I Am Not Alone The best, the most reliable con- science in this world is the Chris- tian conscience. A Christian has certain automatic moral attitudes; or rather these tend to become au- tomatic with practice. Watch a trained first baseman catch balls thrown to him. He will tap the base with his toe without to think or look around. not born with that habit; can learn it to perfection, and per- fection comes with practice. Just as the athlete's habits are in line with the rules of the game, Christian's moral habits—his con- but he science—will be in line with the principles of Christ. One of these principles is laid down by Paul in I Cor. 8:7-13. It is this: I should | never act as if I were the only per- son involved. I must always think i | | how my actions will touch other | persons. I am mot alone in this I depend on others and they on me. Will my action help to make others strong or will it make world; them weak? My Body ts a Another Christian principle is laid down by St. Paul in I Cor. 6:18-20. It is this: My body [ temple of the Holy Spirit. To put | that as boldly as God | makes his home in every Chris- is a possible: tian: that is where God especial- lv lives, in this world. Now the more clearly we can remember that, the more intensely we can believe and appreciate it, the more God-like lives will be. This does not mean we never have to stop and think. It does not mean we have an automatic conscience. It does not mean that we may be all right, since we are the chil- dren of God. What this does mean, as St. Paul preached and prac- ticed it, is that by ‘practising the presence of God” we more and more reliably think, “What would Jesus want me to do? What would be the Christ-like thing?” A man of ordinary self-respect drag himself through the mud; but the Christian conscience shrinks from dragging the Holy Spirit through the mire * * * : Invitation to Think How does all this | practice? The intelligent Chris- tian reader is invited to do some thinking about this. Let us sup- pose there is a party and ¢ our | alcoholic the | | The stopping | He was | whatever | take a notion to do will | will not work out in | drinks are served. The ‘‘polite” thing to do is just to do what most | others do, or in other words | count noses to see what is | right. But what is the Christian thing to do? What other persons will be affected by my action, and { how will my behavior affect them Then what about the Holy within me? What would God have to say? Or again, thinking over his everyday habits—habits of speaking, thinking, acung - the Christian will How many | other people are involved in this habit of mine? Does it help them? Or does it get in their way, irri- | tate them. rouse their minds? And what about God? Even if no one but God knows what I think, or what I do, what he #thinks about it is the most impor- tant all; If 1 were God, what "would “I think’ of me? (Based on outlines copyrighted by the Division of Christian Education, tional Councii of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Released by Community Press Service.) ask: \ -~ aA. | Spirit | bad feelings in | Na- | am mw me me Bulle fin, Mount Joy, Thursday, May 28, 1953=—5 Pa., | Dr.H.C Killheffer Optometrist MANNHEIM 163 S. Charlotte St. JAMES B. HEILIG Telephone 24-F | Teleph 5-337 Funeral Director |] Telephone 5.3376 Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. }{ Tues. Fei Sou. 7.3 WS | Tues. Fri. Sat, t 9:30.1:00. 2.5 P, M ELIZABETHTOWN 15 E. High St. | | LOWEST "PRICES | OF THE YEAR NOW IN EFFECT ON SAVE! LET US FILL YOUR BIN TODAY TODAY fuel prices are at their lowest — not next Fall. So fill your bin with ‘blue coal’ now! The sooner you order, the more you save. COME IN OR PHONE US TODAY WOLGEMUTH BROS., Inc. Florin, Pa. PHONE MT. JOY 3-9551 AMERICA’S LARGEST-SELLING HARD COAL On this Memorial Day... It is fitting that we remember, and y 9 honor, all who have served in the So “yd armed forces of this nation .-. . on " 6. 4 land, at sca, or in the air. Their - rd \ bravery, stamina, "and de-. 0 "votion have written, ob - some of the most inspiring pages in ; t our history. Po (No business will be" transacted by this bank’ on Memorial Day) i ILE ptr YN Ee _ MT. JOY, TE I 77 Jd Ai Ho inest! AN NW SNA _ Your telephone serves you best in"so' Look at the record. Most fire alarms are turned in by telephone. -So are most calls for the police. First thought when you need a doctor is the telephone. Want quick and easy shopping or appointments? The "telephone is always ready. Any way you look at it and any ways.” every way you use it... your telephone is today’s finest convenience .% . the biggest bargain in your budget. COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. no a mB ia io dom, ona tar oR SR Tia Form