The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 30, 1953, Image 2

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    musical number will be divided )They are Patricia Sager,


editorial desk this week points out that H. G. |
Wells, one of the best of modern prophets, | do
made at least two major wrong guesses. He | on
Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, April 30, 1953 3 Donegal, will represent the ; A -
Y 4) 4 : Mortuary Record News Items From school in the Lancaster-York|into groups; some of which the|Mitchell and Josie Fornoff, jun-
== areca Tractor Driving Contest to|entire choir will sing wd SOME jors; Arlene Robinson and Bar
| be held at West Lampeter High which the girls’ choir will sing. bara Warfel, sophomores; and
THE BULLETIN BP. LE. D. Twp. Schoo School, April 29. Jay was chos- Devotions will be in charge Judy Linard. freshmen
: » - ' Are 1 io ye afte «TT 3 8 i 3 S|! . ’
Published every Thursday at 11 East unoral rvices tor Mrs i [en to re prese nt the school after |of thé ¥ I'eens and Hi Y Clu 5 The theme of the May Day
Main S M linda Baker Gruber, widow of : a competitive contest was held | Last Sunday, the groups sang) he
ain Street, ount Joy, The last meeting of the Par- | 2 y ill be “Dances Each class
Lancaster County. Pa George P. Gruber, Mount Joy ie last meeting of the the Agricultural students|at Glossbrenner EUB Church, |W! 9’. ass
Ys . R2. were held Friday afternoon | ents Club of the Maytown Ele- | .¢ the school. Florin. | will portray a different type of
William N. Young, Publisher at the Mennonite Church. Inter | mentary School was held Mon- | Norman Kreider will repre- May Day Is Next Week | dance. Music for He alla will
Fred J. Alberte, Editor & Manager ment was made in the Henry [ay evening, April 4 | sent the school as the Horseshoe| May Day will be held in E.|be furnished by the I igh School
Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mgr. Eberle Cemetery. were Slegted Jor Js pitching representative. Robert | Donegal next Wednesday, Moy | band, the in Bang
nA {year. John Heistand was elected |p Qhafier ic advisor Aa ive seniors girls are repre-land the “Bottlers”. ss Phyl-
; x Born in Mt. Joy Twp. : | EB. Shaffer is advisor of the|6. Five seniors girls are I i . p a
Jon Semel, Bok an Publisher was a daughter of the he Sam. President; Galen Herr, vice-|gug,p, senting the senior class and one lis Morrison 1s chairman of the
— uel and Susan Brandt Baker} President: Clayion Showalter, | Choir to Sing will be chosen queen. They are affair and E. Morrell Shields is
Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail. and was a member of the Mt jd Mrs. Joseph Keener, treas- | The high school choir, under |Cynthia Brandt, Betsy Mumma, | directing the bangs, Rain date
Advertising rates upon request. Joy Mennonite Church. urer [the direction of Eugene Saylor, | Betsy Musser, Arlene Hubley for the affair wi & ey 8.
Entered at the postoflice at Mount Joy, Surviving are two sons, Paris In Ice Show : | will sing at the Ironville EUB|and Patsy Wolfe. 6 undergrad. Tickets, for seats go on
Pa., as second-class mail under the Act |. at home; and Clarence B,| Miss Lois Elder, who Will} Church Sunday, May 3. The|uates will escort the queen. 'sale Friday, May 1.
of March 3, 1879. vit Joy: also three grandchil- | from East Donegal in er re EE,
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper aren, a sister, Lizzie, wife of Junie, 138 bee Selected lo Skate . .
Publishers’ Association Samuel Haldeman, and a broth- | be hy Tsai ne ow 8 y
ry 7 er. Samuel Baker, both of Man-} Miss klder nas been skaling al | S ow rice 0 iC
BY A W IS I O W L. heim BZ Hershey and last summer spent |
: 1 st ni 8 » time at Lake Placid.
’ Conversation at our supper table lasi nite ome time at | :
Editorially oo | centered around the coming Kentucky Derby Vire. HIRAM N. WITMER T'ractor Driving Contest Held \ Hel S Kee Your
| when someone remarked that a certain horse Mrs. Amanda P. Witmer, 78,| Jay Mumma, a junior at East!
Your Pet Ideas | would go to the Post at twenty to one.” | widow of Hiram N. Witmer, i . .
“Twenty to one”! exclaimed one of our wo-| ied at 10:25 p. m. Sunday at B g ¥
’ . , ail
oe ie Ce aoe swe | mem folk who never reads the horse news. the home of her son-in-law and Oh f 3 ud e In ine »
Jo Pia ally EH Le | “Why. I thought they all start at the same | Mr. and Mrs. Elam F. one or your... oY
your guns. In fact history will prove that mer = == Se * * Sherer, Mount Joy R2, after an «| I RE |
ti n the experts have been woe- | ; lillness of one year. { ph RICED
fu RY ies ove 2p | A fellow from Florin parked his car near the! “gue was born in Penn Twp., N apy | ONE pRICE—NONE P 40 not poy
journ: hich passed over our |bank and put a dime in the parking meter. At. qaughter of the late Jacob B. = oy ' uarantee that you :
A trade journal w Pp af atiies hu lked is your 9 ticular item
| ter fumbling with it a few minuies he walked |, Peifer Reist and had higher price, on the particu
wn to Officer Mike Good who was standing price.
4 in Rapho Twp. all her
the corner and asked “where you get the
She was a member of the


e, than the advertised
life. tof your choic

thought submarines wouldn’t work and pre- | change out of the meters. He said he put a... onic Church. N ca
, dicted no important changes in transporta- | dime in and only wanted to stay a few min- Surviving are these sons and - > | :
tion. through the airplane. | utes. daughters: Stella, wife of Al Ae on, - | FLORIDA VALENCIA

reatest of | bert R. Nissley, and J. Earl, of
For that matter, Napoleon, |
ight is be- |
world conquerors, cast aside gas Over at the fire house the fellows were dis-
Manheim R1; Anna, wife of El
used for
| If Cy el


ing impractical and foolish. Daniel Webster cussing the various items that are ; mF. Snorer. af wise. hone (|
had no confidence in railroads, maintaining | money in foreign countries. One fellow said he | = iq. Mary, wife of Harry al
that frost on the tracks would halt the trains. | knows of a country thas uses fish for money. | ic Lititz R3: and Alta ives ONE PRICE—NOME PRICED HIGHER
The shrewd Chauncey Depew refused to in- | And “Mose” Stark remarked: “Wow, they. = 0’ D. Bomber- cakes 25¢
vest $5,00 in the Ford Motor Company on | must have an awful messy time playing slot’ = [1.0 po. L100 23 grand- INSUR ANCE 1] TOMATOES ruc i ONE lle 19¢
grounds that ihe gute never would replace | machines!” Ys Down boy! children and three sisters Mrs. il ' 4
the horse. * : . ry a . ar v SOUTHERN NEW—ONE PRICE— » Ac
: tod ati imma Metzler, Manheim, Ada- :
Yap fats are one thing but opinions ate | Waller Young: says if tho “Hindsigst” of ENS Meer, Manbiny Moc | roe pate, chido | IVORY SOAR, J CABBAGE :
something else. Just remember that when |some women was as good as their foresight, | py 0 Mes Susiel| wp to $9000. oe ear APPLES 2 « 29
you make up your mind it will be you who | they wouldn't wear slacks. eed. To family policy $10 ea | 3 medium size 234
. Solely ES : ’ : CALIFORNIA ICEBERG large
benefits or suffers x ‘ : A man on 3X ak *. trying to re Funeral services were held on val $5. sak LETTUCE ONE PRICE—NONE PRICED HIGHER 2 heads 29¢
* 5 ‘ a =) We at 1:3 lock |
* * : * : lave oe wits's Tear concemity « “Fesping Fours slay hs ii 2 WARREN H. STEHMAN | OLD SOUTH FROZEN (2 sor. cam 27¢) a
Along The Same Line | Tom" when he lighily remarked: "Don't be so| [hc {SIS Furl Fone wid) ST PSY | IVORY ORANGE JUICE 6: 79°
Two news items, same day, same paper: | upset, After all a peeping Tom is just a woll, i Waly a yg Yn Chie ; : R SOAP | cans
“Security analysts believe the economy window shopping”. — — — How about that? | = "= oe Pe 7 3 Botner His
has passed the defense peak and has ered] * * Se LURES TRAY 1B personal - 5c Frozen Waffles Jive. 2 was. 356
a period of slow decline.” | It's funny that so many women who can Sli. sane lanes Bw rd INSURANCE CO. F cake c French Fried Potatoes SS: 100 386
“Manufacturing and other non-farm in-|spot a blonde hair on their hubby's coat at 10 3 pues iii 2 1ess by adver ET ITT TT ‘ 5 ; Li, f
dustries added more than a quarter-million | paces, can't see a pair of garage doors when “Sing in ine Lusleln. gh be Sandwich Steaks FROZEN pkgs 18¢

dozen in
dated carton
workers between mid-February and mid- | puiting the car away. - -— |
March, raising the total of non-farm employ- | * * IVORY FLAKES

dents of the nation’s business. Yet the very | One of the girls who always lived in the
business they expect to decline are the ones | city. was being shown about a farm near Don-
which are bolstering their forces for summer |,
sales. Both of these signposts that point in! “well me.” she asked the farmer, as she gaz-
opposite directions were erected by experts. | 4 intentiy at a month-old calf, “does it pay to
The answer is that no one really knows keep so small & COW?”
just which way the economy will turn next. * We
be" In such times the businessman who simply | I just got a wedding invilation thal reads:
strives to keep his accounts in order, do awe your presents.”
ges fo 43.7 million.” They" ti emo at the Richfield
Security analysts, the men entrusted with | Gas Os el fom reminding | : Mm 0 T H kb R ’ S D A Y - iss 27. LARGE EGGS iy on 67
the investment programs of Wall Street | phim to use the door as an exit in an emergency 0 \ lei uy RAY tn
compares, are am ng th ge it tute stu- of he Wintom, { kal LARGE EG 6S SROWN AND WHITE Dated carton 65 |
~~gomipanies, are among the most, astute stu- | * * se id ; 2 i i
AA ery Best memes | pARTY PICKLE WAFERS over 29
le 27 ch
PREAM ov ure vs ox coms
DOMESTIC—Sold by the i 49°
piece in our Dairy Depts. i
16.08 1 0°
102-02, 25°
cans {
Hamilton and Girard-Perregaux
DIAMONDS By J. R. Wood & Sons
CHINA By Syraguise



better job than his competitor, and let the | y it : ¢
long-term trend take care of itself may be | The salesman: alier nk enlrance to & STERLING By International | Sem size 23¢ EIGHT 0 CLOCK 3-1b bag 2.317 - ot 81
= 1 ye ; S
following the nest ih ig Main Street prospect's home put on his per- WALLETS By Lady Buxton He WOMAN'S DAY MAY 15508 ach T°
| sonality act. “My what a lovely home you and Princess Gardaer. | x a |
Dames are smarter than you think —
They skin a wolf to get a mink! | have.” he gushed. “And pray tell me what is
lin the beautifal vase on the mariiel?”
; * * * ; | “My husband's ashes,” said the young wile.
Annie Strumbendle says: “Don’t worry ~Qp, I'm so sorry. How long has he been
about the teen-agers, they still have a healthy | dead?”
respect for the razor strop. But watch out | "He's not. Just too lazy to find an ashtray.”
when a gal in her middle flirties meets a | * * hs ® |
guy in his late naughties: A Landisville Mamma gave us this one-—— | f
JEWEL GASES By Farrington
JEWELRY By Krementz and Wells |
PENS By Sheaffer and Parker |
Bel Monte
bath size

* * One night her smail son had been in fed for
’ a: | awhile, she had to go into her room to look for A DA M H R E R OLEOMARGARINE :
Someone's Always Willing a ‘something. G SY | lit . gy Yellow Cling Peaches ist 2 31°
rotection of the President is ‘“‘a difficult | Thinking that she was fast asleep she cau- 87 E. Main St, MOUNT JOY. PA. |} = 1b 59: y
| dill 3 Sliced Pineapple ww 32
task in these precarious days”, Secret Ser-| {ously livhted a lamp, found what she was
vice Chief U. E. Baughman has reported to ||50king for, and was just about to turn off the

PHONE 3-4124 Hl
Agen = 25¢

Congress, but it will cost $250,000 less this | qn : “Plous 18-2c | Tomato Juic
yo [light when a sleepy voice mumbled, ease uice
year than it did last. The reduced operat-|y,., off the liglst, Mommy. You're mussing up LAVA SOAP 98s c
’ ing budget he submitted amounts to $3, | my dreams.” Stewed Tomatoes Ion 21
853,000. * * * ) 1 “3 medium-size
And though Senator Taft has already | a joesimaster is a man who eats a meal he | | 1 3 cakes 3c Bartlett Pears 6 4 37°
told GOP leaders that President Eisen-) 4oesn't wei 50 he can get up and tell u lot] | A oH, F it c kt il War. c
Bower Mir: of stories he dcesn’t remember to people who | r oe. 0 rui ocktai 2 om 43
win—y n WwW \ we
wapt to. id (have already heard them. % DUZ Del Monte Catsup 2 Jor. 31°
“The position and responsibilities . . .” | "And how &d tabs ;
i i “ i you have your neighbor|) All prices In thie advertisement effactive through Saturday, May 2
declared the Secret Service Chief, “are | keep his hens in his own yard?” asked a Don- ra v7 sit 65¢ Saturday, May 2nd.

such that he can not have what is consid- cat
ered a normal life, home or family rela-| hw ; :
tionship. He has no choice as to where he | And I teld me One night 1 Ha Bos dow
lives. He is a focal point for public and |? ©99% under a bush in my garden, and next
day I let him see me gather them.” I wasn't {
1 tion. He i lz his e |
world attention. He is a slave to his oes ater fit


being obliged to serve his country withou %
11 hours Vv { § Drum 39 12-02
wring 2 sand ovary day of the A young fellcw from the Welsh Mis. upon || J : large 29 giant 707 CHICKEN sane ¢ phy 19:
Perhaps it just proves you can get used receiving his draft questionnaire, struggled | scrupulous persons agtempted to obtain a Pkg ll

| desperately with the long list of questions. Af-|)/
[ter much sweaiing and worrying, he gave up) JOY
to anything. share of Mr. A’s estat.

the balance, is a truly silent tribute to Lin-
* xx for asi ave up | ~
lin despair and returned the papers with tais — HE. CRUST 1) % LIOUID DETERGENT
“United We Stand in 2 | notation: “Ah'm ready when yo’ ready!” i EFFORT NULLIFIED: But Mr. A left a X Q E
A dg (( A Fre i 55 4 | 7-01 ian
Those immortal words oi Abraham Lin.) A arp ek nk Wi ais tor old i well-planned Will, which had been drawn tors 29 gn 70 Yu 18¢ bottle 29: tie 70
col, bags birthdsy Al ane papers and laughingly told us of an f by a lawyer. This Wil siood up under | pkg Cbg |
: ? that happened to him a few blocks away. fire—and the rightful beneficiaries retained |
the motto of {fee people the World Over. | When fie Judy of fhe house come fo the door | CRY 0 HES | : IDEAL SWIFT'S
i ne asked: “Any old beer bottles to sell, lady?” eir interests.
modern America years after they were ut | "gy," cigimed "Do I look ike the kind of a | CHEER DOG FOOD BABY MEATS
when the basic freedom of man hung on pessen Wito bear? Sal looking ane Be sure to have a lawyer draw your Will—=and i 29 gio 70 3 ii 43c CHOPPED OR ieor, 27
i . c cans STRAINED can
coln’s greatness. : ia pg. ” Sy . -
Now, as then, free men are faced with * * * executor to carry out its terms. lc SALE OF
go inevitable struggle for survival. On a A Marietta woman went through her hus- c
arger basis to be sure, but none-the-less the | bands pockets and came upon a ticket she DREFT { WOODBURY, SOAP | SPIC & SPAN
same ideals are at stake. didn’t recognize. She woke him out of a sound :
On this anniversary of Lincoln’s birth |sleep and roared: "What's this I found in your | ant 4 Size 26¢
under humble, practically destitute condi- | trousers pocket? MOUNT JOY BANK i | ig 29: Pan 70: hs _— ban : er large 2 4c gin
tions, may the free people of the world

take new meaning from the battle cry that
once preservd a Union and the freedom’
and respectability of man:
“United we stand, divided we fall.”
"Any vinegar bottles to sell?”
He replied: "That's a pawn ticket.”
She scolded: "Why didn’t you get iwo so
we could both go? You never take me any
investigate the advantages of naming us your
Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation



Get 4th cake for lc. Total cost 2bc.!


3 Nits Sepa