The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 16, 1953, Image 8

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Hee The
Bulletin, Mount Juv. Pa..
Thursday, April: 16. 1953 |
March Census Report
| For Lanc Gen'l Hosp.

Florin Cancer ~~ Clerk Carrier ~~ Jointure

(From page 1)

. (From Page 1) /
WHEN Census reports 1.189 person Drive To Get Sel ] ez
were admitted to The Lancaster though Mail Box Improvement School system, sewerage system
THINGS General Hosital durin March. {ndepwa Week is past and police protection that would. B{UIRIRY! Get Your De Luxe D
it was announced by Dr. D. C y The Clerk Carrier examina be Aflorded by. a Jointyre. I T ELS |
LOOK Smelzer, Executive Director of Yon is still oper: at office this is nop done now, it never
) S$ 8 mn i 8S ), » state ne he. © ' . ;
the Hospital, at a meeting of the The Cancer Fund sufficient applicants rt | oud x Aone, ited Attorne > I'his Sensational Offer is Breaking All’ Records —
Board of Directors Monday, in Florin will get underway ono = 5 | comer, since all the present’ taxing your pocketbook, you can get a luxurious, 12-Piece VOI
BLACK April 13 Vionday evening, April 20, at ' : [conditions are favorable for watched Set of Platinum Label Deluxe Cannon Towels in four exquisite §
The admitted tants aati. 1 yo eo will be given. At the present |g ch g project. He said that a pastel colors, worth $16.00 for only $8.00 with weekly purchases of Meats, | :s.
18 pauenis requir. 7P. M time there i no opening | of action for such a plan, Produce and Groceries amounting to $10.00 or more and coupons from |
CALL cd 9.362 days of hospital service The drive is being conducted : a PHN he books mailed to you
| . c in the office However be: 1-——hire an outside 3 ; :
Other census figure include bv the Florin Lions Club A Iv. names from. an elizible list | ro 4 ak : This Week with Coupon u
Patients discharged during co e fr the Lions Clul : | 0 make a and a $10.00 purchase
3-407 1 VI rel 1214: Number of opera wy an 3 ain wo will he used should on Opening f complete survey of the project
‘ «1 mm 0 Ont : lor ( } £ ore 320 r sO ag | » .
\ 1a Hi ) ) occur in the office. To get names |, Mount Joy, Florin, Mount th atti Cc
/ tions during March, 604; Num- gections to enable complete cov 13 cri} : . | : ss 4 annon I
4 . nk Sui aban . : on an cligible list there must be | ry Township, Donegal Town. | FF ner pp
® i ber of births during March <. erage in the best possible time 4 So if ra 3 : A ima, Deluxe
C Y f 690 patients were treated in the 7} ration of the citizen an examination. 50 if you are lghin our community LN 4
/ ’ atle were ated ' © cooperation o ¢ ons; aking i i | . :
{ e ys J Receiving Ward 325 patients Fl oy will be greatly appre interested In taking this exami interest of all involved by wy Hand
: ay Han : Rp morn w > greatly a ng and thereby have your YAR BUTE a n
; | were treated in the Dispensary ciated to help fight the SCOUTRe| ae placed oe on eligible list {insans of the survey. “Towel
76 - 78 EAST MAIN STREET MT; JOY, PA. | (with 416 visits). The average of cancer pa e py fut H the) vba Upon an favorable decision y ~A
\ Eh A or some future thrme, m 0 : Yer he i
WE \ number of patients per day was The committee in charge asks . ng a ay the Attorney suggested what Mou
OPERATE 302 that porch lights be turned on Should Canta : bh > Oi : | must be done. He stated a com held T
OUR OWN PLANT —- a as a welcome sign to the volun oe Nau Joy Post Office for | mittee should be formed to as official
i wa TUTTE 17 AMT ' hid : full particulars be expect . av. AM :
Member National Institute of Cleaning ind Dyeing | NO CIVILIZATION teers. Remember, one person| ea bb 1 Chi rtain the : boundary of Florin; Gen
: - . oo, You ? Without wood ¥ Rus DPS Vink Should your name be on 1€ "hire a professional survey or a ed. we
Drycleaning Guild of Lancaster City and County nhot WOO( civiliza out of five are cancer victims Yig ive § hie office d,
: y { would have been utterly DOS — a list, and an opening in the lawyer to make the boundary | | a few
—— sible Patronize Bulletin Advertisers |0CCUTS: YOU may be asked if you and legal. Secure sig-| Next Week 3 as mo
mesma tomes — ——— Le al - wm wish to take the job, but You natures of a majority of land- CANNON dows |
. ore not fompette] to ane, it. lowners involved and submit Bath Towel A $1.50 Value church
wee 9 pr pT A Why no get 1¢ particulars y ] J y y 2 . ion. od
os el eb bi nm ma TY from the Postmaster NOW. The Po a a youn Rs vale : \ SOTH tye 5
§ Av hen. {here hy lly . c FOR ONLY sist the
time may come when there fle 4 copy in the County Court ’ Yow 4
would be an opening with a House pind Cc ‘ :
5. et ; situatic
| bright future in it, but only per- | 15 closing, Attorney Newcom. With Coupon and 7 lows
F ] igi for job, | : $10.00 purchase 5 dows (
sons will be eligible for the job, "er stressed that a growing and “, 3 The
: Jamey appear on the eli- thriving community must grow Extra Offer! 12 Cakes Lanolin Bath Soap $1.00 Value; Only 48g or stat
o gible list. i strially if i ants . : .
industri ly if it wants to com New Ideal 100% Pure Instant Coffee Reg. 9%, 4oz jar, only 74 of the
; See your postmaster at Mt. pete with other surrounding : : iem ne
3 Toy. Get the full particulars communities With coupe inthe towel coupon book
: Oo u S & YW a Fr eo S +o : op Sei : = | If you did not receive a coupon book, ask for one at the market more
| - — ee needed
3 | active
# z+ | | Pork & Beans
5 0 Best ant volunts
5 ® | 2 23-0z defense
for each purpose ! we Pec 2 | arc on
cans 29 (Mas To.
nt if] TPE frie i Chie
i EN ey
| lans |
16-02 fense t
RED BEETS sans ing he
Saves YOU Mone i Century-Tested or ws
3 Sr ! * ed, anc
Es The first pure linseed oil ré#ady-mixed | 4 uu E E N RB E A N S cans, weeks.
{ 3
house paint in America. Fér over 100
years, it has provided long lasting pro-
tection for outside surfaces of wood,
brick, stucco, masonry.
Women’s $2.79 Cotton
Beautiful cot-

| ASCO COFFEE HeatFlo Roasted

It’s Homogenized 1 tall cans 53¢
p A { Ib pkg 32
styled to 97 9 The largest selilg paint finish in America | SUNSHINE COOKIES 1 pkg 25c Rot
please you! for wells an ork. Dries quickly | DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUI 46-0z can 29¢
1 to a velvet-Mat finish. It's washable
al fies 0" For wallpog, ad walls, plavier, | DEL MONTE SLICED PINEAPPLE 200z can 2Qe¢ : “Lov
wallboard. ! mea
16 do 202 | Our Quality Meats are Gughanteed to Please than a
the wo
July a:
the B
from DN
is at ry
at the
This Weel's Feature - + SMALL, LEAN
Pork Loin
€ «iv
'® 69¢

80 - square percale
in bib and half
=~ Thi new miracle lustre finish for kitchen
DC 1afid bathroom walls and all woodwork.
oks and washes like baked enamel. i
Easy to apply. Dries in 3 or 4 hours. |

styles. Assorted 5 51.00
print patterns.

27x50-inch Cotton
Chenille Rugs
| Serve with”
| Ideal or Glenside
Apple Sauce
Acme Top Quality Steer Beef



A tough, durable high gloss enamel for | C bh Ic Bn
$°) 44 3183 mins er as || wu oast a
or. 17 eudey guhs, airs. FRESHLY GROUND HAMBURGER "* 35¢ system
Fully Dressed c in brin
tsp peri CHICKENS ">". 49° =
skid back; fringed ends. Large | $tewers The | 5d
| . se
gstariment of gey eolers, | Skinless Frankfurts '® 45¢ | Tasty Pan Pudding '» 35¢
3 | Fresh Pork Sausage '° 39¢c | Fresh Scrapple 2 'bs 25¢ erican
26-quart Litho Sturdy Stepladders H . S. Newcomer & Son, Inc. | ve HADDOCK OR PERCH FILLETS 1b 35¢ Sia,
5-foot natural hardwood with PHONE 3-3361 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. FILLETS OF POLLOCK 1b 19¢ CLEANED WHITINGS 1b 15¢ carriec
Waste Baskets grooved steps; lightweight, well $ 3 37 I EE to ove
built and reinforced. 5 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables at Savings standin
Flocked Curtains MAN | i cd by
Big round metal baskets with 82-inch width, 78-inch length; eqg- $ 99 pation.
"Jubilee" decoration, red shell or white washable ninon with : WHO — oe an
: gladilas on white background; floral flocking. 2 Pai | PREPARED SPINACH OR KALE “°° 17¢ ao
5 red inside. i J $
g me rr ms 4 2. LARGE FLA. CUCUMBERS 2° 15¢ little ac
25.foot Plastic Rubber Gloves i | oves Pascal Celery 2 33¢ | Local Spring Oniens bunch 5g The
You'll ge long Year from very 3 7 Spring Squash 2 |9¢ | Fresh Fla. Radishes bunch 5g Senior
Z . i 1 “Ei ip" ° : Rotarie
Garden Hose ly Cs hE Tuber C : Iz Fresh Fla. Green Fresh Fla. Golden Sweet i
$4.77 BEANS CORN Pri
: J
umbo Garment B F
1 ays Tamuly
Featherweight vinyl plastic;
heavy solid brass couplings.
Bright red or green.

Rugged extra heavy gauge plastic;
metal frame; extra long zipper;
holds 14 garments.

2.33 | 4-25°
IDEAL SPINACH; Leaf or Chopped

2 10-0z pkgs 39%
2 14-0z pkgs 39%¢

4: 100-foot Clothes Lines Have you providéd wisely tor tne protection of IDEAL PURE CONCEN. ORANGE JUICE 2 6-0z cans 33¢
Sturdy Brooms Boudoir Shades Sontinuens length; get one Vi your family when you are no longer here? The We'll Give You a Loaf of Bread Free if
asement . . . one for outside, . Sag . .
Our famous Find ven C keystone of such provision is a well-planned, we fail to Mention Louella Bread to You This Week ay.
C C carefully-drawn Will naming a capable, responsi- No Wonder Louella Butter Wolgen
i 1” | mea Tile Tonle} ° tO
euch Ovenex Bake Ware ble Pascoe and This Lank is ve! Bread is Better aa
Corn and rush filler, sewn 4 Plastic shades in assorted pin Bright stamped tinware in every qualified, by SXpericriee and training, to serve only Louella Sweet Cream Fellows
times; blue wood handles. pleated and lace effect styles. shape and size you need. in these capacities. Butter is used for shortening! : :
Many Pastel col y h C Made with unbleached whit hol Ri Nati
any Pastel colors, eac i eached white, or whole sont
{ wheat flours, whole milk for ext tri- er cont
Scot Towels hing 60 ks Va f W Yon, and honey. It's A Tn ! 16.02 25¢ awarde
A sliced and there are 3 kinds - - - 3 a!
hc Vl, gq Di] NATIONAL ML | White, Whole Wheat or Protein uated oat ; SoD.
: Aid arge > :
c 181) § | Supreme Enriched Bread :-: 15¢ cign Mi
you's 14 1 . Old-Fashioned Cinnamon Iced Buns pka 6 25g gw.
: UR on ea
New Soft-Tuff process proves oN RRR Nl | Virginia Lee Peppermint Candy Layer Cakes 69¢ wll
stronger when wet. 150 in roll. 14 - 16 W. MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY, PA. Za Ne ; Prices Effective April 16-17-18, 1953. Quantity Rights Reserved. nual Gi
' which
BT 72 RR ATR Gee RA roo erm: Mo M0 i ternoon
| {
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