The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 12, 1953, Image 5

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ET Tr Timea BEES eS Wednesday ( | The Bull , dur 9 EG
2 ; ulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, March 1. —)
Mission Study: | Church News Fin sos, | | Joy wn, Monch 13, 1483
! 1SS10N u | Service and Sunday School Ex- |
| (Fron n mt ee | ecutive Council meeting | E 4
om page | T rainy |
ut THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY | open, hm: Children's Choir | A x
if | sions of, the Protestant Church HE Q | Xe learsal. i FPR LA DIES
: AND THE ENTIRE SUR-| 7:45 p.m. Junior Instruction | NW SPEA »
H TAB E es and will trace the story of ROUNDING COMMUNITY. (Class, Senior Choi | Cf 1 To The
the struggle for human rights { : p.m. Senior Choir re- _ + Es
] §§ | through the Old and New Test- | Trinity Lutheran Church [7:30 p.m. Dorcas Society ¢
(| ament times, through Europe, | Rev. W 1 Koder Pastor | meeting In Our
AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY & if and f 1 1s March 18 7:30 pm, Ushers’ League ADVERTISING COLUM
( Y SOUND FILM) i and finally to America. Atten-| Sunday, March 15 ECD P Ts \ wig Me gun i of SING COLUMNS
—— : i Arba that | 9:30 am. Sunday School, mecting at the home o I and | Matthew 26:14-46
26 MINUTES ( Non ull be centered ol What 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship | Mrs:. Wilbur Hiestand, Salun- | ovation Reman: 30:20:07. | meas ET .
He Fegan Clupenes | 7:00 p.m. Vesper Service. ga.
Helping to meet present da : aone In America, through home | Monday Witenes Set { _
: y needs to adults: especiall i a Uk non" ‘ ;
helpful to juni . P Y | missions and other activities, to, 7:00 p.m. Jr. Catechetical Mt. Joy Mennonite Church Accountable to God WHEN
elpiul to juniors and older children. i) | give the under-privileged their Cae p.m. Meet ‘i Bishop Hone Lutz, Amos Hess, | 1 or March 15. 195: |
far . ima (le Meeting of the enry Garber, Henry Frank, | Lesson for Marc 5, 1933 {
FREE-WILL OFFERING TO BIBLE SOCIETY | human, political, religious, ec: | Brotherhood in the Parish | Pastors | . |
onomic, social and civil rights, | House. Sunday, March 15 ! i
IIR, il |and the areas of our American | Tuesday : : 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. V JE all know that “responsible” |
NE stele. where ‘Wen ars not free, | yia% Ba Mission Shuy Son 10:00 a. m. Church Service | "LS hia or (een ve { LOOK
WM | and where Christians must | uc a by the oI Sd on Wednesday x | might Rave a har ime saying | |
—T7:30 m blaze’ Fre {ary Society at the Parish House| 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and | ¢xactly what it means. A person {|
3 N Pp. . laze Freedom's Trail. Wednesday | Prayer Meeting, | feels responsible when he knows | i BL A CK
- gan An invitation is extended to] 4 7:30 Dia. Midweek Thursday ! | that it's up to him to make good, |
— Nl, ; the wan. | Service. seting of the Par-| 7:30 p.m. Gospel Cheer Band | mows that some one will]
all the women of the congrega-| A meeting of th oo. p.m. Gospel Cheer Band | and knows that some one will]
. . ». tion and any women in the corn | NE Building Committee of —Cottage Meeting teams to | have the right to ask him: What CALL
I to oh np . | the service. | lve programs, | about it? Somebody knows about
eilca on ie d 10na Ure munity who are interested, to| sisi | ———— i 3 SOC
attend this voting iis | this job I am doing, some 0¢ yi 3 407 1
| Sten is meeps: | I'rinity Evangelical | Mount Joy Methodist Church cares, so 1 will have to give him | -
MOUNT JOY The business meeting of the Congregational Church Robert C., Pike, Minister an account of what I have done. | ak
| Women's Missionary Society | tev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor | Ralph C. Alleman S.S. Supt. | I shall have to satisfy him that | °
{ IIIT Trew A {will followite program * | Sunday, March 15 : (Sunday, March 15 | T have done my best. If 1 fail, he |
= EE fy ae Progra aa tl 9:15 a.m. Sunday School | 9:30 am. Church School. | will lay me ont for it. If 1 suc- || IC er S
he 10 30 a m, Worship on Theme | Classes for all ages, ; | ceed, he will praise me and see |
{ “The Great and Final Commis- | 10:45 a. m. Worship Service. | that I get my reward. iH 4 |
| sion io sermon by jue Pastor. |Sermon theem: “I Consecrate | “own 76 - 78 EAST MAIN STREET MT. JOY, PA.
| 7:30 p.m. Worship. | Myself”. : | : ’
{ Sound film—By the American | Wednesday | The Irresponsible WE OPERATE
| Bible Society. “The Bible on the| 7:30 p.m. Midweek Lenten People shift into grades, just as |
| Table”"—A practical down-to-| Service. We continue our medi- | peas or potatoes do, only not on | OUR OWN PLANT
| earth episode in the lives of two [tations on the Seven Steps To | the basis of size. People can be (§| Tosi : py : 3
{ Christian families, only one of Calvary. | graded according to their sense of | | Miami r National Institute of Cleaning and Dyeing
| which practices family worship, 8:45 p.m. Senior Choir Re- | responsibility. At ll Drycleaning Guild of Lancaster City and County
{utilizing the Bible. 1earsal. { the bottom of the {
x i rrr | 8:45 p.m. Meeting of the Rota, Pn ae =
Salunga Church Commission on Educa- | ¢he irresponsible. prs rer mes etre ete et eee
Church of the Brethren | ton. { This doesn't in- \ -
| Earl Brubaker, Elder In Charge | rman clude babies and Iq!
pu A asi John Herr, Supt. Salunga Methodist Church | idiots, who can't if
"Guaranteed by % { Sunday, March 15th Robert C. Pike, Minister | help it. The ir- i
IND | 9:00 am. Sunday School { Miss Alice Strickler 8.8, Supt.| responsibles who !
orgie 10:15 a.m. Worship | Sunday, March 15 | really cause trou- |
i | 7:30 pm. Rev. Eshelman,| 9:30 a.m. Church School | Tos te Hoe 1
Beautiful Tile Walls | speaker, will close the revival 7:30 p.m. Worship Service | ble the i}
OTIC 0. Iver pie | are a eopie
* moi — at low Cost! , lenis p.m. Meeting of the | who ought to be Pr. Fereman 1
Vv . Bli d | ic Wall Til | Wednesday | Church Cemmission on Educa-! © 21 ‘i |
enetian nas Pp astic al He ! 7:30 p.m. Midweek prayer | tion. responsible, but aren't. They can't!
| Service. { be depended on to do any job
oe | - { well, or at all. They never hold [§!|
PHONE | The Church of God | Bo hover had
MOUNT JOY | Church of the Brethren Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor | any job long. They have no pride |}!
/ 3-3492 oy li |r a { Sunday, March 15 re ye | |
Open Daily AA wuts y : ( { Rev. Wm. Longenecker, Pastor | 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ry heir end oj |
and Vip le and mo eum 0. | Sunday, March 15 | 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship | the log, they neither work nor | !
Evenings ah 3700 dan. Senoal, 5 [ 7:30 pm. Revival Services | worry, and they are ne good. i
£5 grt A BEY 3 ME 0:00 > apsence YY. ay distance : ro jried : : 3 {
Except Ri La] XSL CELE 7 YA on Ux sone % = y. Monday : ik _ Some distance above the irre-| QUESTION: Why is this man able to sit
Wednesdays 1 F . T | Longenecker, pastor, who 18 7:30 p.m. Sunday School | sponsible type are those who will |}! |
! 8-tfc MOUNT JOY, PA. ormica ops | conguching angels Soryiees esting, | give an only to them: | comfortably—in peace and contentment? i
Sad REY Lx eanesday ia | selves. They don't like super-|{! a
| en Kilhefner, of Elizabethtown, 7:30 p.m. Missionary Meeting | EI er if wR
y . o > 0 Q, $e > on SAF oe | J “aon . . .
= es Po ill bring the message. Sunde) Nog io . | what they are doing satisfies any- | ANSWER: He had a lawyer revise his Will. It
YT 11 7 Chive d+ “MN. He “Ing. { body but themselves. They don't lg) «iy : i
New own o. 2 Churn I re? a wart their work or fo ee | is now up-to-date. Full provision 15 made for
. col St. Luke's Episcopal Church | i they sui Xt : {
| Sunday, March 15th Rev. Elmer A. Keiser. Vicar 1 inspecte d. If they suit themselves the future security of his family...
3 | 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. > Sd oF | that is all they ask. Such persons {|
ad A asad naa Mr. John Wolgemuth, S.S. Supt. nl rh iwi |
i | 7:00 p.m. Worship Service { Sunday. March 15 make good artists, but they are}
! = Christian Endeavor (Fourth Sunday in Lent) | ton and anth 1 ANALYSIS! Timely review of your Will by 2
1 | 1700 Bn, (Refreshment Sunday) | social, because they just don't) Lie . :
i i 7:30 p.m. Prayermeeting 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. | ©are what other people think. It | lawyer 1s important testimony to your concern
Eis MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA. I: re . $:30 a.m. Sunday School. | is a childish attitude, after all. We [J] or vour fapnily’s § .. Ask about our service
we | The Coal of God 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion. | all go through this stage: Bist if | for your ami ys uture. S
| 5. 'T. Tillett, pastor a mon baad dae Rp 1 pe. Swipe. it] . . :
| Paul's. Baker, C. S. Supt. Ho communion $f eonfir| we don't pass beyond it we really {| as executor and trustee. There is no obligation.
| Sunday, March 15th | 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer | cannot call ourselves grown up. [§|
. C o o WwW o k B31) am Schoo: Bi Monday 1s He Well Liked?
A ir m res S r r :30 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. Children - ages 6 -| ‘Is He Well Liked?’ Vk -
Rocks 6:30 p.m. Youth Groups. 12 On ‘a higher level ar :
1 J A & & gh eve are those |
I 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Ser- | (Vednesdav . Ge :
’ es . ; vednesaay whose is popular opinion
Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. lyice, 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. | Willy in ; a
. 4, a.m. i . Villy, in I'he Deat f a Sales- [}!
and p Revival each evening at 7:30 7:30 p.m. Litany and Sermon | keeps A Rh Do ee a oo | MOUNT JOY BANK
{P. M. Guest: The Ven. Gev.! i inne Nott soar hots tte ; A >
I H. Toadarne—archdeacon—Rec- | duestior 3h i OF MOUNT JOY
- . rees | - rs TS lL . | liked and “Is he well liked? !
E t 2 G a St. Mark's tor St. Andrew's Church, Har- Willy ALR feel the world ; {
1 v Tos a “jee o y would fee e world caving
Xcava ing and Fa ing Lvangelical 1 nited Brethren | Pago ? hone: in on him if he could not say *ves” |}! Member of Fed | Deposit Insurance Corpora
R d Church 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal. ) Member of Federal Deposit Insurance
Cellars, Trenches, Etc emove | Ezra. H. Ranck, Pastor Monday, March 23 | 10 hath questions bos Mims :
’ ’ . | Sunday. March 15th ! 7:30 p.m. Adult Instruction | One thin that makes *‘Deatly of af Se rr
(9:00 am. Sunday School Class will begin a new series of | Salesman” one of the most mov tL
[10:15 a. m. Morning Worship | ten nights study. hy tragedies of our time, is that |
| message by Dr. B. E. Ewing, re mre illy finds out, too late, that : WEEK
PH ONE M 0 U N T J w Y 3 » 4 9 5 3 Supt. of the Penna. Temperance The Washington Street man ean be well liked and still a 5
| League Church Of The Brethren failure. Popular opinion makes a |
I 7:30 p.m. Attend Church of Elizabethtown, Pa. poor boss END
| God revival service. | Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor Above Willy's level are those
ve re Sunday, March 15 who feel accountable, not to every
9:30 a.m. Church School { body and anybody, but to the|
se \ study theme, “Accountable 10 | “hest people.” If they can satisf
| God.” | a small but seleet group the re |
| 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship; 2 i ite jroun wey ay
sermon, ‘The Ministry of Jes-| “yo op person is an wrist i
us,” by Pastor Zuck. i ori MEER (32 SY Bee SUGAR
6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship he id crave 2 good word Prony
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. | perhaps Just one discriminating pound c
fiim, “Let There Be Light.” critic. If he is a legislator, he wil |
8:45 p.m. College Student receive special gifts from special |
Fellowship. people and he wu vote to please or “i - . . -
i | those peovle. These persons may [| VANILLA — CHOCOLATE — AND RAINBOW FLAVORS
Crossroads Brethren In Christ | bave high standards (it depends |
Church on the kind of veople they try io |
frvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bru- | please) but they do not often | FIG
baker, Paul Z. Hess, Pastors. | serve the public well, just because |
Sunday, March 15 they really don't care for the lbs. C
9:15 am. Sunday School public nor for what pcople may |
10:30 Morning Worship. | think.
7:00 p.m. Evening worship. ' To God Al !
lev. Abner Stoltzfus will speak | 10 rod Alone TASTY HONEY FLAVORED
on Experiences in the Evangeli-| There is, after all, one final
| zation of the Jews. | Judge. There is One whom all men
| Wednesday | are respensible, to whom we must | BOYS
SURE TO 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer | give an account of ourselves. At
© SPECIFY | Mesiing. | the very top grade of humanity | EAS i ER
: y | are those who heart's deep prayer | 4
"”.0 W lac 2 -
GENERAL §3 ELECTRIC | | 1S to be pleasing to God. This is T
Yo gemut eturne S aL | ihe highes r at responsi- |
from Southern Rhodesia will | The om that’ responsi. SUI S
Fore SARE speak at the Women's Mission- | PILty Jean Jade. ; Cod
Good Housekeeping {ary Prayer Circle meeting... | Now this nocd hot be In consiel SIZES 4 TO 10 BLUE OR BROWN
i pie ‘ with accountability to man. Only | Ten 5 y y
2 eo WS nn yo on, © USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN
m— PLASTICS TOPS { Calvary Bible Church { a stupid hired man would say to .
| Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor the farmer: “I don’t care whether | Y
: : | Sunday, March 15th | you like fhe Ry. : handle the | BOYS
1 [9:15 a.m. Bible School. | tractor. m working to please
BEACON RANGE vor x camer ior ft en EASTER
- 1 TTE TOPS | 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship | not do his best on his job is not
* TABLE TOPS k DINE 2 | sermon God speaks to His own | likely to please the Lord. Never-| and
As little as G-E Textolite® Plastics Tops are the answer to every 5 1 780 m. Pre-Service Prayer | theless, in the long run, it is God's LON IES
TR ; abla: 8 pi | Fellowship. vice we shall z ave ar G
<3 55 PER housewife’s dream of attractive, durable, easy-to- J a Evening Service. bi I) have io Tesh) :
Only $ 0 5 PI. WEEK clean tops for her Kitchen equipment. | will” And as Jesus so vividly prophe. 9 n
After smail : ps : Via ad ne y @ ho nesday rs >a | sied, the thing God wants most to Vy t P 1 00
down payment Lustrous, glare-frec G-E Fextolite lasts and lasts. It's 7:30 p.n. Midweck 1 ave | abouts is how We treated 0 S (0) a S oo 0
resistant to scratches, heat and stains. The wide vari- Dr. Clem Hershey will spea our fellow-men
ans Vie atch the color scheme of any and show slides taken in the Oe vorbis 9
ee I day! cty of DF A I I y Holy Lands. Will continue our | War oni Se hoy s busi- | Oo S e i ats di 1. 4)
i ! ‘hen. Ask about them the next time youre in, i! v Soul Winning. | ness. atter how well we may
See this new electric range vaiuve foday: kitchen, Ask ) 3{ on Soul Wine please, our various bosses in this |
(ERR : ! 3 , i | world, or. how well we do our par-
Y’S A PP ANCES ave S J A Ry? LO i | ticular “jobs, we shall not be a
op WA LI bi 48 West Main t., Mount oy, Pa. ‘MR. MERCHANT | success, after all, if we have failed
N40) Te 0, Xi | in God's eyes.
1718 BY | Rent An § Based tlines copyrighted by th
GENERAL G E N ER A L @B E LE CT R ; C id i Division of tn A rea Na
= Ad Space Here {11 tional Council of the Churches of Christ |
| LS i In e -. . Vy Lomman y
Lwin af Bone 5a U5 a
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