9—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, March 19, 1953 THE BULLETIN Published every Thursday at 11 East || Main Street, Mount Joy, | Lancaster County, Pa. | William N. Young, Publisher Fred J Alberte., Editor & Manager Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mgr. I John E. Schroll, Editor “and Publisher I | 1901 1952 Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail. Advertising rates upon request Entered at the postofiice at Mount Joy, Pa. as second-class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. I Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers’ Association Editorially . . . Tra, La! Tva, La! The urge to get rid of the ol’ topcoat, 10 | get away from this durned typewriter and feel the warmth of the outdoor sun, tells us convincingly that Spring arrives this week-end! Tiny snow-drops have been out for weeks and there probably are plenty of arbutus, violets and other of nature's early Spring wonders. if we could only get far enough away from the office to find them. But. we must caution to warn, don’t get too enthusiastic—and don’t put the ol’ top- | coat in moth-balls just yet. Remember, we | BY A in half, and * * * Those “Long” Week-ends Not that anything will come of it, but OWL | WISE | Kathryn and Linda Weaver, of | Bill “So What" Enck has read so much a |[ancaster, bout the bad effects of liquor that he has de- {cr Washington Boro, Mr. cided to give up recding. * * — a — WE * * * * one imaginative member of the state legis- “How wonderful,” sa.d our Senior, “bring lature, none other than Senator Edward | me back an orange.” — — — — On the ball, Kessler, has introduced a bill which would | huh? cause all holidays excepting Christmas, to | fall on Mondays. Instead of observing Washington's Birth- day on February 22 and Lincoli:'s on Feb- | ruary - 12, we would observe President’s | cp, Day on a convenient Monday in February. oo « And rather than plan to observe “The Glorious Fourth of July” we'd probably have to start talking about the “Glorious Third” or the “Gloricus Fifth.” Of course with the whole town closing up the first week in July anyway, this particular holi- day would not have to be shifted around so much. Having all holidays fall on Mondays would be a good thing in the weekly news- paper business, allright, allright. for there's nothing more disconcerting than to figure how: to get the paper out the first thing Thursday morning when the help has had all day Wednesday off. loved her?” * We overheard this at “Emerson's” the last present: time we were in Perry Coun'y. “I wish I had my wife back.” “1 swapped her for a beitle of whisk- And now you realize how much you “No, I'm thirsty again.” * * With Apri 1542 not too far off I've been go- ing through my fishing magazines and I saw | something migaty interesting. attention has been paid p the man who goes fishing directly from the office. are reversible and waterproof, with bait pock- | € ets bui into the cuffs. A bright flannel tie can | Columbia, be torn into strips for a lure, and a briefcase is |" part creel, with one side for important papers, and the other for trout, etc. * Yeu can’t exadiy blame a guy for griping * “Where is * Seems special The trousers * * Stick by your guns, Senator | inese days with crime as easy as it is. One we're with you! | guy called my ciitention to the thugs that looted an armored car of $400,000 just, by x * * jimming ‘he door of the armored car and Up Goes Coffee | driving of. They're still free men, but my For the past two week's we've read ar- friend says he got hauled in to police court ticle after article on just how much higher | that same day for trying to, get his nickel coffee is going to go, now that controls have been taken off. All of us remember how for years the South Americans had to burn whole ship loads of coffee beans just to keep the surplus down. And so from a huge surplus we have reached the point where folks right here have to pay a dollar a pound for coffee. Boy, if tea wasn’t such horrible tasting | stuff, I'll bet we could find a solution for a |g complaint. situation such as this. But tea being what | couple of hours for our usual cup of java. * * * Eai All You Want Imagine a diet in which you eat all the | fat meat you wa: Elizabeth Woody, of | the DuPont medical staff, writing in Holi- | day Magazine, gives this as a typical diet: crisp pork chops and fresh fast: meat stew with vegetables for lunch; | | | | | { | ease Not io be gave us this roast beef and a potato for dinner. But—you are NOT allowed a grain or trace of salt and you must NOT use sugar or four. You MUST drink six glasses of | water every day before five o’clock and you MUST take a leisurely thirty-minute walk before breakfast. You must get eight hours of sleep regularly, no more nor less. Clear coffee with meals, none between, and | no gum! Do this, she says, and you'll lose a good 35 pounds in 17 weeks. There—that ought to be worth the cost of a year’s subscription in itself! ____ | I'm going to do. * * * | Taxes Must Come Down If you heard a loud moaning along Main Street last Seiurday afternoon, you heard | us as we completed that income tax form for good ol’ Uncle Sam. Fifteen years ago if we had had as much money regularly | cusiomer. left over as we now pay in income tax, so- | cial security and unemployment insurance, | we could have had the ! ing plant this side of New York City! Yep, | taxes gotta come down! x % | for his wie. * Old Hat? Republican leaders are expeciing Presi- | A visitor cheated of his * My spouse wasya passenger in a local wom- | Irene Snyder were w ih f ari Carl Germe: says a wife st equipped print- fy pont, attertive aj thirty, x A feliow ugiown was fishing. He had a big | handsome rod and reel, but | dangling in a small and quite empty fishbowl. walked up to him goodhumoredly | | back out of a phone box that didn’t work. * Then *o add to his misery bank robbers made off with a half million in cash with it's a breeze and ! while my friend on that same day got a ticket | for illegal parking———his front bumper was 2] | inches beyond the No Parking Here sign. — such they're still going, | The thing that causes me dismay, { That makes me pop my dome— | Is what's taken out of my take-home pay After I take it home. * -¥% laurels, Ronnie fruit for break- | A doctor fell in a deep well And broke his collarbone. The Moral: Doctor, mind the sick And leave the well alone. x xX | an’s Auto today and when « string of cars In- | Alleman, | ed up behind them this woman put out her land daughter, Marietta, | arm and signalled o left urn, then jmmediate- | and Mrs. James Gerber Jv signclled a stop and right after that o right | children, Florin, Mr. | turn. Puzzled my wife asked her what her idea | Elwood Snyder and children, of | was in all the s'gnals and tae woman explain- | Elizabethtown | ed: “Now the drivers iry back of us will be | careful. They haven®; the slightest idea what "Yca mec satin,” the clerk corrected. “Sa- | taa is somethin that looks like the devill” “Did you ever see my wife?” inquired the | * x is attractive at * the hook was dent Eisenhower to set aside, by executive | and asked, “How many have you caught?” order, all recent examinations for postmas-| “Yeu” ter, thus (they hope) providing about 3,000 jobs for the faithful. | It seems that only Democrats have bes taking the tests lately, so there aie any they'll be waiting to take thc new exams | that will be set up. said they feliow, “are the fourth.” * 'FOR SALE: ONE 12-INCH SKILLET, LARGE! few ii ENOUGH TO FRY ONE CHICKEN egg. Call | epublicans on the eligible list. But | Gwennie Kramer, Mt. Joy. | * Hey you fellows, don't forget today (Thurs- * xX x x We suppose this is a matter of “political | 4 ) is birthday, the better the pres rights” rather than civil rights. But some- [as the, i the Hy Cr pe “Heppy | how we can’t see any more morally In|gihday Myre.” segregation of Uiemoerats and than of blacks and whites. A WISE OWL TOWL LAFFS | NEWTOWN || TR. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Supplee of | Honey Brook, visited Mr. Ralph Supplee. Rev. attended Missionary and Mrs. R. H. Arndt] days of the] at Cal- several Conference caster. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ma- urice Frysinger and Mrs. Katie Moore were, Miriam and Anna | Mae Nolt, Mary Arlene Hess; | Mrs. John Haines, Mrs. Charles | Maurer and son, Mrs. Henry Mellinger, Mrs, Irvin Musser and children, Patricia ar on- | : . : : : a , | nd children, Patricia and R | mobile Club, following analysis | ma into every kind of perpetual are eating us out ald, Mt. Joy R. D.; Mrs. Steph- en Heisey, Centre Hall, Mrs. Austin Rhen, Mrs. Lloyd Steele, | Rev. Henry and Col- Harry { Mrs. Ralph Mr. Hogentobler, | umbia, and Mrs. While visiting a Salunga home Monday | Flory, Landisville. | night someone suggested a friendly game of | cards. What's a “friendly” game of cards, I! held at the Newtown E. U. inquired. My hostess explained: “That's where you cheat—but riot for money.” | watched television. * Speaking of Salunga, A fellow from down | ery night. Services begin 7:30 | thot-a-way wanted, to buy a candy cream egg, | P. m. end asked if they would break a two ceil egg | Sunday evenings. 11 him the one half for a peany. | will be Harold Lehman, a mem- | * haven't had the onion snow! | The great big beautiful convertible drew up| to the curb in froig of Sloan's where the cute | little Senior girl was waiting for the bus. A gentleman stuck his head out and said, | “Hello, I'm driving west.” Evangelistic Services will be © D. Church. The services will con- | tinue for 2 weeks, starting on | Sunday, March 22 thru April 5. There will be special music ev- weekdays and 7 p. m. on Song |ber of the Christian Business | Men's Association, Lanc. The | pastor is Rev. O. K. Buch, of | Manheim. Everyone Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood honor of their son, Pvt. Donald | Kuhns who will go to Washing- {ton and from. there overseas | this week. The following were Mr. and Mrs. ( Hoover, Mr. James Hoover, . Mr. | Herbert Hoover, | Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Hoover and son Butchie, Lanc., | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Englerth, Blossom Hill, Mr. and Mrs. El- wood Kuhns and children, Mary and Joan. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. istice Wittle were Mr. Charles | Wittle, Columbia R. D. Mr. Jos- eph Wittle and daughter Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Rag- r Hallgren, Mt. Joy. Recent visitors of ena Fogie were Mr. and Claude Reigle, Mt. Joy and Mr. John Fogie, Mountville. |. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer land family visited Mr. and Mrs. John Kauffman Sr., Iron- | ville, Sunday. Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. | John Giossman spending a week with his grandparents { Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rynier, Gap. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ab- ram Gamber were Mr. and Mrs. { Ray Gamber and son, Manheim, {Mr. and Mrs. Salem Gamber R. D., Mr. and Mrs. Havard Johnston, Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Sumpman, Mt. Joy. Mrs. Ser- is Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sprig- gle of Port Treverton, Pa., vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wit- mer and family. Visitors at the Arndt Home were Mrs. Calvin Campbell and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Hav- | ard Johnston and Mr. Ivan Le- fever, Lancaster. | Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- | ward Isler and family and Mrs. Mrs. David Aubrey Bowles, Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. The people of Newtown wish to welcome their new neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leibig, who have moved into the former Is- | A Florin fellow went iro a millinery store ler property. | at Lancaster and demanded “a big Satan hat” | The Ladies Aid Society held {their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hatha- way Brenneman, Mt. Joy R.D. last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Betty Brosey, Mrs. Pearl | Brenneman and Mrs. Edith Erb | visited Mrs. Howard Witmer and adhesive at|Who is a patient at the General | | Hospital, Lancaster on Sunday. Hostet- | leader | Kuhns | entertained at Sunday dinner in | Joseph | Miss Ellanora | Haroid | Ar-| Mrs. ! | Hand Signaling An Important Safety Measure rv Yd tent Church. Lan Hand-signaling still is an im-| ailing us tor vary penac urch, sa p r : AT) depgnden | portant safety measure for all| We been figuring it was jake automobile drivers despite the | and even good for us fact that the great majority | cars now on the road are cquip | the U.S hung thickest ped with flashing directional | indicators. | That point was made yester-| | day by Edward P. Curran, Saf- | | ety Director of Keystone Auto- |of recent statistics which show- led that rear-end collisions and | | sideswiping still were among leading causes of highway ac- | cidents. | | “Often,” he declared, ‘“flash- | ing directional lights can be| | wrongly set or incorrectly in-| | terpreted by other drivers. | | For instance, a motorist intend- | ling to make a right turn might | | unthinkingly set the indicator | for a left turn merely by push- | ing the lever down instead of up. Or the indicator lever might stay in position and | cause the signal to keep flash- | ing for miles, confusing mo- torists ahead and behind. Then | | again, the bright sun falling| upon the red glass of the indi- |cators produces reflected light |that can be quite confusing. Or worst of all, perhaps, the indi- | | cator lights might not be work- | ing because of burned out | bulbs or broken wires. | “Absolute dependence, there- fore, should not be placed upon | direction indicators at all times | | by motorists. The hand: signal | has its important place in safer with the electrical indicators as {a double precaution. i “On-the-road observance of | | motoring tendencies recently showed that very few drivers | | used hand-signals at anytime | and that many gave no indica tion whatever of intention to | turn right or left, to slow down or stop. Obviously, this ig a vi- tal practice that should be a| personal safety obligation of everyone behind the wheel, day | {or night.” er AG QI Choir To Render | | CantataMar.22nd | | The Senior Choir of St. | | mari’ Evangelical U. B. church | will render the Cantata, “From | | Olivet to Calvary”, by J. H | Maunder, on Sunday, Mar. 22, |at 4:00 p. m. Mr. Clifford M. Schmid, Lancaster, is the direc- — — — Can't say as I blame him for crying | Mrs. John Grossman and |tor; Miss Luella Witmer, of children, Reggie, Richard and |town, is the organist. Karen, visited Mr. Grossman,| The cantata depicts in strik- | Here's a poem a local hubby doncted—— | who is still a patient at the Vet-|ing fashion sueh scenes from | erans Hospital, Lebanon. [the last week of the life of] Christ as the Triumphal Entry, {the Trial before Pilate, the] | Way to Calvary, and the Cruci- | !fixtion. The musical setting of [these scenes is especially appro- | priate and descriptive. | Soloists will be Mrs. Warren | | Bentzel, Mrs. Clifford Schmid, [ Mrs. Gerald Hostetter, Henry S. | { Weber, Jr, Joseph Buchen- {auer, Lester Mumma, and War ren Bentzel. Miss Lucella H.| | Witmer is organist, and Clifford | |H. Schmidt is choir director. | |Rev. E. H. Ranck is pastor. [ A cordial invitation is ex-! tended to all to attend this ser- | | vice. ——— ee ee MOTOR TRIP TO SOUTH | | Mrs. Miriam Charles, Millers- | [ville, Mrs. Fay Coolidge, Lan- | {caster, Mrs. Catherine Miller, | |174 S. Fifth St., Columbia and Mrs. Bette Wood, York, motor-| ed to Greenville, S. C. over the] | weekend and visited Mrs. | Wood's brother, Irvin L. Gerb- | ler, who is a student at Bob | Jones University, where he | studying for the ministry. The group enjoyed the beau- | (tiful scenery enroute through seven States, including the Old | Smoky Mountain. In South Car- | |olina they found the flowers | {and trees all in blossom. All| |are employees at R. C. A. { | | { 1 | mst 'Pre-Easter | | (From puge 1) 1903. dada + Rev.. Deck. has consented to | is | | | | | | ‘Lowdown From Hickory Grove lugged in—we now pay for our suckerishness down there at the despised income tax man's hangout. We now find ourselves with | billions invested in places where | the Govt. has no business to be the two and ——_ —— ESTATE SOLD C. S. Frank, auctioneer, sole one-half frame dwelling at 226 Marietta Avenue to Mr. Henry Melling- er, of near the Iron Bridge, the Emma Heistand Estate at a story for He would spend | for power machinery. It drops the money where it was for us | the false front of flood control. he said and simple and | From Buffalo to Mobile to Sac- trustful as we were, he took us|ramento we are paying the fid-' paying up for to town. He poured our mazu-|dler. Tax free’ Govt ventures | behavior. yuse and anybody | home. motion machine that at NOW AT As&P.. This is PRODUCE WEEK at A&P! Fresh Fruits & Vegetables at Savimgs Galore SWEET GOLDEN NUTRITIOUS | BANANAS “= 10° ( PASCAL CELERY seme 9 m2 25° FLORIDA KERNEL NONE PRICED HIGHER FRESH GORN GRAPEFRUIT 38 won fw 2G FLORIDA INDIAN RIVER NONE PRICED HIGHER driving practices. Motorists : should use hand-signals along | AVOCADO PE CALIFORNIA c } NONE PRICED HIGHER for You know, it is beginning vi nd where Sambo don't know consideration of $9,020.00. | look as if we are commending | yeans Just TVA alone has (to catch on as to what has been up billions flood control, We are a little more inclined lo! many a moon | the Govt. checkered vest man! recent-like to listen to | said——we nodded, O. K. And brave souls as to let | now this same over-grown Coudert of N. Y. State, and Mr. of | Sambo amble careless-like in|chesty TVA says it wants an-| Electric Wilson who say Treasury where dinero | other 5 more tax free billions our collection of gadgets what-have-you to the best bid- der—dust off our vest, say nev- | er again, and buckle down to our yokel-like Yours with the low down, JO SERRA LOWER PRICES! Ss 4 BIGGER SAVINGS Sa ) 0 FOOD STORE SIS OOOOOOOOO0 Q O SS I Xr RR COSI HRN OSS SI SSAA RII IIIS 2 NSS x 2 oP Ge RR RRR pl « Two Famous Brandsy § | 10004 Potatoes (2% 2053 0 Peas MAE’ 23 > 37¢ Peaches Mea 2's 45¢ Spinach TCL er da: 37; Spinach Ren Jie: 37c Lima Beans Somucox. 2 mer 49c Broccoli “dome 2a 3%¢ Brussel Sprouts tar Potatoes 2 pia 45¢ {| SOUTHLAND FROZEN NEW PACK SLICED STRAWBERRIES uy - 12-02 PKG SU FINE 5.1b. ¢ >a 4 GRANULATED bag bag CANNED TOMATOES = revere 2: cans LARGE BROWN & WHITE dozen in dated carton CRESTVIEW EGGS WORTHMORE JELLY EGGS :: 25° i ELBOW MACARONI = we 16° BREAKFAST ROLLS oon All Prices in This Advertisement Effe dexo 100%, HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE SHORTENING 29: 79: CAMEO COPPER CLEANER 35¢ regular size cake comb, 4 Buy 3 cakes at regular 1-lb can 3:lb can 8-02 can 25: NUCOA OLEOMARGARINE 155 SWIFT'S SWIFT'NING acm = DEL MONTE or LIBBY PEACHES 3 ORANGE JUICE Bhi um) PEANUT BUTTER au or CHEESE SPREADS wow 2. le Sale of SWEETHEART SOAP Get 4th cake for lc. Total cost 23c. at 29 ctive T } turd ctive Through Saturday, March 21st. 23 price of 22¢c. EDUCATOR IVORY SNOW ites BUTTER COOKIES SWEETHEART SOAF Yor bath size 10 oz pol 7 4 cokes comb, 33 pkg 25: 2 < Buy 3 cakes at regular price of 32c. Get 4th cake for Ic. Tctal cost 33. GERBER'S BABY FOODS CAMAY SOAP BLU WHITE FLAKES Congressman sueh sell and | be an applicant for work in this.| | Eastern area and the Trinity E.) |C. Church members are looking | {forward to have him return as | | their pastor. The decision will | | be made at the next Conference to be held last week of April. 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. moran 3-01 pk STRAINED 10 Jars 95¢ a 4 = 26 CHOPPED Jars 3 ular sie 272: Buy 3 packages at the regular price of BABY MEATS Can 2lc 255, Wisi 4th package for lc. Total IVORY SOAP IVORY FL a AKES WOODBURY SOAP mena, ww 97, 4 mite 26 Buy 3 cakes at regular-price of 25¢ Get 4th ia fy yo ue [ IVORY SOAP IVORY SOAP ] A WOODBURY SOAP | wine 22 a Be ho 3 Torx Si