The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 23, 1953, Image 4

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i 3 oe romeo go
M J B d T N I F Rania is chaigman of the mu ——
un sie committee; Bddie Richards, LIZABETHTOWN MOOSE
na ERR ERIE 0 oy { an 0 ews tems rom food committee; Sager,
Wu . . « (From page 1) | decorations; and Richard Ear- TO PRESENT
fi e Alona For A Hich School | ( : |
i Come Along ror A 1g Cnooi —_e P Le We wp. 001 nart and Robert Amdt, clean- FLOOR SHOWS
i At The N | Garvey. 1 vear. up committee, |
) ‘ . | ' i Ww a
GOOD NEWS CLUB RALLY i ews Following the presentation] The sixteenth annual faculty- gay i foe will Every Saturday Night
Ni } —— lof the awards, the band will | director dinner was held in the
i Q. 19% 9.% T | oe rev i Wid : be semi-formal. Class members
| Sunday Afternoon - April 2b - 2:30 D. S. I. i! Coach John Day's Rams de {Blea Stepping Bish, A Dry (Risk Sam Monday may bring a guest for $1.00. LARRY CONLEY'S ORCHESTRA
i br Ela . ES | feated M: ie om irs Jones, £0 Hora an _Ameri- €ve . ; ‘ .
it McCASKEY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM jesse Masisten in first cans.” and “Showboat.” This | of the evening was the presen. Stanley S. and C. A. 8. Two Shows Nightly - - 10 and 12 O'clock
BRASS QUARTET MUSICAL BELLS ! || ‘53 season with Charles Zeller last selection will feature Clair’ tation of watches to the retiring Hollinger are class sponsorers. | 50c COVER CHARGE MEMBERS ONLY |
i S for I ! Wl | a no-hit no-run game. | Wagner and Tom Kear as saxo treasurer, John Hoffman and to Parents Meeting At Florin ——
CHILD UT WELCOMI 17-1¢ 0 Of 18 players at bat for Mariet. (Phone and trumpet soloists res- | the high school janitor, both for A parents’ meeting will be
5 3 ea) (ta. Zeller struck out 12. This Pectively. Many familiar songs | twenty-five years of service. held at Florin Thursday, April
wre arn A ——— ee vals his second shut out in two featured in “Showboat” Following the dinner, the £3, (tonite) at 7:15 p. m. A rn
A CUSONS. | which was written by Jerome group played games which were special program is being plan-
The Score 10-0 [Kern. Some of those numbers in charge of H. Morrell Shi¢lds ned entitled “Sauerkraut and
RED T p I ‘BFF In the first inning Johnson |AT¢ Cotton Blossom, Make Be- | Eugene Saylor, Mrs, Addie Hambone”.
i & A & E ® { wh rl i” ining lieve, Valon's Theme, O!' Man | Parker, Miss Pearl Dohner, and | -
0 Le ave y Lid
5 <r Zeller He od EP |River, Can't Help Lovin’ Dat | Matthew Myers. Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.
MOUNI Joy, PA. While Kear was at bat, Zeller Hath Why Do ! Lave yo and g Siena None SATURDAY, APRIL 25th
desis wid oe : : . . ke Haze fives , | others. 1e lina ana number SIX gir Ss were named to es-
Successor to Stehman’s Flour Mill Sane HE SOF AAR rn ol Ye will be “Sempre Fidelis,” a cort the May Queen at the an- ATTENTION ¥
= : “0% 7 |march written by John Phillip | nual May Day ceremonies, Wed . J L & HH Orches ra
was take and replaced b . { ’ .
® Druck While uth De lich | Sousa (evening, May 6. Three junior | Music Students oan ee er
; gi herntdll The second part of the pro-| girls are Patricia Sager, Jean!
| ing to Zimmerman, Ashenfelter . ’ 12 weeks FREE use of Musical
- w eb Epi # 0 a
CUSTOM GRINDING stole home. Zimmerman walk-|8ram will feature the high | Mitchell and Josie Fornoff; Ar- of your choice, ac-
ed. When Clinger was at bat | school mixed chorus of 75 voic- ue and Barbara cordion or string. Sunday family dinners. will be served starting at
4 aa qi amine | 68. They will sing “Alleluia,” | Warfel, sophomores; and Judy : fanphere i
. Kear stole home. Clinger struck |S : : j Teachers on trumpet, clarinet, 7 1%. Sea Foods, Beef, Pork and
AND FEED MIXING out and then Zimmerman came | Willie Take Your Drum,” and | Linard, freshmen. sax., marimba and piano. 1:00 until ? Steaks, Chops, S
A SEZ YL AT PF in. Druck then struck out| Keep in the Middle of the mid- | \ May Queen candidates are Open Eyenings until 9 p. m, Turkey.
A SPECIALTY Klugh. Miller had a double and (9le of the Road.” David Weid- |( ynthia Brandt, Betsy Musser, Except Wednesday 9 to 12 Noon
was Brought 1} » by a triple |Mman, a member of the sopho- Betsy Mumma, Arlene Hubley, . . i 1
one eee encom nt se Ce Eat, YR more class will sing two selec- and Patsy Wolfe. David Hess Music Shop
. es. } = eo lites and Zolia ii Tou Er) HONS: “Make Believe” and | Visits Harrisburg
ALL NEW MODERN EQUIPMENT and Zeller hit to the pitcher for Whe Dy vo. Yon?" Students of the May i 106 N. Market Street
the third out. Why Do I Love You? e Maytown 6th ELIZABETHTOWN, PA MATINEE
EEE EE Zellet stiuth out the Marietta | The presentation of letters to |&rade visited the state museum : 16-4¢ Ns SATURDAYS
i vdot i “ | senior members of the chorus|and the state capital on Tues- 7 and 9:00 P.M AND
WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE AND THIS 1S A ee tol : | will then follow. Those to re-| day, April 21 as guests of Rep. SATURDAYS THEATRE HOLIDAYS
PERSONAL INVITATION FOR YOU TO STOP % Jonson, bas ng i Rape [ceive this award are: Beverly | Norman Wood, uncle of Helen 6.8.10 P. M. Mount Joy, Pa. 2:00 P. M. i
AND SEE US FOR YOUR NEEDS i hgain, gave aa 0 ASHEN |p,vq, Mary Kopp, Marian Rutt, | Felty, a sixth grade pupil of
Al E US FOR YOUR NEED! felter who went to third on A Metzler. Jane Greiner | Maytown. SA DAY, APRIL 24 - 25 —
|| single by Kear. Zimmerman had |p" Shirley Bern.| The students will also tour ; FRIDAY — SATUR
® § folders choice which ae hard, Patricia Frantz, Genevieve | the Hershey Ice Cream Factory JAMES STEWART — JANET LEIGH -in-
Ashenfelter out at home. Then! . : I avis ; :
: | Zimmerman, Norma Herr, Ruth |in Harrisburg. Mrs. Walter Wel- 99
MR. EUGENE HELWIG, Reh! yi out ig : a steal | Gperholtzer, and: Potor Kader. ler and Mrs. Richard Hecht ae- EVERY SATURDAY “The Naked Spur
\ an thome. Clinger got a double. He | . and ph ; ;
PHONE 3-8781 MANAGER fi. . follo i Bi i } Ro had | After this presentation, the| companied the group in addi- :
ys was 2 owed b) ga who ha | chorus will sing “Sanctus” and | tion to the teacher, Miss Sara Starting at 1:30 P. M. . .
0-4 a single scoring | > oa x 1.1 | Mi i ¥ -
- Bn zn a ls Klugh Ani Lo | “Beautiful Savior”, followed by | Mischiieh, toss 7 Mt J L ‘ H me MONDAY TUESDAY. APRIL 27 8
a - wt cecond crt Clinser scored Mil. 1? baritone solo, “Right Where 1] , The visited the Shrine . JOY Legion 110 RAY MILLAND — RITA GAM -in-
jsecond and Clinger scored. Mil-|° “TEFL 20 ; vy | Circus Tuesday, April 14. Mrs. es. sant of At. Jos, on Bt. 230
[ler hit to the pitcher, who threw by Kenneth Good. The fi- ors tC : 2 miles. cast of Mt. A bb e 29
‘ out of hist ? | nal number of the evening will | ¢ rence ¥ely, Mrs. Howard (Posey Patch) we The Thief
| : 1 hai i d | be “The Lord'Is My Shepherd.” | Wolgemuth and Mrs. Heisey, A %
! - i S Bele Se Johnson and | finer Lane and Jay Barnhart and teachers Mrs. Ralph Cole- HAMS-H M
next. e walked Sea-| se | man and Miss Sara Mischlich i . RIL 29 - 30
are the ¢ anists. ng i : WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY, AP
{jjman, who stole second, then ie Whe | accompanied the group. Tickets |12-guage guns - 32 in. maximum : ;
FLORIN PLANT |g struck out Fahringer. le N. WINNERS | were given through the courte- | Shells furnished—Guns if necessary GEORGE MONTGOMERY — HELENA CARTER -in-
| In the third,. Germer popped |: “Sf MM |sy of Edward Charles, John REFRESHMENTS - a9
o DIE SETTERS ‘out. Hallgren hit a single and | FEAVE FRIDAY rox N.Y. Russel, Elsworth Brandt, Wil- “The Pathfinders
(Zeller flied out. Ashenfelter hos | The two local winners of the pyr Fuhrman and Charles Fel- I > d
@ TOO! AND DIE MAKERS | lhis second single., and Kear got | United Nations Essay Contest, | ty, Everyone nvite
or jis Ila single scoring Hallgren. Zim- Miss Joan Braught and Clair| juniors To Entertain Seniors : FRIDAY — SATURDAY, MAY 1-2
RVIEWS merman walked; Ashenfelter | Wagner, Jr. wi dig | The senior class will be en- Sponsored by ARA HALE
stole home. Clinger had a sing-|morning to be at the U.N.|{ertained by \ i ‘lass BRODERICK CRAWFORD — BARBAR/ ALE -in-
Daily 8 A. M. TO4 P. M and ras caugl | Buildings by 10:30 a. m. They | 5 the Junioe Sins 5 Walter S. Ebersole
fle, and Zimmerman was caught, ge a. Ney a prom Friday, May 15 in the N 185 ob £ Th Cc h 99
[} stealing second. will be driven to the U. N.|high school auditorium. Miss Post No. Last & es
@® ll In this inning Zeller Mr. Ray Wiley and Mr. Jos-| patricia Sager is general chair-| LEGION, MT. JOY
lout three consecutive men. eph Shaeffer, members of thel an of the affair and Jerry 11-tf |
MOUNT JOY PLANT In the fourth Klugh and Mil- | Rotary Club who sponsored the ou Ae a A oe
[ {ler had singles; Germer struck | essay contest. Mrs. Schaefter | smo e's new
[flout,. and Hallgren bunted a sac-|and daughter Joan will accom- Ni . d
2 : Te i — nety-Eight an
Mechanically Inclined Young Men to the pitcher. scoring|pany the party. bot ys
: . |§ Klugh. Zeller flied out. i Super "88"—offer Power
y For Marietta Gohn popped| When in need of Printing. (any- * *
@ TOOL AND DIE MAKERS (pout. Druck walked., stole third | *hing) kindly remember the Bulletia Steering, Power Braking,
ni CTION W c was out trying to steal “Rocket” Power, too!
@ PRODUCTION WORKERS home. Johnson struck out. | ROCKET AWAY Ine cx HOLIDAY 1 ;
® DRAFTSMAN For Mi Joy, -Ashenfelter S | 0 0 (1) Fashioned for dashing fun! Powered
popped out, Kear walked, stole for flashing performance! Oldsmobile’s
INTERVIEWS ord Aer tug] (0 superb new Holiday . . . the inspired
: wa < inger flied out, anc ugh Hae: and Zuo” . «
EVERY MONDAY I P.M combination of glamor and “g
4, : popped out. i | CTI RR with the sporting air of a convertible
In" the last inning Zeller walk- | | ate ar wll sted
sf | enhanced by the safety of an all-steel
® ed Seaman, who stole second ut top! And, to make your Holiday per-
ARB | i nN ne and Was out to fect . . . Oldsmobile’s new Power Steer-
AMRCRAFT - ARIA i PRODUCTS inc steal home. Zeller then struck | ork woirof ast of the work of
wil » Rout the next two batters. The] Ing relieves you Ne
1 oF are Was wz lled bec: ise £] ; turning and parking . . . Oldsmobile’
MOUNT JOY 2a FLORIN oy Yas oa Se Neause new Pedal-Ease Power Brakes* let vou
cold and darkness. Phone your Farm Bureau rep- Pay or
17-1c Baseball Schedule | resentative now for this valu- soft pedal to safer stops. .. Oldsmobile’s
a nl ———— 1953 | able protection. Pays expenses new, more powerful “Rocket” Encine
00002090 up to $9000 for each fase, makes you ruler of every road! Come
oF . tid | Covers parents, children under . . tla
: * April 23 — E. Hempfield, Away | 3. wo ig family policy $10, in . . . take out a Holiday!
2 RYE » (April 28 — E. Donegal, Home | individual $3,
. Super TEX iar (ie one + |May 5 — Marietta, Home | fl WARREN H. STEHMAN hiss. Plier ont New
. «/ : (May 7 — E-town, Away | SQUARE ST., FLORIN are optional at extra cost.
: 3 [May 12 E. Hempfield, Home | Phone Mt. Joy 3-5547
3 rr DES EB | Ly May 14 E. Donegal Away | -
: THE NEW RUBBERIZED : Game Time at 4 p. m. |
° . ——— . | yd
WALL PAINT @ | ro Rpm
hy y 3 i 8 IF SALE 1 9th |
: - § | : The Young Adult Class of the | id and
: EAS 7 : local Methodist Church will | EL)
’ ii ’ wi? * |hold a Food Sale on Sat, May |
EVERYTHINGI/ : {9th, in front of Titus Rutt Ins. | & No:
: « |office. Sale will begin at 9:30 |
— a.m. |
rain! OF REFUND . »
Coven 3 YN seve
< Guaranteed by 4 5
Good Housekeeping ( | 3
| <
| 8
5 -gal. Ice Cream oJ J €| T0 DRIVE?
[lf | We are happy to announce Yes, if you're lucky and
owen we Bf QUART |that we are now making avail- have no accident, but if SUPER "85" DOLIDRY ©
able to our very fine customers your car should injure i 4 °
A FULL LINE OF someone could you afford i Smartest of the Hardtops
Use either brush or roller! ~~ Cleans like magic! | have Automobile Liability EE St
® DRIES IN AN HOUR — © 12 BEAUTIFUL COLORS — | Insurance. ROC A General Motors Value
it; ok 2 Hundreds more by simple ;
Move furniture back at | sds) re by simp ; JAY O. KULP AGENCY 3 n in ¥en
once. intermixmg! | i 3% ‘Lf i 5 :
Js TEL General Insurance . i ; o
Quality Ice Cream | Phone 3-6891 |
| airy Products || cum
Bnd Dey re im NEWCOMER MOTORS Inc; Mount Joy, Pa.
; - / Stimulate your business by adver- | : : wT * ’ . 1° E 1
a AW BN .