The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 19, 1953, Image 1

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Club, Parties, Social, Parties,
Scout, Auxiliaries,
PHONE MT. JOY 3-9661
VOL. LII, NO. 42
MOST Uupe .
The Mount Joy Bulletin
T \
COUNTY The Bulletin
Now Has Reached

Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday

Harold Etsell Takes Over
Duties Of Scout Master Of
Local | Boy Scout Troop
When Earl V. Shelley
nounced his resignation as
Scout Master of the Mount Jovy
Boy Scout Troop, the troop lost
a leader who has an enviable
record as a Scout Master. In
spite of a very little backing
from the troop committee, his
record for faithfulness and effi-
cient leadership is known to all.
Shelley served as Scout Master
for the past ten years.
Although Shelley has found
it necessary to resign as Scout
Master, he will continue as a
member of the Troop Commit-
New Scout Master
Harold Etsell, N. Barbara St.,
has accepted the position as
he takes over his duties. he will
have a well organized troop of
15 boys—with a well arranged
program already set un. The
Boy Scouts meet on the ton
floor of the Community Build-
ing on North Market Street.
To Improve Building
Charles J. Bennett, Jr.. Pres-
ident of the Mount Jov Welfare
group stated that there are
plans to improve the property
~—while it appears there is suf-

ficient funds to make the im-
provement, there is still need |
for wide spread interest in he
project. The Girl Scouts mee
on the second floor of the lat
ing and plans are being made
10 use the first floor for commu-
nitv activities.
The Boy Scout Troop is spon-
sored by the Mount Joy Rotary
Club and the following group
are committee members.
Dr. W. M. Workman, Chair-
man; John E. Zeller, Co-chair-
man; Richard D. Schwartz, Sec-
retary and Christ Walters,
Other members are: Charles
¥. Buchenauer, Charles Heaps,
Lester Hostetter, Albert Klein-
er, Earl Shelley, Walter Sloan,
John C. Lichtv, Curwin H. Mar-
tin, Jr. and Charles F. Ruhl.
Sacred Cantata
To Be Presented
Sunday By Choir
“Olivet to Calvary”, a sacred
cantata by J. H. Maunder depic-
fing the incidents occurring
during the last week of the Sa-
vior’s life on earth, will be pre-
sented by the Senior of
Saint Mark’s Evangelical Unit- |
ed Brethren Church, Mt. Joy,
on Sunday afternoon, March 22
at 4 o'clock.
The cantata begins with the!
rejoicing of the multitude with
hosannas and palms, ' the view |
of Jerusalem from the steep of,
Olivet, the Savior’s lament over
the beautiful city, the scene in
the Temple, and the lonely
walk back over the Mount at
night. The second part opens,
with the Supper of the Passover
at which Jesus washes the dis-
ciples’ feet and gives them the
(More on page 3.)
Gl's Easter Gift From
Remm. Comm. Is On
Display This Week
In just a few days another,
gift will be mailed to the ser-
vicemen and woman by the Mt.
Joy Remembrance Committee.
The gift will be on display in’
Koser’'s Jewelry window and
The Bulletin Office window.
(Please let it remain a surprise
to the people in the service. Do
not mention it in your letters.)
A meeting will be called in]
the next week or so to get the
packages addressed and mailed.
This is the LAST call for
names and address changes so
please cooperate. Call 3-4621 or
32-9661 at once or mail a card
to P. O. Box 243, Mount Joy.
Watch the paper for the date
of the next Remembrance Com-
mittee meeting,

Hearino Center
Comm. To Call
Mt. Joy Citizens
From March 20 through Ap-
ril 1, virtually every person in
this community who has a tele-
phone will be called by mem-
bers of the Telephone Commit-
tee of the Hearing Center Ass'n.
Chairman of the Committee in

Mount Joy, is Mrs. Frank F.
Walter, Jr. Local women who
will be conducting the tele-
phone solicitation are: Mrs. Er-
ic Olson, Mrs. Edward Brown,
Mrs. William Gassman, Mrs.
Paul Stoner, Jr., Mrs. Frank H.
Young, Sr., Mrs. James Hostet-
ter, Mrs. Charles Ryman. Mrs.
Joseph Germer, Mrs. George
Keener, Mrs. Simon P. Nissley,
Mrs. Bruce Greiner, Mrs. Paul
Little, Mrs. Simeon Horton,
Mrs. James Phillips, Mrs. Paul
Stehman, Sr. and Mrs. Kenneth
(Turn tn nage 3)
Buff Dearbeck
To Attend Old
Timer’s Dinner
Sylvester (Buff) Dearbeck,
coach of Westinghouse Training
School Basketball team, Pitts-
burgh, will be on hand to in-
troduce his old friend, Max
Hannum, one of the guest
speakers at the Mt. Joy Old
Timers Athletic 4th annual din-
ner on April 24th.
Invitations for the event will
be in the mails March 30th and
the committee asks that they be
returned not later than April
20th. They also stated you do
not need an invitation to attend
the dinner. Just call Mt. Joy
23-9804 for reservation.
Parents of the High School
students, who are guests of the
Old-Timers, are urged to attend
Make reservations as soon as
possible for they expect a sell-
The Old-Timers say ‘come out
and meet your friends you have
not seen in years, we will have
a few surprises for you.”
Mr. Charles Cassell, formerly |
of Mt. Joy and now residing at|
Hagerstown, Md. will be one of
the guests.
Mrs. Mowrer Hostess
To Ergatan S. S. Class
The Ergatan Sunday School

{and her two small sons,

Class of the Mt. Joy Church of
God, met Tuesday evening at
the home of Mrs. Milton Mow-
rer at Marietta. Mrs. Harvey
Hawthorne Jr., served as co-
Following devotions, a busi-
ness meeting was conducted.
Games were played and a deli-
cious luncheon was served to
the following:
Mrs. Ethel Broske, Mrs. Lov-
ey Barnhart, Mrs. Dorothy
Beamenderfer, Mrs. Thelma
Eshelman, Mrs. Sylvia Funk,
Mrs. Margaret Mackinson, Mrs.
Grace Mumma, Mrs. Florence
Nauman, Mrs. Hilda Weidler,
Mrs. Raymond Hilt, Mrs. Hazel
Zeller, Mrs. Maude Schroll,
Miss Helen Schroll, and Miss
Betty Jane Charles.
The April meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Mark
Mumma, at which time an auec-
tion sale will be held by the
A errr
The Society of Farm Women
No. 8 will meet Saturday at 2
p. m. at the home of Mrs. Clar-
ence Reider, Mount Joy RI.
There will be a musical pro-


from the members of the band. J eggs during the year,
See What I Can Do!

3 a
Pictured above is Frances Gerberich, daughter of Mr.
335 West ‘Donegal street, Mt. Joy
the Lancaster County Society For
Hoffer To Speak
At Florin Lion’s
Charter Night
Mr. Paul C. Hoffer, Millers-
ville, Past Governor, will ad-
Mrs. Clyde E. Gerberich, Jr.
and nurse, Edna Shreiber of
Crippled Children and Adults.
Frances is proudly showing
how she is able to reach and
draw a line on the blackboard
with her left arm. She was un- |
able to do this in August of
1951, after her attack of Polio-
She is fortunate in having in-
surance to cover the cost of her
treatment, but as Dr. John B.
Noss, chairman of the Easter
Seal Sale pointed out—‘‘she is
fortunate too that the Local

i Bonnie

dress the Florin Lion’s Club at
their Charter Night banquet to
be held Monday at Hotel Bruns-
wick at 7 p. m
Also featured will be an ad-
Crippled Children’s Society has
the trained personell to carry
on this work.”
“Frances wants to discard
that arm brace, I am sure, and
I am: sure that you want to send [dress by the Honorable Kendig
that Easter Seal letter with aC. Bare, "Mayor of Lancaster.
generous contribution, today.” |Other Lion officers appearing
Mail your contribution to the on the program are:
Crippled Children, c/o Lancast-) J. Wade Bingeman, Pharis|
er Post Office. Risser, F. F. Bailey, toastmaster|
$e Abram. C. Summers, C. Arthur
Wolgemuth, President of the
Sails Saturday | Florin Club, Jim J. Barr, Don-
To Join Husband
ald S. Staley, Elizabethtown
At Frankfurt
Lions Quartet will sing.
The Lions of the other 29
Clubs in the district are cordi-
Mrs. John Robert
215 Marietta street,

ally invited to attend.
St. Lukes Begin
10 Night Series
Nissley, of
this boro,
two-and one half years old and
Jerry, three months, will sail
So Dew York City om the 5. On Monday ever evening, March
8. America on Saturday fo Joint," VM, the fifth in a
her husband, Sgt. John R. Nis-{~"' =." | fire tion
sley at Frankfurt, Germany. Series of i n nights
: : : and discussion, will be inaug-
The family will reside there for arated in Saint Luke's Episeo-
three years. . pal Church, South Market and |
Mrs. Nisley, the former Joh- Columbia Ave., Mount Joy, Pa.
anna Dutly of Is Classes will meet each Mon-
also forward to g re day evening at 7:30 P. M. un-
union with her parents, Mr. der the direction of the Rev-
and Mrs, Wilhelm Dutly at Elmer A. Keiser, Vicar. Several
Wunnewil, Switzerland, who subjects will be presented for
have ‘never Seen their = grand. discussion, and the persons at-
__ (From page 8) tending the class will have an
cpportunity to select the sub-
Wed 47 Years
Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Kaylor,
123 David Street, celebrated
their forty-seventh wedding an-
niversary this past Sunday at a
ject which they desire to have
discussed and taught. The \pub-
lic is most cordially invited.
Classes will last one hour each
Monday for a series. of 10 nights

Se Moser's Restaurant! Trinity Lutheran Will
At the dinner were Mr. and | Observe Egg Sunday
Mrs. Lawrence Witmer and
children, Winona and William, The annual ingathering of
of Elizabethtown: Mr. and Mrs. | eggs will be observed Sunday
Walter Brandt and daughter,|by the Sunday School and
members of the Trinity Luth-
eran Church. The eggs received
at this service will be sent to
the Lutheran Home at Topton,
Pa., the Good Shepherd Home
at Allentown, and the German-
town Home at Philadelphia. .
This is an annual, event in
which all the members of the
Sunday School and Church par-
ticipate. Cash contributions are
also received as ‘egg momey’,
which is forwarded. to .the
Cleo Jane, of Mt. Joy and Rev.
and Mrs. C. Donald Waser and
son, Charles Donald II, of Man-

The annual concert of the E.
Hempfield H. S. Band will be
given Friday, March 27, at 8 p.
m. in the High School Auditor-
ium at Landisville. Tickets are
| James Reisch,
|11, 1952.
traveled all over Germany
Afternoon, March 19,
Children’s Choir
‘By Aid Society
Members of the Children’s
Choir of St. Mark's Evangelical
United Brethren Church were
entertained at a party in the
church by members of the La-
dies Aid Society of the church,
with Mrs. Clinton G. Eby, as
chairman. Games for the chil-
dren were in charge of Mrs. Ar-|
thur Sprecher and Mrs. Robert Ir.
Stoner. Refreshments were ser-
ved to the group with Mrs.
Chrisian Miller, Mrs. Chester
Eckinger, Mrs. Nora Sternberg-
er, Mrs. Joseph as-
sisting Mrs. Eby.
Choir pins for
dance were awarded to twenty-
three members of the choir
These awards were made on the
basis of perfect attendance for a
period of “sixteen weeks with
sickness as the only legitimate | |
excuse. Those receiving pins in- |
cluded Geraldine Barrick, Judy
Barrick, Janice Berrier, Carol
Buchenauer, Donald Eby,
sha Engle, Judy Heisey,
Kulp, Christian Miller,
Miller, Diana Reese,
Schmid, Martha Sprecher, Rod-, §
Williams, |
Lois Ann|
ney Stoner, Carole West,
Wolgemuth, Ruth
Jackie Wolgemuth,
Flory, Linda Morton,
Flory, Marlene Sinegar, and
Bair. Several other
members will earn their awards
in the near future.
Clifford M. Schmid, Lancast-
er, the director; Luella Witmer,
of town, accompanist, and Rev.
Ezra H. Ranck, pastor were al-
so present.
Other members of the choir
are Joyce Berrier, Carolyn
Bradley, Robert Buchenauer,
Harry Lyons, Pamela Lyons,
Janet Mateer, Nancy Pennell,
Robert Reisch,
Barbara Shuman, Sara Shu-
man, Priscilla McKain, Gary
Vogle, and Ronald Vogle.
et een
Exchange Student
To Arrive Home
From Germany
Simon K. Garber,
Saturday aboard the United
States liner from Germany
where he has spent a year as an
Exchange Student.
Garber, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman E. Garber, Mt. Joy R2,
is a student of Haverford Twp.
High School and was selected
out of his class by the Faculty
of the Haverford school and by
the Friends Service Committee
to attend the Erica Schule, in
Hamburg, Germany for his sen-
ior year.
He left for
During his

will arrive
Germany, April
year he
parts of Holland. When Si, as
he is known to all his friends,
arrives home he will be: inter-
viewed for an article to hear
more of his exciting experience
as an exchange student.
He will be greeted at the pier
in New York City by his par-
ents on Saturday.
Three In Family
Born On March 20th
A unique occasion is taking
place at the James Hockenber-
ry’s 118 E. Main St., this boro,
tomorrow (Friday). Mrs. Hock-
enberry will celebrate her
birthday and her grandson,
Gary William DeCarlton was
born on that same date, March
Mrs. Hockenberry was also
born on her maternal grand-
mother’s birthday which makes
it very unusual for three gene-
rations in one family to be born
on the same date.
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Hen-
drix, 210 E. Main St. entertain-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Hockenberry
at a dinner Sunday in honor of

on sale and can be obtained |homes for the purchase of fresh

Mrs. Hockenberry’s birthday.

| cipal,

faithful atten- |g
Mar- |
Safe Driving
At E. Donegal
Students of East Donegal’
High School will pit their skill
against time in a series of driv-
ing test at 9 a. m. next Tuesday.
Doctor J. W. Bingeman, Prin- |
said today. |
The test, part of a safe-driv-
ing demonstration under the
direction of Geo. M. Tewksbary
safety engineer, Farm Bur-
eau Insurance Co., will be held |
on the street directly in front
of the School.
The session will start with a

movie and a talk on safety in |
the High School auditorium. In|
the demonstration that follows,
students and faculty will take
turns driving a specially equip-
ped automobile with three .38
caliber revolvers mounted on
the front bumper. The revolv-
ers fire yellow paint bullets. A |
red light mounted on the radi-
ator will signal the driver to
stop. At that instant, the first
of the revolvers will automatic-
ally fire into the pave-
ment. When the driver's
hits the brake, the
The third
comes to a
round is discharged.
goes when the car
complete stop.
The distance between the first |
two paint spots will show the
driver's ‘‘reaction distance’,
the distance traveled between |
the time an ‘emergency’ arises
‘and the brakes are applied. The |
second and third paint spots
measure the distance
to stop the car after
have ‘been hit.
Tests will be conducted at]
20, 30 and 40 miles per hour.
Police officers will act as driv-
ers in the high speed tests.
The Farm Bureau Insurance
Companies have presented the
safety program before stude nts |
of more than 3,600 high schools
and colleges in 13 states as part |
of a longe-range traffic safety!
aH ss
required |
the brakes
Rotarians Hear Talk
On “Accidents On High
Speed Highways"

Mr. O. D. Shiple of the Penn-
sylvania Motor Truck Associa-
tion, spoke to the Rotarians on
‘Accidents On High Speed
Highways” at the regular Tues-
day dinner meetings of the Ro-
tary Club held at Hostetter’s.
Shiple stated that of the
twenty persons killed on the
Pennsylvania Super Highway
so far this year, 80 percent of
those killed crossed the center
stripe of the highway out oF |
control. At 70 miles per hour
only a miracle will keep a car
under control should an emer- |
gency arise, he said.
Many lives would be saved
on all high speed highways,
Shiple said, if a deflector rail
were put in the center stripe
and built to the height of the
hub cap of a car. He said that, it
was his opinion that if a rail of
this type had been erected .on
the Penna. Super Highway, ov-
er 75 of those killed so far
would be living today.
Shiple closed his talk with
the assertion that the motorist
is inviting death by not realiz-
(Turn to page 7)

Services At
| Active One Left
Out Of 110 Pastors
| interrupted service in
ference Roll
Church) fo discovered
'ed the Conference,
foot , Conference.
second quite a surprise to Rev.
find he
| tween Brook's Barber Shop and
| Smith's Store
[vania imposes a state tax of 15 the
$2.00 a Year in Advance

[Burgess Fish ‘Councilman
Zerphey Announces Retire-
ment From Public Office
Pr ¥T; t oo The coming primary election
re- as er Jon May 19 will show one Re-
[ publican slated for Burgess of
Mount Joy.
| B. Titus Rutt, 166 New Hav-
ei Street has filed his petition
i for Burgess on the Republican
ticket. Charles Fish, incumbent,
| had announced he would not
seek re-election
Zerphey Retiring
Deputy Sheriff Elmer Zerph-
[ey has announced he is retiring
{from borough public office and
would not stand for re-election
Trinity E. C.
Rev. Deck Is Only
A Pre-Easter series of ser
i , ol
mons beginning March 20 to 204, 4 new term in borough coun-
‘have been announced by Rev. | il. Zerphey is a former Chief
Q. A. Deck, pastor of the Trini- ! of Police and at one time was
ty EB. Church, which will! py rgess of Mount Joy.
mark his 51st year of Gospel | Michael J. Pricio, Cedar Lane
Ministry. hag filed his petition on the
I At a request of the Official | republican ticket to take the
[Board and' members of the|place of Zerphey in council.
Church, Reverend Deck is serv- | Other petitions filed are L. W.
ing as as well as| Myers, Donegal Springs Road,
their pastor. His theme for the | Republican, councilman; and
series is “Ten Great Nighis'Christ H. Herr, Jr., 23 Poplar
| Republican, auditor.
bring |
ers” and each evening,
ning with Adam, will
forth messages from Old Testa-
ment. (Further details read the}
advertisement on Page 5.)
Only One Left of 110 Ministers
Rev Deck,
recently for his
with Old Street.,
East Donegal Contest
A Republican contest devel-
for supervisor in E. Done-
gal Twp. The opposing candi-
dates are Harold B. Endslow,
Marietta R1, and Henry B. Ear-
hart, Maytown.
Springville District
All Republican: Clarence S.
Greider, Mt. Joy R1, township
and Directory of | auditor, and inspector of elec-
the Ministers for 1903, of the|tions: Martin S. Musser, Mount
ja. Pa. Conference of the E.|Joy R1, school director; Paul
[C. Churches (which was then S. Weiser, Florin, judge of elec-
known as United Evangelical|tions,
that of ee eet A pe
the 110 ministers who compris-
wee) Students Here
Hold Youth
have passe d to their reward;
who was honored
50 years of un-
the min-
istry, made a check of the Con:

nine of the remaining ten
have been placed on the retired
list of ministers by action of the
This discovery was
Deck to
was the only remaining
pastor of that Conference of
(Turr to Page 2)
Dios Don’t Use

McCoy Party won out
over the Hatfield Party in the
“election” for Youth Day in
Government held at the Mount
Joy High School Wednesday
. afternoon. Polls were open from
Fire Co. Phone I 10 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. with 237
votes cast. McCoy's registered
mn 127; Hatfield’s 104 and six. reg-
bet- | istered No Party.
The office of burgess was won
William Tyndall, a member
The telephone located

in Florin is to be |py
{used for the sole purpose of | of the McCoy Party. Ruth Ober-
calling the Fire Company. It holtzer, a McCoy and Vivian
| seems that some people are us-| Metzler, a Hatfield, were elect-
ing this special telephone for ed Justice of Peace. The ‘“vot-
split their ticket when it

making personal calls.. ers’
For the protection of to the tax collector elect-
j community and public interest, ing Joan Braught, Hatfield Par-
the Florin Fire Company asks | ty,
those using the phone to pleasé The McCoy's took all the
stop. It could create a hazard |councilmanic seats. Appointed
should the phone be needed TT Robert Schroll, Miriam
case of a fires ao. __(Turn to page 8)

One Man Crusade Against
Unjust State Inheritance
Tax Gathers Momentum
Yr {
; “Complete exemption from the
Clarence Schock of Mt. Joy, I E
{inheritance tax on bequests to
President of the Sico Company, |
taptod : | these groups is granted by the
Is Started a Sam | Federal Government and the
paign in an enaeavor 0 lave ! {laws of 48 of our states with the
the unjust state tax on bequests | p 3
lexception of New Hampshire,
to hospitals, public schools and | 3
hari] leat New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsyl-
'ganizatl 8 © ny +
¢naniaple ‘organizations. amen- | vania, these four states are rich
I industrial areas.
Pennsyl-| Mr, Schock stated that all
citizens of Pennsylvania

The present Law of
| percent on bequests to charity, [should know these facts and is
religion and education.
auests of $1000 the t
On be- | asking thousands of citizens all
ax is $150; [over the State of Pennsylvania
on bequests of $5000, the tax is |g join in a crusade by asking
$750; on bequests of $10,000, | the: ir friends and neighbors to
the tax is $1,500 and on $100, | circulate petitions so that all
000, the tax is $15,000.
It seems absurb, stated Mr.
Schock, to impose a tax on be-
the people of each community
may have an opportunity to
sign a petition addressed to out

quests to a hospital or public] [lawmakers at Harrisburg pray-
school when
public opinion makes it neces-
sary for our lawmakers to ap-
propriate state
these” worthy organizations,
the pressure of ing that an amendment be made
to the existing law so that here-
after exemptions from inheri-
aid | tance taxes shall be granted
J (Turn to page 8)

funds to