The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 16, 1953, Image 1

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The Physician On Call
Dr. Wm. M. Workman
Mount J oy Pilih 2

VOL. LII, NO. 46

Jointure Of Florin And Mount
Joy Suggested
Of The Florin Lion’s Club
At the regular Monday din-
ner meeting of the Florin Lions
Club held at the Keystone Din-
er, Lion President Arthur Wol-
gemuth introduced District
Governor Arthur Summers who
gave a brief talk on perfect at
iendance and presented his col-
lection of Lions Buttons which
he has collected over the years
since becoming a Lion.
Guest Speaker
The guest speaker for the
meeting was Attorney Clarence
Newcomer who spoke on the
subject of Mount Joy and Florin
joining together. He pointed out
briefly some of the historical
aspects of both Mount Joy and
Florin. He stressed that since
the incorporation of Mount Joy,
the borough has grown physic-
ally, socially and economically.
He mentioned that since Florin
is part of two townships, Mount
Joy and East Donegal, it must
turn to the townships for their
support. According to Attorney
Newcomer, it would be much
better for Florin and Mount Joy
to join together so they can
work together and not indepen-
dently to enjoy community ser-
vices such as: The water system
(Turn to page 8)
Seek Members
For New Senior
Extension Work
A special invitation to become
a member of the Lancaster Co.
Senior Extension Club has been
issued by the Cooperative Ex-
tension Work in Agriculture &
Home Economics of the State
of Penna. The organization

meeting of this new group will]
be held on Tuesday
April 21, at 8:00 pm. in
auditorium of the John
Grade School in Neffsville.
A Senior Extension Club is
an organization for the rural!
youth of our county above the
high school and 4-H age groups
(18 to 30 years). The program
will be educational, social, rec-
reational, and for the benefit of
the young folks of our county.
Similar clubs are active in
state and are regarded as
successful. Mr.
the State 4-H Club Office, who
is in charge of Senior Extension
Clubs in Penna. will be with us
to assist in the forming of a
Lancaster County Club.
No doubt you are aware of
the need of this type of organi-
zation to provide an opportuni-
ty for the continuance of activi-
ties and fellowship enjoyed
while in high school, FFA, FHA
or in your 4-H Club program.
“With the help of all we Ex-
tension Workers here in the
county and the Penn State Ex-
tension Specialist staff, stated
Yvonne L. Cook, County Exten-
sion Worker, we hope to be ab-
le to provide the supervision
and leadership to help you folks
develop a large and active Sen-
ior Extension Club. Please feel
free to invite your friends, said
Miss Cook, and attend this or-
ganization meeting. We are
looking forward: toward the op-
portunity of working with you
in the above capacity.”
VFW To Hold A
Joint Installation
Mount Joy Veterans of For-
eign Wars and their Woman’s
Auxiliary will hold a joint Post
installation on Friday evening,
April 17th, eight o'clock at the
Mt. Joy Fire House, Immediate-
ly following the ceremonies re-
freshments will be served at
Kaylor’s Restaurant.
Weather permitting the mar-
ble tournament sponsored by
the VFW will get underway on
Monday, April 20th. Schedules
will be posted on the bulletin
boards in the grade school.

counties throughout the |
very |
C. P. lang, ofj
At Meeting

Final Stage
Set For Old-
Timer’s Reunion
Final preparations are being
made for the Old Timers Fourth
annual dinner and reunion Fri-
day, April 24th, at 6:30 p. m. in
the Mt. Joy Legion Home.
Program includes singing.
| America, Invocation, Rev, Les-
ter Koder, Pastor Trinity Luth-
eran Church, Song led by Mr.
David Brandt, pianist, Jay Barn-
hart Jr., Introduction of toast-
master Benj. F. Groff, by Char-
les Eshleman, chairman of the
banquet committee, address of
[Welcome by Burgess Charles
Fish, Granting awards and in-
troduction of Mt. Joy high
school Athletic teams, singing
of Mt. Joy high school Alma
Mater, introduction of guests
and reminiscing of Old-timers,
(Mr. Sylvester “Buff” Dearbeck
| f Westinghouse Training School
| Pittsburgh will introduce the
speaker Mr. Max Hannum of
Franklin & Marshall College.
During this reunion the Old-
timers will launch a campaign
to raise funds to keep the mid-
get Baseball team on the field,
also folders will be placed over
he town whereby you may con-
tribute towards their goal. The
Midgets will be special guests
at this dinner.
The Old-timers started with
eight members in February
1950 and now total three hun-
dred. Their goal being 500 mem-
bers for next year,
At this writing 200 members
have accented invitations and
all indications lead to 250 or
{300 to be present April 25th.
! Members are urged to attend
| the business meeting to be held
| Thursday, April 23rd at 6:30 p.
m. at the Legion Home. All of-
ficers and committees are asked
to attend as the election of offi-
cers for the coming year will be
| If you did not receive an invi-
| tation it is not too late to make
|vour reservation by phoning
Mt. Joy 3-9804,
You will be contacted by the
committee to have your name
placed on the program as a
sponsor to help entertain the
high school athletes.

Sacred Concert At
St. Marks E.U.B.
The Prim Singers of Harris-
burg, “Ambassadors of Good-
will” will present a sacred con-
cert in St. Mark's E U. B.
Church, This Sunday evening,
April 19, at 7:30 p. m. ‘This
group of singers appeared in St.
Mark’s Church last year and
were received favorably by a
large audience. Their numbers
will include spirituals and gos-
pel songs.
This appearance of The Prim
Singers is sponsored by the
Youth Fellowship of ‘the church
The Commission on Worship |
and Devotional Life of the]
Youth Fellowship will conduct
he devotional period. The offer-
ing received above the expens-
es of the program will be con-
tributed to the new piano fund.
A cordial invitation to attend
this program is extended to all
members and friends of the
Carl Eugene Brandt, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brandt, of 30
W. Main St., this boro, and Har-
old Eugene Leed, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Leed, of Man-
heim R2, have both enlisted for
four years in the U. S. Navy
and left Monday morning for

‘Penn State
brenner E.U.B. Church, Florin
have engaged Mr. and Mrs. |
for a musical recital
evening at 7:30 p.m. at
Mr. Neiman, a World War I |
vetgran, had his right hand am- |
putated by an exploding hand |
grenade, also damage to his
right eye. He now has a plastic
Choir of Gloss-)tion on his left eye. Mr.
[invented two gadgets,
the right hand and the other for
Dick Neiman, of station WLAN, the violin,
Saturday | to play the violin.
the | ae
{the piano and also
‘on WLAN
The public


Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, April 16,

which enables him
Mrs. Neiman
companies her husband on
gan and solo box.
The Neimans
since October 1
nea eye and only light precep-! hear ther m in
is invited to ¢
plays the or-
had a program
946. |


H.S. Student To
Summer Camp
,—— |
Mild Weather

weather it was announced
the management of the
Gardens in Hershey, Pa. that]
the Tulip Display will be con-|
siderably earlier than was at
first anticipated, therefore, the
Gardens will open for the 293
Season on Saturday, April 18th.
This decision was made after a|
thorough check of the
beds which showed them to be |
in a very advanced condition.
The Hershey Tulip
are among the Nation's
and are free to the public.
The Nieuenhuis Brothers, tu- | be
lip producers from Holland are |
at Hershey for the first time in|
Expert Speaks
To 150 Farmers
More than 150 farmers, at a
recent meeting held in the Mt.
Joy High school, heard Dr. Wil-
liam L. Barr professor of farm |of
management at Penn State Col-
lege, speak on milk production,
and how to overcome the high
costs of maintaining herds. “If
you stick with nine cows or less
in your herd, your going to
have to live with high costs and
low returns’. The time has
come, Dr. Barr said, to make
(Turn to page 5)

Aux. To Sponsor Grades 1To5
‘To Be Injected
‘For Diphtheria
Opens Tulip Show Joes ally his Huhne
by | considered,
Hershey | of
| ment is planning to
the children in the lower grades
| | sur: ance
wards included group
lead by Mr,
sic supervisor
Schools, a Skit entitled
Family Album”, by Mrs. Spen-
hool child; optimum he
r him personally and an
de that will make
e same for his family
Health in this sense has t
productive. Hence, not
A Week Earlier consiaerea in all its aspects, to
but the prever
future illness as well.
It is with this aim in
at the School Health De
‘Boy Scouts To Hold
tulip Food Sale Apr. 25th
A Food Sale by the
East Main st
ginning at nine o'clock.
The proceeds realized
in prank.

'Y.F.G. Hobby
Show A Success
The Hobby Show
Glossbrenner E.U.B, Ch
Eighteen members attended; The School Health Depart-
the April meeting of the Ameri-| ment will immunize the child-
can Legion Auxiliary Tuesday ren of grades 1-5 against diph-
evening with Miss Maude Sch 'theria and tetanus (blood pois-
neider presiding. loning). The injections will be
An invitation was extended |given in the Mt. Joy Borough
to the Marietta Auxiliary to be| Grade School on May 7 at 11 a.
the guest at the annual gavel m. Several local doctors and
bell party to be held at the May | nurses will assist the School
meeting. Health personnel in this pro-
To Select A Student gram. Older children may also
A motion was passed to spon- [receive this protection if they
sor a Junior girl of Mt. Joy high |ask for it. There is no charge
school, to attend Keystone Girls|for this service.
Camp, at Scotland School for| The School Health Depart-
Orphans at Scotland, Pa., for ment state since health is the
one week in July, She will be first objective of education the
selected by Supervising Princi- | purpose and philosophy govern-
pal, W. I, Beahm. |ing our school health program
(Turn to page 6) { must be the kind that will de-
NY [velop optimum health for every
him want
and ev-
o be
present physical fitness and free-
Because of the extremely mild from defects, need to
Gardens | guts is planned for Saturday
| April 25th at the Titus Rutt In-
again showing 18 new varieties | 1. «110 will be used for Scouts
to go to Camp Chiquetan.
ica. Present indications
America : Board Review
point to an excellent display
: ; At a meeting of the Troop
which will continue through | v > 108)
i“ | Committee Tuesday evening it
May 3. 3s 1 dt t » a Board
re a was plannec o have a Boarc
Review on Monday, June 8th
for all Scouts who wish to ad-
by the Youth Fellowship Group
on Tuesday was a decided suc-
cess with patrons
early as seven a. m.
A program proceeding the a-
George Houck,
af Mount
(Turn to page 2)
24 Brownies
Receive Pin
And Beanie Cap
Troop 147 held an investitute
| ceremony on Monday afternoon
in their Scout House when 24
girls received their pins and
Jrownie (beanie) caps. A large
round mirror. surrounded by
greens and dafTodils, was placed
in the center of the floor and
the girls marched from an ad-
joining room to stand around it
to receive their pin and cap.
er was assisted by Miss Genev-
ieve Zimmerman, a senior scout
in the ceremonv. Following the
ceremony the Brownies served
tea and cookies to their mothers.
Mrs. Clyde Tripple and Mrs.
Paul Stehman, Jr., assisted.
The Brownies
Anderson, Nadine Bailey, Ger-
aldine Barrick, Marjorie Bates,
Brenda Baughman, Janice Ber-
rier, Sharon Clinger, Carol Det-
wiler, Lois Flory. Kathleen Gru-
!ber, Kathryn Harnish, Jean
Hartman, Pamela Lyons, Linda
Morton, Beverly Moss, Judith
Patricia Nornhold, Wendy O1-
son, Mary Rovenolt, Kathy
Shank, Linda Shield, Barbara
Stehman, Cynthia Tripple and
Kay Wats.
EE a
On May 13th
of children who ex-
pect to enter first grade in Sen-
tember 1953, are requested to
bring those children to the
Grade School on May 13, 1953,
for the pre-school registration.
Only children who will be 6
years old before February 1,
1954, will be considered in this
examination. In other words,
only pre-school children who
were born on or before January
31, 1948 may take the pre-
school tests on May 13.
Parents are requested to be
sure that each child brought in
has a birth certificate or similar
are: Connie

acceptable evidence of birth to
present for registration. The
child must have a vaccination
certificate to present at regis-
tration are from 8:45 to 12:00
and 1:00 to 3:30 p. m.
Those children whose last
name begins with the letters A
to M are asked to report in the
morning Those whose last
name begins with N to Z are
asked to register in the after-
Elects Officers
The East Hempfield Auxiliary
of the Lancaster Osteopathic
Hospital District No. 1 met at
Kauffman’s Tea Room, near E.
Petersburg recently. The Hos-
tess was Mrs. Anna Krall.
The following officers were
elected: Mrs. J. Harry Grube,
pres., and Mrs. Roy Herr, vice-
pres. both of Landisville. Mrs.
Anna Farmer, East Petersburg,
sec’y., Mrs. Grace Hostetter, of
Manheim R1, treas.
Membership committee: Mrs.
Anna Krall, Miss Elizabeth
Brubaker, East Petersburg, Mrs.
David B. Rohrer, Landisville.
Ways and Means committee
will be announced at the next
meeting on May 21 at the home
of Mrs. Harry Graybill, of East
Petersburg. The group will sew
for the hospital April 30 at the
Interne Quarter in the sewing
a we. etl A I
The Young Adult Class of the
local Methodist Church will
hold a Food Sale on Sat., May
9th, in front of Titus Rutt Ins.
office. Sale will begin at 9:30

a m,
Mrs. Eric Olson, the Troop lead- |

A lot of us here in Mount Joy are going to feal a bt shock-|
forced to disband — but it's about time we were shocked!
committee, havent done a solitary thing to help it to function.
wasn’t all. What the committee needed—it needed, appealed
lot of us!
And it's pretty hard for any if us to squirm out of
indictment because there weren't more than a few Mount Joy
persons (or any other persons for that matter) present at any |
of the recent meetings of the committee.
We don’t blame those few committee members because no |
worthwile work can be carried on with that paltry support. We
are not going to blame anyone. We're just going to hope (and |
some local organization, club, society, group or individuals, to
take over this work so that our boys and girls in the service
may continue to receive articles from home—and to realize
that they haven't been left down atter all!
Air Raid Alert Planned For
Tuesday, April 21st. Bells
& Sirens ToSound At 2:25PM.

air alert will be
April 21. The sir
will sound at 2:55
A state-wide
held Tuesday,
tens and bells
|P. M. and all

A Cleansweep!
In behalf of the Lions Club || {6} six minutes according to the
of Mt. Joy I wish to Thank lin Joy Civil Defense director.
You People for the fine help i
b PI| The director
and co-operation you extend- | :
loperation of every man,
activities will stop
is asking the co
ed to our Club toward our|]i . : .
rand child in the borough by fol-
Broom Sale Saturday. ! : .
5 lowing these instructions:
We received 600 brooms
If in an automobile you will
and by 3 P. M. Saturday they shut off the motor, seek cover,
were all sold. It certainly {crouch or lie down in the
shows what grand things can Te. 3 You must stop the car at the
be done when the cause is a | side of ‘the street or road so
worthy one. be clear
1 know those 150 blind peo
ple at the broom factory will [
be more than thankful when
they learn of this grand deed.
So until next year at this
time when we undertake this
from the Blind Association
| arteries may for emer-
All people
in their homes at
[or selected shelter areas and to
remain there until the
alert sounds will be expected
ito take cover and remain there
{until the all clear has sounded.
. | Persons on the
Rotarians Hold | areas are
| get inside buildings.
T 4 | M All farm vehicles
rip ets eeting | roads will be expected to come
a stop between the red alert
The Mount Joy Rotary Can] the aif sear,
entertained the Elizabethtown | arry out procedures which will
and Lititz Rotary Clubs at the | all fdoulty. . and
Triplets meeting held Tuesday | employees during
evening at Hostetters. (the alent. activities
While the Rotarians enjoyed | should be
their dinner, Rotarian
Helms played selections on the |
piano and on the Hammond Or-
gan Solo Box. Following the
dinner, a Latin American Band, |
complete with musicians and]
dancers direct from Latin Am
Comm. Chairman

on public
| to
expected to
place students,
under cover
All out door
Hans | OQ een
Clerk Carrier
‘Test Open At
erica via East Donegal H. S,, P ffi
under the direction of Mr. Mor osto ICE
rell Shields, entertained w ith | |
Latin American music and dan
This group of teenagers is
Although Rural Mail Box Im-
ces. y provement Week is fast draw
unique and it is claimed the re| ing to a close there is still time
is not another band like it in or |, do that paint or repair job on
near this locality. | in So mail box. The service you
Rev. Harry Richwine, pastor ...cive from vour carrier de-
of the First Lutheran Church of | pends on the condition of your
Annville was the guest speaker. | 41 pox If it is in poor shape,
Rev. Richwine entertained the | jaaks or may be broken, this
(Turn to page 7) | may mail
lia [by you in a bad
| good rural
Sportsmen To “oi: i
Hold Fish Contest
to be received
condition. A
mail box will keep
dry, and in per
So why
mail safe,
not take
| mail box and then make what |
le ver repairs are necessary. This
The monthly 1 meeiing of the... he dohe any time, even
Mount Joy Sportsmen's Associ-|
: (From page 8)
ation was held Monday evening
el wm
in the Fire House with twelve
members present. Program AtH.S. Apr. 21
The Game Committees re- Has Been Cancelled
ported a total of 508 rabbits
stocked. This includes the rab-
bits trapped, purchased, and
furnished by the State,
After some consideration it
was decided to drop the Ground
Hog contest due to the season
First Presbyterian Church
The Hamilton Chorus of Lan-
caster was to have appeared in

extending over eleven months|the
of the year. that date sponsored by
(Turn to Page 4) church.
ed when we realize that the Remembrance Committee is being
Because a lot of us, while praising the objectives of this
| : :
! the start of the alert will be: ex- ) home address until the subscrip-
. : | 41 wires
pected to go to their designated | Lion expires.
project, I wish to greatfully
Thank You. | . All ‘people on the street
CHARLES L. ESHLEMAN out in their yards when the red!
| Mark's
high school auditorium on |p. m. Sunday evening. The pro-
the [gram is sponsored by the Youth
J fellowship of the church. 7
| This article is to
It’s About Time - To Be Shocked!’ the
| Mount Joy,
The Bulletin
Now Has Reached
00 a a Year in Advance

inform all
service boys and girls, from
and the citizens of
that the Mount Joy
Committee has
this area,
| Remembrance
| be en dissolved.
It is very difficult to tell all
[vou service people especially,
{hat after all this time of trying
[to bring
Oh, sure, we contributed money to help buy materials. But that |
for—and did not get—help, a few hours’ time from a whole
that | oly
mittee has tried in every way to
“home” closer to you,
or helping you in some small
way, that now the work must
be discontinued.
It is with deep
this was necessary.
regret that
The Com-
Y ke sep functioning to become an
pray a little, too) that the shock will be great enough to cause |

vehie- |*

that | {them as
| committee is
| organization in which every-
lone took part. The only hope of
lall those interested now, is that
some local organization will or-
a committee and contin-
ue its worthy cause.
The balance of the Committee
Fund will remain in the First
National Bank and Trust Com-
for months. If a
not re-organiz-
ed by then the balance will be
pany six
turned over to some Veterans
The Post Office box 243 is
paid until the end of the year
1953. All the letters from you
will be printed in the Bulletin
until then.
The Remembrance Committee
books are being audited and no
more funds are being solicited.
If any donations are received
they will be returned to the do-
The subscriptions to the Bul-
letin are paid up. The earliest
expiration date of any is De-
cember 1953.
The one and only
names and addresses are at the
Bulletin office. The only way
for you (the servicemen) to be
sure of the Bulletin having your
write to
you move.
record of
correct address is to
soon as
{When you are discharged inform
or K a little”
‘Open House
sidewalks in the!
expectec o|
“For Mrs. Cover’s

a few minutes to look over your | Pennell,
tson Terry,
| Prim Singers At
The program oh by to SF, Marks Sunday
for |
next Tuesday evening, April 21,
has been cancelled indefinitely. | Ambassadors of Good Will, of
| Mr, and
| Fred McNaughton,
at once and
continue at
the Bulletin
paper will
The past members of the Re-
all clear | membrance Committee sincere-
they have “helped just
to make you all happy.
Re membrance Committee
— > ——
ly hope

75th Birthday

Open house was held for Mrs.
Elizabeth Cover, East Main St,,
this boro, at the home of her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter R. Pennell, at
125 W. Donegal St., on Sunday
afternoon in honor of her 75th
hirthday anniversary,
Mrs. Cover was the recipient
of many beautiful flowers, gifts
and well wishes for the happy
occasion. Among those who cal-
led at the home were:
am Kihley and son Glenn, of
Bethlehem, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph
McNaughton and children, Ma-
rie, Harold, Joyce and Carol,
Mrs. Irvin Snavely and
son Richard of Elizabethtown,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Givens
and son Robert, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Halk, children, Kathy
Susie, Elizabethtown, Mr.
Mrs. William
and children Lorraine,
Robert, and John, of
Mr. and Mrs. Char-
children Jane and
and Mrs. Edward
daughters Patricia
{ Ann and Eile Mae, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Pennell. Mrs. Carl
Yeager, Mrs. Samuel Zink and
Mrs, Allen Schatz,
Mrs. Samuel Ober and daughter
Betty Mae.
les Baringer,

The Prim Singers, known as
will appear at St.
Church at 7:30
Mrs. Ad-