Bulletin, Wount Joy A Pa., Thursday, April 30, BEIT JR Dr.H.C.Killheffer Optometrist 1954 Those In Service Mount Joy High School l'useday, April 13 Atlantic City, N. J. News |Dear folks, | When I received your pack ———— age several weeks ago, I could Marianne Schofield and Mary not imagine what was in it. been nominated by When I hastily opened it, I was Mount Joy amazed and pleased. It was cer ainly a splendid gift for a ser Since I was not ex any gifts at this time of Kopp have the senior class of High School as May queen to be! crowned at the annual May Hop viceman on Friday, May 1. The student pecting body has voted, but results of the year, it was really a sur- the election will nit be known prise. Thanks much. until the coronation. Two can- Last weekend when I was didates for May King are Wil- home I walked up past the Bul liam Tyndall and Edgar Brene-/letin office, and noticed one of | man. fe gifts in the window. Since am still stationed close to Mt. Joy, 1 do get home pretty reg ularly. Recently one of my friends suggested that if I were stationed further away from The May Day procession will} include attendants from grades seven through twelve of Mount Joy High School and the senior classes of neighboring schools. . Those ave a8 follows: Jean home, I would appreciate my | Mumma and James Brown from| VSI more, However, two weeks | seventh grade: Ronnie Jean at six months wouldn't Reese and Dick Newcomer from I don't believe every time ! : > much difference, . _|because eighth grade; Rebecca McKain : [bridge coming into Mt. Joy I get Lec . . | Ranc are Jeanne Gingrich and Gerald : k Lindemuth. Elizabethtown at- tendants are Shirley Lehman] |and John Daugherty. The May Hop is sponsored each year by the sophomore class and is open to the public. April 12, Sheppard AFB, [Dear Rem. Committee, I was very glad to receive the gift you sent me. I was about to 1953 Texas i ww MANHEIM | & AGAINST 163 8. Charlotte, ‘St. | Telephone 833 * | Mon a wih. 0. ¥ Tues, Fri. Sat, 9:30.1:00. 2.5 P. M ELIZABETHTOWN 15 E. High St, Phone your Farm Bureau rep- Telephone 24.F resentative now for this valu. able protection. Pays expenses i r_— up to $9000 for eadh case. Covers porents, childifen under my 5 J policy $10, WARR Ma. STEHMAN SQU ST. FLORIN JAMES B. HEIMG Phone Mt. Joy 3-5547 Funeral Dipctor MOUNT JOY, PENNA. FL BLE TEES § AUTO INSURANCE CO. +’ Sasha THT TLS LY Attention Fireman Next Meeting of F.F.C. No. 1 4 WILL BE HE¥D , | Thursday, y ‘7th, 1953 PLEASE AT D — help boost the | activities of your Company | Mount Joy Legion SATURDAY, MAY d SUNDAY, ¥ 3rd Charlie imer Trio Sunday family dunks will be served starting at 1:00 until ? — Steaks, Chops, Sea Foods, Beef, Pork and | Turkey. Ho 3 ot a AU J O Y | oe | MATINEE SHOWS i EVENINGS SATURDAYS Treas | THEATRE roa Eh SATURDAYS E HOLIDAYS -8-10 P. M, 2:00 P. M. ¢ —" Mount Joy, Pa. BRODERICK CRA FRIDAY — SATURDAY, MAY 1; WFORD — BARBAR HALE -in Last Of The Copianches” LLI PALM -in- » Posier” PETER LA FORD — “Rogue’s March” TYESDAY, MAY 5 JANICE RULE -in WEDNESDAY MAUREEN O'HARA — “THE REDHEAD FROM WYOMING” — THURSDAY, MAY 6-7 ALEX NICHOL -in- buy a dog tag here because my Dancing will be fro 30 t & m 8 one fell apart. I knew there 11:30 with music by Len Ma- Tain : | troni’s orchestra. Tickets may no a gif coming : foe purchased from any sopho- now what it would be, more. again. Crowning of the May Queen will take place at 9:00. The Mt. Joy High School] girls tennis team defeated thel, girls of E-town 7-0 on April 23° at Elizabethan, Schofield de- {ing through A & E school. This is a new school, I am in the 4th class to go through. The school I am in the middle of my third phase. feated Grubb 6-1, 6-0. Thome] liome in July August defeated Emenheiser 6-4, 8-6. I have : : ff i us i fel | Markley defeated Clark 6- 4 : NOL GUC A Tow Te "lows from near home. The clos {bethtown, Lebanon, | Schofield and Melhorn defeated] Reading & At Manheim on April 27, i |¥ou people are doing a Mount Joy won the matches] {job back there for us. | that were played. However, the| bhai rolling. J doubles had to be postponed.| They will be played when Man-| | 8 Loti say great Keep the Sincerely, Jay Eberly ow | heim comes to Mt. Joy. In the Gall matches which were played, ; y | Schofield defeated Henry, 6-2, Lisle Crock, ¥a | 6-1; Thome April 18, ° | walt 6-2, 6-1; | Whitman 6-0, defeated Greena- De Markley defeated)| 6-0: and Schroll| ar Members, Thanks a lot for the dog tag > : chain. All these unexpected | | defeated Sides 6-2, and 6-0. Pte Far ; a ahi : gifts from the “old home town” | The boys tennis team was : | : ny. i really makes you feel like you | so victorious on April 27. They . . are not so far from home after | defeated Manheim Central 6-1| 5 all. I've {on the Mt. Joy courts. The film entitled “The Birth] (of a Nation” will be shown in heard that the commit- tee is coming fine and iread what it cost to send those chains to all the guys and Cor- | Mount Joy High School on May 5 rine. I want to thank every- ) 38 Ss {an under the pons orship ‘oo who-donated io the {the student council. The entire Remembrance Conymit | C ( 1 oe student body is invited to a “iwant the committee members to | tend. along and know we in the service greatly GIRLS TENNIS SCHEDULE lappreciate what you people are | May 4 — Lititz at home. doing. May 5 — Manheim at home I am not on my ship, the May 7 — Linden Hall away [Mount Olympus, right now. She May 8 — E-town at home is in the yards for a 3 months May 11 — Lititz, away period for a complete overhaul May 15 — Linden Hall, home and also to have a helicopter | May 18 — Lanc. Co. Day, away|deck erected on the fantail. She | | Baseball Schedule will really sparkle when she | 1953 gets out. T am temporarily as- | | May 5 — Marietta, Home signed to Admiral Rose’ staff, | May 7 — E-town, Away and am at Little Creek Amphib- | | May 12 — E. Hempfield, Home ious Base until June 1. { May 14 — E. Donegal Away, It seems like Spring is here Game Time at 4 p. m. today. As you know “In Spring el | BIRTHS ! were drooling the ay Young Man's Fancy’ turns to other thoughts, and a lot of guys last couple | |RED TOP GRAIN & FEED C0. | MOUNT JOY. PA. Successor to Stehman’s Flour Mills LS 2 z 00 ALL NEW M N EQUIPMENT PHONE 3-9781 WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE AND THIS 1S A | PERSONAL INVITATION FOR AND SEE US FOR:YOUR NEEDS. YOU TO STOP ® MR. EUGENE HELWIG, MANAGER 15-4f 121 N. BarbaralAnne Francis, Nannette widow of Lt. and Eileen O’'Dave were here who was Hollywood for a Navy Re- planeilief Ball and Movie Premiere, I | Martha Germer, | Street, this boro, | Robert E. Germer, |led last December in a { while serving in the U.S. Airja chance | 'orce. Both mother and daugh-|I was surprised to find ter are reported doing fine. seemed like ordinary girls. | —— Well I must close before | EARL SHELLEY ENLISTS chow hall does so [IN NAVY AIR CORP. gain.” Earl R. Shelley, who enlisted] Glenn Shupp lin the Navy Air Corp, left April 117 for Sampson Air Base, Gen- the April 19, 1953 : . 1 {eva, N. Y. He is a graduate of Keflevik, Iceland | Mt. Joy High School, Class of Dear Remm. Comm. ’52 and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Received your very wonder- Earl Shelley, Salunga, formerly ful gift. | of West Main St., this boro. (tae. Want to thank each and ev- ms ede feryone of you who had made it " new two-/community haven't forgotten Ey service men and women. reezer| Things are the same as usual "See it at Léamans.| lup here, lots :of daylight now. freezer. It's in tl {door Weg Automatig refrigera It’s big, it’s~zero gold, “and you, ‘Ween play softball at 10:30 in { never hg to defrost it. e nite and it will get longer | | Geo. W, dof xF Eas in| yet. | Street, Mokint/ Joy . you Once ‘again, thanks so very little it ai, own this much for the gift. I don’t be- ruly mogérn refafgerator. Adv.llieve you could of chosen any- make | I cross that | and Larry Gieb from ninth . | grade; Agnes Rosenfelt and Pe- a kick. It's a good feeling to get | ter Nissley from tenth grade; back into little, friendly Mount | and Sarah Garber and Charles", for a few days. Mayer from eleventh grade.| Thanks once more for all! East Donegal senior attendants| Sincerely, but I didn’t | thanks | As most people know I'm go- | s 130 days and is divided into 5|¢ I expect to be| | 6-3. Schroll defeated Beck 6- est ohes from. Mant Tow 6-1. Braught defeated Wane est 5 OS : Le a Te im I | maker 6-1, 6-3. In the doubles), P: ‘Aube, wancamer, ies 3 > Harrisburg. As e aven't Grubb and Clark 6-1, 8-6. and met a os ig haven't hs net ang » from Mt. Joy. | Thome and Rutt defeated Beck] 9 oy ’ ] 5 4 { I must close for now, so and ‘Emenheiser 6-4, 6-4. 3 : thanks’ for the gift again. A daughter was born to Mrs. days on this base. Debra Paget, | Fabray | | accident in Southern Californiajwork in the Photo Lab. and had | to talk to all of them. | they | “Thanks A- | Sure was a surprise to MADEL TFE-114 7 |possible. You folks are doing a | Listen to this. A epee job and believe me it with a 77-pound ro cold|is swell to know people in our | ‘Reunion (From page 1) Sload, Lititz, | Springfield, Pa. { Wrightsville, Howard Salunga, and others. The Rev. W. L. Koder, pastor | of Trinity Lutheran, gave invocation. Presentations made to the following: Mrs. Kit Klein Outland, only woman with red roses by Toast- master Ben Groff, donated by Ruhls. Bob Kunkle, clasp, for outstanding service to the Midget-Midget Base Ball team. Gene Crider, [gold tie clasp for winning Lance. Co. single tennis cham- | pionship for 1952. Joe Brene- man, a gold tie clasp for out- standing service in coaching basketball and football in past. Dixie George Gilham, Mari- jetta, presented President Ben Groff with four baseballs auto- | graphed by the New York | Giants, one for himself, and the other three were presented to Charles Zeller and Carrol Stauffer, Harris Martain, | Pyfer, of guest, gold tie | Ben Clinger, | Tom Kear, of the local High | School team for outstanding | service to the team. Bill Zim- | merman, a senior of Mt. Joy H. |S. and a four-letterman receiv- ed the annual award for out- standing athlete of Mt. Joy H. S. for 1952. He receivel luggage and a gold plague from a mem- ber ‘of the Old Timers. Remarks were-given .by Rev. Koder, Mrs. Outland, E-town; Alvin G. Quinn, Frederick, Md. { Charles Cassel, Hagerstown, Md. Everett Hooks Mylin, Lancaster George Kirchner, sports editor of the New Era; William (Tiny) Parry, sports editor of the Leb- anon Daily News; Dave Brandt, Jr., sports on WGAL-TV.; Bur- gess Charles Fish and Harry Hoffman. Sylvester (Buff) Dearbeck introduced Max Hannum of Franklin and Marshall College, | who was the speaker of the ev-| | ening. | A letter from Rev. Keiser, former | Luke's Episcopal Church, received expressing sincere re- | he could not be present, {due to Bloomsburg, | commenting on work “to enchance | manship, the results of which | will be manifested in the future | lives of the present youth of the vicinity” Meeting May 12th A business meeting has been being April 15, and also the May 12th at 7:30 p. m. at the | Legion Home for | baseball. tinuing or not the athlete award for Mt. Joy be discussed at this meeting. are urged to attend. Officers Elected Officers and Committees for 1953 are: Pres., Benj. ¥. Pres, Charles L. Eshleman; | Richard Divet; Treas, T. M. Breneman. will Asst. Executive Comm.: Myers, Chairman; |singer, Albert Myers, Henry O. O'Neil, Arthur Schneider. Membership Comm: Charles Pennell, Chairman; Ed. | (Marietta); Paul Hipple, | Neiss, Sr.; {Joe Germer; Marietta; Geo. ta, Lee W. Ellis. Russell Kramer and Ray Withers, E-town. Award: Benj. F. Groff Chrm. John J. Schroll, George Brown 2nd. Finance: George Chas. J. Charles Eshleman Klugh, Sr.; Banquet: Chrm.; Henry Wealand, John L. Schroll, Har- old Zimmerman, Ellis Fellen- baum, David Morris, Halbleib, Arthur Hoffer. Midget Baseball: Geo. 12nd, Chrm; Charles Fish, | Walters, Richard Divet, Russell | Halbleim, Bernard Kear, Jack | Germer. le % STEER GO ON STAMPEDE Eight steers went on a ramp- {age Tuesday evening when they were being unloaded from a truck into pasture on the farm lof Henry A. Ginder, Manheim | R2. They stampeded over to the | Pike from the Gin- |der farm, which is located near Sporting Hill. Neighbors helped | Ginder to bring them into cap- | tivity. One steer died from ex- { haustion. Brown | thing better. Sincerely yours, J. B. Wolgemuth the | | were | which were | the | the | Elmer pastor of St.| was | transferred to group's | real sports- | the final re- | {ports of all officers and commit- | tees of the past year and midget | The question of con-| outstanding | All | F. Groff; | Russell Halbleib; Sec., | Sec. | Joseph | | Lloyd | Earl F. Gris-| Walters | Park | Robert Schneider Sr. | Waller of | Gilham, Mariet- | Bennett Sr. | Solon V. Barr, George D. Groff. | John | Russell Christ Duty In Korea Waters Serving aboard. the attack aircraft carried USS Philippine | Sea on her third tour of duty in Korean waters is John M. Wal- te rs, airman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Walters of 20 David St., Mt. Joy. Before entering the Navy in November, 1950, Walters at- | tended Mt. Joy High School. { The carrier is serving with Task Force 77. SHOOTING MATCH "EVERY SATURDAY Starting at 1:30 P. M. J HA S- maximum 32 in. Guns if necessary REFRESHMENTS 3 : Everyone Invited Sponsored by Walter S. Ebersole Post No. 185 AMERICAN LEGION, MT. nN 11-t | | | | | { | | | | LOAF OF BREAD | | | | { ELIZABETHTOWN MOOSE TO PRESENT | FLOOR SHOWS Every Saturday Night LARRY CONLEY'S ORCHESTRA Nightly # #10 and 12 O'clock TD MEMBERS ONLY | 50c COVER CHARGE | | WHEN THINGS LOOK BLACK CALL 3-407 1 Eicherlys 76 - 78 EAST MAIN, STREET / MT. JOY, PA. @PERATE OUR OWN PLANT Member National Institute of Cleaning and Dyeing Drycleaning Guild of Lancaster City and County Snappy, Cool | Fresh Vegetables called by the group for Tuesday BRING THIS AD (Entire Ad) FROM THIS PAPER MAY 1 AND 2 - 1958 ONLY — IT'S WORTH 10c ON ANY | RR RRR | PEPSQDENT CHLOROPHYLL RE] NORRIS FANCY Jumbo Peas i. 2 | 35: NORRIS FANCY Tomatoes al 29: NORRIS FANCY Elberta Peaches 43 NORRIS FANCY Grapefruit Sections "=. 1 5c SUNSHINE Krispy Crackers Ih 25. 2 boxes S33 Cheez It SAVE NORRIS LABELS 6 Face Cloths FREE WITH 200 LABELS 4d 3 YL USE PET MILK, IN_ALL YOUR, COOKING TRY OUR— FRESH GROUND BEEF FLAT RIBS For sor 1» 1 Oe { | | | Shop With Ease One Stop Self-Service Food Headquarters WITH COUPON FROM BACK OF YELLOW BANDED SPRY SPRY = | — '| PHONE 3.9094 HESS’ FOOD STORE THE HOME OF GOOD FOODS - MOUNT JOY, PA.