The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 02, 1953, Image 6

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O==The Bulletin Wout Jon a Thursday F105 | ey | the caption of "Owl-Lafs L 4 reas doo ( I'¢ ead a= I SII TE
. Gov. Pmchot signed the ad- ow ow rom for the cleaner ah I'h VON ISSLEY
DEN "KR | minis tion ‘ohibitio n ho win or i the loc
) ow [ ministration prohibition en. fi \RY ( EY
‘ A i -. ‘ ‘
| forcement bill passed by thel[} ndi Few ding
3 : | \ i VEERAT
— of sg | House, The vote on the bill was A hreath fe I
TY Y 1107 to 100 AN St f it detec ( unt Joy, P
THINGS LONG AGO {| "Attn Nisstey sale wes weasel Taal INI
sd i a i | | Florin Monday afternoon You know folks there are|tings, or il all auiet
OOK 501d Jor 48 cenis pound. crounds for being dubiou fod helio ¢ deduc EIGN a er a
I an Vi ARG ‘
| 10 YEARS AGO | 15 YEARS AGO bout how much wind or how that we are sound asleep again
| \ 1 | a0 14 “A a4 yout 10 I I 10° . ™ © -
larch 28, 19 March 31, 1938 we was or is in |it 4s time to dip the pen in the Elmer G. Strickler
Scripture: Matthew 28 much meat there was or i n
| The Lancaster Intelligence | At the opening of the new| Devotional Reading: John 11:17-27. th usty talks we béen expos id ink bottle and sa look-it | plizabethtown, Pa Phone 117
| € gus alks we » OX} sz alown, '
ot taking 3 tions nw mo \ Theatre Joseph abec 1 ul vi vou ) )
CALL i ns dep ) I : : i the fi So y oe d to by the lawmakers of this | ub, id oJ “YOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE
vie actors to be elect for | ker, Jr., bought the first ticke 0 L L d : Ney week to have Sambo ell out
| native land. If we figure econ V YOU NEED UNDER MY
| creen work. Among the appli- [It was a gala opening. Every ur ving or . 151 : more deficiency y tid be
: | W —————— omy is in, and reckilessnd inl COMPLETE
4 7 its from Mt. Joy ar Vitmer | body was there , or tl an | Govl, goings JOMPLETE
3- O 1 gan'S ro he IY vl 17 . Lesson for April 5, 1953 | spending our tax dinero is out over th I Ole 10 : )
Eberle, Russell Forrey and Earl | Virs. Martha Sauder moved Lavo: 4 Uttie (on till June } 1 tha 4 or 1 .
the window and we S( tle CCUTILY
Gottschall nto her newly built home on " . o “la i . ‘past 31) If w don’ mak el) \ Ld vy
© Hi treet V JHAT does Easter mean? It is | down to paying for our pa :
A new weekly feature was |New Haven street. a question we may well ask | vear spree—we are not as alert [take up the sacl 1 a Fire - - Auto - - Life
| : 2 1 rio ro 1 " | * Fn YASS 1 “$C 0 <
| IC e y S mmnounced for the Bulletin, The | Samuel Ludwig moved into|ourselves each year. The visitor | und bright or suspicious as start—it will be th me
1 il ‘opert racate 7 ig y ig ave ¢ ar y a : ’ vy nl neal ve ice Ba {14 .e
| article will can that spicy, | the Ph perty vacated by Mr Jom ax have 3 hard | folks should be, who have been army game all over again——wi Accident & Health
{ ’ { at | Sauders me answering 1¢ question for a 1 1 will ¢ home in our usual 1 yr - » .
" ne IAQ 1 QT " m ’ peppy | local it that, S ecent-like 3-shelled so flu- | Wi » hon
76 - 78 EAST MAIN STREET MT. JOY, PA, oil ubjects | Irvin Gaul moved to the H.| himself. He would see Easter Q i Se ; ff | galia—a barrel Hospitalization
ouching on arious sub ts. |] avd . " s . : re take an eve off | sali ‘
fo sales advertised in the department | ¢nUy. If we Lake a EN MM ry + INSTR A
sel 1 1d sin. 1G. Carpenter farm vacated by : v ¢ . y i" { AND MORTGAGE IINSURANCE
WE OPERATE We will get personal anc 4 4 Ladi . and he might think Easter | congress and don't turn a hand | Yours with the low down, { Sad nr 14
rely hope no one will feel of- | Samuel Ludwig. was a name for ¢ weinl k ; adlocl 1 the U. S JO SERRA A
OUR OWN PLANT tore = tie? | Was a name for a special kind of | to help a padlock on the S| JO
fended as these paragraph will iss Alice ‘‘Sissy” Brubaker, bargain. Or he would hear about -
1 r . | 1 Mr. and Mrs 3. ¢ a . | pd 3 +e JF J Kx i
Member National Institute of Cleaning and Dyeing be written for real amusemen ghter of Mr. and Mrs. D. B.|an Easter parade, or he would
Drycleaning Guild of Lancaster City and County and not a slap at anv one whose ! Brubaker, was operated on for Jools at one, and he would con-
name may happen to be men-|an appendectomy clude that Easter is a time main-
“ i. 11 under| The Girl Scouts of Mt. Joy ly for showing off new clothes.
tioned. They will appear under | ! ; § Ws OY Sr a rnalls .
I \ f . “iE Ny r on a college ca : » would
- {with their captain, Miss Eliza- llege campus he would |
h H hiked t D | hear about the Easter vacation,
lig ce Vo; :
beth Heilig, hike 0 onesall und he might suppose that it is
ao and m an me R ites! : .
Springs. The trek was 8 miles| just a name for a holiday from
long covering two different| work, Then he might come on a ! —
A | routes. flock of children hunting for East- | -— i
The Mount Joy Rotary made er eggs, and he would suppose that i
Easter meant ‘gaily colored.”
As a matter of fact, even if he

ane Hoenitr
As rt pital. i . went to church, he might get
10 YEARS AGO strange ideas about what Easter
| . : y
ja tour of the Coatesville Veter-
| March 25, 1943 means.

| George Shatto will move his 5%
| family to the Joseph B. Hersh Springtime And Roses
[ey property soon after Hersh To hear some people talk—yes,
Bon {ey's property sale April 10. and even some sermons—one

ay © Guaranteed by
RA Good Housekeeping iss Nancy Schule, daughter might fancy that
|of Mr. and Mrs. Adalph Schule, Easter is a fes-

“or w
25 WY


. | Flori sang the soprano solo in!tival to remind
| Beautiful Tile Walls Vv 7 lovin, sang the Soprano all of SPARC
| Ne the “Saints Mary Magdelene time. To Be Sire il t sot wshion for Easter
| 01} Low Cost! SN { cantata held at the State Teach- nature reminds wf 1 4 - Feasting by filling vour basket : TEH-
Venetian Blinds Plastic Wall Tile ers College, West Chester. us in many ways. § | TE EH y
PHONE control, startled local residents longer, the nights :
Open Daily Mount Te and Linoleum Co.
when it crossed town flying so shorter; flowers 4 3 L a nly a Stik vall ; ne Toi Taster B I
low it barely missed housetops Pegin to scatter : g 1
over the hill-
sides, the grass Dr. Foreman
| A plane, momentarily out of The days grow
{ and swayed the topmost bran-
| ches of trees. The plane banked

¢ grows greener every week.
just a few feet “from the spire : ho
Wo I In the far northern states there |

Except J | v . oe .
Wednesdays 1 { of the Church of God. The pilot 5.6 heavy thaws, more snow
8-tfe MOUNT JOY, PA. Formica Tops i succeeded in righting the plane melts than falls. In the far south- |

{and disappeared. ern states warm weather has al- |B
ig - ready come, the roses are in full
: : bloom, visitors from the north
are coming down to look at the |
{ famous gardens in Charleston and
Mobile and other places.

Is Easter just a way of cele-
brating springtime in church?
The birds, the roses, the Easter
music—are they all alike the signs |
of spring? Is Easter a symbol of | Ha
the resurrection of dead nature, |M Ruy 3
is Easter a sign that nature never | » ny
really dies, that warmth follows | EB
cold, that when winter comes, |§ by cog 4%
Dodge Sales are Currently Up 50%. i Coronet V-Eight 4-Door Sedan . ...... reduced $125.80 | Be ion 2 Phasing? wi aie] ibs $440.
: 0, S 1S no 3 oO Ss we | ® " ribs
Price Controls Are Off. Strong Public Demand Coronet V-Eight Club Coupe ........ reduced 120.80 i all, then when the last winter | x
Coronet V-Eight Diplomat. ......... reduced 201.80 i | comes, when the whole earth | !
: - grows cold—or perishes in col- = 5
for the 53 Dedge and Availability Coronet V-Eight Convertible Coupe ++» - reduced 251.49 lision with some flaming sun— 1 SWAN J DO WK
ii Coronet V-Eight Sierra ........... reduced 128.90
then what becomes of spring? No, | Y i C k Mix
. . . : all springs will enc 1e time, |B > VIX
of Materials Permit Increased Production. ~~ Meadowbrook Six 4-Door Scdan ..... reduced 67.50 off shelugs WI S41 3 2 iy SHO ;
i Meadowbrook Six Club Coupe ......reduced 67.50 brates something that will outlast | Rei box NOW 3 Che
Dodge Passes the Savings on to YOU NOW Meadowbrook Six Suburban reduced 60.60 i: all the springs of this world. i - a Qu
‘ . . © Meadowbrook Six 4-Door Special. ....redeced 30.50 § Life After Death (OSEMANN
with Across-the-Board Price Reductions of ; il. sedeed 2053 & Listen again to the talk in
: Maudowhvook Six Clo Coupe Sper] fedyse : church, to other sermons, closer, |§ Peanut Butter S33
. nl
Dodge Truck Prices Reduced, Also! : much closer to the Easter truth
$60 60 $201 80 : than all the talk of springtime and
un to ® mmm rs me roses. You will hear much said
about immortality, about the life
beyond this life, about the ‘‘beau- 3 -
tiful isle of somewhere.” Easter, |@ HEART'S DELIGHT
it is said, is to remind us that 00. 20000
3 * c if a pon,
| we are immortal souls: that be- |g Fruit Cocktail 5 BR EL
yond this life is another one, that fds ky
2. i
No. 2 /2-can dC
no soul ever dies.
Well, it does remind us of this 3
But suppose that were all? The | DOLES
mere belief in immortality is not
by itself religious. Look: nearly ; Sliced Pineapple
| everybody around you believes he
will be living tomorrow. Does No. 2V5-can 33¢
that make everybody religious?
| You know ‘it doesn’t. UNION JACK
| Now suppose everybody be- ns
"| lieved he would be living, some- Tomato Juice
| where, somehow, a thousand years |
from now: would that make ev- 46-07 can 3 1c
erybody religious? Of course not. | ©
Suppose it is true that no soul
| ever dies? That may well be a
| horrible thought, There may be
| tand most Christian churches be-
| lieve sadly that there are) per-
sons long since gone from this
{ world to hell, who cannot die but
| who wish very much that they
| Immortality, Christians believe, |H
is a fact; but believing in that





ster cele-


1) .
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of cn
4 aC

Ces Naas
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Coronet V-Eight 4-Door Sedan. Price reduced $135.80


The ontstanding success of the all-new Are Always

’53 Dodge has brought about substantial necessarily religious and it may |g EL CAPITAN Ra
TNE] $ arser sales 7 ~ | te Daster 1
savings through larger sales volume. fe SOIR at 93 Taster must | § Coffee Ib bae { JC w

This is the same dependable Dodge which has won tre- once upon a time there was a
x IK
A >< +“ You are the winner. You get the bene- l
NR Te fits of across-the-board price reductions ix |B
made possible by nationwide demand | Lord Of Life And Death | Ri Lives $363.
x for this great Action Car. | The real meaning of Easter can- | | iNSO Marge
(WT Over and above this important saving | not be expressed by any sentence |
you get more value, more quality, than that leaves Jesus Christ out. East- | 8 ‘ oO
ever before. Improvements and refine- ler celebrates this: He is risen. | Lux bath size 2 1 oC
ments have been added as standard equipment —included Christ is risen indeed. This means, |
low ice. {| of course, much more than that po , RT 20 TA] RN iq
in the new low price | FRER DELIVERY IN FLORIMN ! Al
| man in Palestine who came back
mendous public acclaim for thrilling performance, comfort, 1:
safety and driving ease unmatched in its field. to life after being dead some 36
hours. B(
have b to ‘“‘step up” t Dodge . . « . . Ra el
3 you By Waning Sted 03 ge he Aotion Cor for Aetive Amerioanse! { What we Christians mean by it |
| is that the same person we call
Teacher and Master and Saviour
DON’T BUY ANY CAR UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN DODGE! and King is the Lord of lie, of ||
| life itself.
Specifications and equipment subject to change without notice. | (Based on outlines copyrighted by the
STEHMAN BROTHERS -- Salunga, Penna.
tional Council of the Churches of Christ 5 1
| in the U.S.A. Released by Community Fz V4 3
Press Service.) SEB A 3